Drabble #3 2eun

Fairy Tales [2eun/APINK Drabbles]
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Drabble #3

short holiday


Eunji woke up confused.


She had faint memories of her past or whatever happened to her. All she remembers was that there was an explosion and she felt like being thrown to the air and then she passed out. Now she’s here… In which she doesn’t even know where.

She seems to be in a some sort of cave, for she can see some stalactites coming from the ceiling. She was lying in a makeshift bed and a soft pillow behind her head. She was wearing a white polo shirt with a pocket on the left side and her arm, which feels numb, was wrapped neatly with a bandage. A faint glow of light came from the distance. Gathering all the strength she has left, Eunji stood up and walked slowly out of the cave, to meet yet a beautiful paradise outside it.

It was night time and she realized she was in an island. The sea was calming as the waves softly reached the shore line. Scent of juniper and cedar was tingling in her senses. The forest behind her was silent as well, and it felt like she was alone.

She was not… Of course, she’s not alone.

At some point, Eunji had thought that she was dead. But that can’t be right. She’s a heroine, a legacy of the God of Dreams, and she has seen the Land of the Dead. Obviously, she didn’t remember picturing a dark sky filled with stars and a single beautiful moon.

“You’ve finally awaken, my dear…”

A soft voice caught Eunji’s attention, and in a swift movement, she was welcomed by a comforting smile from a woman, who seemed to be much younger than her, although her way of speaking and her accent sounds so old.

How old can she be? Eunji thought. 15? Or 17 at least?

“I-I… How long was I out?” Eunji carefully asked, trying to stand straight only to feel weak once again, almost collapsing down but the woman supported her.

“You’ve been asleep for two weeks. I was given a fright seeing you fall from the sky.”

The woman unconsciously traced her hair with her fingers and being taken back, Eunji tried to stepped away, obviously uncomfortable by the touch.

“I-I’m sorry… I just grew accustomed in taking care of you for the weeks passed. You were the first person to be in this place after a while… I never had friends and I was left here, in solitude…” The woman apologized, bowing slightly at her before helping her walk back in the cave. “You should go back to sleep. You are still quite weak. We’ll talk more the next time you are awake… And no need to fear, my young heroine, I’m Naeun…”


The next time Eunji had woken up, she was lying peacefully on a neatly knitted mat near a pond. It was morning then, and the sky was a perfect sky blue with white clouds surrounding it. Eunji had been in many weird places before, many like from the myths y

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1241 streak #1
Chapter 2: Rereading this coz why not? :3
1241 streak #2
Chapter 10: :'(
Chapter 10: Omg why is this so sad :(
Chapter 7: Is the story like mamma mia musical?! I love the different approach of the story. Anyways, thanks for the update. Fighting! :)
Mysn123 #5
Chapter 7: Uhhmm,i don't understand what is the meaning of this story... can you kindly please tell me what is the main point about this story?
Chapter 7: This one nice...
Chapter 6: Nooooo....my Eunji...too sad...
Mysn123 #8
Chapter 6: Omg..please don't make any sad story again...but i like it when it comes to naeun or eunji lr maybe 2eun...hehe
Rightheart #9
Chapter 6: Thanks for the double update Reallcheck
Mysn123 #10
Chapter 4: Please update soon....