New Orleans

Exs and Ohs


Winter; a lovely season where families usually plan and spend holidays exchanging gifts, bond, and just have fun.  Yes, a lovely season to be together but how about those who are living alone? I, for an example, would probably laze around because it’s too cold to even lift a finger. I’m just glad it is soon to end and spring will come.

I was supposed to be staying with my sister who lives here in New Orleans but her husband decided to go back to Korea to visit her in laws leaving me as a guard dog for their house. It’s been seven months since I came here and I’ve practically done and seen everything there is.

I was in the middle of making dinner that hopefully will be edible when I heard a knock. I was confused about who could it be because all of my sister’s friends would have known that she wouldn’t be home, I still decided to welcome the guest, totally not dangerous.

It was more confusing when I found out it was none other than Junhui, the guy I’m currently seeing. He greeted me with that warm smile and hugged me “I miss you so much” he said and I welcomed him in like it was my house, they did leave everything to me, and I better use it to my advantage. “What are you doing here?” I asked him after I told him to make himself at home.

“I thought it would be nice to visit you tonight” he answered looking all cute “Am I bothering anything?” he added and I quickly told him that he did not bother me at all; it was quite nice to have him here.

Meeting Jun last summer was a great thing for the both of us. We were both trying to forget our past and everything just fell into pieces. He is a great guy, funny, and doesn’t seem to have any flaws. Since he is here right now it would be enough to say that I’m no longer alone, he gives great hugs and I gladly return it. We usually spend nights cuddling in his apartment but I didn’t know he would actually come here, it was a nice surprise.

We spent our night cuddling after dinner and it seemed like the best way to spend a chilly night like this one.

Morning came and I smelt something delicious and true to that I saw Jun preparing breakfast. “Good morning, you were sleeping soundly and so I didn’t wake you up just yet. Breakfast will be ready in a few” he smiled at me and returned to cooking after I give him a smile and a nod. I went to the counter and just stared at him, I’m still amaze at how good looking he is, like a model but it was more, like an art maybe.  “It smells delicious” I said and he smiled at me “It better be, woke up early just to perfect it” after that he laughed and placed a full plate in front of me and then he took a seat next to me. “Dig in!” and so I did, in the months I’ve been here this has to be the best breakfast I’ve had, sorry sis!

“Want to go to the park next week?” I was washing the dishes when he suddenly asks. “I’d love to!” I turned to him, nodding crazily.

“A date it is!” he answered. It should be great because next week is the start of spring and it would be better to go out by that time because there are not much people yet in the parks. “Should I pick you up or should we just meet in the park?” he asked, this was our deal, we need to plan first because if he picked me up and my sister is here she would definitely interrogate him and we would probably spend the day here rather than go out, she’s over protective but I love her, she just wanted me to be fine. “We should just meet there but I expect something when I arrive” I winked at him after I replied. “Leave it to me!” he dashed towards me and planted a kiss on my cheeks. He had to leave after a few hours because he had work, leaving me excited to our date next week.


All was good until another one was left behind. I’ll never get the perfect date.  


^^ an update. sorry it took awhile. trying to finish this, this week ^^ enjoy! hopefully T.T 

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Chapter 8: Too many ex's of jeonghan....ahahaaha can't wait for the other stories :)
Chapter 6: Gaaaaah I'm waiting for Jeongcheol and here it is!! ♡♡♡ i can't wait to know the reason why did jeonghan left his exes asdfghjkl.. i feel like a gossiper waiting for some sizzling news XD
I'm loving the concept of this story! ♡ please update soon :*