"Taemin! WAKE UP~! You have work remember???"

I woke up, after my sister jumped on me and refused to get off. I finally pushed her off and asked her what she wanted, she glared at me and muttered under her breath something I couldn't hear.

"I woke you up to tell you to be ready for tonight and wear something nice, okay? We're meeting my husband."

"Okay..." I rubbed my eyes and got rid of the lingering sleepiness, then it dawned on me. "HUSBAND? Who husband? where? when?!" I threw question after question at her, but she just blushed and looked down.

"I meant my soon to be husband, the love of my life!" She sung happily, her voice got louder by the second. She showed me her ring.....RING?!!!!

"Ah, chincha...Jae, WHAT ON EARTH HAVE YOU DONE?!....., just dump the guy already, he doesn't deserve you."

"You haven't even met him yet, just give it a chance...hey, what happened to your arm?" She pointed to the long thin bruise stretching across my arm.

"Oh, that..I ran into an arrogant jerk on the way to the coffee shop." Well, he wasn't very arrogant at all....but he kind of-

"What?! The nerve of that guy to hurt my poor innocent little-"

"OMO!!! I'm late!!!!! I'm not going to that guys house, whether you're joking of that proposal or not, I can't accept this!" I yelled after throwing on a shirt and jeans, grabbed my hoodie and bag and started running off, my sister just stared at my small form running out the door, not bothering to argue, she'd probably come after me later anyways....

"Ottoke? I'm so dead, I'm going to be alone for the rest of my life!" I whined and looked up to the sky, then I remembered I was late and started to sprint to the shop. I ran in,said a quick hi to the guys and ran up to the second floor and into the locker room. I began to change into my uniform. A black blouse, white vest, white skinny jeans and black hightops. Lets just say Key designed our outfits, it explains why a lot of female customers come in everyday. I smiled, ruffled my hair and ran downstairs.

"He'll be down in a second, he's probably changing." Onew was talking to a tall man. As I got closer the guys followed my movements until the man turned..., MINHO?

"Taemin, you left this yesterday." He grinned, and held out a thin chain. It was my necklace. My eyes widened.

"Th-thanks, but-"

"I just figured out you worked here, from them." He nodded to the guys.

"You know them?" I asked.

"Yes, they used to work for me." He explained, my jaw dropped.


"Yes, well I need to leave, it was nice seeing you guys again, if you want, come to my place tonight, I'm having a party....a formal party." He smiled at us and left.

"YES! Finally! I've been waiting for a formal party for ages! I haven't seen Minho around for a long time, huh?" Key went from excited to curious.

"It figures why Taemin came back last night in a model car that  hasn't even come out yet." Jonghyun voiced his thoughts while he washed dishes.

"Oh, well it was nice seeing him." Onew went back to making drinks.

"WAIT! Someone please explain." I pleaded.

"We used to work for Minho while he lived alone, we were really good friends, we didn't do much, but he still paid us extra, he knew we needed the money. Then, when he announced that he was getting a smaller mansion, we were told we couldn't work for him anymore. So he bought a coffee shop, and we started working here, then we hired you once we got business started, thats basically how it started, he kind of owns the place, and shows up once in a while when were barely scraping by, its good that were doing fine now though." Key seemed like his head was in the clouds.

"They were good memories, weird thing is he's usually really mean to people when he first meets them, but not to you seeing he just met you yesterday, he even smiled at you!" Onew chimed in.

"Omo! I need to figure out what I'm going to wear tonight!" Key started to panic.

"Chill Key, we'll meet up at my place early, figure out what to wear, then we'll go together. That includes you Taemin." Jonghyun nodded to all of us and we agreed. Anything to get me out of going to my sisters "husbands" place tonight.

I then started to work, I was gloomy all day because of my sisters problem. I wasn't doing tto good at working either.

"Hey Taemin, I'll pick you up later at your house if you want to go home early and rest?" Key suggested.

"No...I'll just go together with you after work."

"Are you sure?" He asked taking the broom away from me.

"Yea, I'm just tired." I complained.

"Jjong! We're going on a break, take care of the shop for me!" Key yelled.

"Just me and Onew???" He yelled back. Key gave him the look and he immediately nodded obediantly.

"Let's go Taemin." He grabbed my hand and ran out to his car dragging me along. We got in and I sighed.

"Is this really necessary???" I asked him. 

"Yes, we need to make my baby taemin cheery and happy again." He pinched my cheeks. "Lets go to the ice cream shop, then we can talk and then come back, okay?" I nodded and accepted, just because I know he wont let me refuse. 

After we went to the ice cream shop, I told him everything thats been happening, he nodded thoughtfully and told me to give it a shot, then if things dont go well with my sister and him, to cut it off and tell her not to marry him. I listened to every word he said, he was the best advice giver after my mom died. After everything, I felt a weight lift off my shoulders, hopefully everything would be okay. I smiled at him.

"Thanks Umma." I laughed softly.

"Anything Taeminnie~!" he then started to drive off to the shop. When we arrived again, Jonghyun immedately handed us orders and told us to fill them. So much for being relaxed....

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jonghyunie143 #1
love the cute poster!! :DD
I love this story too!!!! wahh I'm actually scared it will get complicated once Taemin and Minho realize their feelings. Her sister would be sad..
sica22 #4
hwaiting taeminiee,ruin their wedding*evil smile..kekeke
Don't worry Taemin, I'm confused as to how all this will turn out XP
Their situation reminds me of a movie I once saw...But theirs is obviously way better! ^^
How does Key know so much? lol.
Poor Taemin TT^TT<br />
<br />
I just really don't like his sister >___><br />
<br />
Minho! Fall in love with him already!!!
His sister >____><br />
<br />
Minho ^^
*gives Taemin a high five*<br />
That's right! Tell her how it is XD<br />
<br />
Update soon!<br />
Can't wait for the next chapters ^^