Icy Love


Two strangers meet each other in a street on a cold winter day, one is a tall and gentle young man who yet may have ulterior motives, the other is a soft and delicate soul whose innocence could play tricks on him.

As destiny wants them to be acquainted, they become friends, good friends even and everything seems right that way, right?

But what if one already has a girlfriend? What if one already harbours feelings for the other? This doesn't seem right, right? 

But what is right is not always what the heart wants...



Quick note: this story was written a long time ago and I'm currently in the process of correcting and perfecting it, I've done it up to chapter 11, the rest is still to be improved!




This story is written by me for Kawaiikimbap's contest! (Wanna have a look? click on the link!)  I hope you'll like it!  =^-^=


By the way I didn't made the poster it's a creation from MucicChibi and Chicken graphic shop!



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Beau1996 1424 streak #1
Chapter 15: Too many loose ends - these people need to talk to each other!
Beau1996 1424 streak #2
Chapter 12: I'm mad that EunJi won't talk to Taemin
Beau1996 1424 streak #3
Chapter 10: Why isn't EunJi apologizing?
Beau1996 1424 streak #4
Chapter 9: You want to keep your affair secret so you kiss at the place where everyone is ...
Beau1996 1424 streak #5
Chapter 8: The perfect moment to kiss 💋
Beau1996 1424 streak #6
Chapter 7: Ok, so it seems to be logical when he thinks cheating with each but not telling the other but it's more like a recipe for disaster!!🧨
Beau1996 1424 streak #7
Chapter 6: Will this be up and up studying or will there be ??
Beau1996 1424 streak #8
Chapter 5: Minho is getting greedy - not sure which way this is going to go...
Beau1996 1424 streak #9
Chapter 4: This is becoming a love knot!! The stage is set for some misunderstanding 😕 I am trying to pace myself but I also want to know what happens next...
Beau1996 1424 streak #10
Chapter 3: Love triangle 📐 - this seems like it might get messy!