Carats Orphanage Home

Early morning the alarm starts to disturb my sleep. I woke up and get my bath. I wore nice shirt I got that shown me have good taste in choice a shirt. I putted a bit perfume in my neck so everyone could smell good near to me. I went to kitchen and start doing breakfast.

“What should I cook for them?” I asked myself when I opened the refrigerator.

“You don’t need to do,”

Someone from my back sounded me. I turn and he was Coups.

“Hm, it is okay for me. What you want?” I said.

“Why you so stubborn?”

I shut my mouth for a while and Coups pushed me slowly beside him.

“Am I wrong, hyung?”

“You start calling me ‘hyung’?” he stopped from taking ingredients from there and look at me.

“As long you can treat me,”

“Hahaha. I don’t care since Jeonghan having back-up you,” he took back the ingredients.

“Then, why I am not able to cook today?”

“I just usually cook with Jeonghan,”

“So let be usual with me also,”

“Okay, now you please boil the water,”

I smiled and take what I need to do. I secretly looked at what Coups doing. I can see he is actually a nice man. He woke up early and do some breakfast to others.

“Hyung,” I called.


“Why you prepare all this?”

“Because I feel responsible to give them life here,”

“I don’t get it,”

“Rather stubborn, you also have bird brain?”

“No, I am just curious and your answer seem not to fulfill my curious,”

“Later you know. Maybe the baby will story everything to you,”

“You mean Dino?”

“Yup,” his hand still cuts the vegetables. I guess him doing a healthy meal.

For sudden a nice smell passed me. I turn my back and he was Jeonghan.

“Good morning,” Jeonghan greet us with his angelic smile and happy voice.

“Good morning oppa,”

“Morning darling,”

Coups washed his hand and he hugged Jeonghan. I bit awkward with that. Are they gay or something?

“I am doing healthy breakfast to the kids,” Coups going cut the vegetables.

“What more not in process?”Jeonghan washed his hand.

“I think both of you can made some toast and fried rice,”

“Alright. Yaya help me doing fried rice, can you?” Jeonghan asked me. I nodded. Every of us did well. I became closer to them. Even a rude guy yesterday can talk nicely to me that morning.

For overall, both Jeonghan and Coups are good to see when they are together. Like a parents to us.

I saw a guy outside.

“Who outside?” I asked them.

“He must be DK. He will greet and feed the cats every morning and night. He love the cats too much,”

“I see,”

“Go outside and take a look for his cute cats,”

I went to DK. From my view, it is really nice to see how DK smiled to the cats and feed them. I came to him. He shocked a bit. But then he smiled to me.

“These cats belong to you?”

“Yes. This white Persian cat named Jane, this orange Javanese bobtail cat named Lily, this Cymric cat named Jack and this is my favorite cat,  Snowshoe,” he point one by one to me.

“All of them are too pretty. You took care well, DK. May I feed them some,”

“Of course. I am being with them since I am little. My parents gave them to me on my 14th birthday. You no need to feed anymore. I gave already,”

“Haa I see. So they grew up healthy. Have you takes your bath?”

“I’m not. Hahaha. I will wake up in morning and meet them first. I need to go take my bath. See you in breakfast time ya,”

He grabs my hand and went away. I walked to the land in front the home. I can see little garden in the corner, there a lot of beautiful flowers. Then I saw the cements that the guys have been step on it. They craved their names on their step. How much of sweet moments are they got here? They are look like a close family enough.

I sat on the bench near to little garden. Just one minute I take my seat, I could hear Coups shouted calling everyone to take breakfast. I laughed because I don’t expect this is how my first morning with them. I ran to the kitchen happily. Am I too excited?


p/s: I am JeongCheol trash, so let it just be like gay kahkah! And also Meanie couple so nice to see. Eh, JunHao also. SoonSeok so made my day! Sorry, I couldn’t stick anymore.

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