
Little chubby hands keeps on poking seokjin's cheek to catch his attention as he is ordering a chocolate cake because it's his son's 3rd birthday.

"what is it, kookie?" he is still not looking at his son,  "ah yes, miss. please put 3 candles on it. thank you" seokjin smiled at the staff.

"daddy, rook rook! big ryan, big big !" seokjin chuckled before paying for the cake and follows where jungkook is pointing at, and its the ryan mascot outside the bakery.
"you want to see ryan?" and jungkook nodded his head cutely with clapping his chubby hands, this kind of sight will be a death of seokjin. Small dimples are appearing on his son's chubby cheeks.

They went outside the bakery to see the big ryan. Jungkook is keeping on squirming from his arms, eager to run to the mascot. Seokjin was smilling softly but he heard his ringtone and immediately fish his phone on his pocket, seeing his boss is calling.

"wait, kookie. just wait, huh? i'll answer this then we'll go to ryan okay?"

But jungkook shakes his head then he finally breaks off from his dad then runs to the mascot. Seokjin sighed before answering his phone, eyeing his son.


If a smile can make a human's face into half, Jungkook's face are almost on it. He is so happy that he can see his favorite toy walking on the street. But there's also alot of children that wants to hug his Ryan. But he is still small, children keep on pushing him until he's out of the circle, but he has this determination not to quit , fight fight fight. He run again inside the circle and keeps on struggling to get inside, tears are already gathering on his eyes, threatening to fall. He gasp as his feet loses contact on the ground and turns his head to see a man that pick him up, helping him to hug his Ryan. His tears disappeared and his pout replace by a big smile again. Happy that he is on top among his enemies, he doesn't need to struggle anymore. 

After a few minutes, Ryan waves his hand , saying goodbye to the kids. Jungkook also waves his hand at him.

"bye bye big big Ryan!"

"so where is your mom?" the stranger ask Jungkook.

"no mommy, only daddy" jungkook smiled and looks around before pointing where his father is. The stranger follows where the kid is pointing, he blinks his eyes in surprise.
"that's your dad? you are his son?"
"yes, ahjussi. I'm kookie~!" jungkook shows his bunny teeth before calling out his dad. " Daaaaaaaaaad!" he is still on his bunny teeth as he is walking towards his dad, with his hand are still with the stranger.

Seokjin looks at the direction of his son, the call just got ended. He is on his knee , arms forward to welcome his son.

"dad! this is ahjussi, helped me to ssi Ryan~~"

Seokjin looks up to this ahjussi, smiling , ready to thanks the stranger. He is quinting his eyes because the man is against the light, his smile disappear as he see the man clearly.


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yo! im sorry for not updating at all. its just im busy with work. i could say that this story will go under slow update. but i swear just few more motivation from you guys, my readers and subscribers , it will help me to write during my break to improve more and finish this as soon as i can. love u


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Chapter 14: uwaaaa jungkookieeee ♡♡♡ lucky jin to haf friends like them..wait...and namjoon never look for jin for the whole 9months?? namjoon are u fcking kidding me?????
allesh #2
Chapter 14: The kim...chi name is always funny to me and the scene where they are going to the hispital is hilarious. How could they forget tha patient. Can't wait for kookie to grow up. Please update soon
Umin92 #3
Chapter 14: What kind of inspiration? Idk if i can be any help but i will try
Chapter 13: youuuuuuuu.... u better updateeeeee !!!!!!!! awwhhh jinnie babbyyyyy ㅠㅠ poor my babbyyyyyyy nooooo
update pleaaassseeeeee ㅠㅠ
allesh #5
Chapter 13: Namjoon is so stupid here. Why cant he just say the truth. Can't wait for your next update
Chapter 13: At least he actually loved him... but man.. joon you really done did ed up
swagminsuga #7
Chapter 13: OMG!!!!! (¤.¤)
Umin92 #8
Chapter 13: Glad that namjoon actually loves seokjin...
Chapter 13: I hope that you will make long chapters ...It ends quickly once you get into :(((
allesh #10
Chapter 12: Well its nice to know his side of the story but still I dont like what he did to jin. Will wait for your update