Chapter 13

Seventh Touch


Leeteuk gently pulled the covers over the sleeping form of Ryeowook. He brushed his knuckles across the sticky cheeks and gently kissed his forehead and tucking him in. He knew Kibum was asleep in their room so both of the kids were now in bed. Sighing Leeteuk rose and exited the room quietly, making his way down the stairs and back towards the living room.


Leeteuk sighed and fell down onto the couch in an exhausted heap. Today had been hell; a day he did not want to repeat. Ever. His entire body ached and his muscles protested every move he made. He needed a hot bath. Now. But his body hurt too much to move. He could always ask Kangin to carry him but he knew Kangin was just as tired as he was so he decided against it. 


Leeteuk let out a sudden moan as two large hands began to massage his shoulders. His back arched slightly into the touch and his head fell back against the couch limply. 


"How’re you feeling babe?" Kangin's voice was low in his ear. 


"In heaven right now." Leeteuk hissed as Kangin's fingers hit a particularly sore knot on his shoulder. 


Kangin chuckled and squeezed tighter, soothing the knot out. Leeteuk opened his eyes to look into Kangin's loving one but they closed again when he moaned at the feel of his muscles relaxing. 


"You know you are really good at this." Leeteuk sighed contently. 


"What can I say? I'm good with my hands." Kangin laughed. 


Leeteuk looked up and smirked at him. "Oh you are better than good with those hands." 


Kangin arched an eyebrow. "Oh really?" He lowered down a bit. "You sound like you've had experience with them." 


"Plenty of it." 


Kangin laughed out loud but his hands never still in massaging his lover's tense shoulders. 


"Kangin I feel bad about you doing this for me."


Kangin paused and looked down. "Why?"


"Because I know you are just as tired. If not more so. I know I wasn't easy to deal with today." Leeteuk looked up at him, concern on his face. 


Kangin shook his head and leaned down to kiss Leeteuk's forehead. "I would do anything for you."


"I know you would." 


Leeteuk smiled and reached up to cup Kangin's cheek in his palm when an idea struck him. Kangin loved being pet. He didn't look like it but he loved it when Leeteuk would run his fingers through his hair on their, rare, lazy days. 


"Kangin come here." Leeteuk patted the couch next to him. 


Kangin gave him a look. "Are you sure you want me to stop?"


"Do I ever want you to stop anything that you do to me?" Leeteuk smiled. 


Kangin pondered the thought before shrugging and releasing Leeteuk's shoulders to go around and sit next to his lover. 


"What's up?" He asked as he sat down.


Leeteuk smiled at him and brought his legs up on the couch. He pat his thigh and gestured for Kangin to lay down. Kangin smiled at Leeteuk before laying down with his head resting on Leeteuk's thigh and bringing his legs onto the couch. He sighed contently and just laid there but then Leeteuk started to run his fingers through his hair just the way he liked it.


"How's that?" Leeteuk leaned down to whisper to him.


Kangin gave a slight sigh, "Perfect." 


Leeteuk chuckled and kissed his lips. "I love you." 


Kangin reached up and cradled Leeteuk's head in his hand. "I love you too." 


Kangin brought his other hand up to Leeteuk's lap and grabbed his free hand and entangled their fingers together. Leeteuk rested his arm on the arm of the couch and let his head rest on it while his other hand continued to pet Kangin's hair. Kangin himself closed his eyes and enjoyed the comfort he was given. 


Both of them began to drift off and soon they were fast asleep. 




Kibum was the first one awake. He sat up and looked down to see that he had curled up in Leeteuk and Kangin's bed. The memories of last night flooded in; he remembered dinner, and then coming here, nothing. 


"So I must have fallen asleep here then..." he mumbled and got up with the intent of checking on Ryeowook. 


As he opened the door and stepped out he almost collided with Ryeowook himself. Luckily Kibum stopped just short and they merely stared at each other for a moment before Ryeowook awkwardly cleared his throat and stepped back a small step.


"Good morning." 


"Morning." Kibum nodded. 


"Ummm are you hungry?" Ryeowook asked. 


As if on cue Kibum's stomach did something it hadn't done; growled. He looked away with a flushed face and Ryeowook almost forgot who this was in front of him and what he had done. Almost.  


Both of them walked down the stairs but stopped at the sight of Kangin and Leeteuk sleeping on the couch together still with their hands still connected. 


"You wouldn't guess they were two of Korea's most dangerous men if you saw them like this." Kibum whispered. 


Ryeowook just smiled and nodded. 


The two of them quietly walked past the sleeping couple to enter the kitchen to get something to eat. 


"Shouldn't you be at school?" 


Ryeowook jumped at Kibum's voice right behind. him. 


"T-teukie-hyung said I could skip today." 


Kibum was confused for a second but then it dawned on him and he stepped back to give Ryeowook his needed space. Ryeowook mentally thanked the young ghost and went back to looking around the fridge while Kibum sat at the table stiffly.






The smell of eggs woke Leeteuk up. The detective stretched his arms and looked at the now empty space beside him. He tried to register what was wrong but then remembered that Kangin had slept there so where was he now? 


"Good morning love."


Leeteuk looked to see Kangin entering the room changed, the smell of vanilla and spice entered his nose as Kangin made his way over to him. He sat down and hugged his partner, kissing him on the forehead lovingly. Leeteuk smiled and sleepily cuddled into Kangin's chest. 




A muffled sound.


"What?" Kangin chuckled. 


"I'm fine right here." Leeteuk grunted. 


"You are so cuddly in the mornings you know that?" Kangin laughed again.


"I'm not cuddly." Leeteuk pouted but didn't move. 


"You are so adorable." 


"Am not." 


"You are too." Kangin cooed. 


"Shut up." Leeteuk yawned and resumed cuddling into Kangin's chest. 


Kangin smiled and combed his fingers through Leeteuk's hair. 



There was a cough from the other side of the room. 


Kangin looked up to see Cho Kyuhyun standing in the doorway looking very, very irritated. 


"What the hell am I doing here?"


Leeteuk fully turned to face Kyuhyun and smiled a bit. "You were with Ryeowook when we rescued him... so because you were unconscious we brought you here to rest. Are you hurt?" He asked and Kyuhyun made a ticked off noise before looking away from them.


"Look kid you got yourself into that situation, not us."


Kangin started but cut himself off when Ryeowook appeared in the doorway, silently watching them. He walked over to Kyuhyun and gave him a hug, shocking the other boy, before bowing his head.


"Thank you for trying to protect me. I'm glad you're not hurt. There's no need to be angry with my parents. If you're going to be hateful, please leave. You're absolved of any connection to the case so just go." He murmured stunning everyone in the room.


Kibum walked around the corner, cold eyes trained on Kyuhyun. The teen's eyes widened and he pointed.


"Y-yah! You're that bastard who got blood on me that day!" He shouted and Ryeowook frowned.


"He's dead, Kyuhyun... he hadn't bathed since the day he was murdered. It was his own blood you saw. Please leave." He muttered, not once looking up.


Leeteuk and Kangin watched silently as Kyuhyun left the room and soon after the house. A cold aura emitted from Ryeowook and it made them slightly uneasy.


"I'll be in my room." He said and left the room.


"There's food cooked for the both of you." Kibum said before following him.


Leeteuk went to go after him but Kangin put an arm out, stopping him. "They probably need this."





Ryeowook went into his room and shut the door, climbing onto the large bed and sitting with his back against the headboard facing the door. He looped his hands under his legs where they were bent at the knee and just stared ahead.


When Kibum appeared in the doorway he tensed and averted his gaze. Kibum walked inside and shut the closet door before walking to the bed and sitting on the edge. Ryeowook visibly tensed and scooted away a small amount as Kibum pulled his legs onto the bed and knelt in front of Ryeowook, his hair curtaining his face from the sides.


"Ryeowook look at me." He said sternly and the other teen shook his head. "I know I broke a promise... I just.... I couldn't take it. Seeing you in danger..."


He was cut off as Ryeowook snapped his head to look at Kibum, angry tears trickling down his face.


"So what huh?! You gonna kill Kangin or yourself for scaring me senseless the other day?! No because you know I wouldn't want that and you're already dead! I would never, for one second, want you to kill someone because of me! It's my fault that man is dead you bastard!" Ryeowook shouted, shoving Kibum away from him by his shoulder's landing the other man on the floor.


Kibum was absolutely stunned. Ryeowook had a point. If it hadn't been Ryeowook kneeling on that floor, would he have reacted the same way? Not likely. Carefully, Kibum got up from the floor and sat on the other side of the bed, closer to Ryeowook than before.


He reached out and wiped Ryeowook's tears, frowning when he cringed. Ryeowook chanced looking at Kibum and saw a sadness that ran incredibly deep. He felt guilty. Hesitantly, Ryeowook moved closer to Kibum and looked at him, carefully touching his face.


"You... are still the same person. It's going to take some time for me to be one hundred percent comfortable around you again....." He admitted and leaned up, pressing a gentle kiss to Kibum's chapped lips as his arms wound around the other.


Kibum hugged him back, resting his cheek on the other teen's hair as the kiss broke. He knew he didn't deserve this chance but he was selfish like all humans and he was damned if he didn't take the opportunity.





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updating two to three chapters tomorrow


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sapphire0taku #1
Chapter 18: \\awww... T^T it's a shame... i really, really like this story... T^T i'll read your other stories... ^_^ \\
sapphire0taku #2
..when are u going to update??? T.T pls update soon... T.T jebaaaal...
sapphire0taku #3
..when are u going to update??? T.T pls update soon... T.T jebaaaal...
Awesome Teukie!
Update soon!
wintertmm #5
Chapter 17: Awwww both kangteuk and kiwook are so sweet . They are just like one nice big family could donghae be the killer? Pls update soon
hebteuk #6
Chapter 17: oh u uploaded...kangteuk is so sweet <3 ^_^
Chapter 17: Yay! I REALLY missed this story.
Chapter 17: omg woww you've updated after so long! thank you :)
Chapter 16: update soon! :D