Running Into Him

Forbidden Lovers

Night fell upon them very quickly. The halls were only lit by bar lights on the ceiling, giving it a sort of ominous look.


Sungmin walked to his room, hugging himself. It was scary in the halls at night. "After two years in this stupid assylum and I'm still scared at night! I'm such a wuss," he complaimed to himself. His mind went back to Kyuhyun earlier at dinner. Why did he get so close? Why did his eyes change? What was going on with that kid? "He idn't too much older tham me," he mummbled to the empy halls. He could have sworn he heard a bug skitter around as he whipped his head to the site of the noise. "Just relax..." he whispered calmly, yet his heart was pounding like mad. Suddenly, something forced him to stop walking. He looked forward...


Kyuhyun was wandering the halls, singing to himself. He knew he had a wonderful voice, but he didn't sing in front of others. He wasn't usually social. yet, with Sungmin, he wanted to explain everything to him. He wanted to get to know him. In the middle of the hallway, Kyuhyun suddenly stopped.

Kyu was out the next second and something bumped into him. He turned around to see Sungmin. A smirk plastered onto his face. "My my, who do we have here? Why is the little bunny out in such a scary hall?" He put his hand on Minnie's chin, looking into his eyes.


Sungmin couldn't believe who he bumped into! "Um...Kyuhyun...I was just um..." His hand on his chin made his body tingle for some reason. "I was going to my room, that's all..." He moved back from Kyuhyun. His eyes were wrong, which kind of freaked him out. "Kyuhyun...your eyes are black..."


Kyu frowned as Sungmin backed away from him. "Little bunny, my eyes are normally black. I don't know what you're talking about." He took Sungmin's hand and lead him to his room. "Plus, you were going the wrong way."


Sungmin blushed darkly and followed him. Why was Kyuhyun helping him? They only had just met like, a few hours ago. He was so kind actually, but there was still something off about him. He just couldn't get over the paranoid feeling. Yet, he held onto Kyuhyun's hand anyway.


They both arrived at Sungmin's room, room 132. Sungmin looked at Kyuhyun, searching his black eyes. 'So soul less....It scares me...' He noticed how close their faces were, which made him blush even more. His heart was racing and his eyes were widened.


Kyu looked into his eyes, noting what he assumed to be fear. 'Good, I like the fear. This could make for a fun playtoy.' He moved his face closer...


A nurse passed by them in that moment, breaking them up. "Kyuhyun, why don't you go to your room?" She looked at Sungmin. "And you, I know you hate the dark. Go inside your room and you won't be so afraid." Her voice, high-pitched and fake, rang with authority. The two boys agreed without any argument as the nurse smiled and walked away.


Sungmin's face was beat red as he slipped into his room and closed the door. He was panting as he tried to calm his heart down. "He was...he was going to kiss me..." Yet, his heart seemed to flutter a little more. " I gay?" He asked himself in a suprised tone. He went to bed, those thoughts lingering in his mind.


Kyuhyun was in control at this moment. He looked around, wondering where he was. He looked at the door number. "WHo's room is this?" He merely shrugged, then walked to his room. What had Kyu done when he wasn't in control...? He walked into his room, sitting on his bed and looking at himself in the mirror. "Why must you torture me Kyu?"

'Cause there's more coming Kyuhyun...more personalities to come...'






Hey guys! Thanks for reading ^^ And don't worry, they'll get to kissing eventually -wink- And sorry if this seems a little...short...I have trouble writing long chapters -bows-

@Hyerimin - Thanks for loving this fanfic <3 I try to keep this story a little more progressed, so it may seem slow. But! It will happen ^^
@shadowdragon357 - sorry for forgetting about this site! I promise not to anymore! And yes, Kyuhyun is a naughty boy who tempts many people...kekeke
@Peperpy23 - Can't say any promises about this....But what do I know? ^^

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Chapter 9: Please update soon
I hope Minnie's alright
shiningjewel #2
Chapter 9: And you should really update this fanfic too! It's really good! Please think about start writing again <3
you updated!!
Ohh and teuk is another side of Kyuhyun? Haha and he made out with the nurse!!
But Minnie *O*!! He'll see them right?! Gaah! And he'll hurt himself like always TT^TT
please update asap*hugs* !
SongMinChan #4
wow. i sooo love this^^ keep writing!! :D
ohmygosh i just read through the description and i'm so excited to read the first chapter (i had a terrible urge to comment right now)
srsly i love psychological fics SO much that hfjaöökaöäjaä yeahh my mind goes like that so... ----> off to read the your story and subscribe
sorry sorry *does the dance* for my stupid comment OTL
I am currently working on the next chapter guys~
wanlingELF #7
Awake as evil kyu?
eh? Kyu nooo! Kyuhyun will be the evilkyu again!
Please update soon*hugs*
Omo! Don't tell me Kyu is taking over Kyuhyun again?