Day 4.5

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“Hey chill. Calm your . OMG stop shouting!”

“I’m so sorry!”

“Please stop shou—“

“You two this is a library keep your arguments outside. 1st warning.”


Great. Not even one hour I’m here, I already got a warning. “Gee thanks screamer.” I sneered at the boy who is still kneeling and with his head forward looking down as if the floor is the most attractive thing to even look at. Ok I take that back. Our library’s second floor is carpeted throughout and it’s a deep maroon with intricate patterns something akin to vines throughout the floor.


“Sor—“ I cut the boy’s apology, “Save it. It’s the past. A sorry won’t reverse back time.”

“What are you doing, crouching to the bottom shelves anyways?”

“umm…err… i-it’s..i was..”

“If you don’t want to talk to me just say so. Bye.” I was about to turned around and look for a spot to snooze.

“I like fairytales. Especially the originals before all the magical and happy ever after.” The boy whispered.

“Oh? You mean the gore ones? Like when Cinderella’s step sisters cut their toes to fit the glass slipper that kind of fairytales?” I double confirmed it with him. He nodded.

“Interesting. I didn’t know such books would be made available in a rich kids’ school.”

I looked at him and he finally made eye contact with for the same time. Wide eyes and wide mouth greeted my sight. Welp there goes first impressions.


“You think it’s interesting too? Not like..umm.. weird?” He said unsurely, with worry lacing his words.

“Yeah I like blood.” And I wish to die soon. I shouldn’t tell people that or there’ll be more ‘sunny’ in my life urgh.


He stood and held a book. He signaled me to follow me. Beyond the shelves on the inner left of the floor, there are beautiful wide windows that covers top to bottom and a large bench that is rest against on the window’s lower wall. He sat at the corner with colorful cushions and the benches are like carpeted with soft brown color contrasting with the dark maroon carpet on the floor. The boy rest his back against the wall and I sat opposite him, cross-legged.


“This is my favorite book. It’s abou—“ He started and I could tell he is super excited. What happen to the quiet and panic boy just now? I cut him off, “Wait. First tell me your name and class.”

“Oh. How silly of me to think you would have notice me hehe” There the boy I met just now so bashful. “I’m Hoseok. Kim Hoseok.” “What do you mean I would have noticed? Have we met before?” That’s impossible but oh wells.


“Oh um I’m in your class…” Oh…Oh. “Anyways this story is the best out of all the original fairytales…”


“Um… I’m lame right…?” He stopped babbling and storytelling. I honestly didn’t ca

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Starcruise #1
Chapter 8: I just found this story and now i'm theme story is my cup of tea and i will be waiting for your next update!!!