Day 3

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“It’s mine! Give it back!”


“Hyuuunggg~ shower with me~”

“Urgh hunnie can we please have breakfast first??”



oh my god can they shut their mouth???!!! Right you guys must be wondering what happened and did I miss out a day breathing (huh I wish) But here’s what happened.

“Soo honey, I know you’re tired but we need to get some dinner before we go home. Is there anything you want to eat Ki?” Squishy boy looked super sleepy, so I just shrugged hoping they would just stop soon and get dinner over and done with.

“Well, Yifan I guess we should just dine at the nearest rest station. Gotta feed Soo before he sleeps.” Why is Junmyeon so concerned about squishy sleeping before dinner? Meh I don’t care.

So giraffe stopped at the gas station and beside it there’s a local pizza diner. Nice. Junmyeon opened the door for me while giraffe took Soo from the other side.

“Yifan go ahead, I’ll catch up with you. Order for all 4 of us. Remember no olives and anchovies this time please!” Giraffe nodded and took squishy with him.

“Now you little lady. We need to cover you up. It’s getting colder as the day gets darker. Our home is still quite far.” Junmyeon said while opening the trunk and opening my backpack. He took out some old pullover and an old black beanie. I felt the chills of the cold night wind.

“You’ll freeze to death. Gosh you’re so bony. I’m gonna fatten you up once we reached home.” Freeze to death?? I could die of coldness? Light bulb!

“Now come on wear this…this pullover. Urgh what did that lady feed and dress you in?” Junmyeon was fussing about me. I honestly rather freeze to death now. Junmyeon tried to put the pullover on me but I refuse. I crossed my arms and looked away.

“Come on Ki. It’s getting colder. You don’t want to freeze to death now are you? I don’t want to eat cold pizza. Please??” Junmyeon begged but I still refuse. He sighed…

“At least the beanie pweaseeeeeee~” I did the biggest mistake in my life by turning my head and looked at his puppy eyes and his pout. I grumbled and took the beanie and wore it. Junmyeon smiled. He closed the trunk, lock the car and took my hand going towards the pizza diner. Nobody held my hands before. It feels… nice?

We spotted giraffe and squishy boy sitting at one of the corner booth. Gawd the air condition here is unforgiving. It’s so cold. That mean I can die faster. Assa! “The pizza is still warm but if you’re still dilly dallying right now, the pizza is gonna turn cold.” Giraffe said. The sitting arrangement is like this;




Junmyeon served us all pizza slices each of got 2. There was a basket of fries with cheese,4 drumlettes dripping in honey, a plate of garlic bread, 2 hot chocolates with marshmallow and 2 hot cinnamon latte. Wow. I suddenly felt super hungry. We dine in silence. Squishy boy kept staring at me throughout dinner. It was weird but the food is too delicious to care about some staring contest. The warm food instantly warmed me up. My mouth kept chewing the phenomenal flavors. 

“So, I’m guessing this is your first time eating this kind of food.” Giraffe said to me. I nodded. Why can’t red dragon cook these for us?? The small chatters between the adults and occasionally laughs from them went unnoticed by me cause of the good food. As we finish up our drinks, squishy boy offered me some tissue. He pointed at my mouth? Chin? Cheeks? Giraffe chuckled and took the tissue from me and wipe my lips. Apparently they were some chocolate still there. He wipes it all clean. Junmyeon decided to bring squishy boy to the loo before we drive off. They didn’t exactly tell me how long till we reach ‘home’. I have inkling that that it’ll be long and it’s gonna be hard to find a toilet.

I tugged on giraffe’s sleeve and pointed to the loo.

“Toilet too? Ok let’s go. It is a long journey till we reach home. Can you go to the toilet alone? I’ll wait right outside here. Just scream if anything happens.” I quickly nodded and went in to the first cubicle I see. I was emptying my tank but as I’m reaching the end of it, I don’t see any toilet paper. GREAT. JUST GREAT. How am I supposed to clean myself then?? Urghhhh.


Just scream if you need anything

Yeah as if. They probably left without me already. Why am I so stupid? Maybe I’m meant to die here. Alone in this cold seat. With no toilet paper to clean myself. . I’m cold… Is this the sign of dying… It should be. Finally I’m gonna di---

“Achoo! *sniff*”  “Ki do you need anything? You’re in there for so long already. Ki? Ki?” Giraffe’s voice filled up the empty cold toilet. I’m the only one who’s the toilet so he’s knocking on my stall door calling my name.

“I’m not deaf and why are you in the ladies? If you didn’t know the gents are on the other side.”

“Ha you are in there.  You took so long, I thought you freezing your or something cause Junmyeon certainly did. Hahaha.” Sigh… I failed again. Maybe it’s the right time and place. This toilet is too disgusting to die in.

“I just need toilet paper.” I heard some shuffling and a cabinet door opening and closing. Then I saw a hand with toilet paper at the bottom of the door.

“Thanks. You can go now.” After I was sure he was gone, I clean myself. Getting out of the stall, I washed my hands with some cheap liquid soap. Well the strawberry smell is strong and nice. I came out of the toilet immediately I see giraffe.


“Let’s go. Junmyeon and Soo went to buy some snacks and drinks, for our journey home at the petrol station shop. We should wait for them in the car This place is so cold.” Giraffe went ahead, I follow right behind him. As soon as we stepped out of the diner- “Achoo! *sniff*” Giraffe stopped walking and looked at me. I was wearing a long sleeve plain black shirt with long black pants someone donated years ago.


Giraffe peal his sweater off and put it on me. It was warm. So warm and big and fluffy. I look like I’m wearing some sweater dress and really long sleeved ones. It was so comfortable. My belly is filled to the brim and now it’s so cozy, I really feel sleepy already. I was yawning till I had tears. Giraffe held my hand. Unlike Junmyeon’s comforting hand, giraffe’s hands are so big and I feel safe in it.


We reached the car and giraffe opened the car door for me. He helped me with the seatbelt. Just as he giraffe close my door, Junmyeon and squishy boy came back. He looked happy and tired at the same time. He brought the plastic bag full of snacks like gummy bears, some candies and four bottle drinks, in between our seats. All of them are apple juice. So that’s why he must be so happy. After squishy boy safely strapped in, so am I, Junmyeon and giraffe too, we set off for our journey home.

During the journey I remembered squishy boy some flat black device and watch the weird penguin cartoon. He tried to get me to watch it together with him but I was more interested in the candy. We drank our apple juice and ate our candies. The dark highway with several cars passed by from both our direction and the opposite seem relaxing. Endless trees and some open field with some mountains. It makes me sleepy. I turned my head away from the window and I realized squishy boy is asleep. I think I yawned a big too loud this time cause the next minute Junmyeon switched the Pororo soundtrack. Yes I figured that the weird penguin has a name. Junmyeon changed to some really soothing acoustic songs. All I remembered last before I slept was the endless trees and wondered if she would have left me in the woods. Nowhere to go and n

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Starcruise #1
Chapter 8: I just found this story and now i'm theme story is my cup of tea and i will be waiting for your next update!!!