Leaving? Left. Gone...

Forgotten Love

story written by Xen;


Jaehwa's POV 
I ran as fast as my two legs could take me. I felt as if my lungs were about to burst. It was on fire, my breath was quickly shortening up. My fists clenched into fists and my hair started untangling from my ponytail and across my face. All I could think about now is seeing Gikwang before he leaves. I checked my wrists to see if the bus departure time was about to take off. I've got 5 minutes. I really pushed myself, I don't want to send him off knowing that everything is not right. I constantly kept coughing and my mouth dried up really quickly. For a second, i thought my knees were going to betray me and let me fall, but my eyes caught sight of something... a figure... Gikwang? I rubbed the sweat from my forehead with the sleeve of my fleece jacket. I was getting pretty lightheaded, and fast too. Considering the fact that all I ate was popcorn from the movies I had with Chari earlier... Chari...I coughed once again, a deep dry cough. How could she call me that...I should've kept my mind focus on what I was running for because I almost crashed into a pole. Augh Jaehwa FOCUS. I finally reached the bus stop. I panted and stopped for awhile then I looked up to see if that figure was really Gikwang. I pushed through the crowd. I most desperately wanted to see him. 
"silye hamnida (excuse me)" I quietly whispered as I roughly pushed through the crowds. "GIKWANG! YAH LEE GIKWANG!" Tears began to stroll down my eyes. "GIKWANG YAH" 
I wiped my tears agressively. My heart began to ache. I couldn't handle leaving him in this horrible state. Is this what we were destined to end up with? A broken relationship? I sniffed. This is all my fault too. I didn't consider his feelings when it mattered the most. I pushed myself on him. What kind of girlfriend am I? I curled up into a ball and cried my eyes out. He's gone and out of your life, Jaehwa. Nice going. You . you son of a . You deserve this. I weeped much more quietly this time; avoiding attention. 


Gikwang's POV

Earlier that day...

I packed my things into my suitcase with a heavy feeling on my chest. My feet didn't even walk properly. It shuffled and dragged as I went from place to place. I've also noticed that I've been glancing at my phone for quite awhile now. I checked the screen again...What was I waiting for? I closed my eyes and sighed. This isn't how I planned taking off for the Cube auditions. This really isn't. I gave up on packing and sat on my bed with my back against the frame. I shut my eyes tight and a short clip played in my mind. It was one of the fun memories I had with Jaehwa. I chuckled remincising the times we had together. I heard a sudden knock on the door.
"aegii yah! 1 more hour! finish up!" my mom softly spoke
Assuming from the trailing noise of the faraway footsteps that my mom left. I got up and sighed again. The burden was back. I placed extra towels and shirts and stuffed them inside while I closed the zipper of my bag. I just needed a couple more minutes to get back into reality. I hopped back onto my bed and look at my phone. I decided to call Jaehwa and leave her a message. 
"Jaehwa..I'm leaving tonight....please let me see you once more...I don't care if you hate me..just let me see you...because I love you. I really ing love you. If I don't see you again..it's gonna be something I'll regret forever. I wont know how to live life, knowing I couldn't see you smile once more."
Pressing the button to lock my phone, i let it drop on the ground. 
I gulped hard and let out a sigh. Jaehwa...please..I need to see you one more time. I peered over to the time one more time. 
The tears I so desperately tried to hold back, starting flowing out. 1 hour down, 30 more minutes to go. The time really did seem to speed up for me? Did fate, really not want us together? Is this how were destined to end up as? I clenched my fists tightly and placed the straps of my bag over my shoulders and exited the door. My heart tightened for each step I took. My head began to spun and my lungs felt like they couldn't breathe. I couldn't breathe. The room spun so fast around me....
I opened my eyes. I was already boarded and set inside the train. My earphones played soft comforting music in my ears. I took them off and glanced out the window...She really didn't come...A few tears gave up on me and escaped my eyes. I really did bring me much pain that she didn't bother to show up...
It was rather faint....must've been nothing....


Hiyeom Xen here!
Sorry if this is such a short update! :( 
I guess I wasn't feeling the story as much
And FINALS is over! Yehaha! I'm on my sem break right now
I'm sure to miss alot of people /sighs
But thank you to those who newly subbed! WELCOME!
Aha, I hope you had fun reading Forgotten Love
Enjoy reading and BYEYEOM~
"모두 행복한 생각들만 하세유~"

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omg ;A;
syonghwa #2
-singing voice- she kissed his cheeks and she felt all giddy and
he probably liked it. and he touched his cheeks from the kiss and he smiled.
but the she remembered he's a gang member ooohh oohhh.
chiaozz #3
Update! Kikwang :)
Update! n_n
syonghwa #6
waah, who calls a person and says "so yong junhyung, are you ready to
ing die?" tsk, jeez. ppl these days, heh heh.
zeloswife #7
wow! it is very nice ~ update soon! =)
chiaozz #8
You must update... The faster the better! Don't make me wait :))
shineelover2891 #9
this story is really good :)
hehe i agree with xen ....<br />
thanks guys!