Day 1

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It’s just a day of doing the monotonous thing in life, breathing. It’s a new day in my 9 years of living. Nothing’s change. I still want to kill myself every time I inhale the precious air of earth. Don’t get me wrong, I tried killing myself several times in many occasions. It didn’t exactly end right or I was just too stupid. Stupid for letting a perfect plan gone to waste.


1st Attempt

Why is it not cutting me? I tried on the hard onions, hard carrots, hard eggs but not my soft wrist? I watched that video and doing the same thing as the girl… Whyyyy…. “Oh my! Ki this knife is only for cutting these wooden ingredients. Here let me show you.” Oh great the smarty and angelic Sunny is here to ‘save’ my day. Again. This bob haired girl put the two halves of the onions, carrots and eggs that I cut up just now. She cut the “wooden ingredients” and it made the ssst sound. Similar to when I put on my shoes. The sticky cloth. What was it again? Vakro? Vaschor? Velkrus? Yea that sticky thing. “There you go Ki. See now you can cook. What are you cooking? Vegetables soup? I hate vegetables. Do you eat them Ki? My mother---" Blah blah blah. I didn’t need her help. Stupid Sunny. She should just go away with the sun every day and never come back. The next. Who wants to be in the weltering hot sunny weather.

“Wow Sunny is so good at cutting vegetables.”

“Uwahh she is so smart!”

“She helped the poor dummy ki again!”

“Oh my god Ki is taking angelic Sunny away from us.”

These kids obviously need to be taught on how to whisper and learn how to talk “someone’s back” properly. “Go away Sunny. You ruined my day. Again” “Oh…Again Ki? I’m sorry. Maybe we should play something else and make you smile?”

She didn’t get it. “Bug off you stupid Sunny. Leave me alone.”

“So mean! Ki leave our angel alone!”

“Yeah Ki! Nobody wants to be friends with you!”


Pfft stupid kids.


2nd Attempt

The girl jumped off a high place and died immediately. It’s the fastest method. I should try it too. Ok I can do this. Nobody is here. Perfect. Ok one last breath. Another one last breath. Just one more last breath. Ok This is the last one brea--- WHAT?! I’M FALLING? Heh, I ‘m so eager to die. Goodbye world. I can finally close my

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Starcruise #1
Chapter 8: I just found this story and now i'm theme story is my cup of tea and i will be waiting for your next update!!!