Tell Me His Name...

Broken Vow

It was a Saturday night. The weather in Seoul was freezing cold as it was still winter. Families were in their homes spending time with each other by huddling together on the soft couch to keep warm while having a Disney-Pixar movie marathon. Teenage girls were having sleepovers and were talking about anything and everything, topics ranging from cute boys from their school, to cute boys who were not from their school, to just school in general and how crappy it was, to which EXO members were still a . The answer? None of them. Teenage boys would probably also hang out together by the fireplace in someone's house playing poker while Saturday Night Live was playing on TV. And then there were those who were young enough to have fun and get wasted but also old enough to do so legally. One of those people was Jisoo.


Jisoo together with his friends Hansol, Seungkwan and Jihoon decided to let loose and have fun at Club Boom Boom in Gangnam. Jisoo chose this place particularly as it was bigger than most clubs in Gangnam. He didn’t want to have an intimate clubbing experience that night. He was feeling a little weird after having that talk with Jihoon at the beginning of the week about that Taehyung guy.




“Taehyung?!” Jihoon exclaimed. Jisoo was taken aback by the reaction of his friend.


“Yeah, that’s what he said his name was. Why? What’s wrong?” Jisoo questioned.


“He wouldn’t happen to be about your height right? With small cat-like eyes, kinda similar to yours but deeper? And his skin is fair and he has dark brown hair?” Jihoon continued his barrage of questions.


“Wait, you know him?!” Jisoo exclaimed, feeling his face heat up as he tried to look away from his friend.


Jihoon laughed, not believing he knew the person Jisoo had hooked up with the night before. He put his hand on Jisoo’s shoulder as if trying to comfort his friend. “Yeah I do. He’s our new sound technician at my workplace; a transfer from one of our offices in Daegu. He’s only been in Seoul for a few weeks,” Jihoon informed the other.


Jisoo felt himself sink deeper into the couch. He just had with Jihoon’s co-worker. Great. Now Jihoon had another thing he could with. Damn it. He really should be careful on who he was hooking up with. He couldn't rock up to work one day and see their new intern to be the guy he screwed the night before. Nope. That definitely could not happen. ‘I have to let loose somewhere far from from my house and my workplace,’ he thought.


“Sooooooo how was he huh?” Jihoon teasingly asked his friend, his brows wiggling to add more effect.


“No Ji, we are not having this conversation. I’m fine talking to you about those who I’ve hooked up with unless it is someone you know. It just weirds me out, especially that you work with him,” Jisoo said trying to steer clear from this topic.


“But you never had problems talking to me in the past about the times you and Jeonghan would make out.” Jihoon instantly regretted his statement as he realised he had mention Jeonghan’s name. Jisoo’s face said it all, that the name Jeonghan was still banned in their apartment. He wondered when his friend would finally be able to start moving on. ‘Did he want to move on at all? That is the real question.’


“Okay okay, I’ll let it go this time,” Jihoon stated, he didn’t want to make this night even more awkward and upsetting now that he made his friend think about his ex boyfriend again. His ex boyfriend who cheated on him. His friend didn’t serve to be reminded of that. “But next time I want full details, got it?” And with that, the two males ended their conversation about the topic and started watching Spongebob instead and talked about how the said cartoon character reminded Jisoo of their friend Hansol.




And so tonight, he wanted to have fun without having to hook up with someone at the end of the night. “The bigger the club, the more people there’d be, the less chance I’d be approached by someone and vice versa. It’d be intimidating if there were a lot of people around so hopefully no one would dare,” he said to his friends before they all left Jihoon’s apartment for the night. Which is why his friends were baffled when they got back to the dance floor after refilling their drinks and saw Jisoo with a guy as tall as a coconut tree, grinding on each other.


Their half drunk friend continued to dance sensually on the floor, grinding his behind on the other tipsy guy’s front. The stranger that Jisoo was dancing with was very attractive-looking to say the least. He was tall, has a nice built, has brown well-styled hair, sharp jaws, defined cheekbones, has nice almond shaped eyes, and they could also see his tiger tooth as he was grinning so widely. “Jisoo really hit the jackpot with this one,” Hansol commented. “More like that guy hit the jackpot with Jisoo,” Jihoon said back with a small smile. Hansol and Seunkgwan just nodded their heads because they knew Jihoon was right. Anyone would be lucky to be with Jisoo but they also knew Jisoo wasn’t looking for anything serious at the moment. The half-American boy stopped staring at his American friend and the stranger and turned to Seungkwan and Jihoon instead to tell them that they shouldn’t go near where their other friend was as he thought that they shouldn’t disturb them. Seungkwan immediately agreed and Jihoon gave him a small “you’re right.”


The three continued their night near the booth of the DJ, in one of the corners of the bar. Seungkwan being a lightweight, was already fully drunk after 3 bottles of Jack Daniels. Hansol and Jihoon were laughing at their friend’s antics throughout the night. When Seungkwan got drunk, he would always sing from the top of his lungs Son Dam Bi’s Queen. It was funny because he kept signing it even if it didn’t match the songs that the DJ played. Hansol and Jihoon had fun watching their drunk friend embarrassed himself in front of the people who were near them. It was a fun night even if Jisoo wasn’t with them for the rest of it. They let Jisoo had his fun with the tall stranger. Although Hansol would be lying if he said that he didn’t catch Jihoon making a few glances to the spot where Jisoo and the other guy was, who were both still continuing their sensual movements against each other. He swore that he saw Jihoon gulped on his own saliva when at one point of the night Jisoo and the other guy seemed to be making out while dancing, with Jisoo’s arms locked around the stranger’s neck and the latter’s long arms were wrapped around their friend’s slim waist. Hansol couldn’t explain what type of look was on Jihoon’s face. He didn’t seem mad but he also wasn’t smiling and just had a poker face on. ‘Weird,’ Hansol thought.


The night ended with Jisoo not coming home with them. When the three of them decided to call it a night, they went over to Jisoo and told him they were planning to go home. Jisoo introduced them to the stranger named Mingyu who was even more handsome up close. They didn’t ask Jisoo to come home with them as they felt that it wasn’t going to happen anyway. They all said their goodbyes and the three called for an Uber to take them back to Jihoon’s apartment. They didn’t have to make any guesses as to where Jisoo spent the night and what happened between him and the pretty guy named Mingyu. They just knew. It was even more evident when Jisoo went home the next morning and his neck was covered with purple bruises which he had fun covering up with makeup for when he went to work on Monday. Yup, overall it was just another Saturday night for Jisoo and his friends.




It was the middle of the week and Jisoo was sitting in his office when he received a text message from an unknown number. “Hey, this is Jisoo right? It’s Taehyung from about a week ago. I hope you still remember me haha. I got your number from Jihoon cause he told me you guys were roommates. I hope you don’t mind,” the message read. Jisoo mentally cursed and swore that he would butcher his small friend when he got home that night. He specifically said to Jihoon not to mention anything about them being roommates to his coworker who Jisoo had slept with because he didn’t want to make a big deal out of what happened. It was casual. A one night stand. That was it. There was no need for Jisoo and Taehyung to be keeping in touch and texting each other. That was what happened with Mingyu a few nights ago and with the other men from weeks ago. But Jisoo wasn’t a rude person and his upbringing got the best of him and he decided to message back.


“Hey yeah, of course I remember you. What’s up? How have you been?” Not even 2 minutes later, he felt his phone vibrate.


“I’ve been good, thanks! I hope all is well with you too. :D” Jisoo was going to reply to him when he noticed the three little dots on his phone indicating that the other person was typing so he didn’t send another message and just waited instead. A couple of minutes later, he got another message from Taehyung.


“Okay, I’m gonna stop beating around the bush and just get to what I really want to say. I don’t know if I should be saying this through text and you might think I’m such a weirdo since I was so confident that night I met you. But just know this, I’m usually not like that when I meet new people. I just really thought when I saw you that I couldn’t let this chance get away and so I approached you. Anyway, I really had fun that night even before we got back to my apartment. I had fun chatting with you. And I haven’t stopped thinking about you since then (I’m sorry! I hope I’m not creeping you out! >_<). And then this morning when Jihoon just casually mentioned that he knows you and about that night I thought maybe God was giving me another chance to meet you. And so I was wondering if maybe you wanted to have coffee with me some time? I would really love to know more about you.”


Jisoo sat there frozen, eyes wide. He wasn’t exactly sure what to feel after reading the long message but he for sure knew he was going to kill Jihoon that night. This is exactly the type of thing he was hoping and praying wouldn’t happen. He didn’t want to be attached to the men he’d had with. He just wanted to feel pleasure and let loose and forget about things when he would have with someone. He didn’t plan for any of them to start liking him or anything like that. And right now the exact opposite of what he had hoped was happening right in front of him.


He sighed deeply. No, he definitely couldn’t do this. Not because Taehyung wasn’t a nice guy. He enjoyed that night with him, even had fun talking to him. But he didn’t like Taehyung in that way. In all honesty, Jisoo didn’t even treat him any differently than any of the other guys he had been with. Although he could tell that Taehyung was a good and genuine person even from the short while they had known each other. And maybe they could’ve even been friends if they hadn’t met each other the way that they had. But he couldn’t do this with anyone. Not at the moment anyway. Not when he wasn’t himself. Not when he was still hurting. Not when he was just trying to move on from Jeonghan. Not when Taehyung met him during the darkest period of his life. With those thoughts in mind, he decided to reply back.


“I really am fluttered with what you said. And believe me I think you really are a nice guy. But I am not looking for anything serious right now. I think what happened between us that night should just remain there and then. I’m sorry. I hope though that if you and Jihoon decide to be close friends and we meet each other again that we can introduce ourselves to each other when we’re both not semi-drunk. :) I’m sorry again and I wish you the best with finding someone who is worthy of you and your time.” After a few minutes, Jisoo received another message and Jisoo hesitantly opened it.


“I understand. I’m not gonna lie and say I’m not a tad bit sad haha. But I get it, I understand. Thank you for being honest with me. But just so you know, I’m not the type who easily forgets about someone. So if you change your mind, you know my number. Hit me up and we’ll have coffee, okay? No this time, I promise haha. I just want to talk to you and get to know you better. Anyway, have a good day Jisoo. :)”


He decided not to message back. Jisoo smiled and he was thankful that Taehyung was understanding. But he couldn’t help but feel down at the same time. He felt horrible for rejecting someone. But he knew he did the right thing. He couldn’t have had Taehyung’s hopes up. He knew he wasn’t ready for a new relationship especially when he himself wasn’t entirely sure if he was ready for a relationship at all with someone who wasn’t Jeonghan. “No no,” he shook his head. He definitely didn’t want any relationship with Jeonghan at all. He was moving on. He was trying to move on, wasn’t he?


He started getting a headache from all this and so he decided to take his half hour lunch break. After bidding Hansol and his other coworkers a quick goodbye. He got into his car and drove to a nearby cafe. He was just in the mood for coffee and a light sandwich. He parked his car and was about to get inside the cafe when he noticed through the window glass a familiar looking figure sitting in the cafe. The back of this person was facing him but he knew that person. He was way too familiar with him to not know it was him even just from looking at the back. He was snapped back to reality from his thoughts when he saw that that person wasn’t alone. Across him sat another guy whom he was all too familiar with as well. Jisoo could feel his throat clogged up upon seeing this person. He felt tears starting to form in his eyes. He felt his breathing started to become heavier. Jisoo knew the two males couldn’t see him standing outside as it was lunch time and the cafe was crowded and so he stood there for a few more seconds.


Then he witnessed something and Jisoo swore he felt his world came crashing down on him. Again. By this point, he couldn’t stop the tears from his eyes to come streaming down on his beautiful face. Jisoo felt deja vu and it wasn’t the pleasant kind one, when he saw the person sitting across the table held out his arm and take the other man’s hand in his. Jisoo gulped. It was at this point that Jisoo asked in his head, ‘what did I ever do to deserve this?’


Seungcheol and Jeonghan talking in a cafe. Seungcheol held out his arm and held Jeonghan’s hand. And Jeonghan let him. He let him.


“Fuch this. this ,” Jisoo said to no one in particular. His face was now a mess from the tears that kept falling from his eyes. He wanted to stop crying. He wanted to scream so bad. He wanted to punch something. Anything. He was feeling too many emotions all at the same time. He couldn’t take it anymore and decided to turn around and went back to his car. He started the ignition but not before grabbing his phone from his pocket and going to his recent messages. He texted someone.


“Hey, I changed my mind. Can you get out of work for a while and meet me right now?”


To be continued...


~ ~ ~





AUTHOR’S NOTE: So ummm I hope that didn’t feel too rushed because I tried to speed things up. >_<


Anyway, please feel free to let me know what you think about the development of the story. And also in the next chapter, we will see what Jeonghan has been up to. Haha.


And I’m sorry for the slow updates but I am literally so busy all the time. Uni has started for me and since I am already doing my Master’s Degree (I have recently graduated from my Bachelor’s, YAY!), I have already a lot of things I need to work on. Plus I also am doing a separate book work for my job and on top of it all, I still work part time. So I’m really trying hard to balance life, uni, work and my fangirl life too. Goodbye social life I guess. :P Anyway, take care everyone. ~




Until next time,


Adorkable Jisoo ~

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Chapter 6: I'm so sad, this is the tenth story that I read that doesn't have an ending, please give us an ending
Jihan4ever #2
Chapter 6: I'm going for Jihan couple!! Plz make Jihan end happily! I figured out that your account had deactivated because I wanted to tag you in some of my posts but your account wasn't there. And plz continue your other fanfic even if your IG account is not activated. I really wanna see Fluffy Jihan!! Hope Jisoo realizes that he really loves Jeonghan and he stops trying to move on so he and our Angel can be together. (I knew that jisoo isn't your UB)
djoyun #3
Chapter 6: I've waited so long for this update!!
Please continue this story...
I want to know what will happen between Jisoo n jeonghan next...

I think jeonghan still has chance for Jisoo..
Chapter 6: Joshua probably gonna misunderstood them again :(
Chapter 5: Wow minshua!!! DIdnt expect it but i love it tho XD
Now, taeshua is a thing??? Hahahahaha
mishiro_san #6
I can't wait for the next update!! I wonder what jeonghan is going to do.
djoyun #7
Chapter 5: I only found this story now...
This is really good story. I think it's good that you wrote jisoo with this personality.
Sometimes i want him to fight back n stop being weak.

This is really good to see his new image in this story.
It's a shame you can't write this constantly bc you have many works with you. But i'll wait ^^
Chapter 5: Wow that minshua moment.... thanks XD
Hmmm does joshua want to take revenge??? Kkk i dont know but at this point i think it's better for joshua and jeonghan to live their own life. It's so messed up (the relationship) hope they get the best. For now Im rooting for taeshua or minshua maybe?? Kkk XD
Chapter 4: Haha it seems I'm one of the few that actually want them to get back together - later on though.
I have no idea how you would get them to make up though cuz Joshua seems pretty serious about never seeing him again. I wonder what Jeonghan will have now.

Honestly the cafè scene with Jeonghan KILLeD ME I hate angst so much but this is so good!