Evil thoughts

Bye bye my peaceful life

Jessicas pov:

After my transfer into this boring school and all my efforts to get jonghyun back some weeks already passed. I tried and tried to flirt with him but srsly nothing works. It's all her fault. Bae Irene. A sudden thought came across my mind. She is the only problem overall, if she wasn't here...Jjong could be mine again. All I have to do is to get Irene ut of the whole scene right? That should work.

"Sebastian!", I called for my butler. He came in as soon as he heard me and kneeled down.

"You did very poorly on your last mission remember?", he nodded.

"I'll give you this one last chance so listen to me carefully". He looked up to me.

"Bae Irene, I want you to get rid of her", I said.

"W-what do you mean young miss?", he stuttered.

"Get rid of her. I don't care if you kill her or kidnap her just get her out of my sight", I looked at him coldly.

Sebastian looked at the ground. "Yes young miss", he hesitated.

Irenes pov:

I was on my way home alone because Jjong had to go to his fathers company for some work. It has been surprisingly quite these days. Almost as if Jessica gave up on Jonghyun and stopped chasing after him. even tho she still gives me those smirks. Me and Jonghuyn are happy together and I'm relieved that she stopped getting into fights. It happens once a while but he's trying hard to stop. It's so peaceful nowdays but somehow I feel like we shouldn't let our guard down. Right after those thoights a car drove from behind and stopped in front of me. Two men got out and one of them grabbed me while the other one covered my mounth with his hand. They dragged me into the car and I fighted against it with my whole strenght but it was impossible. I could't win against two grown up men. In the car they tied me up and covered my mounth with a cloth. I looked around and saw a familiar face. I recognize him s the man I saw stalking me a while ago.

Just what is going to happen to me? Was I too careless? Are they gonna me now?

Those thughts made me tear up. I want to see m parent , I want to see Jonghyun. I don't want to end up like this.

"If you obey us we won't harm you so shut up for now", one of them said to me.

I tried to stop sobbing. Obeying them? So they are really gonna me right?!

We arrived at an abandoned house isolated from the city. It doens't matter how loud I'd scream no one's gonna hear me out there. Inside the huse was nothing beside one chair and a couch. Before I could take a closer look around they pushed me down to sit on the chair and tied me up.

"What should we do now?", one of them said.

"I'm gonna cntact the young miss first", the one who stalked me said.

Young miss...? Who are they taliking about? Does that mean they are hired to kidnap me..?

While the other one walked outside to phone the so called young miss the other two looked at me. Their eyes looked like they are sorry towards me.

Jesscias pov:

*ring ring*

Got her?

Yes young miss we got her and took her to the abandoned house just as you coordinated us.

Perfect now just lock her in there for a while and look that she doesn't die or smething like that. Or do with her what you like.

Understand young miss.

Everything is going as planned.

Jonghyuns pov:

Joohyun is missing for a week now. I can't reach her on the phone and there is no sign of her. Her parents can't reach her either and we don't have a clue what could happened to her. She had no reasons to run away so we think of an assault or kidnapping. Joohyuns mother cried all day and all night and her father couldn't sleep at all. He is busy talking to the police and helping them with their investigation as much as he can. Seulgi and wendy went out to hang posters of joohyun everyday since she's missing. Hyun-ah just where are you..?

Since then Jessica has been clingly on me again. It's like she's taking advantage of joohyuns disappearance. Sometimes I get the feeling that she knows something about this case but I couldn't dare myself to say that because I had no evidence.

Irenes pov:

Just how long have I been captured in here? I lost my sense of time. Even though they haven't been doing anything gross to me I can't let my guard down. To be honest they all seemed nice in some way. So they must be hired for all this..or even worse maybe they got blackmailed? Who knows.

I pretended to be asleep and listened to their conversation carefully.

"How long does this have to go for?"

"I don't know but we still gotta be careful"

"I have a family at home I can't always sneak out to watch over her ya know?!"

"YAH I have a family too!"

"Calm down guys remember the words of young miss"

There was a long break..silence is all I can hear.

"That girl..she cries sometimes whenever she's asleep, it somehow really breaks my heart because I often imagine that this could happen to my daughter too"

"I really don't like the thing we're doing right now you know.."

"No one of us like it but we have to. It's an order from miss Jung that we must obey."

Jung? No..It can't be..Jessica Jung right?

"She seems to be hurt though. Why don't we get rid of that cloth in her mounth? I saw our faces anyway so I think miss Jung is gonna let her in here forever or even worse"

"Do what you guys want I'm ging home now"

The next morning

"Are you hungry?", one of them asked and handed me a toast. They untied my right hand so I could eat on my own.

"Why are you doing this to me?", I asked them and they all frozed.

"Because we need money", one answered.

"Don't lie, if you really needed money you would speed up this whole case and get the money as fast as possible but here I am captured for over a week", I said boldly.

They sighed and looked at each other not knowing what they should answer.

"I know you guys don't have the slightest intention to hurt me and somehow I feel like you are actually nice people so I don't understand what all this is for".

"Listen young girl. You're right, we don't want to harm you and we really don't like the situation we're all in but we have to so please just play along for now", he said.

I looked at him and then at the other one. I just hope My parents are okay and Jonghun won't give in to Jessica. I do have trust in him that he won't betray me but I don't have trust in her at all. She's a snake that will get whatever she wants.

Jonghyuns pov:

My suspicions of Jessica grew over the last few days. She's behaving like Joohyun never existed and continue to live as if she knew she won't ever hear of her again. I went to search for her and saw Jessica behind the school building on the phone. My instinct told me I should record this conversation, so I hid behind a wall and took my phone out. And what I thought was true. I recorded some interesting things.

After that I went to her and asked her out for dinner. She looked surprised but agreed happily thinking I'm giving her a second chance. I told her to bring her parents along with her because it's gonna be a very important dinner and m parents would be there too.

Your little secret is going to get out soon Jessica Jung, I thought and mailed Joohyuns parents to be present too.

Time skip to that night

Me my and my parents are waiting for the Jungs to arrive. It can't wait to reval everything. To shw them how fake and cruel Jessica really is. to be honest I feel sorry towards her parents. they are such nice people and no one really understands why Jessica is behaving the exact opposite.

"They are here" my father said as he saw a big car parking outside in front of our house. I went to the door and opened it for them.

"Good evening everyone", I greeted them and smiled.

"Jonghyun long time no see how are you doing?", Mr. Jung asked me and his wife pulled me into a hug.

"I'm doing good thank u". They went to greet my parents as well and Jessica linked her arm with mine. I looked at her with cold eyes but she didn't seem to notice.

"S why are we all gathered here is it really just for dinner?", Jessica asked.

"Better", I said and smirked. "Come in I called. The door opened and Joohyuns parents came in.

"Oh my Mr. Bae why are you here?", Jessicas dad asked and went to greet them.

"Jonghyun invited us here for something important", Joohyuns mother answered. Jessica looked stressed. Seems like she almst knows what's gonna happen next. I grapped the remte control and played the video I recorded. Making the volume as loud as I can so we can hear what she said.

Jess: What do you mean you feel sorry for her? Are you backing up now?!

Seb: No miss Jung I mean we don't know it has been really hard for us and our families.

Jess: Yah I don't care about that . You better make sure to lock her in until the world forget about the name Bae Irene!

Seb: But young mi-

Jess: Remember Sebastian this is yur last chance or else I'm gonna ruin your life alongside with the twoe other idiots! And if you don't want to watch over her anymore then just f""ng kill her and burn her body got it?!

Seb: Y-yes yung miss.

After that shcking video Jessica broke down. Joohyuns parents cried not knowing if her daugfhter is now alive or not bust still happy to know who is responsible for their daugters disappearance. My parents were shocked af and so were Jessicas parents. Her father grappeb her and slapped her.

"Jessica what were you doing?! We gave you so much freedom and you have nothing better to do as to tortune a innocent girl?!", he yelled.

Her mother walking to Joohyuns mother and apologized many times making sure they will take care of everything from now on.

"Now tell us where she is", I said coldly.

Irenes pov:

Would someone ever find out where I am? Right then I heard a car in front of the house. Maybe the third one is back.

"JOOHYUN", I heard someone scream my name. This voice..it's so familiar..wait it's Jonghyuns voice. I got up.

"JONGHYUN I'M HERE", I screamed as loud as I can and the other two woke up. The door got smashed and there he was. Jonghyun looked at me and pulled me into a tight hug. Behind him I saw my parents.

"Mom..dad..", I said while sobbing.

"Joohyun everthing is okay now we're here", they said and hugged me. The other two tried to run away and stpped immediately as they saw a furious jonghyun staring at them. Soon the police arrive and arrested them.

"Did they harm you?", my mother asked worried.

"No mom, they didn't do anything bad to me", I said. As we walked outside the house tears started to fall. Just hw much did I miss fresh air. I'm so happy everything is over now. I'm free.

Jonghyun pulled me closer and kissed my forehead. "I'm sorry yu had to go through all this", he said while holding back his tears.

I gave him a smile. "Jjong don't apologize is not your fault", I said and hugged him.


"Let's go home", he said and I gave him a wide smile. "Yeah let's go", I answered.









I've never wrote so much xD I do feel sorry that I made Jessica the bad one coz I actually like her and I was a really hardcore Jongsica (JonghyunxJessica) shipper before. But yeah always have in mind that this is fictional xD

So I'm gonna finish this story soon, maybe 2-3 chapters left. Hope you enjoyed this so far :3

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