Chapter 11

Seventh Touch

After a few minutes of just lying in the floor together, Ryeowook heaved a sigh and sat up, his knees on either side of his, now, father. 

"Thanks for trusting us enough to tell us this. I know we don't see eye to eye but, I'm grateful." He said, getting up and helping Kibum to his feet as well.

Kangin grunted and sat up, sighing as he ran his fingers through his short hair. "I really wish we could solve these murders so things would calm down." 

He said and Kibum smiled. "I'll wander about tomorrow and look for hints."

"Ryeowook... why are you making that face?" Kangin asked as he noted the sour look on the small boy's face. 

"Ew..." Ryeowook said, sniffing his pits before doing the same to Kangin.

After a moment of silence with everyone seeming confused, Ryeowook and Kibum took off running at the same time. Taking advantage of having been in the house before, Ryeowook darted after Kibum and tackled him in the room over, making Kangin wince at the explosion of noise from the fall and both boys screaming.

He laughed as he peeked in the kitchen and saw tiny Ryeowook hauling Kibum out of the room and towards the bathroom as the ghost teen kicked and screamed.

"Why don't you go through his arms?!" Kangin called to him and Kibum grabbed the door frame. 

"I can't! I'm too freaked out!" He screamed and another crash was heard as Ryeowook successfully got him into the bathroom and shut the door.

Ten minutes later, Leeteuk opened the front door and found no one in the living room but heard Kangin's laugh. Curious, he dropped the food off in the kitchen and headed for the bathroom, climbing the stairs carefully.

The scene he was met with made him bite his lip to hold in his laughter. Kangin was video taping from the doorway, moving over to make room for his lover when he arrived. Inside was chaos with water on the floor and a pissed off Kibum sitting in steaming water as Ryeowook stood over him, scrubbing the hell out of his hair.

"It took him about five minutes to calm him down enough to actually get in the water. It was hysterical." Kangin told Leeteuk as Ryeowook sprayed Kibum with the shower hose. 

He massaged his scalp to rid it of the oil that had built up. After, he took a rag and soaped it up, scrubbing Kibum's neck, shoulders, arms, and chest before moving to his legs and back, forgetting shyness as he worked to clean.

After hosing him down a second time, Ryeowook wiped his face and sighed, putting a towel down on the floor and getting another one before letting the water out and handing the older boy the towel. When he turned around he jumped, putting a hand over his chest. "Geez you scared the crap out of me!" he said to the two snickering adults standing in the doorway.
Leeteuk bit his lip to stifle his incoming onslaught of laughter for the sake of Kibum's pride. Kangin was still recording next to him as Ryeowook sat Kibum down in a chair to dry Kibum's hair, at Ryeowook's own insistence of course.

"Honestly Kibum how can you go that long without a shower? That's disgusting!" Ryeowook's nose wrinkled at the very thought.

"It's not like there are showers where I was living and I can't think of many people who would welcome a ghost into their house to bathe."

Ryeowook rolled his eyes at him and continued to dry his hair.

"Well when you guys are done I brought dinner home." 

At the mention of dinner Kangin shut the camera off and followed his partner to the kitchen leaving the two teens in the bathroom. 

Leeteuk entered the kitchen and began to take the food out of the bag and sort it. Kangin came up behind him and wrapped his arms around him.

Leeteuk sighed and leaned against his strong chest.

"Did you get it all out?"

Kangin nuzzled into Leeteuk's neck. 

"Yeah I told them."

"Did it help?"

"Nothing can ever take back what I did to you. Ever."

Leeteuk sighed and turned in the man's arms.

"And what did you do exactly?"

"The way I treated you, like some cheap for my own personal advantage."

Leeteuk smiled and surged forward to kiss Kangin, catching him by surprise.

"I could have said no had I wanted to."

Kangin raised a brow.

"Then why didn't you say no to Jessica?"

Leeteuk smiled sheepishly.

"Y-you did say no to her?"

Leeteuk nodded. "I kind of threatened to break her legs if she tried anything on me. That's why we never did anything."

Kangin's jaw dropped.

"So I was your only one?!?"

Leeteuk's laugh filled the house at the shocked expression on his lover's face.
A few moments later, Ryeowook walked into the kitchen with Kibum behind him. 

"Whatcha laughing about?" he asked as Kibum sat down without a word, wearing some of Ryeowook's clothes.

"Kangin just realized something, that's all." Leeteuk said, taking his seat as well.

Their first 'family' dinner went without incident. Ryeowook and Kangin actually spoke without trying to insult each other, the mutual amusement at what happened to Kibum a conversation starter. Kibum himself only ate at his food.

"Kibum. You okay?" Ryeowook asked as Leeteuk collected their trash to throw away. 

Kibum sighed. "I'm fine. A little traumatized but fine. In reality I feel much better. So... where is everyone sleeping?" He asked.

"I call the room next to Umma!" Ryeowook called out, racing up the stairs to claim the room. Kibum smirked. 

"That's okay. I have his pillow down here." He said, standing to go get ready for bed as well.

Kangin groaned as Ryeowook ran up the stairs while Leeteuk merely laughed.

"Calm down Kangin."

Kibum smirked and wandered off into the den and came back in a moment later with something clenched in his hands.

"What do you have there Kibum?" Leeteuk peeked at the thing in his hands.

"A certain someone's Yuya pillow."

Kangin smiled evilly and beckoned Kibum over to him. He began to whisper in the ghost's ear and the two began to cackle maliciously.

Leeteuk gave the two an uncomfortable look and took a few steps back.

"What are you two up to?"

Kangin and Kibum turned towards him and just smiled.

"Nothing~" they both said.

Leeteuk gulped and smiled. "Right."

The two trouble makers cackled and walked out of the kitchen together leaving Leeteuk to pray that nothing was damaged.

"Man I don't envy Ryeowook right now..."

Ryeowook was upstairs in the bedroom putting his things away where they belonged. "Well... today was eventful, I can give them that much." He said.

After changing into his pajamas, a pair of silky panda pajamas, he climbed into bed and tossed... and turned... and tossed some more. 

"Man I can't sleep. Maybe it's the new bed." He said, reaching to the other side of the bed for his beloved pillow.

"Yuya!" He shouted, sitting bolt upright in the bed. After sitting for a moment, he scrambled out of bed and leaned over the banister.

"Yah! Did I leave Yuya down there?!" He called, before running down the stairs.

When he reached the bottom of the stairs all the lights were off. Ryeowook gulped and set a foot down on the ground in the unfamiliar settings.


No answer.

"Come on this isn't funny! Kibum!"

He kept walking and walking but there was still no sign of anyone else.

Unknown to Ryeowook, Kangin and Kibum were right behind him following his every move...

The two looked at each other and grinned. Kibum pulled out a long pole with a pipe cleaner at the end. Kangin covered his mouth and went to hide behind the couch while Kibum went invisible.

"Hyungs!" The poor unsuspecting Ryeowook just kept looking around for everyone.

He felt a chill run up his spine and spun around but didn't see anyone.

"Must be my imagination..."

Suddenly there was something hairy crawling down his back, under his shirt.

He yelled and ran around the room until he fell onto the couch and crawled the corner to make himself smaller. There was a shift behind him and he felt something cold along his feet.

He yelped and jumped up the stairs yelling, "Teukie-Umma!!!" the entire way.

Once he slammed his door shut his Yuya pillow case and standing straight up on his bed. He whimpered and ran out of the room and next door in a random room and dove under the covers.

The figure that had already been in the bed gave a shout and fell out of the bed. He grabbed the gun off the table and pointed it at the figure in his bed.

"What the hell?!"

There was a sniffle and Leeteuk realized who it was. He put his gun down and gathered Ryeowook into his arms.

"Wookie? What's wrong?"

"There...there was something down there." Wookie cried into his chest.

Leeteuk furrowed his brows before mentally groaning. He would kill those two tomorrow. The first chance he got.

While that was going on two figures were cracking p at the foot of the stairs. They high-fived each other and laughed even more but froze when they felt a cold, violent aura that promised pain creep from down stairs.

"Umm...can I stay with you tonight?" Kangin gulped.

Kibum merely nodded and decided it was best to take advantage of his ghost attributes.

Hey at least Kangin would be the one to take the beating and not him. That way Kibum would only have to deal with Ryeowook while Kangin had to deal with Leeteuk.

Kibum shivered at the thought of having to face an angry Leeteuk.

Yep, looked like he'd have company soon.

Ryeowook found in the morning that he could sleep without his Yuya pillow after all. He woke up snuggled against Leeteuk and smiled as he looked at the clock.

"Umma. I'm gonna get ready for school." He mumbled, getting up from the bed to do just that. He stopped in the bathroom on his way and made his way to his room to find Kibum and Kangin sleeping.

"Guess their live preserving skills kicked in." He said and giggled as he tip toed into the room, placing each bowl of water on the bed, dipping one hand from each boy in the warm water and hurriedly grabbing his uniform before making a mad dash for the bathroom and locking himself in to get ready with a grin on his face. "Ah, payback is wonderful."

Kangin groaned. What was that off to his side? Subconsciously he yanked his hand back and heard a rustling sound before a waterfall fell on his head. 

He yelled at top of his lungs and jumped around the room.

Kibum, hearing the commotion jerked awake as well only to have a bucket of water fall on him as well.  

Leeteuk jumped out of bed and ran towards the source of the noise.

"What happened?" he busted down the door and saw the 2 soaked males.

He felt his eyebrow twitch as he scanned over the scene.

"Kim Kangin. I am going to sleep over at your house if this nonsense keeps up."

Kangin froze in mid-action.

"What? Come on Teukie! You can't mean that!"

Leeteuk raised his eyebrow,  "Oh really? Watch me." and with that marched out of the room.

Kibum mentally counted to five and then-

"Kim Ryeowook you are dead!"

Kibum laughed and watched Kangin race out of the room. He vaguely heard Leeteuk yell, "Don't lay a hand on him or you deal with me!"

Kangin whined like a child before huffing into Leeteuk and Kangin's shared room and slamming the door shut.

Ryeowook waved goodbye as he gathered his things and began the walk to school. It was a bit farther than his old route but he didn't worry about it much.

Minutes later, he felt a cold breeze and Kibum was walking with him. "Why are you following me?" He asked, more than annoyed at the older boy.

"Ryeowook... don't be like that." Kibum whined as Ryeowook sped up, determined to ignore him. He caught up and grabbed Ryeowook's arm gently.

"We were just joking." He said and Ryeowook glared, hand coming up to smack Kibum on the cheek.

"You KNOW how I am in the dark because of you and you just made it worse. Plus Kangin told you about the spider thing and you scared the crap out of me." He said, his voice losing it's angry edge as he began to cry again and Kibum let him go, feeling guilty about their prank and suddenly not minding the wet clothes and hair.

"Ryeowook I'm sorry." He said and Ryeowook glared, wiping his eyes.

"I hate you." Was all he said before he marched off towards the school, leaving Kibum standing there frozen.

"Well Mr. Park I'm glad to see that someone has taken an interest in Ryeowook. The kid needs some kind of guidance."

Leeteuk plastered a small smile on his face and bowed. "Well sir it was the best option."

The principal smiled, "Well at least he'll go towards the 'straight' and narrow now." he put emphasis on the word straight.

Leeteuk felt his eyebrow twitch. So this old fool was one of them as well. Pity, he seemed okay before.

"I will try my best sir. Now if you will excuse me I need to go find Ryeowook and tell him that I got this all taken care of." Leeteuk bowed once more to the old man and walked out of the room.

Once outside the room Leeteuk felt his body begin to shake. How dare that old man do that, how dare he say stuff about Ryeowook! There was nothing wrong with him. Nothing!

Leeteuk sighed and gathered his self-control once more before walking down to the class he knew Ryeowook would be in.

"I swear that if I hear one more person talk about gays that I will personally tie his tongue." Leeteuk growled.


He turned around to see Ryeowook giving him an odd look.

"Hello Ryeowook. Shouldn't you be in class right now?" He raised an eyebrow.

Ryeowook gave him a sheepish grin and rubbed the back of his head.

"Mianhae. I got here later than normal but I'm not late yet! I still have a few minutes!" Ryeowook defended himself.

Leeteuk grinned and ruffled the youngster's hair. "Well fine then but I was just looking for you to tell you that the paperwork is all done so now instead of going to your house everything will be sent to mine."

Ryeowook gulped. "E-Everything?"

Leeteuk gave an evil grin.

Ryeowook sighed and nodded. "Alright I'll behave then Umma." He mumbled, knowing that Leeteuk would be watching out for any discipline trouble.

"Good. Ryeowook, why were you late? You left the house thirty minutes ago." Leeteuk asked, concerned.

"Nothing...... I had a fight with Kibum." He murmured before slipping into the room and into his seat.

Changmin, one of Ryeowook's few acquaintances, walked over to him and sat down. "You look bummed. Everyone has been wondering what happened since you and Kyuhyun got interrogated that day. Wasn't that detective Park talking to you?" He asked, piquing the interest of one of the students.

"It was... It's a long story but I'm staying with him. Apparently the person who attacked me wasn't the killer." He said and Changmin gawked.

"You were attacked?!" He asked and Ryeowook blew it off. "I'm fine so let's just go back to our normal routines.

Outside the school, Kibum watched from the window as Ryeowook went to class and sighed. "I didn't mean to make him mad. I should get Kangin to apologize to him too." He muttered. 

Kyuhyun's ears perked up at the mention of the detectives. Ryeowook was staying with them? Should he just tell them what happened? Would they think he was guilty?

Kyuhyun bit his lip and tried to think of what the best thing would be to do. A friend of his, Yesung, nudged his shoulder.

"You okay? You look a bit pale." 

Kyuhyun jumped a bit at the sudden nudge but gave his friend a weak wave saying he was fine. Yesung gave him a look that said he didn't buy it but let the matter drop. For now. Kyuhyun knew Yesung didn't believe him but gave up a silent thanks to his friend for letting it go.

He looked back at Ryeowook who was staring out into space. Maybe he should tell Ryeowook what really happened that day. The way he was acting made him look even more suspicious even though he didn't really have anything to do with it. 

Ryeowook felt someone staring at him and looked to see Kyuhyun looking at him. As soon as Kyuhyun's eyes met his the other one's head flew forward. Ryeowook lifted his eyebrow but then realized what he did. 

'Man I've been hanging around Teukie-hyung too long.' 

Kyuhyun felt his heart racing as Ryeowook's eyes met his. 'Damn now it seems like a have a crush on him!'

Kyuhyun clenched his fists. He would do it. Today after class he would talked to Ryeowook and maybe, just maybe, the detectives as well. He was already acting suspicious and it was time to clear his name.

Meanwhile Ryeowook was staring at Kyuhyun cautiously. What did the other want? He had never really been friends with the other but he knew of him and had seen him, even spoken with him a few times.

Ryeowook decided to be careful around the other. After that day when they had run into each other in the hallway he had he had mentioned the blood he had never forgotten how the younger had reacted. It was rather odd.

He would have to make sure he was never caught alone with him. 'Maybe I should mention him to Teukie-hyung and Kangin-hyung again.'

Kyuhyun quickly scribbled a note to the smaller boy and while the teacher wasn't looking threw it onto his desk.

Ryeowook gulped when Kyuhyun suddenly turned around. He leaned back in his seat and flinched when something was thrown at him. He opened his eyes and saw the other copying the notes from the board and small crumb of paper on the corner of his desk.

Ryeowook hesitantly unfolded the paper to see small letters written on it. He had to squint to read it and even then that didn't help much. His heart caught in his throat as he read the note.

'Today after school meet me behind the gym. There's something I need to discuss with you. ~Cho Kyuhyun'

Ryeowook mentally groaned. 'Didn't I just warn myself about this?'

As classes drew to a close, Ryeowook gathered his things and headed towards the gym. After a long debate with himself he decided to meet with Kyuhyun. After all if he was really the killer, he could have done something beforehand. At least, that's what Ryeowook hoped.

Turning the corner, he yelped as he felt someone grab him around the neck, clamping a hand over his mouth. 

"Walk naturally or I cut off a finger. Scream and I'll kill you." A dark voice whispered and Ryeowook nodded frantically, smiling falsely as he was released but his captor kept hold of his arm.

Peeking out from behind the gym, Kyuhyun gaped as he saw Ryeowook forced into a vehicle by a strange man. Swallowing the nausea he felt, he ran into the building and barged into the office. 

"I need Park Jungsu's number. It's important." He said and the teachers inside looked at him oddly.

"Please. I think his um... son is in trouble.... a fight or something." He slightly lied and snatched the paper when it was presented to him. 

"Pick up pick up pick up.... damn it! Yes! I'm a student at Kim Ryeowook's school. You need to get here now!" He shouted.


Ryeowook watched in fear as he was taken to an unknown place. 'Am I going to die?'He thought as they parked outside town and he was pulled from the vehicle roughly and forced into a nearby building. He whimpered as he was stripped of his clothing and knocked to the ground in his underwear.

"Make the wrong move and you die."

Leeteuk drove in a rage. He had already called the chief to tell him that he wouldn't be able to come into the office because of a sudden development in the case while he had also called Kangin, crying and wailing.

He had just left the school when the boy, Kyuhyun, the suspect from earlier, had called him frantically yelling into the speaker about Ryeowook and a kidnapping. He had to try and calm the poor teen down before he could continue. It took a few minutes of calming coaxes to get the boy to get to where he was even coherent but he eventually stopped crying and sobbing and started to explain what he had seen.

"And why were you going to try and meet Ryeowook?" Leeteuk had asked.

"I already explained this!" Kyuhyun exclaimed into the phone.

"I understand that but I need to know all the details so I can report this."

"The day that you had come to the school to question us I had been sitting in the class when something tugged my shirt and I looked down to see blood on the tail of my shirt. He saw that and I wasn't about to tell you that a ghost put blood on my shirt! So will you hurry up and get here already?!"

"Kyuhyun calm down." Leeteuk told him.

"How can I be calm when I just saw someone get kidnapped?" Kyuhyun screetched. "Better yet how can you be so calm about this? What kind of 'father' are you?"

Leeteuk's grip tightened on the steering wheel.

"I'm an officer of the law. I can't let my personal feelings get in the way of the case."

There was a tense silence for a few minutes.

"You don't give a damn about Ryeowook. I don't know why I even called you. I'll get him back myself."

There was a click and the line went dead.

Leeteuk had panicked at the sound of that click and that's when he had called the Chief and Kangin.

While the Chief had commented on how calmly he was handling the situation Kangin had done all he could within his limited power to calm his lover down knowing that all of this was just an act.

"Don't do anything rash Teukie. I can't save Ryeowook on my own and I wouldn't be able to think if something happened to you."

Leeteuk smiled for the first time in a while as he remembered that conversation.

Kangin had actually called Ryeowook by his name and not 'punk' for once.

Leeteuk just gripped the wheel and sent silent pleas to everything and everyone that Ryeowook, his son, would be okay.

"Be safe Wookie."

Ryeowook tried to swallow the saliva building in his mouth from nervousness as he let silent tears slip down his face. The filthy cloth in his mouth was making him gag and his arms were sore from being tied behind his back.

The man who had captured him finished tying the knot on his feet and Ryeowook whimpered as he felt a blade against his cheek and the door opened to the room they were in.

No one's POV:
I smirked as I saw my target tied up inside the room with my hired man standing at the ready. 

"Good job." I said and I saw Ryeowook's eyes widen. 

With a few quick steps I stooped down to his level and grabbed his chin, tilting his head to the left and right. 

"Tell anyone you've seen my face... if you live... and I'll hunt you and kill you." I said and he nodded in fright. I heard footsteps and quickly retreated out one of the other doors.

Normal POV:
Ryeowook's eyes searched frantically for the sound of the footsteps, hoping against all hope that it was someone on his side. The man with the knife stepped away from him as someone shouted his name from outside. 

'Kyuhyun!' He thought and squirmed. "mmmymmn!!"

A kick to his ribs had him quiet instantly as Kyuhyun appeared in the doorway panting and looking like he'd just run a marathon. Ryeowook looked around and saw the man was hiding as Kyuhyun ran up to him. He frantically shook his head no to try and warn Kyuhyun but the other didn't care or didn't notice. Ryeowook screamed behind his gag as Kyuhyun was knocked unconscious and bound in a similar manner.

The man's phone rang and he answered. "Make the call."

"You don't care about him at all."

Leeteuk's heart froze with that sentence. Was he really that uncaring? Did it seem like he honestly only cared about his job? How could that brat know anything?

"Detective Park."

Leeteuk quickly broke out of his trance and stared at the man who had called his name.


"We finished questioning the secretary." a short, plump, middle-aged cop told him.

Leeteuk nodded, "And?" 

The cop shook his head. "You were the last call he made. Nothing new sir, I'm sorry." said cop bowed and quickly scurried off to try and find something else to do. 

Leeteuk sighed and began to drag his feet behind the school where no one would look for him. He placed his hand on the wall for support but it could only do so much. Leeteuk took his hand away from the wall and walked down the alley a bit more before his trembling knees gave out.

He made no sound as he began to fall and only let his body fly through the air. Strong arms encased his waist and drug him back to a muscular chest.

"We'll get them back."

His breath was warm, welcoming, against Leeteuk's skin. Leeteuk nodded mutely and buried his face in Kangin's neck before releasing an anguish filled sob.

Kangin brought one hand up to run it through his partner's blonde hair and let him cry. He needed this; he needed Kangin to be strong. He whispered empty comforts against Leeteuk's ear softly in hopes of calming him down even if just a bit.

Kangin used his free hand to turn Leeteuk's body around to where they were chest to chest and let Leeteuk wrap his arms around him as he wrapped his arms around Leeteuk's body for a better grip as he continued to cry. He leaned down and some tears away from Leeteuk's face and nuzzled his cheek.

"I'll get them back Teukie. I swear on my life that I will get our sons back."

ringring ringring

Leeteuk fumbled for his phone as it rang and he detached himself from Kangin's comforting embrace. "Park."

"I have your son. If you're not here, unarmed, in twenty minutes then I'll kill him and his little friend."


Leeteuk looked at Kangin with wide eyes and pocketed his phone only to have it ring again with an unknown number's text message. 

"The address." He said and Kangin grabbed his writs. 

"Jungsu are you really going to fall for that?" He said.

"I have to. We just got the family we've wanted Kangin-ah... I can't let that go." He said and Kangin grabbed his wrist. 

"I'm coming with you. He said you had to be unarmed... not alone. I'll be backup." He assured.


Kibum walked down the streets as he thought about Ryeowook's last words. "He hates me? I guess if you terrify someone that warrants them hating you.... Aish." He said and walked into one of the abandoned buildings, not really paying attention until a gunshot rang through the air and he looked down at the tear in his clothing before looking up and his eyes widened. 


The white car slowly pulled up in front of the abandoned warehouses, lights off and engine humming quietly.

"This should be the place." Kangin stated.

Leeteuk just nodded mutely as he continued to stare at the building that his son was being held hostage in. He felt a hand enclose around his fist and looked down to see a hand covering his own. His eyes lifted to meet the comforting, reassuring gaze of Kangin's eyes.

"We will get them back."

He gave Leeteuk a small smile and Leeteuk gave his own small, tight smile back.


The two stepped out of the car just in time to hear a gunshot ring through the air and then a familiar voice shout his son's name.

Leeteuk's heart gave a slam and then he was running. He could hear Kangin behind him, always there, as he ran towards the abandoned buildings and the source of the shot.

He ran to the door and tried the handle but it wouldn't budge. He banged and banged, hollered and hollered but the door didn't budge.


Arms encircled his waist and pulled him back to Kangin's chest.

"Calm down. You will do something reckless in this state."

Leeteuk closed his eyes and took a deep breath, letting all thoughts exit his mind except what Kangin had told him. He was right; in this state he would only get in the way of things, not help them.

Kangin felt the tension leave his partner's body and slowly let go.

"Now, let's go."

Kibum staggered forwards as another shot rang through the air and he grinned as it went through him. He ran at the man, knocking him to the ground. Ryeowook shrieked behind his gag and scooted back. Kibum got the man's gun away from him and held it tightly in his hands, bashing it against the man's head.

He fell silent quickly but Kibum didn't stop, not hearing the door open to the warehouse. He punched the guy one more time and turned, eyes murderous, to see who was approaching with fast footsteps.

Ryeowook cowered in fear, not liking the look in his eyes. Kibum froze as he saw Leeteuk and Kangin standing mere meters away. Steadying his breathing some, he looked down at his bloodied hands and stood.

"I-I'm sorry... I I just...... I saw him and I....." He said shakily. 

He knew for sure the man was dead and he couldn't bring himself to look his 'parent's in the eye. Movement caught his attention and he looked at it but the sudden change made him dizzy and before he knew it, he was on the ground.

Ryeowook clung to Leeteuk as he was untied, sobbing. Kangin knelt down to make sure Kibum was alright, the younger's breathing resembling someone having a panic attack. Ryeowook hiccupped into the fabric of Leeteuk's shirt. 

"I want to go home... Kyuhyun's over there." He said, pointing to the unconscious boy.

Leeteuk cradled him in his arms and shhh'd him. "I'm here."

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updating two to three chapters tomorrow


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sapphire0taku #1
Chapter 18: \\awww... T^T it's a shame... i really, really like this story... T^T i'll read your other stories... ^_^ \\
sapphire0taku #2
..when are u going to update??? T.T pls update soon... T.T jebaaaal...
sapphire0taku #3
..when are u going to update??? T.T pls update soon... T.T jebaaaal...
Awesome Teukie!
Update soon!
wintertmm #5
Chapter 17: Awwww both kangteuk and kiwook are so sweet . They are just like one nice big family could donghae be the killer? Pls update soon
hebteuk #6
Chapter 17: oh u uploaded...kangteuk is so sweet <3 ^_^
Chapter 17: Yay! I REALLY missed this story.
Chapter 17: omg woww you've updated after so long! thank you :)
Chapter 16: update soon! :D