Jin was still looking at Namjoon observing the latter's face until his gaze drop at Namjoon's lips

No no no jin, stop

Jin gulped and looked away, disturbing his thoughts by eating pizza but his eyes were like made to gaze at Namjoon's face then he noticed that tears are running down on the younger's cheeks and it alarmed Jin.

"hey hey, don't cry"

"I'm not crying. I just had allergies"

"okay big boy. But its okay to cry"

Jin scooted closer to Namjoon and comforted him by laying his head on his shoulder and slowly running his hand on his back.

" Don't  cry. Girls like that doesn't deserve you "

He keep on comforting Namjoon till his breathe are steady. Namjoon back away and smiled softly, wipping off the tears. Jin blinked his eyes at the sight, Namjoon's rosy cheeks, dimples appearing from that small smile made Jin's heart skipped a beat.

Before he knew it , he's gazing at Namjoon's plump lips and slowly leaning on Namjoon till his lips touched Namjoon's. 

Namjoon got surprise on their lips were touching and he quickly bolted away.

" I'm sorry"

That was the last words of Namjoon before running out of Jin's apartment. Jin's heart got turned into ashes, he was so ashamed on what he did to Namjoon, it was just like taking advantage of him. 

Jin curled into a ball on his couch,

great, now i lost a friend

Hours turned into Days,

Days turned into Weeks

Their daily meet up at Jin's school was stop. They also stop texting each other and Jin was blaming himself. Maybe if he stopped himself, they're still be friends, talking and having lovely cafe dates. 

Oh, ofcourse its a "lovely cafe dates" for me, and its just "going to cafe" for him.

It's now unrequited love and Jin's moods were always gloomy and it made Taehyung and Hoseok worried. They tried to make Jin smile again but they keep only hearing a sigh from him. 

Hoseok cuddling on Yoongi's chest while Yoongi was playing on Hoseok's hair.

"Its been a while since i heard Seokjinnie hyung dad jokes. I thought i would hate it but now i'm craving for it" Hoseok chuckled a bit.

"Isn't Joon is always on Seokjin's side? He told me before that he always waiting at your school gate" Yoongi asked and Hoseok nodded his head.

"And they dont see each other nowadays "

Yoongi snapped his fingers 

"Maybe something's wrong between them. I dont see Namjoon's deep dimples for a while"

"Should we do something? Mission : Namjin ??" Hoseok smiled and wiggled his eyebrows at Yoongi

"Yeah, maybe we need Taehyung's help too"

Hoseok decided to call Taehyung 

"Taehyung?? Are you still aliveeeee?"

"nahhh, Hyung's gloominess are suffocating me"

"Yoongi and I decided to have a mission with you"

"what mission?"

" Mission : Namjin"

"what the is Namjin?"

"its Namjoon and Jin hyung names combined, "

"ohhh!!! Okay okay, I'm in! "

The phone call got ended and it made Taehyung smile, he missed his hyung's unique laugh.



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yo! im sorry for not updating at all. its just im busy with work. i could say that this story will go under slow update. but i swear just few more motivation from you guys, my readers and subscribers , it will help me to write during my break to improve more and finish this as soon as i can. love u


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Chapter 14: uwaaaa jungkookieeee ♡♡♡ lucky jin to haf friends like them..wait...and namjoon never look for jin for the whole 9months?? namjoon are u fcking kidding me?????
allesh #2
Chapter 14: The kim...chi name is always funny to me and the scene where they are going to the hispital is hilarious. How could they forget tha patient. Can't wait for kookie to grow up. Please update soon
Umin92 #3
Chapter 14: What kind of inspiration? Idk if i can be any help but i will try
Chapter 13: youuuuuuuu.... u better updateeeeee !!!!!!!! awwhhh jinnie babbyyyyy ㅠㅠ poor my babbyyyyyyy nooooo
update pleaaassseeeeee ㅠㅠ
allesh #5
Chapter 13: Namjoon is so stupid here. Why cant he just say the truth. Can't wait for your next update
Chapter 13: At least he actually loved him... but man.. joon you really done did ed up
swagminsuga #7
Chapter 13: OMG!!!!! (¤.¤)
Umin92 #8
Chapter 13: Glad that namjoon actually loves seokjin...
Chapter 13: I hope that you will make long chapters ...It ends quickly once you get into :(((
allesh #10
Chapter 12: Well its nice to know his side of the story but still I dont like what he did to jin. Will wait for your update