Mine, Bro


    It was their favourite day.




    It was the only day where they had physical education.


    "Hey, Ji! I head from the other section that we're gonna play volleyball!" Seungcheol smiles as he walks over from his seat onto the chair beside Jihoon, shooing the guy sitting there (the guy too used to this that he instantly stood up to go to Seungcheol's seat in return, not even caring anymore).


    He sits down, scoots the chair closer, and wraps his arm around Jihoon while leaning fully against the back of the chair.


    Jihoon only continues playing on his phone, muttering out a lifeless yay.


    Seungcheol furrows his eyebrows at this, now digging his elbows onto Jihoon's table as he fully zips up the track suit he wore as he squints at Jihoon.


    "Are you sassing me, little guy?"


    Jihoon closes his phone, puts it in his pocket, and turns to Seungcheol. His lips pursed, face still passive, obviously not caring. And he raises his voice, mocking the elder. "Are you sassing me, little guy?"


    Hearing him, Seungcheol's eyes grow wide together with his mouth that was now hanging open as he gasped dramatically, catching the attention of their classmates.


    "What is wrong with you, Ji? Is there something I did wrong? Is the-"


    He instantly shuts up when a hand slaps itself on his mouth. Blinking, he locks eyes with Jihoon.


    "I just don't like P.E., okay? Now shut up, we're catching the other guys' attention."


    Seungcheol finally gets why, nodding slowly before he sees the pink dusting on Jihoon's cheeks. Not even a second after the hand retreats from his mouth and he's already cooing at Jihoon for being such a cutie.


    He got punched on the shoulder.


    Half of the class snickered and laughed at him.




    It was finally four in the afternoon. Their class hurrying inside the gymnasium.


    "Group yourselves into two. Odd numbered class numbers go on the left, even numbers go on the right. We're playing volleyball." The teaches says as she climbs up the referee stand.


    Waiting for everyone to settle down, she looks around for a bit before asking for the representative of each side.


    The two students walk to each other and they get surprised upon seeing who it is.


    "Seungcheol," Jihoon sneers, his competitiveness rising in him.


    "Baby," Seungcheol smirks.


    Jihoon's team mates get to prevent him from punching the hell out of Seungcheol.


    Jihoon gets heads while Seungcheol gets tails. Tails being the winner.


    Getting the ball, they go back to their place and Seungcheol realizes that Jihoon was the libero for this game.


    Seungcheol was first to serve. He dribbles the ball a few times, no one noticing that he locked eyes with the player of the other team.


    Jihoon nods slightly with a smile, Seungcheol reciprocating it as he throws the ball up and slams it to the other side.


    It was a good serve.




    It was on their second set when Jihoon and Seungcheol decides upon it to themselves that they just wanted to cut.


    The game continues, the ball going to and fro from Jihoon's team to Seungcheol's.


    Two players on Seungcheol's team decides to do a quick, Seungkwan tossing the ball before Seokmin smashes it instantly.


    Seeing what happened, Jihoon runs at full speed from the edge of the court to the front. "Mine mine mine!" He screams before diving to catch the ball.


    He manages to catch the ball, tossing it to the other side.


    "Seungcheol, it's on your side, catch i-where the are you?" They all hear Seungkwan scream, the teacher pretending not to hear it as they all look at the back and see that Seungcheol wasn't there anymore.


    The ball dropping as their teacher blows the whistle.


    All eyes turning to the black haired man who was now on the other side of the net, his arm casually slung on Jihoon's shoulder. The two of them not caring anymore as they were already walking towards the bleachers.


    "Oh come on!" Seungkwan stomps, "we were winning! What gives?"


    Seungcheol looks back, a smirk on his lips as he shrugs. "Well, Jihoon did keep on screaming mine. And I am his. So…"


    They watch as both he and Jihoon laughed. Reaching the bleachers, the two just slouch and continue talking as if nothing happened.


    Most of their classmates, along with their teacher, wide eyed from the revelation, but Seungkwan wasn't impressed.


    "Oh, shut your gay asses, you ruined the game, Choi!"


    Seungkwan gets a red slip.


    The class unaware of the continuous giggling from Jihoon and Seungcheol.


    "That was great, dude."


    "Told you it'd work," Seungcheol shrugs.


    "Think we can do that excuse again next time?"


    He thinks about it for a couple of seconds. "Nah, ma'am already knows our technique. Plus, this sem is ending anyway, our teacher's gonna change."


    "… Oh yeah, you're right." Jihoon laughs.


    Seungcheol only laughs along before hugging the man. "Stupid… Mine."


    Hearing the words, Jihoon gets a disgusted look on his face as he plants his hand on Seungcheol's forehead, pushing him away. "Ugh. Front's over, dude. Stop with the sap."


    Seungcheol doesn't stop from being the clingy bear he was and forces himself to hug the younger. "You love this sap."


    Jihoon was just about to retort something clever when they hear their teacher's scream at them.


    "Choi! Lee! Get down, class is over!"


    The two follows the command.


And no, they are still not together lmao

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kamoi_mac #1
Chapter 11: From chapter 1 I have been laughing. Cheol is soooooooooooooooo dramatic lol. Being extra with everything. Their friendship is really.
Chapter 11: bro don't do this to me
Chapter 11: I love this so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Chapter 11: great jigyu on the move, will seungcheol feel jealous anyway?
esperfraud #5
Chapter 9: Aaaah this was the cutest thing everrrr
I really really like this idea of Jicheol being the closest friends for the longest time and them being so familiar with each other and just in general being bff goals. Because that is adorable and so fitting considering how close Predebut Jicheol were.
Aaaah this chapter omg. Cheol wyd. That was sweet but embarrassing nooooo. I really like how he connected their tables together. And how he rested his head on his arms and copied Jihoon. Also the putting his arm around him and stoking his hair thing. I just found that really adorable. Aaaah this chapter is too cute!!!
"He gets pinched from time to time but he ignores it, loving the feeling of his best-friend finally with him in class—as well as the feeling of how silky his hair was."
That's happy Cheol in his purest form. It's adorable how happy he is just by having his bf with him in class awws
Not to mention the fun way you write omg I GIGGLED SO MUCH AT THE GEE JOKE
The last part I love it sm I'm laugjing so hard. Cheol stop!!! Cheol's cringey but cute little speech + the kissy face and Jihoon covering his face with his hands was so perfect I can imagine the scene so clearly omg
I love this fic so much author. I am 110% serious when I say it's one of my favorite Jicheol fics of all time. Author nim, we all get insecure about the things we love to do sometimes which . I'm really happy to hear that you managed to overcome it and strived to be better than to mope and give up. FIGHTING, AUTHOR NIM!!! I AM SUPPORT!!!
sky_dreams #6
Chapter 9: Seungcheol is so freaking embarrassing. And Jihoon is so freaking cute. And I'm a potato.
Chapter 9: I hope all is fine with u now~ and yeah pla do write for ur own happiness..i'll support u with what i can
Chapter 9: kill me. jicheol oh my gaowijush
Jihoon_98 #9
Chapter 9: Seungcheol is like one of friend you must have. A friend that always do something weird just to embarrassed you.
Chapter 9: wtf choi seungcheol. You're so embarrassing xD