chapter 2

Seventh Touch

Kangin eyed the two as they exited the class. He turned back and surveyed the class.


“How many of you knew Hwang Seul Gi?” Kangin’s voice was low.


Almost every student raised their hand.


Kyuhyun gulped as he tried to hide the tail of his shirt from the cop. ‘If they see that I’m sure to go to jail! And I don’t even know how it happened!


Kangin saw one of the students fidgeting in the back. ‘What’s his deal?’


“You.” He pointed at Kyuhyun, “Come with me.” and he stepped out of the classroom.




Kyu rose on shaky legs and followed the detective. He closed the door silently behind him and walked down the hall towards the window where the detective was currently perched.


Once he arrived he just stared at his feet and the floor. He couldn’t meet the detective’s eyes and he knew why but at the same time didn’t. He knew that if the detective saw the blood, which he most likely would, he would assume Kyuhyun had something to do with it but he knew he didn’t! Kyuhyun knew he himself had an alibi for the entire week!


“What’s your name kid?” Kangin grunted.


“K-kyunhyun sir.”


“How old are you?”


“17 sir.”


“You knew the victim?” Kangin continued to stare blankly out the window.


“Hwang Seul Gi.” Kyuhyun automatically corrected.


“What?”  Kangin quirked an eyebrow.


“Her name was Hwang Seul Gi.” Kyuhyun stared Kangin straight in the eyes.




Down the hall, Ryeowook fidgeted with his shirt and sighed. Leeteuk crossed his arms. "You said you smelled blood but there was nothing in there." He said and Ryeowook looked down.

"Fine, don't believe me, bastard." He snapped, turning and heading back towards his classroom only to feel someone snatch him back.



Kangin gave Kyuhyun a once over and frowned. "Respect your elders kid. You got some nerve talking to me like..." He trailed off, catching a glimpse of red peeking out from the teen's jacket.

He reached for the younger but Kyuhyun made a run for it, racing down the hallway. He knew he'd look worse by running but he didn't know that it wasn't her blood on him and that would beat his word any day.

He turned a corner, hearing Kangin shouting behind him, and collided with someone else, sending them both to the floor as both detectives appeared at the area.

Ryeowook pushed Kyuhyun off of him and winces as he looked at his hand, faint traces of blood on it.

He scrambled backwards as Kyuhyun was hauled to his feet. "Why are you running kid?! Got something to hide?" He growled and Leeteuk glared as if to say 'this better be warranted'.

Ryeowook attempted to slip away unnoticed but Leeteuk's arm shot out, grabbing his jacket hood as his phone rang.

He answered with an annoyed sigh. "Park."

"Get down here now. Someone's just been killed minutes ago."



A few minutes previously, a gray clad figure grinned as he saw a man get a bit too rough with a woman in the club. He had his target. Walking right up to him, he tapped the man's shoulder. "Why bother with her? There are willing people here." He said and the man seemed to forget the woman immediately, intoxicated to a dangerous point.

He lead him out into the alley and walked a few paces before the man tried to grab his . Bending quickly, the boy grabbed a wood plank that rested in the alley and striking the man with it, watching as blood poured from his nose. He threw the broken board to the ground and pushed the man, ramming his face into the brick before straddling him, punching him several times before stopping, his hair plastered to his face with sweat and blood. He looked up as someone shouted and he was gone, disappearing back to his 'home'. He walked through the wall to the inner part of the old school and sighed, calming down from his rage.



“Kangin get the two of them in the car. We need both of them.” Leeteuk growled and shut his phone.

“Teukie I don’t think that’s a good idea. We have no idea if they are even involved and if that happens then we don’t need two little brats out in the open.” Kangin grabbed the two boys by the collars.

Leeteuk seemed to ponder this fact for a moment before scowling and nodding. “Fine I see what you mean” he turned to the two boys “but this doesn’t mean that either of you is off the hook. We will be back.”

With that being said Leeteuk turned and ran towards the exit. Kangin immediately let go of their collars and ran after his partner. Ryeowook and Kyuhyun collapsed on the ground in ungracious heaps. They both groaned and rubbed their soar rear ends.

“Why did you run?” Ryeowook groaned. “Why did you!” Kyuhyun shot back. Ryeowook only shrugged and started to get up.

“They didn’t believe me anyway so I saw no reason to stick around.” Kyuhyun stood up and rubbed his a bit before starting to walk off.

Ryeowook shrugged and turned to leave but stopped when he saw the red staining Kyuhyun’s shirt. “Hey are you okay?” Kyuhyun turned and gave him an odd look.

“Why wouldn’t I be? Sure my hurts but that’s nothing that won’t go away.”

“I mean there is blood on your shirt…” Ryeowook took a hesitant step forward and pointed towards the tail of Kyuhyun’s shirt.



Kyu’s eyes widened as he looked down to see what Ryeowook was talking about, he had forgotten about that. His head began to shake and he turned and ran like hell.


Ryeowook ran after him but Kyu could really run. He turned a corner and there was no sight of the teen.

“Just what the hell was that about?” Ryeowook scratched his head and just looking around before giving up and heading back.



“Agent Park, we’ve been waiting sir.”

“I apologize for the wait. What have you got so far? Anything?”

Leeteuk and Kangin walked into scene and immediately Kangin exclaimed in disgust at the sight presented to him while Leeteuk’s gaze hardened. Who the hell would do something like this? The victim was an older male, late 40’s-mid 50’s. Tall, thing, brown hair with just a dash of peppered gray hairs scattered around. They couldn’t tell a thing about facial features because his entire skull and face had been bashed repeatedly against the wall, mangling him beyond recognition.

“Well no need for an M.E. here is there?” Leeteuk glanced up at his partner.

Kangin smirked darkly. His face showed amusement but his eyes showed contempt and disgust. The police behind them shuddered at the dark sense of mirth the two shared; they had heard of these two before. They were legends among the force. The older of two, the blonde one, Park Jungsu, a.k.a Leeteuk. He joined the force at the age of 18 for some unknown reason and has served for almost a decade. He could do anything from something simple like gathering information, sometimes classified, to breaking into the most secure buildings in all of Korea and out without breaking a sweat to snipping a target with his eyes closed. Age 27.

His partner, Kim Youngwoon, a.k.a. Kangin, wasn’t much different. He was two years younger then his partner and had joined the force at the age of 19, about a month before his 20th birthday. He hadn’t been serving as long as his partner but he had a reputation like his. They had worked together since Kangin’s arrival in the force and since. He was the only one to last that long with Jungsu. He was age 25.

There were rumors about them all over the force. Some say they are lovers. No one would have a tough time believing that. After all neither of them every spoke unless necessary and they didn’t ever smile, they didn’t know how to have fun and certainly didn’t go out often. But when they were around each other they weren’t quite as tense, they relaxed and joked a bit. Some said they had even seen them together, like together, but for some reason no one could see them having such a public relationship.

“Officer!” The officers broke out of their trance at the voice of Detective Park.

“Yes sir?” “Has there been any identification on the body yet?”

“No sir not yet.”

“Why the hell not?” Kangin growled.

The officer gulped and backed down a bit. “The M.E. hasn’t gotten here yet sir.”

Kangin snarled and threw his hands up in the air. Why must everyone be so useless? Honestly!

“Well, well, well.” Kangin turned back to see Jungsu pick up the victim’s cell phone.

He walked over to glance at it. “What is it?”

Leeteuk flipped open the screen and Kangin’s eyes widened as he grabbed the phone to see if he was imagining things.

“Is this-” Leeteuk nodded grimly.

“Things just got interesting.”

“Interesting or twisted?” Kangin droned and just continued to stare at the screen.

“We will have to see won’t we?” Leeteuk stood and stared at the picture staring back at Kangin and him. Seemingly without a care in the world, the punk from earlier, Kim Ryeowook, stared back at them, huge grin plastered on his face.





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updating two to three chapters tomorrow


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sapphire0taku #1
Chapter 18: \\awww... T^T it's a shame... i really, really like this story... T^T i'll read your other stories... ^_^ \\
sapphire0taku #2
..when are u going to update??? T.T pls update soon... T.T jebaaaal...
sapphire0taku #3
..when are u going to update??? T.T pls update soon... T.T jebaaaal...
Awesome Teukie!
Update soon!
wintertmm #5
Chapter 17: Awwww both kangteuk and kiwook are so sweet . They are just like one nice big family could donghae be the killer? Pls update soon
hebteuk #6
Chapter 17: oh u uploaded...kangteuk is so sweet <3 ^_^
Chapter 17: Yay! I REALLY missed this story.
Chapter 17: omg woww you've updated after so long! thank you :)
Chapter 16: update soon! :D