Give It, Bro


    "Why are we here again?"


    "… Weren't we supposed to start our project?"


    "Oh yeah. That thing."


    They finally realize their purpose there but a few minutes later and they find themselves playing SF.


    "Hey, I'm your partner, stupid! You shouldn't shoot me!" Jihoon screams.


    "I get it, sorry! Just stop kicking me!" Seungcheol screams back as he swerved Jihoon's foot dangling on the edge of the bed. Why did he even sit on the floor when he could sit beside Jihoon on the bed, damn it.


    It was an hour later, showing that it was already half past three when the two get anxious, having not accomplished even one topic in their project.


    "We should really start our project," Seungcheol mumbles while furiously pressing on the console.


    "Yeah," Jihoon agrees while assisting Seungcheol.


    The room blares with the sound of guns shooting aimlessly when they suddenly hear a knock.


    "Do you guys wanna eat someth-wait, aren't you supposed to be doing your project?" Seungcheol's sister asks while opening the door.


    Seungcheol pauses the game. The two of them looking at Seungcheol's sister before they look at each other.


    "We just finished it a while ago so we're playing," the two men say the lie in sync.


    "Oh, okay good. So, d'you wanna eat anything? Mum's asking."


    "Nah, we're goo-"


    "Yeah. Grab us some chips, 'kay?" Seungcheol cuts Jihoon.


    Getting it, she closes the door and goes back down to retrieve their food.


    "You didn't have to slap my knee, dumb ." Jihoon sneers before throwing his console on the floor, barely hitting Seungcheol's thigh.


    Seungcheol only chuckles at the younger's pettiness. He shuts the television off and climbs his bed as he sits beside Jihoon. The two of them beside each other, backs against the wall, legs stretched before them.




    "… So…"


    "Wanna do the project?" Jihoon asks while hugging one of Seungcheol's pillow tightly.


    Seungcheol only purses his lips before shrugging, "nah." And without waiting for a second, Seungcheol tries to snatch his pillow away from the younger's arms only to grunt frustratedly when Jihoon tightens his hold around it.


    Wanting to get his pillow, Seungcheol grabs an end and pulls on it again, face now contorted in competitiveness. "ing. Give it. To. Me. You ."


    "You have other pillows there. Get that," Jihoon hisses, foot now kicking Seungcheol's sides as the elder was slowly nearing him every time they push and pulled.


    The two, in heat of their petty argument, doesn't notice Seungcheol's sister coming in with the bags of chips in hand as she gets surprised.


    She drops the bags near the door and instantly shuts it before running down while screaming at the top of her lungs. "Ma! Pa! Seungcheol oppa's gay!"


    Her mother and father not getting what she said. The two oblivious of how their daughter saw Seungcheol straddling Jihoon, their son furiously (unconsciously) grinding on top of Jihoon as the two fought for the innocent pillow.


    "Honey, teasing your brother is bad."


    "I knew it."


    "Honey, our son is not gay."


    "But have you seen Seungcheol's ?"


    "Whatever. Just let him be."


    The three of the Choi family oblivious of how Seungcheol and Jihoon's ruckus turned into a game of wrestling.


    No innuendo intended.


    And the two didn't get to start their project but they did get to do an impromptu sleep over.

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kamoi_mac #1
Chapter 11: From chapter 1 I have been laughing. Cheol is soooooooooooooooo dramatic lol. Being extra with everything. Their friendship is really.
Chapter 11: bro don't do this to me
Chapter 11: I love this so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Chapter 11: great jigyu on the move, will seungcheol feel jealous anyway?
esperfraud #5
Chapter 9: Aaaah this was the cutest thing everrrr
I really really like this idea of Jicheol being the closest friends for the longest time and them being so familiar with each other and just in general being bff goals. Because that is adorable and so fitting considering how close Predebut Jicheol were.
Aaaah this chapter omg. Cheol wyd. That was sweet but embarrassing nooooo. I really like how he connected their tables together. And how he rested his head on his arms and copied Jihoon. Also the putting his arm around him and stoking his hair thing. I just found that really adorable. Aaaah this chapter is too cute!!!
"He gets pinched from time to time but he ignores it, loving the feeling of his best-friend finally with him in class—as well as the feeling of how silky his hair was."
That's happy Cheol in his purest form. It's adorable how happy he is just by having his bf with him in class awws
Not to mention the fun way you write omg I GIGGLED SO MUCH AT THE GEE JOKE
The last part I love it sm I'm laugjing so hard. Cheol stop!!! Cheol's cringey but cute little speech + the kissy face and Jihoon covering his face with his hands was so perfect I can imagine the scene so clearly omg
I love this fic so much author. I am 110% serious when I say it's one of my favorite Jicheol fics of all time. Author nim, we all get insecure about the things we love to do sometimes which . I'm really happy to hear that you managed to overcome it and strived to be better than to mope and give up. FIGHTING, AUTHOR NIM!!! I AM SUPPORT!!!
sky_dreams #6
Chapter 9: Seungcheol is so freaking embarrassing. And Jihoon is so freaking cute. And I'm a potato.
Chapter 9: I hope all is fine with u now~ and yeah pla do write for ur own happiness..i'll support u with what i can
Chapter 9: kill me. jicheol oh my gaowijush
Jihoon_98 #9
Chapter 9: Seungcheol is like one of friend you must have. A friend that always do something weird just to embarrassed you.
Chapter 9: wtf choi seungcheol. You're so embarrassing xD