I admit that these past few weeks - months I've been cold to Seokjin , it hurts me also that everytime I see Seokjin he was trying to talk to me but I'm confused on how I'm going to talk to him, my ex , Seul came back to my life -- yes, we're talking since then , but we don't see each other. 

That night , I was so drunk , I let myself drowned in liquor like I'm expecting that it would help me to solve my problems. Morning came, I knew something happened to me and Seokjin because I saw tons of hickies on his neck and collarbone, but I want to forget everything, I'm confused and mad to myself, why the heck I agreed to that ing dare and also for getting god damn jealous to Yoongi whenever Seokjin talk about him.


 After I answered Zico , "well you're the one who dared me to make him fall in love with me. If I didn't tried to act like a lovesick puppy to him, then he won't fall in love" , Zico noticed someone on the door and it was Seokjin.

I'm so mad at what was happening to myself and to the surroundings, why we were talking about that dare?, why Seokjin was here? . That was the first time I saw Seokjin mad, he was never getting mad, he was our referee when some of our friends are arguing or having fight, I never saw those fire , sadness and anger on Seokjin's eyes. 

I never imagined in my life that I'm going to be the reason why Seokjin was having a problem and getting mad. 

"it's because you're gay. Namjoon is not" Seul answered then she continued, "maybe you're just that stupid not to realize that everything were fake. Namjoon never left me". That was not true , yes , I was not a gay , I never thought that I'm going to fall inlove to a guy . I wished I never agreed to that dare , that way I can love Seokjin truly and I wouldn't hurt him like this.

"we're done. Eat this ing ring and don't ever look for me. I hate you, I ing hate you!" Jin was shaking as he was removing his ring then throws it to me.

"Jin, stop! let me explain please?"

Please listen to me...

"what the do you need to explain?! I heard everything, your goddamn explained everything, you don't need to clean yourself. I hope you all had fun ." Jin wiped his tears and smiled to us. That was not his real smile, he was badly hurt and I'm the reason of it.

"Good bye Namjoon"

There... everything was done and gone. I was about to follow him but Seul stopped me.

"Babe, what? going to follow that gay?" 

"don't ing call me "babe", please, I love him than I love you. You are fake, he was real, maybe this was a dare for you guys, but thanks, I learned what real love was , sadly from his point of view everything was fake on him" I removed her arms from me, " this could ruin our friendship but I need to follow my man" I said that to Zico.

I need to follow him, Seokjin please wait for me, love..

I  was running on the hallways but a piece of black paper aught my attention and I picked it up. It was a ultrasound picture, under the patient's name ,

Kim Seokjin...

Holy ! I screamed inside my head, what the am I doing in my life?!, I'm now a father yet I ruined everything. Seokjin was here to say the good news to me but he what he got from me was a bad news, that type of bad news where you want to commit suicide on some point.

No, no , no , this can't be happening.


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yo! im sorry for not updating at all. its just im busy with work. i could say that this story will go under slow update. but i swear just few more motivation from you guys, my readers and subscribers , it will help me to write during my break to improve more and finish this as soon as i can. love u


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Chapter 14: uwaaaa jungkookieeee ♡♡♡ lucky jin to haf friends like them..wait...and namjoon never look for jin for the whole 9months?? namjoon are u fcking kidding me?????
allesh #2
Chapter 14: The kim...chi name is always funny to me and the scene where they are going to the hispital is hilarious. How could they forget tha patient. Can't wait for kookie to grow up. Please update soon
Umin92 #3
Chapter 14: What kind of inspiration? Idk if i can be any help but i will try
Chapter 13: youuuuuuuu.... u better updateeeeee !!!!!!!! awwhhh jinnie babbyyyyy ㅠㅠ poor my babbyyyyyyy nooooo
update pleaaassseeeeee ㅠㅠ
allesh #5
Chapter 13: Namjoon is so stupid here. Why cant he just say the truth. Can't wait for your next update
Chapter 13: At least he actually loved him... but man.. joon you really done did ed up
swagminsuga #7
Chapter 13: OMG!!!!! (¤.¤)
Umin92 #8
Chapter 13: Glad that namjoon actually loves seokjin...
Chapter 13: I hope that you will make long chapters ...It ends quickly once you get into :(((
allesh #10
Chapter 12: Well its nice to know his side of the story but still I dont like what he did to jin. Will wait for your update