The first

Stranger Harmony

And so it's time for the first post (chapter?) to be written.

To be honest I didn't think that this would start so soon. 

I had been thinking about doing this kinda thing for a while, and then I just put this out here, and thought that, maybe, after a few month of waiting, someone would be interested. But I was wrong, and quite possitively surprised, that someone was in fact interested. \(^_^)/  

But today's topic is: schedules, and due-days more precicely. 

I already told you that schedules are not my forte. As I'm writing this I should be doing a 10-page long project for school (I'm already half done and the dedline is tomorrow HAHA R.I.P me). But what I don't get is why is it so hard to actually get off your and do things in advance? Like I knew well in advance that this project would be a -load of work and I still left it to the last minute (last 4 minute tbh).    

(Wow pardon my french btw)


And also O605__, I want to ask you something: Do you want to be referred with your aff username, or something else? (like a pseudoname, real name, nickname etc) 

And also if we want a third party in this as well. Which leads to my last corncern of today: We should change the foreword. Should I do it or do you want to do it? Ofc we can do it so that I do the primary changes and you'll see if it's ok, and do changes to it if you feel like it (or vise-versa) 

But I think that's about all that I have to share for now! And to end this frist post (chapter??) in peace, a goodbuy GIF:

Kuvahaun tulos haulle ikon bobby gif


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I wanna join this but u cud u explain to me more about what this is all about? :)