Being Alive

Impossible Sun

Being Alive


There was no way of coming out of that room; it is her prison. No contact with the outside world is a rule and Hyemi just broke it. She observed Taehyung as he was writing on his board; he is nicely-build, tall, fair-skinned, pretty-faced, has chestnut hair with bangs covering his forehead. She was never the type to be attracted to someone easily but Taehyung seemed like an exception and she wouldn't have known this if she hadn't opened the curtains and broken the rule. 


'What do you usually do everyday if you're locked up in there?' He asked her. 


She liked it how he is interested about knowing her. He is sincere when asking. She always thought that people are selfish; they ask things just to make them look friendly but they never really care about the answers — they'd throw it away for someday when they are of use to them. 


'I'd draw or write song lyrics. Then, I'd post them on sites. Sometimes, I'd post stories.' 


'You're an artist then! X O X' 


'Yes, I am. X3 What do you normally do everyday?' 


'If you like to write song lyrics, I like to sing!' 'If you like to write stories, I like to read!' 'If you like to draw, I admire the art of manga!' He looked excited as he showed her a sequence of his answers and Hyemi couldn't help but smile at his sweetness.


'Psst, I am the manhwa artist for 'Chancellor'...' She mock-gestured whispering. 


Taehyung's mouth was o-shaped as he was shocked to find out that she was the creator of one of his manhwa favorites. 'What?!! Really?!!'


She nodded repeatedly, her nose up, proud. 'Really.' She drew a character and showed it to him. Taehyung quickly recognized who it was. 


'Eunhee ;;' He wrote with a sad look. 'Did she have to die?' 


'She gave up.'


'She's supposed to be the genius in the group. But it is stupid of her for wanting to do suicide.' 


'Don't you understand the context? She knew that life will only be more complicated if you know too much. She wanted to end it by doing something stupid.'


'But still... :'( There could be another way... Like removing the brain.' 


'Without the brain, the person can't survive. So she'd be dead either way.' 


'You really like the idea of death, don't you?' His statement was so spot on and Hyemi was, in fact, really impressed with his observational skills. 


'Yes, that's right.' 


'There are so many scenes in 'Chancellor' where the characters are dying.... Why do you like death so much?'


'There are way more reasons to die than to live.' She answered with a smile that sent chills under Taehyung's spine. 


'You're a messed-up girl.' 


'Why do we live, Taehyung?'


Taehyung was stunned with her question and gave it a thought. He, and also Hyemi, knew that if he couldn't answer the question now, it will stuck with him to annoy until he could. But what Hyemi didn't know is that he had already asked himself a similar question before. 


'To venture worlds and right now, I am venturing yours.' 


Hyemi was astounded at how smooth his words seemed to her. And he continued, 'But maybe you don't live to venture. You live to create worlds like how you've created 'Chancellor'.'


She was speechless because inside, she wanted him to continue giving the answers she had been waiting for.


'You live to be an artist. I live to be an explorer.' With that said, his stomach began to growl but Hyemi couldn't hear it. He realized he was yet to eat breakfast and now it was almost lunch time which means they have been talking for hours. 


'I'm going to have breakfast... And lunch. Lol.' He told and she chuckled as she nodded.


Taehyung then left, walking into the kitchen, and Hyemi sat on her side, wondering about his words from before. Why did they seemed such a big impact to her when that was only one reason to live when there are hundreds to die? Was it the way he told her? 


After a few minutes, Taehyung returned with a bowl of cereal and sat on the floor facing her. He engulfed a big spoon of cereal and made a satisfied look with eyes closed with a feel. Hyemi couldn't hold herself from laughing at his silly conduct. 


'You're funny.' She wrote. 


Taehyung paused his feeding and replied, 'I am flattered but please don't try flirting with me while I eat.' 


'Yeah, you might puke because of the cheesiness.' She joked. 


'No, but more like I'd spurt my breakfast before I could digest it.' He winked. 


'Same thing.' She winked back, sarcastically.


'No, it is not. Can't you just let me eat?' He shoved in the cereal with false anger. 


She didn't write but instead, she rose her shoulders, her lips curved into a frown and eyes were gazing away from him; she was offended. She never had this fun talking to someone before and his words stung her from within as she assumed he found her irritating to talk with. Instead of feeling sorry about it, Taehyung found her reaction cute and he blushed for it.


'Don't be all cute now! Can't you let my heart beat at peace?' He said. Hyemi took a while to digest this but when she did, her cheeks instantly crimsoned red and she hid herself behind her whiteboard.


Still covering herself, she wrote back, 'Don't flirt as you eat. (///^///)'





I enjoy writing this chapter. It's my favorite so far. I say this but I'm not even far — this is only the second chapter!
Are you the type to explore or create things?
In the previous chapter, the two characters speak about Rapunzel. I believe that the said fairytale represents my life.
What fairytale represents yours?



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"Impossible Sun" is now a part of "The Sun" series (/ ^ ^)/~♡


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OHHHHHH. So this is the one. It's connected to Before Sunset. OHHHHHH. Sorry, I just realized.
Shazza #3
Chapter 12: Nooo Hyemi don't be unreachable anymore!!
nmmnbg #4
Chapter 11: This is so sad huhuhu
Chapter 11: T---T This story is so amazing, but it makes me sad-- I get really excited when I see an update, this story is really enjoyable to read~ fighting!
secretstayafterlove #6
Chapter 10: Meaning he died?
Chapter 10: I didn't sign up for this!! *sobs*
Chapter 10: I'm so sad right now T^T
Chapter 10: T.T
nmmnbg #10
Chapter 10: Okay you win....i cry while reading this huhuhu and you asking what did i mind actually not function well bcause mixed emotion from reading this story LOL so no answer for that...this story not complete yet right?fighting for next chapter❤❤❤❤❤