Chapter 5

Listen to my Heart Beat

A/N: Oh, I feel bad because I don't update yesterday. 





     The group eating in peace. They have talk about many things and Yuju got to know about each person except for one. SinB always refuse to talk and that was unusual. She keep saying, “Ah, nothing interesting about me.”

     Yuju thought maybe SinB is a secretive type, plus, she now know that the latter is an orphan too. As much as she want to know about SinB, she could not make it sound so obvious. She don’t want the latter to feel uncomfortable.

     Everyone now had finish eating and now leisurely chatting about random things. SinB has excuse herself to somewhere and Yuju is feeling uneasy without her presence. Yuju don’t say a thing but just hearing what the others have been talking.

     Suddenly, she felt a hand on her shoulder. It was Yerin. She gestures the younger girl to follow her.

     “Where are we going?” Yuju asks as they cimb the stairs. Yerin put a finger on her own lips, signalling the latter to keep silent as she open the door in front of them. Yuju just follow suit.

     As soon as they step to the space, Yuju realise they are at the rooftop. To her realisation, the rooftop was well-decorated with fancy light and they is a small table that meant to be sit on it. It is a nice place. Since it is night, Yuju found that place is a bit romantic.

     As Yuju roams her eyes around, she found a familiar figure standing near the edge, looking at the night sky.

     “Isn’t that SinB?” she asks Yerin, whispering. Yerin nods. The older one than drags her to one occupied chair at a corner. The spot was dark and sure nobody wouldn’t notice their presence there.

     “Why are you bringing me here?” Yuju asks out of curiosity.

Yerin sighs. “Just because,”

     It was an awkward silent moment when Yerin decide to break it. “SinB used to be a cheerful kid.”

Yuju looks up to Yerin faces. The latter was fixing her eyes on her dongsaeng.

     “But she kinda have a cold attitude to, with a bit of sarcasm. That’s her speciality.” Yerin chuckles at the end of her words.

     “She is quite secretive. She is the type that keeping it up all to herself. That’s why we call her SinB (mystery). I have been with her for a long time. A really long time.”

     Yuju don’t want to interrupt. She just keep silent while waiting for the latter to continue her story. At least, it’s about SinB. The one that she is always curious about.

     “Both of us were from a same orphanage. SinB was really young at that time when we first met. I was her first best friend. A year later, a family came and want to adopt a child. They choose SinB but SinB never want to be apart from me. The couple decided to taka both of us. That’s how we become foster siblings.”

     “We live together for a long time. But when SinB was taking the SAT exam, our foster parent died. I know SinB was sad back then but I never saw she drop a tear after that. She had become a secretive girl. She never show that she was unhappy or sad because she would always cover with a smile.”

     “But one day, SinB came home late. I was so worried so I came to search for her. I found that she was here, at this restaurant’s rooftop. For the first time in my life, I swear I saw her tears again. She was crying.” Yerin was on the verge of tears but she hold it in.

     “She was crying, Yuju-ah.” Yerin said. Yuju was quite shock by what the older had call her since the latter always call her Choi songsaengnim. But Yuju was okay with it. It’s when Yerin realise what she had call the younger girl.

     “Oh, I’m sorry, Choi songsaengnim. I was—“

     “It’s okay. You can call me whatever you want. I’m going to call you unnie then.”

Yerin smiles. “Thank you, Yuju-ah.”

     Yuju replies with another smile. “Then, what happened? Why SinB is crying?”

Yerin clear . “She won’t tell me. I did approached her that time but she covered her tears. She thought that I didn’t see it in which I did. I felt bad for her. I don’t think that I was being a kind unnie to her.”

     “No, unnie. I believe you are. Maybe she don’t want to burden you.”

“But I’m her unnie. I should know all her problems. That’s my responsibility, Yuju-ah.”

     Yuju remains silent. Yerin is right. If Yerin was her, she would feel bad too. Yuju take her hand to caress Yerin’s back.

     “I’m sorry for telling you all this. It must be a burden for you too, right?”

“Oh, it’s okay. I had always want to know about SinB because she never open up for talking about it.” Yuju sincerely said. “From now on, you can tell me everything. I don’t have anybody too. My life is boring.”

     Yerin looks up to Yuju. “What do you mean?”

“I’m an orphan too and I don’t have any siblings. I live alone.” Yuju said.

     Upon hearing the younger’s answer, Yerin took Yuju’s hand and caress it. “Don’t worry. I would be your unnie. You can tell me everything too.”

     Yuju looks up to meet with Yerin’s eyes. She saw sincerity in them. Somehow, Yuju felt safe with Yerin. Like she is getting a new strength. She have got a new family.



SinB’s POV


     After eating, I excuses myself. There just one place that I want to go.


     It always have been my favourite place since then. A place where I can show my true self. A place where I can say anything I want. I stand at one edge and staring into the night sky. There are so many stars on the sky.

     I sigh.

What’s wrong with me today?

     During these past days, I’m not being myself. My heart oftenly start to beat unnormally. It always happen when I see her.

     While eating earlier, I couldn’t even lift my face because I afraid that I may see her face again. Then, my heart would skip a beat and that is very dangerous. What if my heart stop beating because it always skip a beat?

I don’t want to die at such young age. I have so many things to do in my life including making Yerin unnie happy.

     I know that I’ve always been a bad dongsaeng for her. I always and she oftenly frustrated with me. Even she never told me, I had always know it.

     But, her presence are torturing me. Yes, HER. That HER.

Looking at her was like killing yourself slowly without your knowing.

I was in danger situation.

     I found myself melt in her eyes. My hands are cold and I start to sweat a lot. My tongue would froze and my brain shockingly unfunctional. I cannot control myself.

     There was also a feeling that I never felt before. Yeah, I don’t know what it is but it happen when I saw she was talking with Yerin unnie.

It’s kinda like,

     ‘talk again and I would break your bone.’

     ‘how dare you are looking at her like that!’

     ‘you little punk, don’t talk to her!’

It’s like that.


Can someone tell me what it is?




     Yuju and Yerin decide to get back to downstairs before SinB discover them ‘spying’ on her. They were right. After 5 minutes they come down, SinB came and join them.

     “Where are you from?” Yerin asks as if she know nothing. “Somewhere.” SinB replied.

Yuju just look at SinB. SinB is being secretive.

     “Oh, I think it’s getting late. We should get going.” Yuju said, breaking the silent. The others nod and get up from their seat.

     “Unnie is true. Should we go now?” Dahyun said.

“Yeah, you guys should get going.” Yerin said. They all packing their stuff and went to Yerin then bid a goodbye. The only left in the restaurant were Yerin, SinB and Yuju.

     “So, Yuju. See you again.” Yerin said and pulls Yuju into a hug. Here comes SinB’s glare.

“Just when did you become so close with each other?” SinB asks sarcastically. Yerin smirks and lift and eye brow to SinB.

     “Wae, you jealous?”


Here comes an eye staring competition between the two sisters while Yuju awkwardly standing in between.

     “Unnie, when would you stop talking nonsense?”

     “What? I’m in the fault now?”

     “Yes, you’re always in fault, unnie.”

     “Omo, are you challenging me SinB?”

     “You think?”



“STOP! You two stop it!”


      The two sisters look up to Yuju who is wearing her frustrated look on her face. “If you guys keep fighting, when we could get to work again?”

      SinB seems to be knocking her sense first. “You’re right. I would be crazy if I keep talking to her.”


     “Okay okay, I got it. Yerin unnie, we go first, okay?” Yuju said.

“Bye unnie.” SinB said before she follow Yuju outside.




     A week had past and the five friends were busy with their own works. One day, SinB was arranging her table when a nurse is calling for her.

     “Intern Hwang? Choi songsaeng is looking for you.”

SinB frown to the order. “Where is she?”

     “At her office.”

     SinB practically walks quickly to the destination as the doctor might need something. When she enter her office, she don’t see nothing else beside the doctor who is putting her head on the table.

     “Unnie?” She called out. There were just the two of them in the office so she could call her ‘unnie’.

     Upon hearing her name being called, Yuju lift her head and saw SinB who is looking at her worriedly. “Oh, SinB-ah.”

     SinB walks closer to the latter and asks what happened. “Is there anything you want me to do?”

“I’m sorry, SinB-ah but I really need your help.”

     SinB tilted her head in confusion but later startle when Yuju get up from her chair and practically dragging her outside to somewhere. “Follow me.” She said.

     SinB has her mind blank. She couldn’t help but to look at their connected hand. Yeah, Yuju is holding her hand and SinB don’t know what to do. They are running through the hall and later enter a room that full with white file.




     Eunha and Sowon was walking together with intertwined hand along the hall when Sowon heard a voice is calling her name.

     “Kim songsaengnim!” From afar, the two could see a figure is lightly running towards them.

“Oh, Solar-ssi. Wae?” Sowon asks. The latter is one from her team. There must be something important.

     “Kim songsaengnim, I would like an explanation about this one.” Said the girl while showing Sowon the file that she is holding. Sowon leans in and suddenly Eunha become invisible between them.

     Eunha is uncomfortable with their gap. The girl that Sowon called as Solar-ssi is dangerously close with her girlfriend. Eunha’s cheeks are slowly becoming red, but not because of a good reason. Her eyes are darting towards the intern, killing the girl in silent. Not that she doesn’t believe Sowon, she just don’t believe Solar.

     “Ahem.” Eunha clears intentionally. She just want to remind her presence but none of them pay attention. Eunha hiss.

     “You understand what I’m talking about, right?” Sowon asks Solar.

“Umm… actually not all but I’m trying to.” The latter answer. Eunha don’t know why but she don’t like the way the innocent girl talk.

     “It’s okay. If you happen don’t understand it, you can always ask me. I’ll help you.” Sowon sincerely said and Eunha rolls her eyes. The girl bow slightly before bidding good bye.

     “Tsk.” Eunha mumbles and that doesn’t go unnoticed by Sowon.


     Eunha glances at the latter before turning her back on her and walks away. Sowon is dumb founded. She scratchs her not-so-itchy head.


“What did I do again?”




     Meanwhile, in one room, the atmosphere is awkward. Yuju and SinB are practically ducking and jumping just to find one thing.

     “I’m sorry for asking you to help me so suddenly.” Yuju said while her hands are busy arranging some files.

     “It’s okay, unnie.” SinB said as she pass another file to Yuju.

“Ouch!” Yuju winces and that grabs SinB’s attention.

     “Wae? Let me take a look.” SinB said worriedly and walk beside the latter. She saw that Yuju’s finger is bleeding. “Ah…”

     SinB is searching her pocket for a tissue but she couldn’t find any. Frustrated mixed with worried feelings. SinB reaching for Yuju’s hand and pulling it into . Yuju’s mouth is agaped widely. She is so startle by SinB’s action.

     While SinB, she looked so focus on Yuju’s cut until she doesn’t notice the look she got from Yuju.

     Yuju eyes are fixed on this lady. SinB look so pretty when she is focusing on doing something. These past days, she always had her eyes on the girl, when they are working at ER section. SinB is smart and she can pick up very easily. She had seen on how she treated patients, especially elders. She can tell that the elders are really like her and not like other interns. Other interns always make a mistake and sometimes pissed off the patients.

     But not SinB. She know how to treated patients.

“Ah, you need to be treat properly. Follow me.”

“Uh? Wait—“

     Before she could say anything, SinB holds her other hand and drags her outside from the room.

“But SinB, we’re still—“

“No but, unnie. I don’t want you to get infect by the dust in the room.” SinB said as they are walking hand in hand to somewhere. A pink tint form on both Yuju’s cheeks.





     “Ouch,” Yuju flinch at the sudden touch of the cotton swab on her fresh cut. She heard SinB giggles.

“What’s so funny?” Yuju said, trying to sound piss off.

     “Ani. You’re a doctor but you flinch on a small cut.” SinB said and giggles again. It’s sound like an angel’s voice to Yuju’s ears.

     “It’s still hurt though.” Yuju replies then flinch again when SinB touch her wound again.

“Look at you. You’ve open many people’s chest yet you act like a little kid.”

     Yuju’s scoff. “Who is the kid? Yah, you’re younger than me.”

“Tsk. Whatever.” SinB said as she wrap a handiplast on the latter’s finger. “Done.” She said and start to pack the first aid kit.

     Yuju looks at the younger one. “Why are you doing this?” She asks and that grabs SinB’s attention to her. “Do what?”

“This.” Yuju paused as she lift her hand, showing the newly wrap on her finger. “Treating my wound. I can do it myself.”

     SinB sighs. “Wae? You don’t like it?”

“I’m not saying anything. I just asked you why though.”

     SinB looks into Yuju’s eyes. “I don’t know. I just feel so. No particular reason.”




“Maybe because you’re special?”





Ah... what am I writing?

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Chapter 8: Please continue this story author-nimㅠㅠ
Amd you dont even reveal whats yuju's dark secret to us yet?
Its been years since your last update authornimㅠㅠ Please continue this story, im waiting for ittt. It sossso good
temereani #5
Chapter 8: um please update?
Chapter 8: I’m usually a silent reader but this rare sinju fanfic is so good. It gives me Kdrama feels please update soon :))
Gfriend_luv #7
Chapter 8: Update please~~~ TT
I'm always waiting for your updates authornim! Please continue this story too! I miss it and I would like to know what happen in the next chapter. Anyway Fighting!
Chapter 8: Hi author-nim!..
i Re-read this story again today..
and after i finish,, i just realized i really miss you, your story and your update author-nim .. heheehe
please update this story if you already have times author-nim,, i'll be waiting.. ^_^
love yaaa <3