you can lean on me

Nomin/Jaeno Short Stories
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Jeno just wanted to be someone Jaemin can lean on, but little did he know he was falling in love anyway.

Crappy writing and crappy story and crappy summary and crappy title so sorry

fyi renjun only appears for like 2 secs


The Start

Jeno was a simple kid. He liked sharing and having fun on the playground and even eating ice cream after school with his friends. He loved making friends because it was better than being lonely with nobody to talk to. Everyone liked him and it came to a surprise when someone in his kindergarten class wrote on the board that he should kill himself.


It was “Lee Jeno should kill himself” in big bold capital letters and it shocked the whole class because those words shouldn’t be there. The teacher was pretty upset.


“Na Jaemin, Renjun said that he saw you in class with the chalk earlier today. I wonder if you wrote this on the board.”


Jeno looked over to the boy, who had doe-eyes and puffy cheeks. Jeno has never actually noticed him in the class before.


“I didn’t write it I swear!”


Mrs. Kim shook her head at him, crossing her arms. “Jaemin, I’m going to have to call your parents. You’ve been saying words you aren’t supposed to say in my class. Please sit in time out.” She looked upset at him and frowned. Jeno liked his teacher a lot and didn’t want students to make her sad.


When the day ended and they were going home, Jeno finally took the courage to talk to the boy. The boy seemed like he didn’t even want to be there or interact with anyone, having a slightly cold attitude towards everyone.




Jaemin looked over at him and glared. It made him feel uneasy.


“I just want to know if you really wrote that on the board. Did you really want me to die?”


The boy didn’t say anything. Instead, he grabbed a lollipop from his pocket and threw it at his face. Hard. “Don’t talk to me.” And then he walked away. Jeno gaped after him. He didn’t seem like a very nice boy after all.


Jeno heard a few days later that Jaemin’s parents had taken him out of kindergarten after they saw him punching someone on the playground after school.


“That boy wasn’t even nice,” Renjun said beside him. “He stole my crayons and never returned it.”


Jeno just hummed, but he didn’t think Jaemin was a bad boy at all. Maybe he just needed a friend.




Meeting Again

Jeno had finally moved to Seoul with his parents which also meant that he had to move to a new school. He was starting high school and he was quite nervous. He also hated having to leave his old friends at his hometown, but his father got a new offer and they settled into moving to the city. He wasn’t used to the city and he was afraid he might not make any friends. Making friends at his old school was fine because he grew up with most of them, but now it’s scary to totally begin somewhere new for the first time. It left butterflies in his stomach.


They moved into their new house which was pretty big, new, and extremely spacious. It seemed too big for him and he wondered how his parents could find a place like this. Like they would have so much space to put things. The neighborhood also seemed nice and quiet. It’s what his parents liked best.


During the move, he was out testing his new hoops his dad recently got for him to practice basketball, he noticed a boy, woman and a small puppy walking out of the house next door and they disappeared in the car and left. Jeno wondered if the boy was his age and if he could make friends with him. It would be nice to make friends in a city he didn’t know anything about.




“Are you ready for your first day at school?” His mom had asked him when they were in front of the school. Jeno swallowed. He was nervous.


“I’ll see you after school mom.”


“Good luck and I love you baby.” His mom kissed his cheek before he left the car.


He had pretty much all the honor classes and he didn’t know why. He wasn’t even that smart nor did he even remember being put in those smart classes in middle school.


He walked into his first class which turned out to be just English, one of his least favorite classes. Just great.


Jeno tried to smile at whoever looks his way and he heard whispers of how good looking he was when he entered the class. He didn’t say anything as he sat down next to a tall black-haired boy who seemed like he could make friends with. Class started minutes later and the teacher said that they should all introduce themselves to their seat partners.


“Hey, I’m Mark!” The boy said as he held his hand out.


Jeno smiled at him, shaking his hands. “I’m Jeno.”


“I haven’t seen you before. You seem like you’re not from Seoul are you?”


“Yeah, I’m not.”


Mark smiled at him. “We could be friends. You seem cool and all these girls are goggling at you right now and it means that you’re something. I haven’t seen anyone good looking as myself today.”


Jeno didn’t say anything because he didn’t know what to say.


“Come hang out with me at lunch. I wanna introduce you to some of my friends.”


“Sure. Seems cool.”


All of Mark’s friends were somewhat chill except maybe Jaehyun and Yuta. Mark was all friends with seniors and Jeno found it cool but he wasn’t expecting that.


Johnny was the extremely nice one and Ten was pretty cute but that was all he could say. Jaehyun seemed like a player and talked about hooking up with girls most of the time and asked him if he had ever ed anyone before. Jeno played it off cool but he found himself glancing at a table with a boy with light brown hair. He wondered if that was his neighbor. Yuta liked to cuss a lot and Jeno found it really a turnoff but never said anything since they were seniors and could probably beat his anytime.


He and Mark started hanging out more since they were in the same grade and had a lot in common. He even helped him get into basketball by talking to his coach. Jeno just had to show up and show them what he can do before officially being on the team. It was quite easy.


Jeno sometimes found himself looking for the boy with brown hair all the time and he had no idea why. He just wanted to know what he looked like.




“Jeno can you please get the door?” His mom asked when the bell rang. His mom was in the middle of seasoning something and her hands were all dirty.


Jeno got up and looked through the peephole. “Uhm I think they’re our neighbors.” He just recognized the lady because she was always outside walking or watering the plants in the morning.


He slowly opened it up and smiled at her. He did notice a boy a behind her and tried not to pay too much attention to him.


“Hello there. I’m sorry to intrude but I’d like to welcome you guys to the neighborhood!”


“Jeno who’s- oh hi! What’s this for?”


“I made something for you guys as a welcome. I really hope that you guys will enjoy it.” It was cake and his mom loved sweets so much. Him not so much.


“Thank you so much! Oh please come in! Sorry, the place is a mess right now since we’re still in the process of moving in and it’s been such-“


“Oh, I understand! No worries. This is my son Jaemin.” The boy walked into the house and slightly bowed at his mother.


“Hi, Jaemin. This is Jeno! It seems that you guys are about the same age. Why don’t you show Jaemin around Jeno?”




As the moms talked, Jaemin and him looked at each other for awhile, not knowing what to do. Jaemin studied him for a moment.


“You look familiar,” he said, his voice soft and it surprised him. It was so delicate and quiet and Jeno was not expecting that. And then the boy walked away and looked around the house. “Everything’s a mess here. I can’t live with everything being a mess you know. I sometimes can’t stand it.”


Jeno watched him for a moment. Now he recognized the name. He was the same boy that had threw a lollipop at his face when they first talked. He smiled a bit. “Hey, weren’t you that boy who hated me back in kindergarten?”


Jaemin turned to look at him. “You’re right. But I still hate you.”




Jaemin didn’t say anything. Instead, he grabbed his hands and placed a small wrapped up candy on his palms. “This is for you. I have a thing for sweets. Anyways, let’s go up to your room. I wanna see it.”


Jaemin was a weird boy, but Jeno kinda wanted to know more about him. Jaemin didn’t seem dangerous or anything at all. Most of the time when he’s out practicing basketball, he always sees Jaemin playing with his puppy outside. It was cute. But they aren’t really friends yet and he hoped that one day they could be.





Lean on me (Sophomore year)

“So are you going to date Herin? You and her are a really good match.”


Jeno just shrugged. It’s been a year at this new school and girls chase after him left and right, but he’s just never interested. Girls have asked and confessed to him, but they would always get the same answer. It drove Mark crazy.


“Why not? It’s time for you to finally date someone! It’s high school. You have to do something fun for once because you might regret it in the future. Dating is what everyone does nowadays.”


Jeno just sighed. “I’ll think about it.”


Mark just huffed and got up from the table to go to the vending machine. It’s been mostly empty ever since the seniors graduated and it felt lonely without them. He does miss them a lot but not that much since they see each other every weekend when they hang out. Jeno sipped his milk and looked over at Jaemin’s table, where he can see him laughing at a joke that Haechan said. Sometimes he finds himself looking at him more than he should. He didn’t know why.


A few days later, he asked Herin to be his girlfriend with flowers and everyone went crazy. The older boys all called him and told him how happy they were for him. His basketball team even congratulated him because he was finally dating after a long time of rejecting and ignoring girls 24/7. It was a call for a team hangout afterward.


He liked Herin a lot and she was cute and kind. She was also one of the most popular tennis players too and they both became the big couple on campus. His mom was even proud of him for dating and never talked bad about Herin because she took a liking to her when he invited her over for dinner. Everyone liked Herin, there was no denying it.


“So how’s everything with Herin?” Jaehyun asked when they were over for Yuta’s birthday party a few weeks later.


“Everything is great. She’s really nice and she understands me.”


Jaehyun stared at him for a moment, the same way Jaemin does when he’s studying someone. Jeno looked away for a moment.


“Like have you banged her yet?” Of course Jaehyun would ask that.


“Jaehyun! Let’s not talk about that,” Jeno quickly said, grabbing a can of coke from the cooler. He wanted to avoid this conversation with Jaehyun any way possible. “How about you and your love life?”


Jaehyun huffed as he looked to the side. Jeno followed his gaze. He can see a tall guy standing beside Johnny and talking. He’s pretty good looking but that was all Jeno can really say. “I have my eyes on him. He’s super cute and smart and totally out of my league. He’s studying psychology and I’m not even in school.” Jaehyun turned away. “There’s just no way he would ever notice me.”


“Oh come on. Who can turn their eyes away from the Jung Jaehyun? Everyone wanted you in high school and you dated practically everyone. What makes you think you can’t get him?”


“His name is Doyoung. And it’s not the same. Maybe one day you’ll understand. It’s just not the same.”


Jeno frowned at him as he walked away. He looked over at Johnny and Doyoung talking and then back to Jaehyun. Sometimes he doesn’t get all these grown-up troubles at all or whatever you call it.


When Ten dropped him off at his house, he noticed Jaemin outside playing with Daisy, his puppy in the dark. It was almost midnight and he didn’t get why Jaemin was outside.


“Thanks, Ten. I’ll see you soon.”


“Bye Jeno.” When Ten left, Jeno walked over to Jaemin.


Daisy started running at him and Jeno leaned down to pet her and pick her up. “How are you doing Daisy?” She was a Yorkshire terrier and a very hyper one at that. He looked up to see Jaemin staring at him and then he smiled.




“Hey.” They haven’t been talking ever since he started dating Herin. He didn’t know why but they just drifted away and didn't talk much. He kinda misses talking to him. Jeno put Daisy down. “What are you doing out here? It’s almost 12.”


“I’m just thinking I guess.”


“About what?”


“My grandma is dying soon. I’m gonna really miss her. She’s been someone in my life who taught me so many things. When I was younger, I had a bad temper and hated people, stole things, punched people, cussed. I was a wreck you know. My parents hated it. But then I moved out here to Seoul and met my grandma and she taught me to become better. She taught me to smile and become a better person. I’ve disappointed her in several ways, but I learned a lot from her.”


Jaemin was crying so Jeno reached out to wipe away his tears because he wanted to. “It must be hard.”


Jaemin just sighed as he looked down. Daisy came running to him and he picked her up. “She bought me Daisy and gave her to me when I turned 13. It was the best gift ever because I often felt lonely. You know being the only child and troublesome kid.”


Jeno looked down at Daisy for a long moment. “You know, I’m here. I know we’re not that close, but I’m right next door so you can come running to me whenever.”


Jaemin looked at him. “I still kinda hate you.”


“Tell me why.”


Jaemin shook his head and stood up. “It’s getting late. You should go inside and rest.”


“Before I leave, can I ask you something?” Jeno on his lips for a second. “How do you feel about me dating Herin?”


Jaemin just blinked at him before shrugging. “If she makes you happy, there’s nothing I have against it. You guys are cute.” Jaemin walked inside his house and waved at him before closing the door.


There was something about Jaemin that Jeno can’t put a finger on.


He did go to the funeral and it was the first time he saw Jaemin cry so hard. It must have hurt a lot and Jeno wanted to be there for him. It was also raining furiously that day. Their families were very close now and their mothers became best friends so they cried on each other’s shoulder. Jeno had met Jaemin’s grandma once before she died and she was a nice lady. She told him to take care of Jaemin and be there when he needs it and he promised her that he will.


Jeno lent his shoulder to Jaemin and he was thankful for it. “Thanks,” Jaemin said after when they were about to leave.


“No problem. You know, it’s my first time seeing you cry like this.”


“I know. Sorry for the mess.”


Jeno shook his head and pulled him into a hug. “It’s okay. You can always lean on me.”





Something I can’t say. (Junior Year)

Herin and him are at their breaking point and he told Mark and his friends about it. But he didn’t have the courage to tell Jaemin. It was a sensitive topic for him and he didn’t want Jaemin to worry about his relationship. For some reason, Jaemin didn’t seem to like Herin anyways.


He didn’t see much of Herin at school although they share a lot of their classes together. He was worried about her and wanted to know what’s up, but she never answered any of his text messages and calls. He drove him insane that his own girlfriend didn’t want to talk to him after being together for a year.  


He was over at Ten’s place because they were gonna watch a movie together with the boys later but he can’t wrap his head around his girlfriend.


“Man, what’s wrong?” Ten asked when he noticed how much he kept looking at his phone.


“I don’t know. It’s just Herin. She’s not talking to me.”


“Why don’t you go to her house? Check up on her?”


Jeno bit his lips. Herin’s brother hated him and he didn’t want to face him after he caught them making out several times. He shook his head. “Mark told me he caught her with someone else a few days ago. But she wouldn’t cheat, right? She wouldn't do that right?”


Ten shrugged. “You’ve been with her for a year. You know her the best. Would she cheat on you? Ask yourself that.”


Jeno closed up his phone. “You’re right. I need to know what’s up.”


The guys soon arrived and they started their movie but Jeno just couldn’t wrap his head around his girlfriend. It was bothering him so much that he tuned out most of the time when the guys were talking to him.


The next day at school he found his girlfriend talking with someone he didn’t know and grabbed her arm.


“Herin, hey let’s talk.”


“Jeno! Oh-“ Jeno immediately pulled her away and into a classroom. “Hey what’s happening? You’re ignoring me.”


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♥️ Remember you are loved, please always be happy♥️
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh! This is so cuuute ?
chxn2lx #4
Chapter 19: Everything u write is honestly a blessing, ty for full filing my day :"))
Chapter 19: This is so freaking cute Noelle! I've missed reading ur fics, thanks for this.
Chapter 18: :(((((((( your drabbles are my only source of inspiration
chxn2lx #8
Chapter 18: This was so sweet :") I'll be waiting dw ^^