
Forbidden Lovers

Min woke early next morning, unable to sleep because of his dreams. It was Kyuhyun's face he saw in his dreams. THe thing was, he changed in his dreams. It wasn't his physical appearence that was changing; it was his eyes. From brown to black to brown they flashed. His aura changed with his eyes. What a scary image it was.

He sat up, curling into a ball onto his bed. "Bunny, what am I to do? There's something off about Kyuhyun-shhi, but I feel attracted to him," he questioned his bunny slippers.

A sudden thought came to him, 'Is there a chance that I'm gay?' He never thought that before. To go back into the past, he thought about the almost-kiss.

Never has he felt such a strong feeling toward another person who wasn't related to him. They just met and now they were close enough to kiss? What madness was this?

He got up out of bed, wandering to his sink and washing his face. He had this sudden urge... He grabbed the soap and put a huge glob on his hands, scrubbing and scrubbing the soap in until he felt skin come off. He smiled, nearly sadistic, as he kept washing his hands. The sink was on full hot as he put his hands under, screaming in pain as the hot water hit his bleeding hands. In his mind, this was a good pain. This signified that he was cleaning the germs from his hand.

The scream made a few nurses come to his room. They opened the door and grabbed Sungmin. He started to thrash about as they had to drug him. Slowly, he stopped thrashing about and fell asleep... Then, they stripped Sungmin from his bunny suit and put him in regular psych ward clothes. Everything was a basic white color. The bunny suit had been an award for being able to keep sane, but now the privilage was lost. They also took the sink out of the wall so he wouldn't use it again.




(Sorry...No inspiration for a while T_T Im so disappointed in myself. I can't keep up a story cause I get bored easily. I would love for you guys, my subscribers, to push me even harder please~)

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Chapter 9: Please update soon
I hope Minnie's alright
shiningjewel #2
Chapter 9: And you should really update this fanfic too! It's really good! Please think about start writing again <3
you updated!!
Ohh and teuk is another side of Kyuhyun? Haha and he made out with the nurse!!
But Minnie *O*!! He'll see them right?! Gaah! And he'll hurt himself like always TT^TT
please update asap*hugs* !
SongMinChan #4
wow. i sooo love this^^ keep writing!! :D
ohmygosh i just read through the description and i'm so excited to read the first chapter (i had a terrible urge to comment right now)
srsly i love psychological fics SO much that hfjaöökaöäjaä yeahh my mind goes like that so... ----> off to read the your story and subscribe
sorry sorry *does the dance* for my stupid comment OTL
I am currently working on the next chapter guys~
wanlingELF #7
Awake as evil kyu?
eh? Kyu nooo! Kyuhyun will be the evilkyu again!
Please update soon*hugs*
Omo! Don't tell me Kyu is taking over Kyuhyun again?