Chapter 9

Seventh Touch


"So this is the latest victim?" Kibum looked over the photos. 


The detectives nodded. 


"This is almost exactly my style except for of course the DNA he left. Plus I don't go for high school students." 


Leeteuk nodded while Kangin took notes. 


"Anything else?" Kibum shook his head. 


"Ne" Kangin looked up from his notebook "how's the punk?" 


"I'll go check on him." Leeteuk spoke up and headed for the bedroom. 


Both Kangin and Kibum nodded and watched him walk out of the room to check on the youngest boy. 


"D-Did he mean it?" 


Kangin looked over at the ghost twiddling his thumbs in his lap.


"Did who mean what?" 


"W-When Leeteuk-hyung asked me to live with you guys. Did he mean it?" Kibum looked into Kangin's eyes. 


Kangin smiled softly and nodded. 


"Have you thought about it?" Kangin ushered the younger boy. 


"I would like to if the offer is still open when all of this is over." Kibum nodded. 


"It shall remain open as long as we are here." Kangin reached over and ruffled Kibum's hair affectionately. 


Kibum giggled a bit, "Stop it hyung!" Kangin merely laughed at his antics. 


Meanwhile Leeteuk made his way quietly to the bedroom to see Ryeowook huddled in all of his blankets on the bed, clutching his precious Yuya like it was a life line. 


He sat down gently on the side of the bed and stretched his hand out to run his fingers through Ryeowook's sweaty hair. 




Said boy's eyelids fluttered open and found Leeteuk sitting above him, smiling softly and brushing his hair. Much like a mother would do to her child. 


His eyes were hazy and unfocused but he recognized the detective regardless, "Hyung?" 


Leeteuk smiled and nodded. "How do you feel?" 


"Like I just threw up most of my internal organs." he groaned. 


Leeteuk chuckled. "You probably did." 


He brushed the boys bangs aside and leaned down to kiss him on the forehead. "I'll be right back. I'm going to get some water and a rag." 


He stood to leave but a hand gripped his wrist weakly, "Stay." 


"Ryeowook I'll be right-"


"Stay. Please?"


Leeteuk sighed and sat back down and resumed combing the boy's hair. "Hyung?" 




"There was something I wanted to ask you..." Ryeowook began. 




He tried to talk but he kept losing focus. 




Ryeowook smiled up at Eeteuk and blinked, sleep tugging at him again. He rubbed his eyes and yawned. "Sorry... I'm having a hard time thinking. Hyung... Can I... I mean, would you possibly.... adopt... me?"

Eeteuk blinked, hand stilling in Ryeowook's hair as the other fell back asleep. ~Did I hear him right?~ He thought, hand going to his mouth as he tried to control himself. He stood and went to get the warm wash cloth as he had planned, returning to place it on Ryeowook's forehead.

"You probably only said it because you're sick... It's too dangerous in any case." He whispered, making his decision. He couldn't take Ryeowook's word. Besides, it would put Ryeowook in danger if criminals knew he was connected to them.

Eeteuk sighed and headed back into the living room. "He's pretty out of it. I think his fever is starting to sweat out though. In any case, Kibum I had a thought. Why don't you come with us to the station while they run the DNA. If it comes up as a match with any sources, you can tell us if you know them or not." He offered and Kibum nodded. "Let's wait until tomorrow though. I know you want to solve it but Ryeowook shouldn't be alone right now."


Leeteuk looked over at the sleeping boy and then back to the window.


"Hyung would you possibly adopt me?" 


What was he thinking?


Leeteuk and Kangin were detectives and well known in the underground world. If any of them every found out that they had any family there would be no telling what they would do to them or Ryeowook. 




Leeteuk sighed and leaned against the side of the frame. He had always wanted a family, one to call his own. 


Kangin was everything to him. He was everything Leeteuk could have ever wanted but Kangin had been straight before, or so he had said, and had even said that one day he wanted to raise a family. Being male, Leeteuk couldn't give him children of his own no matter how desperately he wanted to fulfill the younger's wish and he always felt bad about it. Plus with the fact that they were gay, the child they raised, if they had ever raised one, would be ridiculed and made fun of. That was no way for a child to grow up. 


He glanced at Ryeowook from the corner of his eye. This boy had no one and was already old enough to defend himself and know who he was. He wouldn't have to worry about Ryeowook accepting them because he already did. 


"I can't believe I'm even considering this." Leeteuk sighed and rubbed his face.


"Considering what?"


Leeteuk's head shot up and saw Kangin standing a few feet in front of him smiling softly. 


"Nothing Kangin-ah." Leeteuk smiled and walked towards his lover. 


Kangin rose an eyebrow at him. "You're lying Teuk." 


Leeteuk sighed and subconsciously noted how he hated having a lover that could read him so well. 


"It's nothing. Really." 


Kangin just looked over at him expectantly. 


"I will tell you but for right now, just wait. Please?" Leeteuk pleaded.


Noting the desperation in his voice, Kangin looked him over before reluctantly agreeing. 


Leeteuk's expression immediately brightened. "Thank you Kangin."


Kibum watched from where he stood near the couch and frowned. "I think maybe you two should go home. I'm sure you have things to do and Ryeowook could do without the extra noise." He said.


Kangin and Eeteuk looked over at him almost as if they'd forgotten he was there. "Oh... right, come on Kangin. Kibum, if you need to you can sleep at our house but if he's not any better let us know. We'll be here tomorrow to bring you with us to the station." Eeteuk said.


Kibum nodded and saw them off, wondering what could have thrown Eeteuk off so badly. He sighed and flopped down on the couch, flailing when he almost went through it. Draping an arm over his eyes, he pouted and tried to get some sleep of his own.


Kangin and Leeteuk sat on the couch simply lounging about when a commercial for child care came on. Leeteuk, who had been fidgeting like mad, froze. 


"Teukie what's wrong?" Kangin turned off the television and looked down at his frozen love. 


Leeteuk's bangs hid his eyes as he looked down at the ground not uttering a word. 


"Teukie?" Kangin reached down to his hair. 


Leeteuk got up and walked over to one of the few photos they had around the house. It was a picture of when they had first gotten together, younger males, younger smiles, less worries, just them living in their love. 




Kangin stood from the couch but kept his distance. That was the best thing to do at the moment, when Leeteuk was ready he would tell Kangin. But it was never good to rush him.




Leeteuk gulped and took a shaky breath before picking the photo up and tracing their features. He didn't turn to ask his question, he didn't want to see the look in his beloved's eyes when he answered him. 


"Do you ever regret deciding to go with me instead of her?" 


Kangin in a breath and had to grab the arm of the couch for support. They hadn't discussed her in years. 


"Why would you ask me that?" 


Leeteuk turned and gave a sad smile, shrugging. Kangin didn't buy it.


"Don't give me that crap. You know exactly why you asked. Now tell me." 


"Answer me first." Leeteuk wrapped his arms around himself and bit his lip. He regretted asking but he had to. It was the only way to clear his doubts. 


"No. I've told you that. I don't regret leaving her." 


"She was your fiance!" 


"She wasn't the one for me and I wasn't the one for her." Kangin slowly walked towards the other. 


"You two were happy." the voice was small and broken.


"No I wasn't. But I am now. I'm happier now then I've ever been. Why is that so wrong to you?" carefully wrapping his arms around the other's shoulder, Kangin brought him to his chest. 


"Do you remember what you told me when we first met? About how you wanted your future to go?" 

Leeteuk almost sobbed into his chest. 


Kangin thought back and slowly things began to fall into place. 


"Which part?" 


"Your family."


Kangin pulled away and stared into Leeteuk's eyes. There was raw pain and anguish written within those coal irises. 


"Teuk where are you going with this?" 


Leeteuk closed his eyes and took a deep breath before stepping out of Kangin's arms.  


"You told me about how you wanted to someday start a family with the woman of your dreams; working and going home to a" 


"I told you. I have that now." 


"Kangin that isn't the point!" Leeteuk cried. Kangin took a step back at the explosion.  


"Kangin you've always wanted a child of your own, one of your own flesh and blood! That has been one of the things you have wanted your entire life. I can't give you that!"


He didn't care if he was crying, he had to tell him.


"She could have given you everything that I can't, am incapable of giving you. So why would you give all of that up for me?"


"Because I love you."


Kangin reached out to the other but he turned away. 


"Don't turn away from me. Why did I choose you? Because you are everything that I need. I don't need a child. I love that fact that I have you. You're all I need." 


He grabbed Leeteuk's chin and forced him to look up at him. "Look at me."


Leeteuk refused.




Leeteuk turned at the sound of his real name in that voice. 


"If you were capable of it, would you bear my child?"  




Kangin smiled at the look of pure sincerity in his angel's eyes. 


"Then that's all that matters." 


"I've always regretted that I can't give you that. Plus we can't adopt so there was no way for me to ever give you a child you could call your own. Or even give you one."


Leeteuk reached out and cupped Kangin's face in his hands.


"I want to. I so desperately wish I could give you that but that's one of the things I can never give you. I want to but I can't. I'm so sorry Kangin." There were tears in his eyes and Kangin could stand the look of devastation and agony in those beautiful eyes.


He smiled and crushed the smaller one to him. "That's more than enough for me."



That was the first thing that Ryeowook noticed when he woke up from his fever induced sleep. He frowned, sitting up in his dark room.


Dark... He tensed, looking around as his eyes adjusted and found Kibum asleep on a pallet on the floor. He sighed. Kibum was there so he wouldn't be hurt.


After calming himself down, he rubbed his forehead and moved his sweaty hair out of his eyes. "Ugh. At least the worst is over... Yah Kibum!" He called, tossing a pillow at the sleeping male.


Kibum jumped, startled. "Aish! What?" He asked but then realized that Ryeowook was awake. "Oh, how are you feeling?" He asked, standing up.


"Better, thanks." Ryeowook said, taking the now cold rag and placing it on his bedside table. "Weren't the detectives here?" He asked, suddenly remembering Eeteuk's form being above him.


"Gone. They got done what they needed to and left. Eeteuk seemed pretty shaken up though, why?" Kibum asked.


Ryeowook shook his head. "It's nothing... I said some stuff when he was in here but it wasn't too important. I could barely string together a whole sentence. I just wanted to figure out what happened." He said, reaching for his phone.


To: Hyung

From: Meddler

Text: I'm sorry if I said anything to upset you. I understand.


He dropped his phone on the sheets and rested his face in his hands. Kibum was about to ask what was wrong when the first sounds of crying drifted to his ears.


"Yah yah why are you upset?" Kibum asked, totally caught off guard. Ryeowook allowed him to sit on the bed but stopped him from touching him. "I'm fine, just a little stressed is all... I'm going to take a shower." He said, crawling out from under the covers and getting off of his bed.


He grabbed his clothes and a towel and wash cloth and paused outside the door. "Don't come in please. Not that I think you would but really..." He said, shutting the door.


He turned the water on as hot as he could stand it and got in, letting the sweat wash off his skin. He sighed. "So even they.... I'm not even going to think about it. I'll be so glad when I graduate. I can leave this stupid place." He whispered, grabbing the curtain and yanking it down, the curtain rod clanging as it hit the ground and the rings flying off.


He sighed as his initial anger wore off and grabbed his sponge to wash off before getting out.


Kangin looked over at the source of the annoying buzzing and groaned. 




"What?" Leeteuk looked up from his arms.


"It's the punk! What now?" 


"Let me see it." Leeteuk quickly grabbed his phone and read over the text before groaning. 




"How could I be so stupid?" Leeteuk sighed. 


"While I was over there you asked what was wrong."


Kangin nodded.


Leeteuk took a deep breath. 


"Ryeowook asked me to adopt him." 


There was a loud crash before Leeteuk quickly rushed over to his lover's side. "Kangin! Are you okay?" He checked him over for injuries. 


"You must be kidding." Kangin groaned from the floor. 


Leeteuk shook his head. 


Kangin let his head fall back. "What do you think we should do?" 


Leeteuk bit his lip. "Well...he has no one Kangin. Everyone turns him away or bullies him." 


"There are reasons for that." Kangin offered. Leeteuk glared. 


"It's not fun to be alone. He's only 18, he shouldn't be treated like that. It isn't that, it makes people jaded much quicker then normal." 


Kangin looked over the reminiscent gleam in the other male's eyes. He would know the feeling better then anyone. 


"Would you be willing to do it?" Kangin propped himself up on his elbows and stared at the other one firmly. 


"If I can help him Kangin I want to." 


"Gah! Why?" 




"Don't make me the bad guy!" Kangin whined. 


"I understand if you don't want to Kangin, it's completely understandable." 


"Teukie I'm not sure about this. You've seen how we get along." 


Leeteuk laughed and nodded. 


"I want to help him Teukie, I really do. But to go to that extent..." 


"It means the world to find out that you are wanted." 


Kangin froze and looked over at Leeteuk to see him smiling meaningfully and grabbing Kangin's hand giving it a squeeze. 


Kangin dropped his head before reaching over to caress Leeteuk's cheek and bring their lips together. 


"Alright. For you."


Kibum hesitantly knocked on the door after hearing the water stop. "Wook? You okay?" He asked, waiting for a reply. Instead, the door opened and Ryeowook walked by smelling of shampoo and shaving cream.


Kibum peered into the bathroom and frowned but simply closed the door, following after the smaller boy. "Ryeowook. Wookie.... Wookie... Wook... Wook... Ryeowook.... Ryeowook... Wookie." Kibum tried repeatedly.


Ryeowook turned around and grabbed Kibum by the shoulders, kissing him. "There! Shut UP! Geez." He grumbled, going into his kitchen and emptying his kitchen out, preparing to cook just about everything he had. He figured he could at least burn off some stress and send leftovers to Eeteuk and, arguably, Kangin to eat at work.


Kibum hopped onto the counter nearby and looked at him. "So... when are you going to tell me why you have a habit of sporadically kissing your house guests?" He asked, even though in reality it was only him.


Ryeowook didn't miss a beat, pouring ingredients into the pans and continuing to prepare his dishes. "I don't. Just you. I figure you're cute enough and you're rather annoying. It's a good enough way to shut you up. Besides, you're dead... if you reject me, it's not like anyone can know."


"So are you going to tell him?" Kangin asked. 


Leeteuk leaned up and kissed him lightly. "How about a surprise?" 


"What do you mean?" Kangin raised an eyebrow. 


"How about we go talk to his parents and get this settled before we ask him. We already knows he want to come here so it shouldn't be hard." 


"So how do you do that?" Kangin asked.


"It's simple. Call his parents and ask for a meeting." Leeteuk smiled and hopped off the couch and disappeared from view. 


"This is going to be fun already. I can just tell." Kangin groaned. 


He lazily reached up and turned the television on, waiting for Teukie to come back and tell him that he found his parents. 


"Found them~!" 


"I knew it." Kangin rolled his eyes. 


"They live in the next town." Leeteuk jerked his thumb east. 




"We have to go see them to get consent." Leeteuk smirked. 


Kangin groaned and cracked his neck. 


"I was afraid you were going to say that."


Eeteuk looked at Kangin weirdly. "Why do you say that?" He asked, phone to his ear as he pulled some shoes on. "Ah, yes. My name is Park Jungsu. I'm sorry to bother but my partner and I would like to arrange a meeting with you regarding an important matter. It will only take a little of your time... yes. Alright is the steak house a good place for you. Mhm... alright we'll be there. Thank you."


Eeteuk hung up the phone and smiled. "We meet in an hour... what's wrong?" He asked as Kangin crossed his arms. "I tried to tell you. When I slept at Ryeowook's house, he was upset and told me that he lives alone because his parents pay for his house just to keep him away. They don't like that he's gay." Kangin explained, grabbing his coat and keys.


Eeteuk's smile fell from his face. "I see... then they shouldn't have a problem handing him over to us." Eeteuk said as they got in the car. "Yeah, hand over your gay son to more gays, that sounds like it's going to go splendidly." He said sarcastically.


"Shut up and drive Kim Youngwoon." Eeteuk grumbled, buckling his seatbelt and looking out the window. Kangin sighed. This was going to be a long thirty minute drive.


They arrived at the restaurant forty five minutes later, due to getting lost and traffic. Eeteuk got them a table and decided to order something small to tide them over until Ryeowook's parents arrived. "Let me do the talking." He said and as if on cue, two unfamiliar people approached their table.


"Are you Mr. Park Jungsu?" Ryeowook's mother asked and upon receiving a nod, they sat down. Ryeowook's father folded his hands together. "So, what's this important matter?" He asked, straight to the point.


Eeteuk hesitated, taking Kangin's hand under the table. "It's about your son." He said and the looks on both Ryeowook's parents' faces went sour. "What about him? That screw up's not in jail is he?" His father asked.


Kangin laughed and rolled his eyes while Eeteuk shot him a look. "No he's not... He actually... We were hoping to adopt him. He asked me to recently and we want to take him up on the offer if you're willing." Eeteuk said and Ryeowook's parents seemed like they were going to faint.


"Did you say "we"?" His mom asked and Eeteuk nodded as Kangin brought his hands onto the table. "Yes he said "we". We're gay. We're together. We want to adopt your son. He's of legal age and wants us to become his legal guardians. Before you start ing, listen. You lose legality over your son and for all we care, never have to see him again. Now... We have papers in the car from where we tried to adopt before. Are you going to sign them or are you going to let your son suffer longer?" He asked.


Eeteuk stared at him with adoration, glancing at Ryeowook's parents to gauge their reaction. His father seemed ready to explode but his mother placed her hand on his shoulder and he sighed. "Where are the papers?"


Kangin and Leeteuk watched the Kim family drive off soon after they had signed the papers, after all they couldn't be seen with 2 gays. It just wouldn't do. 


As soon as the car was out of sight Leeteuk threw his arms around Kangin's neck and kissed him on the lips. 


"What was that for?" Kangin breathed after they parted. 


Leeteuk smiled at him, "For being awesome in there, I love you, for giving me a purpose, for giving Ryeowook what he's always wanted, for everything." 


Kangin laughed and kissed him on the forehead, "I love you too. I did all of this for you."


Leeteuk nuzzled up to him affectionately, "I know. You have no idea how much it means to me. Or to Ryeowook." 


"So is he moving in with us? And Kibum?"


"If they want to. We have plenty of room. After all we only own 2 houses plus Ryeowook gets to keep his since it was paid off by his parents a few minutes ago. So we have 3 houses. I think they might want some alone time every now and then don't you?" Leeteuk winked. 


Kangin grinned and grabbed him by the waist and dragged him to where they were flush against each other. 


"What about us?" 


"Well obviously we are going to have alone time whenever we need it." Leeteuk laughed. 


"You are so that I don't think you could even go 2 months without you insatiable  glutton!" 


"Only for you." Kangin grinned.


"It had better be only for me." Leeteuk eyed him "Now let's go pick up our new addition shall we?"


"How will he react I wonder." Kangin sighed. 


"I don't know but I bet he will be happier with us then with them." Leeteuk's face scrunched in disgust at the thought of those 'parents'.


"If that's what all parents are like once they find out their child is gay then I'm glad I never had any." 


"They aren't all like that." Kangin laughed. 


"Yeah well people like them still piss me off." Leeteuk growled and headed towards the car. 


"Shotgun!" Kangin yelled.


"Ugh! Fine, I'll drive." Leeteuk groaned and got in while Kangin simply snickered. 


"My turn to play~" 


Kangin and Leeteuk simply laughed as they began their journey back home.


Kibum sat still as Ryeowook pulled his dishes out of the oven and sat them on the table and counter tops. He reached out and grabbed Ryeowook's wrist, causing him to drop a bowl of spaghetti sauce, the glass shattering on the floor and sauce splattering everywhere.


"What is your problem!?" He asked, yanking his arm away from Kibum. "Why are you cooking everything? And about that whole 'you're dead' thing... Did you stop to think that maybe that might have hurt me?" Kibum growled.


"You're dead, again, so it's not like you don't have time to get over it! Geez. You didn't even catch the indirect confession did you? I guess your brain died at some point too." Ryeowook retorted, going to walk away again.


Kibum hopped down off the counter, grimacing as sauce made the floor below his feet slick. He grabbed Ryeowook by the arm again and the younger attempted to pull away, yelping as his feet slid out from under him, landing him against Kibum.


He picked his head up as he felt Kibum's hands steady him on his waist. "Are you done insul--" Kibum didn't finish his statement as Ryeowook crashed his lips on Kibum's, wrapping his arm around Kibum's neck, unintentionally grinding his hips against the former's as he tried to keep from slipping.


Kibum pulled away, gasping, and glared at Ryeowook. "What the hell one minute you're berating me and the next you're kissing me. Make up your mind woman!" Kibum snarled, earning a smack from Ryeowook.


"Yah! I'm not a woman!" He snapped though the cooking and apron worked against him. "You have enough mood swings!" Kibum argued. Ryeowook went to respond when Kibum flipped them around, pressing his lips to Ryeowook's again.


Neither one of them heard the door open as Kibum pried Ryeowook's lips apart with his tongue, effectively shutting him up.


Leeteuk and Kangin opened the door and were greeted by silence. They quickly glanced at each other and then they heard Kibum shouting followed by Ryeowook. 


"And you want to live with this?" Kangin rolled his eyes at Teukie. 


Leeteuk merely shrugged.


They both walked to the kitchen just in time to see and hear Kibum force his tongue into Ryeowook's mouth. Not that Ryeowook was complaining from what they saw. 


Leeteuk's eyes widened and Kangin's jaw dropped. What the hell?


"Well this is certainly unexpected." Leeteuk remarks dryly.


Ryeowook and Kibum jumped apart, both of them panting harshly and blushing profusely. 


"Ummm hi hyungs?" Ryeowook squeaked. 


Leeteuk and Kangin both cocked an eyebrow and stared at the two before Kangin started to snicker and Leeteuk merely sighed. 


"Come into the den when you are done. We have some stuff to talk about." 


Kibum and Ryeowook looked away and nodded. 


Leeteuk merely rolled his eyes and walked out while Kangin winked and wrapped his arm around his partner's waist. 


"Don't be to long you two~" Kangin sang from just outside the door.


"D-Do you want to go now?" Kibum asked.


Ryeowook couldn't look at him or speak so he merely nodded. Kibum nodded back.


Both made their way quickly, but without touching each other, to the den where the two elders were waiting. 


Leeteuk was sitting on the couch with Kangin who had his arm around the elder, giggling and smiling like they'd never seen before. He looked...happy, care-free, like a normal guy. 


Kanging said something that made Leeteuk snort and he quickly leaned down to kiss his lover. They broke apart and Leeteuk could see the two slightly over Kangin's broad frame. 


The smile was wiped from his face and replaced with smirk and raised eyebrow. 


"You done?" 


Kangin looked over his shoulder and barked out a laugh at the two embarrassed teens. 


"You act like you think we didn't know already."


"Kangin!" Leeteuk slapped him on the arm playfully but you could tell he was trying not to laugh. 


"W-What are you talking about you ape?" Ryeowook yelped.


"Whatever punk." Kangin continued to chuckle.


"It's fine Ryeowook, Kibum. We certainly aren't against it." Leeteuk smiled. He gestured for the two to sit across from him. 


He bit his lips to bite back the smile and looked over nervously at Kangin who smiled and wrapped his arm around him. He smiled back and at him and gestured towards the two teens. 


Leeteuk nodded and looked back over at them. "Kibum we already asked you to live with us right?" Kibum nodded. 


Leeteuk then turned his eyes towards Ryeowook, "You asked me to adopt you Ryeowook." 


Kibum and gasped while Ryeowook looked down dejectedly towards his lap and felt tears begin to gather in his eyes. So now he wanted to embarrass him in front of everyone now? 


Leeteuk took a deep breath.


"At first I rejected the idea." 


He gave Ryeowook a sorry look and Kangin wrapped his other hand around Leeteuk's and gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. Ryeowook shut his burning eyes and prepared to run out of the house and away from them, all of them.


"I had to think about it for a bit, part of me wanted to say yes immediately Ryeowook." he reached over and squeezed Ryeowook's hand.


Ryeowook looked up at him and saw the sad look that crossed Leeteuk's face. 


"W-What do you mean?" 


Leeteuk sighed and leaned into Kangin who tightened his grip on him and pulled him to his chest. Kangin began to explain.


"My whole life I have always wanted a family, one of my own. A spouse and a child of my own flesh and blood."


Ryeowook saw Leeteuk flinch at the mention of a family, of a child, and saw the look of utter devastation and agony on his face. He couldn't have missed it and apparently Kangin didn't either. He pulled Leeteuk even closer to him and kissed him on the head lovingly. 


"It's okay." he heard Kangin whisper and Leeteuk nodded and tried to smile. 


It was so weird seeing him like this. Leeteuk was always so strong and...kind of stoic, awkward with people and didn't know how to offer comfort. And Kangin; he was always loud and rude to Ryeowook. Seeing the two like this he didn't see the fearless detectives but a couple of men who wanted a family. 


"I had fiancee once, before I met Teukie and joined the force. I used to think I was happy then but at the same time I wasn't. She could have given me what I wanted but...I wasn't happy at all. Then I met Teukie." He nuzzled the elder affectionately. 


Leeteuk smiled and cuddled closer to his larger lover. 


"Now that I'm with him I'm happier then I've ever been but..." he trailed off to look down at the smaller male in his arms. 


Leeteuk sighed and looked up at Ryeowook, that same agonized look in his eyes. 


"As you can guess, being male I can't give him a child, one of the things he has always wanted. That's one of the few thins I can never give him; a child of his own flesh and blood." 


Leeteuk looked down at his lap. He almost looked...ashamed. 


Ryeowook felt his heart hurt at the sight of the strong male looking so hurt. He wouldn't admit it aloud but he had started to look at the two males as role models, parents in a way. If he had known that they had wanted something as simple as that then he would never have done anything to them. 




Kangin kissed Teukie gently and gave him a squeeze. Leeteuk squeezed him back. 


"I've always wanted to have a family of my own. Growing up on the streets, I never had anything to call a family. Then Kangin came along and he's everything I could have ever wanted. He's given me everything but I can not fulfill one of his only wishes." 


Ryeowook wanted to hug the man close to him and tell him it would all be okay. He wanted to comfort this man, his parental figure. 


"Whenever you asked me that Ryeowoook, old feelings resurfaced." He squeezed Kangin's hand. 


Ryeowook felt a stab in his heart. He should never have asked. 


"But even if you look at it through logic it wouldn't be right. We are well known throughout the criminal world and if they knew that you were related to us then who knows what they would do to you. Plus we really don't know how to take care of others really."


Ryeowook lowered his head. So it was still no. Then again he couldn't blame them, not after all this. 


"At least that's what we tried to convince ourselves of." 




Ryeowook's head shot up to look at the smiling couple. 


"Though we were a bit reluctant and neither of us was sure how it would work we talked it over and decided that we would take the chance. If you were willing to take it with us." 


It couldn't be? Could it? Would they really do it?


"So Ryeowook what do you say? Would you like to come live with us as your legal guardians?"




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updating two to three chapters tomorrow


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sapphire0taku #1
Chapter 18: \\awww... T^T it's a shame... i really, really like this story... T^T i'll read your other stories... ^_^ \\
sapphire0taku #2
..when are u going to update??? T.T pls update soon... T.T jebaaaal...
sapphire0taku #3
..when are u going to update??? T.T pls update soon... T.T jebaaaal...
Awesome Teukie!
Update soon!
wintertmm #5
Chapter 17: Awwww both kangteuk and kiwook are so sweet . They are just like one nice big family could donghae be the killer? Pls update soon
hebteuk #6
Chapter 17: oh u uploaded...kangteuk is so sweet <3 ^_^
Chapter 17: Yay! I REALLY missed this story.
Chapter 17: omg woww you've updated after so long! thank you :)
Chapter 16: update soon! :D