The Storm

Calm Storm


“Are you leaving Hannie?” he asked. I can hear nothing but sadness in his voice. “You haven’t said anything to me about this so I’m assuming you are leaving” he continued. I was still processing everything because; one, I forgot about the contract and two, why was he sad of me leaving. Shouldn’t he be happy? Shouldn’t he be smiling at me with joy in his eyes? Why are you making it hard for me Choi Seungcheol. “I’m still thinking about it, can we put it off for another week till I have decided or do you really want me gone” I said out of the messed up mind I have right now. “I can leave, I’ll have today as my last day if you wa-” “and what? Leave me again!?” I couldn’t finish my sentence when he yelled. I was confused for a second before it hit me, I did left him.


I looked at him and didn’t know what to do or say, I just looked at him. He broke the silence with the words ‘stay or leave’ and ‘decide before you go home’ after that he told me to get out. I was still processing everything to actually say something so I just went out. I found my way going to Jihoon and looked around the shop from his position to see it crowded. He looked at me and mouthed ‘what happened?’ and I answered back that I will tell him later. I busied myself with serving the customers to block what happened earlier.


When only a few customers were left I excused myself, using my break, and went to the staff room. I know that the moment that I’m alone I will cry, and so I did. The memories from that time came to me as if they are right in front of me. I remembered the pain of being left behind and the pain of leaving.


“I, Yoon Jeonghan, promise to love and cherish Choi Seungcheol forever” “And I, Choi Seungcheol, promises to love, cherish, and stay with Yoon Jeonghan for as long as I live” We both promised each other as we lay down at the center of the university garden.


“Jeonghan, I’m terribly sorry dear but we were told that your grandfather passed away” the head of the dorm broke the news to me, two months before I graduate, and it made my world turn into darkness. The only man who looked after me ever since my parents left me, has gone to heaven leaving me behind.


“Jeonghan! I know you’re in there, open the door! Yoon Jeonghan!” the voice on the other side of my dorm room door yelled. “Talk to me! Please, don’t leave me!” Seungcheol; my love, the one I promised to love forever but I can’t seem to keep.


I know that if I stay with him I will just hurt him more with this pain I’m dealing with. He will get over it, and I thought he did. A month later he gave up trying to talk to me “Seungcheol is dating Nayoung did you hear?” “Will you be alright with it?” my friends asked and I said the worst lie ever, I said yes.



I hope you like it ^___^ 

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Chapter 5: Can you do a sequel for this? This is good it should be broaden ♡
gemini_94 #2
Chapter 5: Waahhhh....sequel pleaseeee...pretty please~~~ (@~@)