Rain Shower (Calm Storm; Sequel)


Tupac Shakur once said "For every dark night, there's a brighter day"

This is a like a sequel to Calm Storm because gemini_94 asked me if I can make it ^___^. Don't expect anything amazing, I'm just writting because I love Jeongcheol so much. <3 I hope you all will like it <3



"I'm betting my whole salary that you will flip out in about 20 seconds" Seungkwan said while looking at his watch and let's just say I have to budget my money for a whole month.

I hate it when that diva is right...


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littlebun91 #1
Chapter 6: even its short but still has impact in each chapter..good job
Chapter 1: Jisoos christ answered my prayers hallelujah for this! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ i'm internally screeching why so sweet huh? I just-- i kennot /cries/
gemini_94 #3
Aww...thanks u so much....;*