To Hold You Once Again

Broken Vow

Jisoo vowed to never be the same again.


He would never be made of a fool again.


He has had enough.




Sobbing, Jeonghan started to say "I will do anything that you want please. I'm willing to wait however long it takes for you to forgive me. I know I have done horrible things and it goes without saying but I hope you know that I will never ever do anything to hurt you again like that. Please don't leave me," his sobs were growing louder and other people in the cafe were now starting to look in their direction, "I won't be able to take it. These past several weeks of me not seeing you were the worst weeks of my life." Jeonghan tried to reach across to hold Jisoo's hand that was resting on the table but Jisoo quickly moved it away and looked at Jeonghan with an unreadable expression on his face. Jeonghan couldn't stop sobbing. He was desperate. He was desperate to touch Jisoo. He was desperate to feel him again.


"Stop crying. Stop making a scene here," Jisoo said sternly to his lover. Correction: ex-lover. In all honesty, his heart was crumbling at the scene in front of him. Seeing Jeonghan cry like this. His eyes red and swollen, streams of tears kept flowing from his beautiful orbs. He almost wanted to say that he was willing to forgive Jeonghan and that they would go back to being boyfriends and just forget everything that happened. Almost.


The hatred Jisoo was feeling right now was stronger than whatever sympathy he was feeling for the person in front of him. He remembered the night he learned about the truth and how he physically, emotionally and mentally hurt. That night, if not the worst, was definitely one of the worst nights of his life. He had never imagined that his boyfriend who also happened to be his best friend would ever do something that would hurt him that much. Because Jisoo did hurt a lot. Even now, two months later and talking to Jeonghan like this, he was still in a lot of pain. And just like that, he was reminded of why he agreed to meet up with Jeonghan at this cafe in the first place. His mind was taking over his heart. And in a way he was thankful because he knew that if he let his heart win this time, he knew that he would give Jeonghan another chance to break it and tear him apart again. And no, Jisoo wouldn't be able to take it this time if that night was to repeat. The trust he had given Jeonghan was now shattered into pieces and Jisoo wasn't sure if there was any way to piece them all back together again.


"If you thought that the reason why I agreed to meet up with you today was to get back together, then you must be out of your mind," Jisoo spoke, the harsh tone he used was something Jeonghan would never get used to hearing. Jeonghan looked at him with pleading eyes. Jisoo looked back at him not wavering one bit. It scared Jeonghan. It scared him because he felt like bit by bit, Jisoo was changing in front of him. He was starting to not recognise those beautiful brown eyes anymore. They felt so cold. He continued to sob in front of his best friend as he did not know what to say anymore.


"I said stop ing crying!" Jisoo whisper shouted, loud enough for Jeonghan to flinch but quiet enough so the other diners at the cafe wouldn't hear. Jeonghan was shocked. In all the years that he had known Jisoo, he could count in one hand the number of times he had cursed. Most of those times were of him saying it as a joke since their friends used to always about how he would use really old words to express his feelings instead of just cursing like a normal adult. And Jeonghan thought to ask this person sitting across him, 'who are you?' But he didn't, because he didn't have the right to ask him things like this since he knew who was the cause for Jisoo to change like this. And so he tried his best to stop crying as he wiped his face with the sleeves of his shirt.


"I agreed to meet up with you to tell you in person to stop bothering me anymore. Stop calling. Stop messaging. Stop trying to add me back on Facebook. I unfriended you for a reason. And stop getting our friends into this." Jisoo sighed, clearly exasperated before he continued, "Have you really got no shame left in you huh? You're trying to get our friends involved just for me to talk to you, for me to give you another chance. God, leave them out of this. They don't deserve to be tangled in this mess."


Jeonghan just stared at him. He wanted to speak. He wanted to say something but his voice failed to come out. He did feel bad for trying to get their friends involved. But he didn't know what else to do. He was desperate to talk to him. He was determined to get Jisoo back. And he didn't want to admit it, but he needed to know if those rumours about Jisoo were true. Because the second he heard those rumours about him, he hadn't stopped praying for them to not be true. Because Jisoo wasn't like that. His Jisoo wouldn't do those things. But then again seeing him in person now, would it really be that hard to believe those hearsay? Not just the way he talked, but his appearance had changed. Jisoo was always a bit conservative and traditional with his choice of outfits. He would always go for simple jeans or slacks and a button-up shirt with his hair combed down and his bangs covering his forehead. But right now, he was wearing black skinny jeans with rips on the thigh areas and holes on the knees. He was wearing a plain white tank top and black leather jacket and black boots as his shoes. His hair was a little disheveled and it was styled up. He was even wearing aviator sunglasses when he arrived at the place they were in right now. He resembled that of an action star. The look screamed 'bad boy' that when he first saw Jisoo entering the cafe, it took Jeonghan a second to recognise him.


"So I guess you're done talking nonsense?" Jisoo asked. Jeonghan was so lost in his thoughts that he hadn't realised he had stayed silent for a while. He was about to say something when Jisoo interrupted him. "So I noticed the way you were looking at me," Jisoo said, his voice deep and there was a tiny smirk dancing on his lips. "I guess you have heard from people, especially our friends. I'm guessing from Seungkwan since that kid could never shut his mouth up. Did Seungkwan tell you? Hansol must've told him. I would need to have a word with him at work," Jisoo added.


Jeonghan at this point started to look like he just saw a ghost. He didn't want to believe the words that just came out of Jisoo's mouth. "S-so you... T-those... Those things they said?.." Jeonghan stuttered, he was at a lost for words. He didn't know how to ask him. He didn't know how to construct a question that could possibly give him the answer he was in denial of for weeks now. By this point, he wasn't even sure if he actually wanted Jisoo to answer him, to give him a chance to confirm Jeonghan's nightmares.


Jisoo started to chuckle, the sarcasm obvious in his voice. "You are such a hypocrite, aren't you? You're looking at me as if I have done such a horrendous thing. Well in fact, you have done something worse since you ed someone while you were in a relationship with another person," Jisoo muttered angrily. "Did you enjoy it? All those times you let Seungcheol have his way with you? Did you enjoy the feeling of having someone to have with to fulfill your urges while also having me to go home to? Fully knowing the fact that I was saving myself for when we get married?" Jisoo paused for a bit, his lips formed a thin line. "I'm such a ing idiot," he laughed darkly as he shook his head. "All those times you said you were just finishing work late or those times you said your work meetings ended up later than planned," Jisoo was still laughing a bit. "How could I not know? How could I have not suspected anything?” He stared deeply into Jeonghan’s eyes as he continued, “Oh that's right, because I was madly in love with you to even notice that you were breaking my trust over and over again.”


Jeonghan's heart broke at his last sentence. It shattered yet again for the hundredth time since that night Jisoo left for Los Angeles. Jeonghan took every single word Jisoo said and let it play endlessly like a broken record in his mind. How could he respond to him? When everything he had said about him and his betrayal was true? Head bowed down, he wanted to just cry again. He knew he was being weak but he couldn't help it, his source of strength once was now saying all those things to him. Jeonghan thought he was ready to face Jisoo and talk things out. He was wrong.


"I think I deserve a tiny bit of goddamn truth, wouldn't you say? So let me ask you something and you better answer truthfully." Jeonghan raised his head and looked at Jisoo. He didn't even let Jeonghan answer and asked again. "How long were you having an affair with him?" Jisoo questioned him, not once leaving his gaze. Jeonghan gulped. He was scared to let him know the truth. He was being a coward and he knew it. But what if he really could never fix things after this? "Answer.Me." Jisoo muttered through his gritted teeth, his voice threatening. Jeonghan finally gave in and answered, "a bit more than 2 months." He admittedly so quietly but Jisoo still heard every single word. With that, Jisoo stood up pushing his chair back.


"And you still think I would get back together with a cheater like you after everything?" Jisoo started to turn away from the table.


"Jisoo! Please wait! Let me prove to you how sorry I am! Please, I will do anything!" Jeonghan was speaking really fast now, it was as if his mouth was trying to make it up with his mind for keeping silent for too long during the other half of the conversation with Jisoo. His mind wanted to say a lot of things. His mouth didn't have the courage to let them out.


"Too late Jeonghan," Jisoo stated and Jeonghan's heart ached yet again, but this time it was because he missed the sound of his name coming from Jisoo's mouth. He hadn't heard him say his name the entire time they were conversing and it had been months since the last time they had made contact with each other prior to this. Oh how he missed that so much. How he missed the feeling of Jisoo's skin on his own. Jeonghan stood up and tried to reach for his arm to stop him from walking away but Jisoo's reflex was quick and he didn't let the other man touch him.


"It's too late... I don't want anything to do with you anymore. Go back to Seungcheol, see if I give a ing damn." Jeonghan was frozen, Jisoo really was leaving and he couldn't do anything to stop him. But just before Jisoo left the table fully, he looked back at his ex-boyfriend and smirked at him. Jeonghan was confused at first but his face started to display that look of hurt and horror again when Jisoo spoke and confirmed his nightmares.


"Yes, what Seungkwan might've told you is true. I'm not a anymore. Screw waiting for marriage when you couldn't even wait for me. I had with someone who isn't you. And I'm currently sleeping around with God knows who."


And with that, he turned his back at Jeonghan, put on his sunglasses and exited the cafe... Jeonghan slumped back on his seat. He was crying now, he didn't care about the looks he was receiving from the other customers. He was hurting and he knew he deserved it.


To be continued...


~ ~ ~





AUTHOR'S NOTE: I AM SO SORRY FOR THIS CHAPTER! Why do I like to make my characters suffer? TT_TT Bad author! Bad! XD


Honestly though, it was so difficult to write Jisoo like this and it hurt even more to write Jeonghan's thoughts and reactions, cause man Jisoo is salty AF. ~.~ He's even saltier than the Pacific Ocean. But I thought I'd let him have this as payback for all those times he was written as so forgiving. You can only take so much before you explode, you know? XD


So again, just want to reiterate that this is all a work of my imagination. Let's not all get carried away with the feels and comment things targeted directly at the members in real life, okay? :D


Sorry btw for all the swearing in this one, I don't like swearing irl but I thought it was necessary for this story. I'll try to cut back on it next time.




Until next time,


Adorkable Jisoo ~

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Chapter 6: I'm so sad, this is the tenth story that I read that doesn't have an ending, please give us an ending
Jihan4ever #2
Chapter 6: I'm going for Jihan couple!! Plz make Jihan end happily! I figured out that your account had deactivated because I wanted to tag you in some of my posts but your account wasn't there. And plz continue your other fanfic even if your IG account is not activated. I really wanna see Fluffy Jihan!! Hope Jisoo realizes that he really loves Jeonghan and he stops trying to move on so he and our Angel can be together. (I knew that jisoo isn't your UB)
djoyun #3
Chapter 6: I've waited so long for this update!!
Please continue this story...
I want to know what will happen between Jisoo n jeonghan next...

I think jeonghan still has chance for Jisoo..
Chapter 6: Joshua probably gonna misunderstood them again :(
Chapter 5: Wow minshua!!! DIdnt expect it but i love it tho XD
Now, taeshua is a thing??? Hahahahaha
mishiro_san #6
I can't wait for the next update!! I wonder what jeonghan is going to do.
djoyun #7
Chapter 5: I only found this story now...
This is really good story. I think it's good that you wrote jisoo with this personality.
Sometimes i want him to fight back n stop being weak.

This is really good to see his new image in this story.
It's a shame you can't write this constantly bc you have many works with you. But i'll wait ^^
Chapter 5: Wow that minshua moment.... thanks XD
Hmmm does joshua want to take revenge??? Kkk i dont know but at this point i think it's better for joshua and jeonghan to live their own life. It's so messed up (the relationship) hope they get the best. For now Im rooting for taeshua or minshua maybe?? Kkk XD
Chapter 4: Haha it seems I'm one of the few that actually want them to get back together - later on though.
I have no idea how you would get them to make up though cuz Joshua seems pretty serious about never seeing him again. I wonder what Jeonghan will have now.

Honestly the cafè scene with Jeonghan KILLeD ME I hate angst so much but this is so good!