A pang on his chest as the memories flooded his mind it hurt him so much. Seokjin was so speechless that he saw again the man he loved but hurted him as well. He never believed in love again. 

"k-kookie, come to daddy. We're going home" Seokjin reached for Jungkook's hand which it happily took by the child, he carry him on his arms securely. He's ready to go home but Namjoon's voice stopped on his tracks.

"is... that our son?" Namjoon asked him cautiously but seokjin ignored the question and walks away from Namjoon. But he knew, he knew that the man is following him.

"hey, stop! I think its my right to ask if thats my son? Yoongi said something about you before and i was so worried about you"

"if  this is your son, what would you do?" seokjin stop and turns to look at namjoon coldly then continue, "you're going to say sorry? you're going to ask my forgiveness? you're going to say that you regretted everything that happened before? or --"

" i know you're not going to forgive me, but I just wanted you to know what exactly happened. It's not that I didn't love you at all.."

Seokjin snorted, "oh please namjoon! I saw everything with my own eyes. If you're in my position... what would you do if you caught your beloved boyfriend cheating? what would you do huh? especially if you wanted to surprise him that he's going to be a dad" seokjin tries to maintain his cold expression but the pinch on his chest that he's feeling make his eyebrows furrows , saying to his mind that he's not weak, he won't cry again because of this.

" I would not talk to him..."

"and that's what i'm trying to do, you know?"

"yeah, but it's been 3 years... I missed you so much, jinnie"

"don't start me with that " jinnie" you don't have right to say that to me, you're now stranger to me, I forgot everything that happened before. I'm happy now with my son" He smiled, emphasizing the word "my" on his sentence, and also he did not forget everything, he can't just remove those happy memories with Namjoon before.

He tried, but he couldn't.

"well, good bye , Namjoon"

"wait, do you have a boyfriend now?"

"no, i don't have. but if you're trying to get me, please stop. I don't have any feelings for you anymore. Good bye"

Namjoon's world turned into black n' white again , watching his man disappearing again. Jungkook wave his hand at namjoon with a smile revealing his bunny tooth and dimple on his left cheek. Suddenly his motivation came back. He want to see his son again, he want to see seokjin smile again.


" So you meet Namjoon again? how? " Hoseok asks while feeding Jungkook with his birthday cake.

"yeah, actually he helped kookie to reach ryan. because you know how kookie loves ryan so much and ryan was walking on the street. Jungkook was so happy"

"....hmmm, interesting, and Namjoon loves ryan too , right? oho~! He got it from Namjoon~. okay okay, Jungkookie, got his father's dimples and love for ryan."

" I was so surprised yet happy to see him again, but what happened before left a mark inside my heart , you know? plus, I said to him that stop if he's trying to get me."

"THATS A WRONG MOVEEEE , SEOKJIINNN! you should also think for your son. It's not good for a child not knowing his father. I think Jungkook would be happy again, if he see Namjoon. He can have a father and son bonding"

"Jungkook has 4 fathers, Me you , yoongi and taehyung. He is also happy when its the 5 of us. You know, I would like to have their bonding but, every time i see namjoon's face, you see i can see him everywhere because he's an idol now, I remembered everything from the past. it hurts, hoseokkie. I thought I moved on, but after i saw him today, i realized that i'm not moved on, after 3 years...."








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yo! im sorry for not updating at all. its just im busy with work. i could say that this story will go under slow update. but i swear just few more motivation from you guys, my readers and subscribers , it will help me to write during my break to improve more and finish this as soon as i can. love u


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Chapter 14: uwaaaa jungkookieeee ♡♡♡ lucky jin to haf friends like them..wait...and namjoon never look for jin for the whole 9months?? namjoon are u fcking kidding me?????
allesh #2
Chapter 14: The kim...chi name is always funny to me and the scene where they are going to the hispital is hilarious. How could they forget tha patient. Can't wait for kookie to grow up. Please update soon
Umin92 #3
Chapter 14: What kind of inspiration? Idk if i can be any help but i will try
Chapter 13: youuuuuuuu.... u better updateeeeee !!!!!!!! awwhhh jinnie babbyyyyy ㅠㅠ poor my babbyyyyyyy nooooo
update pleaaassseeeeee ㅠㅠ
allesh #5
Chapter 13: Namjoon is so stupid here. Why cant he just say the truth. Can't wait for your next update
Chapter 13: At least he actually loved him... but man.. joon you really done did ed up
swagminsuga #7
Chapter 13: OMG!!!!! (¤.¤)
Umin92 #8
Chapter 13: Glad that namjoon actually loves seokjin...
Chapter 13: I hope that you will make long chapters ...It ends quickly once you get into :(((
allesh #10
Chapter 12: Well its nice to know his side of the story but still I dont like what he did to jin. Will wait for your update