Why You And I Came To An End

Broken Vow

"Why are you doing this? This is not you," Jeonghan said to the man sitting across the table from him. His voice croaked and he fought so hard not to let the tears that were welling up in his eyes fall. He looked at the man's eyes intently, trying to find the warmth they once had. But he could see nothing. Nothing but bitterness and hatred. Jeonghan's heart ached yet again as he knew fully well that he was the reason why the kindness in this man's eyes were now gone. The guilt was eating Jeonghan up alive. And he would do anything if he could just turn back time, before he made the biggest mistake of his life. 'Oh God, I would do anything', he pleaded in his mind.


"Jisoo, please talk to me. Please, let's fix this." Jeonghan started to speak again when the man didn't answer his first question. But nothing, no answer. The man just looked at Jeonghan with no emotion at all. "Jisoo, I know I messed up. I know I hurt you and I'm truly sorry and I know I have no excuse at all but please believe me when I say that I really do lo—", he was cut off before he could finish his sentence. "Don't you dare," the man started to speak in his low deep voice which Jeonghan rarely ever heard, "say those words ever to me again," Jisoo spoke as he stared at Jeonghan not blinking once. Jeonghan bit his lips to fight the tears that were starting to roll on his cheeks as he sat there frozen, feeling his heart being shattered into tiny million pieces.


"After what you've done, you still have the guts to ask me why I'm doing this?" Jisoo asked furiously. Jeonghan knew he didn't have the right to question him but he couldn't help himself as he saw how this man changed drastically in a span of a couple of months. "I'm doing this because I'm miserable. I'm miserable because of you and a certain someone I thought was a friend of mine." By this point, Jeonghan couldn't stop the tears anymore no matter how hard he tried to bite his lips. He let them fall as he listened to Jisoo's explanation, head bowed down as he did not have the courage to look him in the eyes. "I'm doing this because I am tired of always being seen as the weak guy... Of always being the good guy," Jisoo spat. "Because apparently being a good guy is not enough to stop his boyfriend from screwing somebody else behind his back," Jisoo finished, eyes shooting daggers at Jeonghan.


Jeonghan couldn't mutter a word because yes he did screw up their relationship... How? Well by screwing Seungcheol (or letting Seungcheol screw him really), one of Jisoo's closest friends back in highschool and not just once or twice but for months. For months, Jeonghan was betraying Jisoo and his trust in him. The first time Jeonghan cheated, he knew it was a mistake as he was drunk and promised that it would never happen again. He did not love or even remotely like Seungcheol in that way and he knew that Seungcheol was only using him too, having recently broken up with his girlfriend at the time. But Jeonghan didn't know why or how he was able to continue his betrayal for the few months that followed after that first time... 'Liar', Jeonghan thought to himself, 'you know exactly why you kept on doing it and now here you are, you only have yourself to blame.'


Jisoo also knows of the reason why Jeonghan did it. But he thought Jeonghan was better than that, he thought that Jeonghan understood that Jisoo was waiting for marriage before they do anything intimate. Not that their relationship was not intimate at all. They shared passionate times in the bedroom and wherever they would feel like making out. They've done a lot of things together and in fact, the only thing that they had not done was the actual deed itself. And so Jisoo thought that Jeonghan was satisfied and contented, not to mention that they were supposed to get married next year meaning they only had to wait just a little bit longer. Oh how he couldn't be more wrong.

"You just couldn't keep it in your pants, could you?" Jisoo said, bitterness evident in his voice. "I thought you respected my decision. I thought..." he paused and gulped before he continued, "I thought you loved me enough for you not to hurt me like this." Jeonghan really did love the brown haired boy but in a moment of weakness, he lost to his urges that one drunken night when Jeonghan went to a birthday party of his friend while Jisoo was away on a business trip. And from then on, it was like his body was aching to feel the same pleasure again and so the betrayal went on for months. But now the only ache he was feeling was from his heart as he hurt for himself as well as Jisoo because he knows, the whole world knows that Jisoo doesn't deserve this, not even one bit.


And so Jeonghan wanted to correct the wrongs he had done and he wanted Jisoo back again more than anything, as selfish as it sounds. Hence the reason why they are currently sitting at a cafe having this conversation. Prior to this, the two had not seen each other in a bit more than two months. The night Jisoo found out that Jeonghan was cheating on him also happened to be the night Jeonghan was ending whatever relationship he had with Seungcheol, he couldn't take the guilt anymore. The three of them along with a few other friends were at a club as it was a Friday night, a time for friends to unwind and have fun together, except that nothing that could be described as fun ever happened that night. Jeonghan out of the guilt he was feeling, decided that it had to be that night, he couldn't wait for another day to end things with Jisoo's friend. And so while Jisoo and the others were dancing at the dance floor, letting their stress from work be forgotten for a while, he excused himself to the bathroom and left the clubbing scene. However before he did, he gave Seungcheol a knowing look that meant he wanted to speak with him while Jisoo wasn't looking their way.


Seungcheol followed Jeonghan to the bathroom after a couple of minutes, not wanting it to be obvious. When the two met, they decided they would talk outside the vicinity as the music was too loud and it was hard to hear each other. There, Jeonghan finally let out what he had been meaning to say. "I can't sleep with you anymore, I don't even have to give reasons why because we both know how wrong it is. And I know that you know that I love Jisoo more than anything." Prior to this conversation, the two of them hadn't slept together in two weeks. The guilt was catching up to Jeonghan and so he made sure to avoid Seungcheol in every way possible that last couple of weeks. He was ready to argue and put up a fight if ever Seungcheol did not agree with him. To his surprise (which was only a little as he also felt that Seungcheol's conscience wasn't letting him sleep at night, hence why he also hadn’t contacted Jeonghan since the last time they spent the night together), the other man agreed with him admitting that they never really liked each other and only used each other for their own selfish wants.


Jeonghan felt relieved because this would mean that he could finally move on from all of this and focus on his future with Jisoo. However, his feeling of relief only lasted for a few seconds as when they turned around to go back inside the club, they saw Jisoo standing frozen still, quietly sobbing as endless tears flowed from his eyes. Jeonghan couldn't move or speak, he became a statue at that point with horror evident in his face. Seungcheol started to move towards Jisoo saying, "Bro, please let me explain, I really—", all of a sudden Jisoo lunged at him and his face met Jisoo's balled up fist. Seungcheol fell back onto the ground and he cupped his mouth and nose as thick, warm blood started oozing out. Jeonghan was still frozen even after what happened, it was as if his soul had left his body and that none of his bodily organs functioned, except for his eyes which were letting out a waterfall of tears. Jisoo looked at Seungcheol then at Jeonghan, the look on his face was something Jeonghan wanted to forget but he knew that he never could. It was the look of complete devastation and sadness from the betrayal of the person he considered was his friend, and most of all the betrayal of the person he loved and cherished the most in this world. Before Jeonghan and Seungcheol could make another move or say anything, Jisoo was running away from the club and halted a taxi that was driving past.


After that eventful night, Jisoo did not go home to his and Jeonghan's shared apartment. Instead he went to stay at a hotel for a couple of days while he waited for an available flight to Los Angeles, the city where he was born and grew up in. He asked Hansol, a fellow American and coworker of his to fetch some of his clothes and his passport from his and Jeonghan's apartment before he left the country. He stayed with his family in LA for about a month until he had to go back to Seoul as he told his boss at work that he had a family emergency and was only allowed a month off. Once he was back in South Korea, Jisoo still did not go home and instead went to stay at a friend's house for another month. Jeonghan heard the news as soon as he was back in Seoul from their mutual friends but he did not see Jisoo at all until now. Partly because Jisoo was avoiding him, but mostly because of the things he heard from their friends and other people about Jisoo in those months that they hadn't seen each other.


Because little did Jeonghan know that when Jisoo left South Korea just over two months ago that he would also leave his old self then and there. Jisoo promised himself as he was boarding the plane to Los Angeles that he would not be seen as the good, soft, weak guy anymore. He vowed that no one will ever dare betray his trust again. And that once he was back he would make sure Jeonghan and Seungcheol will feel the pain he felt. The pain he was still feeling.


To be continued...


~ ~ ~





AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hi everyone! So this is my very first published fanfic. I am new to writing fanfictions or writing stories in general so any feedback (good or bad) will be appreciated. But I hope your criticism will be constructive and not destructive. ^.^


So I decided to write this fanfic because I wanted Jisoo to have a different response to the whole cheating scenario. In most fics that I've read where Jeonghan cheats on Jisoo, Jisoo would just forgive Jeonghan so easily. I'm not saying this is a bad thing, I think for me it actually shows that a person is strong enough to be able to easily forgive someone who hurt them so much. But this time, I wanted to show that sometimes when a person is hurt, they cannot just let it go that easily. I also wanted to show that sometimes pain changes people and in a way this was an opportunity for me to write Jisoo in this fanfic as someone who has a different side other than the soft and innocent Church boy we came to know him to be.


So it goes without saying but this is obviously all just my imagination so please do not leave comments that are actually directed to the members in real life. They do not know or have anything to do with this! XD


Another thing, I decided on the title of this fanfic when I was editing Chapter 1 and was listening to Lara Fabian's Broken Vow at the same time. And so the chapter titles are actually lyrics from the song. But everything else is my own work. ^.^




Until next time,


Adorkable Jisoo ~

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Chapter 6: I'm so sad, this is the tenth story that I read that doesn't have an ending, please give us an ending
Jihan4ever #2
Chapter 6: I'm going for Jihan couple!! Plz make Jihan end happily! I figured out that your account had deactivated because I wanted to tag you in some of my posts but your account wasn't there. And plz continue your other fanfic even if your IG account is not activated. I really wanna see Fluffy Jihan!! Hope Jisoo realizes that he really loves Jeonghan and he stops trying to move on so he and our Angel can be together. (I knew that jisoo isn't your UB)
djoyun #3
Chapter 6: I've waited so long for this update!!
Please continue this story...
I want to know what will happen between Jisoo n jeonghan next...

I think jeonghan still has chance for Jisoo..
Chapter 6: Joshua probably gonna misunderstood them again :(
Chapter 5: Wow minshua!!! DIdnt expect it but i love it tho XD
Now, taeshua is a thing??? Hahahahaha
mishiro_san #6
I can't wait for the next update!! I wonder what jeonghan is going to do.
djoyun #7
Chapter 5: I only found this story now...
This is really good story. I think it's good that you wrote jisoo with this personality.
Sometimes i want him to fight back n stop being weak.

This is really good to see his new image in this story.
It's a shame you can't write this constantly bc you have many works with you. But i'll wait ^^
Chapter 5: Wow that minshua moment.... thanks XD
Hmmm does joshua want to take revenge??? Kkk i dont know but at this point i think it's better for joshua and jeonghan to live their own life. It's so messed up (the relationship) hope they get the best. For now Im rooting for taeshua or minshua maybe?? Kkk XD
Chapter 4: Haha it seems I'm one of the few that actually want them to get back together - later on though.
I have no idea how you would get them to make up though cuz Joshua seems pretty serious about never seeing him again. I wonder what Jeonghan will have now.

Honestly the cafè scene with Jeonghan KILLeD ME I hate angst so much but this is so good!