First Impressions

Forbidden Lovers

Sungmin heard glass break and gasped. He ran for the nurses office, wondering if the person who was in the room was alright. He could have also just stayed and asked if the person was ok, but he couldn't help but think of doubts in his head about what kind of person was behind the door. He found a nurse eventually and told her what he had heard behind door number 135. He followed the nurse back to the room and waited as the nurse opened the door and exposed the mess before them.


Kyuhyun layed on his bed, his hand bleeding all over the covers and on the floor. Blood ran down the side of the comforter, dripping onto the carpet below him. He was still concious, but still not in full control of his body. Evil Kyu was letting him feel the pain, yet not letting him use his own body.

The nurse called down a few more so they could fix his hand. In the meantime, the nurse took some bandages she usually carried around, set them out, then grabbed a pliars. She took the glass out of his hand that she could see, making Kyuhyun flinch in pain every once in a while.

'Isn't this fun?' Kyu asked menacingly.

'Shut up Kyu...' Muttered Kyuhyun, the pain affection his speech right now. He couldn't talk back to Kyu like normal when he was in pain. It was something he really wasn't proud about since Kyu liked it when he was in pain. 

'Don't make me put you over the edge again Kyuhyun. I can keep you concious throughout the whole thing if that's what you want.' snapped Kyu.

None of the conversations could be heard to the outside world since all of these conversations were only in his head. The good feelings sided with Kyuhyun while the bad feelings sided with Kyu. It was torture for his body.

Kyuhyun only sighed as he waited for the nurse to wrap his hand and such. Two more nurses came in and helped the first, making sure there were no more glass shards in his hand before they put first aid cream on.

His eyes went to the boy standing there in the pink bunny outfit. Kyu couldn't help but laugh madly. 'What the hell is this garbage? A grown man in a pink bunyn suit! Pink! This is great! We have to get to know him Kyuhyun!'

Kyuhyun paniced when Kyu talked about the boy. 'I don't want to. I don't want to ruin his life...Please don't Kyu, please!' There was no use fighting Kyu when he wanted something, but he didn't want that sweet little bunny hurt.


Sungmin watched all of this happen right before his eyes. He couldn't help but see the cold, lifeless look in his eyes. He didn't even look like he was mentally there in the room. Yet if he looked even closer, he could see the man's eyes flicker from pitch black to more of a dark brown. 'What the hell is wrong with this guy!?' He thought with great fear. He could tell that there was definately something wrong with this guy. 'Well why wouldn't there be if he was in a dump like this?'

Sungmin hated the hospital,  but he couldn't do anything about it. His family brought him in her and now a good mental record and his parents approval oculd bring him out of this hell.

Sungmin watched the nurses, nearly frozen to the spot as he crossed his arms to keep himself a little more warm. A thought came to him suddenly, 'He's just afraid...' Where did he get the idea? He absolutely had no idea. Maybe it was in his eyes and his body posture... He wished he could talk to this guy and try to make him feel a bit better. 'I don't even know his name either..' He thought a bit sadly. His eyes scanned his body, figuring his height and weight. 'He is really cute...' He thought gleefully, but that only made him blush a little. He jumped back a little when he eyes moved and looked at him. 'He...He's mentally here all right. His eyes just moved...' It kind of creeped him out a little, but that didn't chage the fact that this guy was really cute.


A nurse went up to Sungmin and smiled lightly. "Good job Sungmin. Thank you for coming to us. You saved this man's hand from being infected. You're such a good boy.' She lead him out after patted his cheek gently, which Sungmin didn't approve of either. He didn't really like it when people touched him. 


Sungmin looked back as he walked out of the room and could have sworn he saw that same smirk that the guy gave him when passing the hall not too long ago...






Happy Birthday Sungmin! Hope you had a good birthday ^^ Anyway, it took some time and motivation to make this chapter, but I got it! I hope you enjoy it. Also, I hope my transition of characters is ok with you guys and too confusing!

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Chapter 9: Please update soon
I hope Minnie's alright
shiningjewel #2
Chapter 9: And you should really update this fanfic too! It's really good! Please think about start writing again <3
you updated!!
Ohh and teuk is another side of Kyuhyun? Haha and he made out with the nurse!!
But Minnie *O*!! He'll see them right?! Gaah! And he'll hurt himself like always TT^TT
please update asap*hugs* !
SongMinChan #4
wow. i sooo love this^^ keep writing!! :D
ohmygosh i just read through the description and i'm so excited to read the first chapter (i had a terrible urge to comment right now)
srsly i love psychological fics SO much that hfjaöökaöäjaä yeahh my mind goes like that so... ----> off to read the your story and subscribe
sorry sorry *does the dance* for my stupid comment OTL
I am currently working on the next chapter guys~
wanlingELF #7
Awake as evil kyu?
eh? Kyu nooo! Kyuhyun will be the evilkyu again!
Please update soon*hugs*
Omo! Don't tell me Kyu is taking over Kyuhyun again?