its not can't be HIM! part 2


"WOW. he downgraded to a smaller mansion? This is the small version????" Taemin said in awe staring up at the huge place.

"Yea, you should have seen the bigger mansion, it was crazy." Onew mentioned and walked up the pathway to the mansion, passing the beautiful waterfountain, we made our way up the double staircase and walked in, along with a few other late guests. We walked in, and I gasped at how beautiful it was inside, velvet huge staicases and marble flooring, glass tables and a big diamond chandelier. guests were scattered everywhere, drinking wine in big diamond glasses. They all looked so elegent. I looked as I seen a man approach us, wearing a black suit,

"May I take your coats?" he asked. I nodded and I let him take off my jacket for me, along with the guys. He then bowed and walked away. There were men in the same outfits serving wine and appetizers. The guys soon wandered off and I followed behind. We seen Minho talking with some people, he spotted us and politely bowed to the couple he was speaking to, then approached us.

"You guys made it, glad you could be here." Minho smiled warmly at us, then his eyes stopped on me, I blushed. he nodded to me I smiled at him. "I need to go find my fiance, be back, I'll introduce her to you guys, wait here." he then took off.

"Fiance??" key whispered to all of us shocked. My face immediately fell, and I didn't understand why i was dissapointed. I was then angry, i was mad at whoever the person was he was going to marry, my head was starting to hurt, I looked around for a door leading outside, I need some fresh air. We seen Minho start to come downstairs with a woman, i needed to leave..... now. I turned and looked for an exit, but couldn't see one, I sighed, calmed myself, then turned back around and was shocked to see who was standing in front of me. It was my sister...Jae Rin. Key's eyes buldged out of his head, Onew and Jonghyun just couldn't believe it.

"Taemin! What are you doing here? i thought you said.." Jae Rin looked at my face, then to minho and the guys. Minho was slightly confused at the guys facial expressions, i my heel and shot past them.

"Taemin! Taeminn!!" My sisters voice yelled, everyone turned to look at me, I ran tears poured down my face, I felt stupid for crying, so i turned around the staircase and found a glass door leading into the back of the house. I opened it and ran as fast as I could, there was a pathway leading away from all the people, so I ran down there, it got cold, and more trees surrounded where I was at, I kept running, until i found a pretty bridge, I stopped there and caught my breath, I looked at the silent calm water and leaned on the edge of the bridge.

Minho POV

I watched Taemin run out, I seen tears streaming down his cheeks. Not really thinking, I followed after him, I could hear my fiance's voice call out to me, I turned and said "Wait here!" then started running again. I didn't know the reason why taemin had started crying, but I immediately wanted to comfort him, and protect him. Mine and his friends seemed to know the reason, seeing their facial expressions. And Jae Rin seemed to know him, maybe an ex-boyfriend? I looked around outside, then noticed a footprint going down the pathway to the small lake. I started to run and into the cold trees, I spotted taemin crying and leaning over the bridge. He was holding his head.

he was muttering something..."Why does it hurt so much?" he was whispering. did he hurt himself while running? I ran to him, he turned sharply and covered his face.

"Taemin." I said shocked. he turned back around.

"Go away."

Taemin POV

"Why does it hurt so much?" I mumbled, angry at myself. I then heard running footsteps, I turned fast and seen Minho staring at me with worried eyes, I quickly covered my face.

"Taemin." I turned back around, with my back facing him.

"Go away." I demanded. he then gave me a backhug, he held me against his chest. I held back my gasp and bit my lip.

"Why are you crying?" he asked with pure curiousity. I put my head down. He turned me around and grabbed me by the waist, he lifted me up and sat me on the ledge of the bridge, we were now eye-to-eye. I blushed hard. It was because I was crying, it had to be.

"Tell me Taemin." he demanded softly grabbing my face in his hands.

"My sister." I mumbled.

"Huh?" he asked.

"You're marrying my sister." I hissed to myself mainly, i was mad.

"W-what?" he asked, he let go of my face. "B-but, she said nothing about a family." he thought out loud to himself.

"Of course she didn't she never does." I said as another tear slid down my face. "She was probably going to tell you tonight." I said looking away. Minho wiped the tear away and sighed.

"I'll deal with her later. On the bright side, we'll at least be brother-in-laws. Sounds fun, huh?" he asked putting his forehead to mine and smiling, trying to cheer me up, I didn't smile however. he put a hand on my shoulder.

"You're not having a very good time, are you?" He asked, I shook my head. he leaned closer to me. I backed up slightly.

"Lets go for a drive, huh?" he asked me, letting go of my shoulder, I was about to nod, but i lost my balance and fell backwards. He tried to catch me, but he also lost his balance and fell in. We both came up from the water. he looked shocked for a second and I thought he was mad, but then he started to laugh, and I started to laugh too, he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me up out of the water and onto the soft grass, it was really cold, i was freezing. He wrapped his arms around me.

"Lets go get towels and then we'll go for a drive, okay?" He asked me, I smiled and nodded. We walked to the front, no one was outside however. Then there was a limo there, he opened the door for me and I climbed in, he followed after. There was towels on the seats. he started to dry my hair himself. I blushed again. I hope I'm not catching a cold...maybe thats why I'm blushing so much.

"I-I can do it myself." I said softly, my voice was shaky from the crying.

"You look tired, you should sleep, i'll tell our friends where were at. Okay?" he asked. I nodded, but then remembered.

"Wait! what about Jae Rin, and your party!" I asked.

"Its okay, she'll be happy to know I was taking care of her brother, and you are more important to me than an engagement party." he ruffled my damp hair and smiled. I smiled back. He took off the vest i was wearing and wrapped a blanket around me, then leaned my head on his shoulder, I fell asleep, no longer cold, because my heart was warm.



Oooh, where is Minho taking baby taemin??? I'll update soon!!!

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jonghyunie143 #1
love the cute poster!! :DD
I love this story too!!!! wahh I'm actually scared it will get complicated once Taemin and Minho realize their feelings. Her sister would be sad..
sica22 #4
hwaiting taeminiee,ruin their wedding*evil smile..kekeke
Don't worry Taemin, I'm confused as to how all this will turn out XP
Their situation reminds me of a movie I once saw...But theirs is obviously way better! ^^
How does Key know so much? lol.
Poor Taemin TT^TT<br />
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I just really don't like his sister >___><br />
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Minho! Fall in love with him already!!!
His sister >____><br />
<br />
Minho ^^
*gives Taemin a high five*<br />
That's right! Tell her how it is XD<br />
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Update soon!<br />
Can't wait for the next chapters ^^