The Ex

Bye bye my peaceful life

"I'm here to get u back Jjong", the blonde girl said while looking at me from head to toe.

Irene pov:

Wtf is this supposed to mean? Is she someone he knows? Well it seems so. Or is she his girlfriend? From his reactions on she seems to be his ex.

"Stop kidding around, I've already finished my past with all of u, especially you!", Jjong yelled. Wow he seems really frustrated.

"I'm not kidding around. Well okay I did something stupid but I realised now what I lost. Why do u think I'm even here? I want to get back what's mine". But it seems like u have another toy to play around", she looked at me.

"She is not a toy, she is my fiancee", Jonghyun said back without hesitating.

Wow that got me by surprise. I blushed by his answer and looked at her.

Her jaw dropped. Seems like she didn't even thought of this kind of answer.

"That's a joke right?, I mean cmon Jjong u can get smene better, not someone like her".


That's it he lost his . He walked over her and wanted to slap her.

"JJONG",  I screamed.

I ran over to him and grapped his hand. "Let's go", I said in a soothing tone.

He looked at me. His eyes screamed for help and for embrace.

He then took my hand and pulled me with him. I took a glance back at the blonde girl and saw her angry face. She is not satisfied with the results at all.

We didn't speak one word together until we arrived at my house. I opened the door, he pulled me in and closed the door behind him as he locked it. I looked up and saw tears in his eyes. I spread my arms and gave him a tight hug. He sobbed and tried hard not to cry.

"Jjong", I whispered, "Everything is fine now u can cry I won't ask u anything and I won't judge u either".

We stayed in this position for almost 30 minutes. He then pulled away and looked at me. I couldn't help but smiled a little. He really looked like a lost puppy. My hand peted his hair.

"Do u feel beter now?", I asked carefully.

"Yes", he simply answered. I gave him a smile. Of course I was really curious of his past and I wanted to know who that girl was but I've always been somene who never ask for answers. If people feel  like they want to share their problems with me then they'll speak up. If they don't then I simply won't ask. All I can do is to help as much as I can. It's my way of a comfortable lifestyle.

"Can u listen to my story?", Jjong said.

"Of course", I answered. After that he told me everything. How they dated, how happy he was, how she cheated on him and how people treated him like it's all his fault. It's obvious why he's behaving like this now. His lack of trust in people, his hate for girls, his temper. Everything is bcz of her. But wait I'm a girl too so why doesn't he hate me?

Jonghyuns pov:

I told Joohyun everything. Right now I feel really relieved that she gave me an ear and doesn't ask questions. She is really different indeed. I gave her a smile.

Even if I got some hate against girls I feel really comfortable around her. The way she talks, the way she laughs, the way she looks at me and the way she simply is...I really like it. Wait- I like it..? Do I like Joohyun?

"Jjong"?, I saw her hand waving infront of my face. "U okay?", she said.

"Ah yeah I'm okay, anyway thanks for listening..and..thanks for accepting me who I am". I said.

"No big deal. I got to know u and I only belive what I saw myself. I don't think u r a mad dog but more like a cute little puppy after all", she said and laughed.

I blsuhed so hard by her comment. "Yah who r u calling a puppy here?!", I slapped her forhead lightly. "Now that u have shorter bangs it's easier to slap ur forhead.

"YAH THAT'S YOUR DING AFTER ALL" she yelled. We laughed at each others comment. A second thought crossed my mind. Jessica. What if she won't give up..? Joohyun could be in danger. No one besides me knows how dangerous she can be. I have to solve this problem as soon as possible. No ones gonna hurt joohyun. She grew so precious on me in such a short time already.

"I've gotta go, see u tomorrow by Hyun-ah" I said and peted her head.

"Bye", she gave me a smile as I closed the door.

Irenes Pov:

After he left I took a shower. I thought of everything that happened today. The fight between him and baekhyun, the attention the bs gave me, the appearance f his ex, his past. Man..what a day. Ever since Jonghuyn entered my life everything is upside down. Everything is different. Did I change too? Not that he is a bad influence but I think I can change him to the better. Like starting with his temper and his fight lust. I'm gonna do everything that helps him.

After the shower I changed into my super comfortable pyjamas and jumped on my bed.

Jessica huh.. she is indeed beautiful but yeah never judge a book my it's cover right? Who would ever think what is is capable of. I'm gotta be careful around her if I see her again. What if she steals Jonghyun away from me..Wait- Why do I think of somethin like that? Do I like Jonghyun?

The next morning arrived and I woke up. I checked my phone and saw an unread message from Jonghun.

Morning sleephead. I'm in front of your house. My eyes wided. WHAT?

I rushed to down and opened the door just to see if he really is here.

"Good morning", he grinned.

"Yah what are you doing here so early?", I said.

"I'm gonna prepare breakfast for you?", he came in and went to the kitchen.

"Okayyy?" I said and went to my room to prepare myself.

Jonghyuns pov:

I'm gonna make sure she is safe.

"YAH hurry up breakfast is ready soon!" I yelled.

"I'm not a machine and its still early in the morning!" she yelled back what made me chuckle.

"Cute", I whispered to myself.

Jessicas pov:

Finacee? HAH don't make me laugh Jonghyun. I'm gonna get u back no matter what.

"Sebastian!", I called for my butler.

"Yes miss Jung?".

"Find out more aout this person called Bae Joohyun", I said and handed over a picture.

"Of course miss Jung", he said and left.

Enjoy ur time together as long as u can Jjong. Soon u will be in my arms again.





That's it for today. How do u like the story so far? :3

I'm giving it my all and try nt to make many grammar mistakes xD :D

See u next time c:

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