Chapter 7

Infatuation, You and Me


I like you..

"Hebe! Want to catch a movie?" Calvin asked Hebe excitedly

Hebe smiled and nodded her head a little

"Hmm okay"

Just then Jiro walked towards Hebe, holding a pair of concert tickets in his hand excitedly, but when he saw Calvin together with Hebe, his smile disappeared immediately, and he decided to walk away.

Just then Chun called out Jiro's name and both Calvin and Hebe turned around

Hebe stared at Jiro, feeling very guilty

"What's up!" Chun put his hand over Jiro's shoulders

Jiro gave a little smile and he walked away

Chun was surprised with Jiro's odd behaviour then he wakled to Calvin and Hebe, then he finally realise why.

"Hey Calvin, Hebe"

"Hey" both of them said to Chun

Chun decided to pretend that he doesn't know why Jiro was acting so weirdly

"What's wrong with Jiro nowadays?"

"Don't know,why?" Calvin shrugged

Hebe did not answer, she definitely knew why

"He hasn't been eating well these days.. yesterday he almost fainted" Chun lied obviously, he just wanted to see how Hebe would react

"What? Fainted?! Is he alright?" Hebe asked anxiously

"No obviously.. I think if this goes on, Jiro would faint, sooner or later" Chun tried to sound cold

"Calvin, I think I can't make it for the movie tonight, sorry!" and with that, Hebe ran off immediately

Chun smiled and he walked off, leaving Calvin there confused.

"Chun!" Calvin shouted

Chun turned around and smiled..

"You should know why Hebe ran off"

"It's obvious isn't it! This is love!" Chun gave a mysterious smile and walked away


"Arron! Arron!"

GuiGui came out of the classroom chasing after Arron

"What, you dumb?"


"Stop are really an idiot..what do you want to say?" Arron smirked alittle

GuiGui took out a card from her bag

"This..this is..THANK YOU!"

GuiGui said those words then she ran off, she was blushing real hard

"She's really an idiot" Arron looked at the card and he smiled to himself

He put the card into his bag slowly, as though it were a precious treasure.


What did the card write? It will be revealed in the next chapter! (: COMMENT PLEASE! :D

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