Chapter 6

Seventh Touch


Kibum's eyes widened and he froze before throwing his hands out and watching as they went through Eeteuk's face in his panic. He pulled his arms back to his chest and frowned, letting his hair curtain his face.

"I don't want to talk about it." He said and Eeteuk put up a hand to stop Kangin from advancing, not even having to look to know the other was getting annoyed.

"If you don't tell me, I can't justify what you did and I'll have to close the case with an exorcism... If you do and the murders stop... I'll just let the case go cold." He knew he was being unfair to Kibum but they had to find out why he was doing this.

"Get away... when you're dry I'll tell you what happened." He whispered. "And don't sit where you can touch."

Eeteuk looked at Kangin and they both seemed perplexed but he obeyed and stood, stepping back to take a seat on one of Ryeowook's cushions, Kangin sitting on the other end.


Kibum took a shuddering breath and began his story. "I was on my way home the night that Ryeowook told me to disappear. I was attacked. I was still conscious when he me... then I was severely beaten and my arms and legs were died... my feet were tied to a cinder block and I was thrown over the bridge into the river." He explained, fear causing the temperature in the room to drop.

He gritted his teeth as he remembered the pain he'd went through. Eeteuk was about to respond when the light flicked on and everyone's attention snapped to the disheveled, angry looking Ryeowook standing in the doorway.

"I told you to wake me up! Why are you still here Kibum?! You left... and I'd love to know what gives you the right to take my computer from me without a search warrant. Despite it being in my house!" He growled, running over and slamming the computer shut, the impact sending it to the floor from the table.

"Relax, Ryeowook. You gave me a key so we have the right to be here." Eeteuk reasoned and Ryeowook crossed his arms. "What's wrong, not have a good dream?" Kangin sneered and Ryeowook smacked him in the head, glaring. "I didn't dream!" He growled, wincing as he put too much pressure on his injured foot.




Leeteuk leapt up and stepped in front of Kangin.


“Back off Ryeowook.” He growled.


Ryeowook’s mouth fell open.


“Did you not hear what your ‘partner’ just said?”


“Of course I did and you know what? You had it coming to you!” Leeteuk crossed his arms over his chest and glared at the punk.




“Did you really just ask them that Ryeowook?”


Everyone looked over at Kibum who had remained silent throughout the exchange.


“What are you still doing here anyway?” Ryeowook snarled at the ghost.


“He’s here because I asked him to be here.”


Ryeowook looked over to see Leeteuk’s eyes and saw that they had hardened into cold stones. He gulped and felt all his prior fury dissipate into nothingness.


“And your laptop was open. We apologize for looking at it but if you don’t want it seen then don’t leave it on while you sleep.” Leeteuk hissed and turned towards Kibum.


“Well it seems we have overstayed our welcome here. You can come with us if you need or would like a place to stay. Obviously you don’t need a key but just tell us if you do decide to stay there.”


With that Leeteuk his heels and head towards the door. Kangin glared at him and shook his head before starting after his annoyed partner leaving Kibum and Ryeowook in the room alone.


“You just made a mistake you will regret.”


Ryeowook looked and saw that Kibum was giving him a look of…was that pity?


“I don’t need them!”


“Oh really? After these past few days you still say that?” Kibum’s voice cracked a bit at the end.


“Yeah why would I need them?”


“Maybe because they are the only one’s you have.” Kibum sighed and then faded from sight.


Ryeowook looked around the empty room which suddenly felt so cold and lonely. He couldn’t help but feel like he had just made a very big mistake. He turned and headed back to his bedroom and shut the door but the echo of the door seemed to resound within the very foundation of the bitter emptiness surrounding him.


After the endless ticking of his bedroom clock finally marked an hour, Ryeowook sighed and stood, going to his kitchen and opening a drawer, taking out the small box of light bulbs.

He screwed them into his room's sockets and smiled as light flooded the room. He took one into his bathroom and repeated the process before he sighed, gripping his phone.

He flipped it over, prying the back off and dumping the battery out onto his bedside table, taking a glance at his soiled sheets and he frowned. "I slept in those again!" He whined, looking down and realizing with a red face he'd never changed his pants either. "Definitely bath time." He muttered, wondering if that creeper was still somewhere in the house, despite the empty feeling.



Kibum ran through the city, using as much shelter as he could to escape the rain but some parts of town he simply couldn't remain dry. He had forgotten it was raining when he left Ryeowook's home but he just couldn't take being in his presence any longer.

He shivered visibly with the strain of not panicking and though, if he so chose, he could let the rain pass through him, he simply couldn't overcome the fear to do so.

He came to a stop in front of a house and raised a hand to knock, smiling as Eeteuk opened the door, Kangin ing about having just gotten home in the background.

He didn't hear anything more, solidifying completely and passing out into the detective's arms.



Ryeowook ran his fingers through his hair, rinsing the day's filth from it before he lathered his washcloth and washed his body. "How did my life get so messed up so fast... I'm being haunted by my dead schoolmate for heaven's sake! Aish... I'll call in sick to school tomorrow and turn in my article later in the week." He murmured, sighing as he felt a ton better without the dirt on his body.

"Do I... really need them? After all, it's solved... right?"


Leeteuk caught Kibum as he fell into his arms.


“Kibum? Kibum are you alright?”


Leeteuk gently brought him to the floor and checked him over for injuries. He looked into his face and saw that he was asleep. He looked peaceful, like any other teenage should.


“Teuk what’s wrong?” Kangin came over to crouch beside the two of them.


“He’s tired is all. Help me get him up to our room.”


Kangin groaned. “Can we have our home back please?”


Leeteuk giggled a bit and poked Kangin playfully. “At least he’s better then our last guest.”


“That’s true but still…”Kangin sighed and picked the boy up gently. He frowned, “Man he’s light.”


“He has gone through a lot Kangin.” Leeteuk said gently and lead him to their room.


Kangin set him down carefully while Leeteuk tucked him in much like a mother would tuck in her child.


“Sleep well Kibum-ah.” He kissed his forehead and Kibum shifted slightly.


He turned in bed and shifted into the touch. Leeteuk smiled and pet his hair before getting up and turning to leave.


“Don’t go.”


Leeteuk felt a hand grab his hand. He turned to see Kibum looking at him desperately like a scared, frightened, child. The hand holding onto his felt small and frail.


He set down on the side again and resumed Kibum’s hair and face.


“I won’t go anywhere Kibum-ah.”


Kibum smiled at him and fell asleep once again. Kangin leaned against the door frame and watched the scene before unfold. He smiled and went to sit beside Teuk and grab his hand.


“You are so much like a mother.” He moved Leeteuk’s bangs from his forehead and kissed him softly.


“Someone has to be.” He smiled sadly and leaned against Kangin’s chest while still Kibum’s hair.


Soon Kibum fell into a deep sleep and Leeteuk and Kangin went to their living room and sat down on the couch just watching tv together and cuddling. Kangin held Leeteuk’s small body against him, running his hand through his honey hair.




Kangin muted the tv and looked down at the man in his arms.




“I’m sorry I got so mad earlier.”


Kangin smiled and kissed Leeteuk on the head. “It’s okay. I was acting childish earlier. I know you wanted to help Ryeowook.”


“You were right about him.”


“I’m sorry about that.” Kangin sighed. He knew Leeteuk wanted to help the boy but damn if the punk didn’t make it hard.




Leeteuk and Kangin looked over to see a sleepy looking Kibum rubbing his eyes. They smiled at the sight.


“Did you sleep enough Kibum-ah?” Leeteuk asked quietly.


Kibum looked up and smiled sleepily. Leeteuk gestured towards the love seat.


“Come on and join us.”


Kibum nodded and sat on the couch awkwardly.


“I didn’t mean to interrupt.”


Leeteuk and Kangin smiled. “It’s fine Kibum.” Kangin laughed.


“Are you hungry?” Kibum nodded shyly.


Leeteuk got up and smiled at the two of them. “I’ll go make dinner then.” He kissed Kangin gently and walked to the kitchen.


Kangin sighed happily and sank into the couch.


“You two are really in love aren’t you?” Kibum whispered.


Kangin looked over and nodded. “We have been together for years and I would like to think that we are in love.”


Kibum looked down at his hands.


“Did you have anyone who you wanted Kibum?” Kangin asked.


Kibum looked up and shook his head. Kangin’s eyes clouded.


“You died too young. I didn’t find love till I found him and I didn’t find him till I was 19.”


Kibum listened and felt his heart go cold again. Love. What could he ever learn of love now?


“There is much you can learn Kibum.”


Kibum’s eyes shot up but Kangin had already turned back to the tv.


Kibum didn't say anything more as the smells of Eeteuk's cooking made it's way into the room and his stomach growled loudly. A blush rose to his cheeks and he smiled slightly. "Food's done!" Eeteuk said, walking back into the room with a plate of food for Kibum before he left and came back with his and Kangin's food.

They ate in silence and Kangin and Eeteuk exchanged glances sometimes, wondering whether to attempt to talk with Kibum.

As if on cue, Kibum stopped eating and spoke.

"I'm scared of water. That's why I passed out at your door. Even being here scares me because.... you're in love." He said, taking another bite.


Before Eeteuk could say anything in response, Kangin's work phone rang, startling Kibum almost to the point of dropping his chopsticks.

Kangin answered and listened to the person on the other line. "WHAT?!"



Ryeowook sighed as he stripped his sheets and did laundry. He'd practically done everything he needed to in the house. He'd even went out and bought more lights for the rest of the house and he was out of things to do. His ipod and computer were broken too. He sighed. "I miss those douchebags." He pouted.


"Kangin what happened?" Leeteuk set his plate down and glanced at his patner warily.

"The M.E. found some skin under the girl's pinkey finger. It didn't match Kibum I can say."

"Which girl?" Kibum furrowed his brow.

"The reporter from your school." Leeteuk didn't know why he would be asking that.

Kibum started to shake his head. "I didn't kill her."

"What do you mean?" Kangin asked.

"Go to the river and right across from there, in the dumpster,  is the girl I killed."

"So you didn't kill this girl?" Kangin clarified.

Kibum shook his head. "Not me. Plus it isn't possible for me to leave dna really. Unless I wanted to that is."

Heavy breathing interupted them. Both turned to see Leeteuk with his head in his hands, panting heavily.

"Teukie? Baby what's wrong?" Kangin crouched down in front of him.

"There's another one Kangin..." Leeteuk's shakey voice broke.

"We don't know that for sure." Kangin's voice was stern.

"It's someone in the force."

"Park Jungsu what has gotten into you?" Kangin screetched.

"Kangin we have never released any details about how Kibum kills! Never!" Leeteuk cried.

Kangin froze as he realized that Leeteuk was right, there had never any been release of details as to how the killer had done it.

"It is either that or we have a leak which isn't much better which means that no one can know about Kibum. " Leeteuk looked over at the two of them and began again, "We have to make sure this becomes a cold case."

Kangin stood and nodded. "What about the copy cat?"

"We'll catch him  but not the real killer." He looked over and smiled at Kibum.

Kibum stood and bowed. "I'm truly sorry for all the trouble I have caused."

Leeteuk laid a hand on his shoulder while Kangin smiled. "You have your reasons Kibummie. I don't balme you for this."

Kibum flushed at the nickname. He had never been given one before.

"Thank you Teukie-hyung."

Leeteuk paused for a second before laughing. 

"Come on you two, we need to go see the M.E."

"Police are saying they will not release further information only that the investigation will continue. This sudden find is truly shocking."

Ryeowook jerked his head up in shock as he heard the news reporter finish her report. "Kibum?" He asked, wondering how a reporter got information like that in the first place. "How did they get DNA from a dead guy?" He wondered, pulling his shoes on and phoning the detectives. "I know you don't want to hear from me but the news just said they found DNA......... okay okay geez don't bite my head off I was just saying... you friggin ape." Ryeowook growled, taking the phone away from his ear as Kangin continued to yell at him.


His phone was suddenly flung from his grasp and Ryeowook gasped, seeing Kibum once again standing in front of him. "As much as I hated to, I had to come back. They're heading out now. Someone else is killing apart from me."


“When did you find it Dr.?” Leeteuk asked as he entered the morgue.


“If I hadn’t felt her nail catch on the sheet then I wouldn’t have found it at all.”


Leeteuk pulled the sheet back from the victim and looked over the corpse once again. It was sad how easily a life could be ended, how fragile it all is.


“Leeteuk? Teukie?”


Leeteuk’s head snapped and he looked over to see Kangin giving him a worried look.


“Are you alright?”


“Yeah just…remembering.” Teukie whispered.


Kangin nodded but kept a careful eye on his partner. Something wasn’t right; he just didn’t know what.


“So do you have any matches on the DNA Dr.?” Kangin asked.


“Not yet but we still at least have something to compare it to.” The Dr. grinned and walked off the get some paper work.


“So do you think that we can make a  break in the case with this Teukie?”


Leeteuk looked over and smiled at Kangin. “I think we can make a major break through with this. Plus Kibum is willing to help.”


Kangin nodded. “With a ghost on our side how can we lose?”


“He can tell everything we need to know, all that’s left is Ryeowook.” Leeteuk frowned at the mention of the punk.


“Do we need to keep him around Leeteuk? Really?” Kangin groaned.


“You know as well as I do that we need him Youngwoon. There is no point in arguing about it.” Leeteuk sighed.




Leeteuk merely laughed at his partner as they headed back to their office to check up on some final details before going to back to Kibum and Ryeowook. 


Kibum passed his hand over Ryeowook's face and watched as he swayed before falling forwards. Kibum caught him and smiled a bit, setting him down on the couch.
He took a moment to actually look at him. "Tiny... All of us are getting too stressed out. I had hoped a little that after I was found out it would just stop but I've never had good enough luck for something like that." He muttered.
Kibum blushed a bit as he watched Ryeowook sleep and he shook his head. "It'd never happen." He snapped at himself, leaving the room. He wasn't able to make himself leave the house with it still raining.
Flipping through Ryeowook's phone, he texted Eeteuk's number fluidly, as if he hadn't ever stopped using a phone.
To: Teukie
From: Meddler
Text: This is Kibum, Mianhae but I thought I'd update you on what's going on. Ryeowook's in an induced sleep. I could tell he was stressing out. I told him about the copycat. If I can help I will but I won't leave while it rains.

Leeteuk checked his phone.

"Who is it?" Kangin asked.

"Kibum. He told Wookie and then put him to sleep."

"Good. Less to deal with."

Leeteuk gave him a look. "Kangin..."

Kangin merely shrugged. Leeteuk sighed at his partner and re read the text.

"Ne Kangin?"


"What do you think will happen to Kibum after all this is over?"

Kangin glanced over to see Leeteuk looking the other way.

"I don't know Teukie. I really don't know."

"Do you think...he could stay with us?" Leeteuk's voice was small.

"What? Why?" Kangin screeched.

"Kangin I read his file. His mother was a , he was abused and neglected and finally abandoned." Leeteuk paused before taking a deep breath and continuing.

"I don't want to be the next one to abandon him."

Kangin surveyed his partner. He knew Leeteuk's past and why he sympathized with the ghost boy.

"Teuk, do you want him to?"

Leeteuk looked over and bit his lip, nodding slightly. 

Kangin sighed. "When all of this is over we will ask and see how it goes. Is that okay with you?"

Leeteuk's face lit up brighter then the sun and he smiled widely.

"Thank you Youngwoon!" 

He surged forward to kiss Kangin lightly and winking at him before walking out the door leaving a confused and dazed Kangin to stare after him.

Nearly an hour later, Ryeowook's eyes fluttered open and he rubbed them as they adjusted to the dimness of the room. He hesitated for a moment before shooting up from the couch, arm flying out to flip the switch on.
The noise drew Kibum into the room and he stared, perplexed at Ryeowook. "What's wrong?" He asked.
"Please never turn the lights off again. I haven't been able to sleep in the dark since that day you scared the out of me!" He squeaked.
Kibum stared at him for a moment before he outright laughed, collapsing on the floor in a fit of laughter.
"You gotta be kidding!" He gasped, making Ryeowook blush, feeling embarrassed that he was being picked on by a dead guy.
"Stop it!" He yelled, further embarrassed by his voice cracking. He growled and jumped on Kibum, trying to make him stop laughing.
"It's not funny!" He said, yelping when Kibum turned the tables on him and began tickling him and Ryeowook attempted to retaliate but only went through Kibum. "Damn it that's not faireek!!" He squealed, trying his best to squirm away from Kibum as a new wave of tickling started.
They paused, catching their breath, and caught each other's gaze before Ryeowook flipped them both over, a triumphant grin on his face as Kibum laughed at being caught off guard.
Ryeowook steadied his breathing and looked at Kibum, leaning forward until he was a breath away from Kibum's lips. The older man panicked and vanished, leaving Ryeowook to faceplant the hardwood floor.
He sighed and sat up, rubbing his nose as a knock came to his door.

Kibum watched from inside Ryeowook's room, peeking around the door as he got up from the floor to answer the door. He hadn't meant to hurt Ryeowook but he'd freaked out. ~Why the hell did he try to do that?!~ He thought as Ryeowook answered the door.
"Oh, hi detectives." Ryeowook said happily as he opened the door. "I heard you went to the office because of some new find." He said happily and frowned at the weird looks he was getting. "What?"
"Your nose is bleeding."

Leeteuk gave him an odd look. Why was his nose bloody?

"What did you do to your nose?"

Ryeowook gave him an odd look before putting a hand to his nose. He flinched when he felt a warm liquid greet his fingers. He drew back and saw them covered in blood.


"What did he do?" Kangin put a hand over his mouth to try and muffle his snickering.

It was rather unsuccessful.

The corner of Leeteuk's mouth were twitching as he bit back a smile and pinched his partner.

"It isn't funny!" Ryeowook pouted as he was made fun of for the second time.

"We don't mean to laugh Ryeowook." Leeteuk kept his voice neutral but he bit his lip soon after.

"Oh that's bull and you know it! Of course we mean to laugh!" Kangin laughed while Ryeowook blushed.

"Oh shut up you giant primate." Ryeowook growled.

"Hey! At least he isn't afraid of the dark."

The detectives looked behind Ryeowook to see Kibum smirking.

Both looked to see that Ryeowook had turned tomato red and looked like he wanted to just die.

"And who's fault is that?" he mumbled

Leeteuk laughed and Kangin just kept laughing, then again he never stopped. Kibum just smiled as he watched.

Leeteuk walked to stand beside him as Kangin and Ryeowook went back to their banter.

"Say Kibum?"

"Yeah hyung?"

"What do you say about living with me and Kangin?"

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updating two to three chapters tomorrow


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sapphire0taku #1
Chapter 18: \\awww... T^T it's a shame... i really, really like this story... T^T i'll read your other stories... ^_^ \\
sapphire0taku #2
..when are u going to update??? T.T pls update soon... T.T jebaaaal...
sapphire0taku #3
..when are u going to update??? T.T pls update soon... T.T jebaaaal...
Awesome Teukie!
Update soon!
wintertmm #5
Chapter 17: Awwww both kangteuk and kiwook are so sweet . They are just like one nice big family could donghae be the killer? Pls update soon
hebteuk #6
Chapter 17: oh u uploaded...kangteuk is so sweet <3 ^_^
Chapter 17: Yay! I REALLY missed this story.
Chapter 17: omg woww you've updated after so long! thank you :)
Chapter 16: update soon! :D