Chapter 17

Seventh Touch




Ryeowook was jostled in his sleep a bit as Kangin woke up. Whining, he clung to his father figure as he tried to get up.


"I need to... Ryeowook? When did you get in here?" Kangin asked and Ryeowook blinked, his hair already a mess.


"I'm glad you didn't kiss me thinking I'm Umma.... I was lonely so I crawled in bed with you after cleaning up. Teukie went to look for Kibummie. Feel better?" He asked, a bit more awake. Kangin shrugged.


"Mostly. Where did Kibum go?"


"He didn't say...... He needs to come back." He pouted. Kangin nodded and made Ryeowook get up.


"Come on, I'll make you pancakes or something."


"But I cook better than you."


"Shut up, it's the thought that counts."


Ryeowook smiled happily and ran to the door. "..... Umma does not know we had a moment, got it?" Kangin said and Ryeowook grinned.






Kibum pulled himself away from Leeteuk as the light came on and he smiled seeing Ryeowook running down the stairs.


"Oi!" He called and Leeteuk looked over the back of the couch.


"You're home! Appa's gonna make me pancakes." He said happily, jumping on them in a dog-pile, nuzzling Kibum's chest.


"Huh.... Umma you cried?" He asked, worry in his tone as he noticed his parent's red eyes.


"I'm okay now." Leeteuk assured and a voice made him jump.


"You better be. What happened?" Kangin asked from above them and Leeteuk sighed.

"We may lose our jobs and Kibum nearly mauled Eunhyuk because apparently he has something to do with the leak. I thought they were going to catch Kibum, scared me to death. No offense Kibum." Leeteuk explained as Ryeowook stood again to let them sit up.


"None taken."



Kangin surveyed his partner’s face before putting out his hand. Leeteuk smiled at him, his weariness reflecting in his eyes, and took his hand, allowing himself to be pulled up by the stronger body. Kibum sat up as well and went up to hug Ryeowook.


“Are you sure you should be in the kitchen Appa? You don’t look like you can cook.” Kibum joked around from Ryeowook.


Kangin huffed but kept his attention on the body that was nestled up against his, not moving. He looked down at him with worry and ran a hand through his hair, “Maybe you should go back to bed. You look completely exhausted.”


Leeteuk sighed and nodded but didn’t move from his spot against Kangin’s chest. Ryeowook and Kibum noticed Leeteuk’s expression and exchanged a glance between themselves, “Umma…?”


Kangin leaned down and kissed Leeteuk’s forehead and wrapped both arms around the smaller male’s waist, “You two go wait in the kitchen, I’m going to take Umma to bed.”


Kangin leaned down and wrapped his arm around Leeteuk’s knees and lifted him up bridal style. Leeteuk whined slightly but wrapped his arms around Kangin’s neck anyway. Ryeowook and Kibum snickered at the sight but made their way into the kitchen as Kangin took Leeteuk up the stairs.


With as little difficulty as possible Kangin opened the door and set Leeteuk down on the bed. Leeteuk looked up and smiled at him as he was set down gently, “Thanks Youngwoon.”


Kangin smiled, “What happened love?”


Leeteuk sighed and brought his hands up to cover his face, “Oh Youngwoon, I don’t even know. The Chief found out about us from Eunhyuk and called me into the office, threatening me with my job and you and then we heard screaming and there was Eunhyuk and the, the blood! Then Kibum ran out and I followed him and he met me outside, hugging me about a lead or something. It was an accident!” Leeteuk began to sob.


Kangin gently pried his hands away from his face, “What was an accident?”


Leeteuk looked up at him, “I hit him. I hit Kibum.”


Kangin sighed and leaned down to gently kiss his partner’s lips. “I’m sure you explained yourself.”


Leeteuk nodded, “But that doesn’t excuse it.”


“It is in the past. Now, you stay here, get some rest. I’m going to go down stairs and make those pancakes and I will personally serve you breakfast in bed. How does that sound?”


Leeteuk smirked and wrapped his arms around Kangin’s neck, “Hmmm sounds nice. But can you even make pancakes?”


Kangin smirked, “I guess the kids will have to wait and see won’t they?”


Leeteuk gulped, “Youngwoon….? What are you going to do?”


Kangin pecked him on the lips and stood up, avoiding all the glass around the room, “I’ll pick this up today too.”




“Love you Teukie.” Kangin cooed and then left the room, leaving a confused and worried Leeteuk behind.


Kangin whistled as he made his way down the stairs and towards the kitchen. He entered with a huge grin on his face and starred straight at the two boys, “Now, shall we make some breakfast?”






After a (mostly) successful experience where Kangin only burned the first two pancakes, Ryeowook smiled and made for the kitchen door to tell Leeteuk Kangin would be up soon.


"No. I'll tell him." Kibum said, smiling. He brushed passed Ryeowook and headed into the living room and then up stairs.


"Umma~~" Kibum whined, hugging his parent.


"Food's done Kangin will be up soon.... I need to talk to you and appa after, Ryeowook.... he can't know." He added, returning to the kitchen without waiting on a response.



Ryeowook and Kangin were already sitting at their spots and Kibum smiled, leaning down to kiss Ryeowook. The latter froze, turning a bright red before looking at his lap as the other two sat down. Kangin's piece of pancake fell from the fork and he blinked.



"Okay no PDA please, it's weird."





After Kangin finished breakfast, he quickly made his way up with Leeteuk's food. Kibum went straight to Kangin and Leeteuk's room as well when he finished, telling Ryeowook he'd be right back. Ryeowook pouted as he sat in the empty kitchen. After only a moment, though, he snuck upstairs to eavesdrop.


Kibum frowned. "I'm sure Leeteuk Umma noticed, but.... I possessed Eunhyuk. Unlike with Ryeowook I knew what to expect so I wasn't forced out as quickly from panic. He's been telling every detail about the case to his boyfriend. It was the guy he had in his office right before I possessed him."



Leeteuk sighed and just rubbed his temples, dreading the headache he knew was coming. 


"Kibum, why in the world would you think doing that is okay?" He heard Kangin ask the ghost teen. 


"I did it because that man hurt my parents!" Kibum almost sobbed, "I just wanted to help."


Leeteuk looked up and saw the boy's face, feeling his heart break. Carefully he got up from his position on the bed and went over to the teen, hugging him close.


"Thank you Kibum-ah." he kissed his forehead and let him rest against his chest. He was silent for few moments before continuing, "We both had a long night Kibum. How about we just rest today and tonight we'll have a family dinner. All 4 of us."


Kangin gave him an odd look but Leeteuk gestured towards the door with his head. Kangin just stared at the door and sighed but made no move to try and open the door.


Kibum sniffled a bit and pulled back to reveal a beautiful, white smile "That sounds nice Umma."


Leeteuk smiled back, dimple and all, "Now, go eat your breakfast."


"We did Umma, it was actually fairly good."


"Hey!" Kangin grunted.


"What? I said it was good." 


Leeteuk laughed at the two but went back over to Kangin and pecked his cheek, "As long as you didn't destroy the house I think we'll be okay." 


Kangin huffed a bit but grinned at the evil idea that popped into his head. He grabbed Leeteuk's waist and pulled him down onto the bed, holding him 'hostage'. Leeteuk laughed the entire time while Kibum just stood there awkwardly.


"Kim Youngwoon what do you think you're doing?" Leeteuk laughed and tried to get up.


"You made fun of me. Now I'm going to get my revenge." 


"When did I make fun of you? Kibum did, not me!" Leeteuk yelped.


"Thanks Umma." Kibum groaned.


Leeteuk looked over at him, "I will not take the punishment for you." 


Kibum frowned and was about to say something but Kangin motioned with his head for him to get out. He took the hint and exited without question and almost ran right into Ryeowook. 





Once the door was shut Leeteuk looked up at Kangin, "And why did you make him leave?"


"So I can do this." 


Kangin leaned down and laid a firm kiss on Leeteuk's lips. Leeteuk sighed into the kiss, content to just lay with his lover. Kangin gently let his tongue come out to play and try to lure out his lover's as well. Leeteuk felt the wet muscle trace his lips, asking for entrance, and he opened his mouth just slightly but Kangin didn't miss the opportunity. Without missing a beat he let his tongue slip into the heat of Leeteuk's mouth and wrestle with Leeteuk's own tongue. The elder moaned at the feel of his younger lover's tongue playing with his own. 


If they were being honest, sometimes Leeteuk forgot that Kangin was younger than he was. Kangin always went out of his way to care for Leeteuk, protecting him, comforting him, loving him. He did all of those things much like an older lover would do. He couldn't help but love the feeling of being dominated by the younger male, it was exciting to know that there was someone who dared to challenge him, to try and over-power him. But the way Kangin loved him made him feel like he was the younger one. 


When it came to their relationship, Kangin was very, very careful. Leeteuk knew that Kangin would do everything in his power to keep Leeteuk safe and out of harm's way: another thing Leeteuk loved about the other, his protection. It was something an older lover would do as well, like he did for Kangin. Everything about him seemed older, and Leeteuk guessed that was his fault. Kangin became like this after getting to know Leeteuk, he made the other grow up faster than he should have and he did feel sorry for that. 


But when it came to moments like this, these rare moments where Kangin would hover over him, over powering him and asserting himself, holding him gently to remind him that it was okay to be weak sometimes, he couldn't find himself regret it too much. 





Outside, Ryeowook smiled and held out his hand, taking Kibum's in his. As he headed downstairs, he sighed.


"So Hyukjae Hyungnim is the one that's been leaking information. I'll keep that in mind. Even despite all that's happened, I'm happy and I feel..... safe."


Kibum sat with him in the living room and smiled half-heartedly. Ryeowook grinned at him. "So if we're all four a family wouldn't that make you and I wrong?" He joked. Kibum's face fell.




"Well yeah." Ryeowook shrugged.


"We'd be like brothers......" Ryeowook squeaked when Kibum planted his lips firmly on his.


"Brothers don't do things like this.... most of the time. We're family, but extended." He smiled, pressing a kiss to Ryeowook's nose.





Leeteuk untangled himself from Kangin's arms and stretched. The younger man had held him and spoken sweetly to him for the better part of three hours now and he was a tad stiff, he had to admit. As he made his way downstairs, he thought about the case.


The copycat was still out there and thanks to Kibum, they had found their leak. Now he only had to catch him in the act. He sighed, ruffling his own hair as he yawned. Kangin had a way of making him sleepy. He turned off the main room's TV and headed to the boys' room.


"Kibum, Ryeowook? What do you want for dinner tonight?" He asked.


No answer. He knocked softly and quietly opened the door. When the hall light flooded the room his eyebrows shot to his hairline. Ryeowook was asleep in Kibum's embrace. Said teen held Ryeowook protectively as he slept as well.


Their shoulders were bare and one of Ryeowook's legs peeked out from under the covers, also bare. Leeteuk blushed slightly and shut the door. "Well then."





Leeteuk shut the door to the room and sighed to himself, what was he going to do? Carefully walking past his own bedroom, Leeteuk walked down the stairs and into the kitchen to grab a snack and plopped down on the couch to turn on the tv.


He flipped through the channels before finally letting it settle on one of his favorite movies from years ago. He laughed to himself as he thought of the first time he and Kangin had watched this movie together, Kangin had hated it. But he had gone through it just because his Teukie wanted to watch it. 


Now that he thought about it, Leeteuk couldn't remember the last time he had been alone like this, Kangin was always with him. Always. It was...strange. He wasn't uncomfortable or anything but he just didn't have moments like these often and especially not with their 'kids' around. 


He smiled as he thought about his kids. It was like his dream of a family was finally coming true and it was because of those two kids. He couldn't even begin to explain how much they had come to mean to him in such a short time. 


Looking down at the soup in his bowl, Leeteuk took a look and saw his own reflection looking back at him. He sighed and drank away some of the soup before gathering a heaping portion of noodles with his chopsticks and shoving them in his mouth. He almost moaned at how good they tasted but luckily had held back. 


"If they stay asleep I'm going to eat their dinner." Leeteuk mumbled as he gathered more noddles. 


Within minutes Leeteuk had finished off his own meal and took his bowl back to the kitchen and placed it in the sink. He went back to sit on the couch and watch the movie. He didn't know how long it had been, maybe minutes or hours, but somehow Leeteuk had ended up laying down on the couch and falling asleep. 






Kangin woke up in the bed, alone. He quickly sat up and hissed as he used his injured hand to balance himself. He did a quick scan of the room and immediately remembered what had happened. Teukie had been with him when he had fallen asleep, so where was he now?|


He got out of bed and, avoiding all the debris, exited the room. He went down stairs, following the sounds of the television. He turned into the living room and smiled at the sight of his partner cuddled up on the couch underneath his favorite blanket. 


Slowly but surely Kangin crept to the couch and sat down in front of it just to look at his Angel. He brought his hand up and ran it through Leeteuk's hair. Leeteuk gave a small moan an tilted into the touch but otherwise remained asleep. Kangin smiled and kissed his forehead.


"I'll protect you Teukie. No matter what."


Kangin used his other hand to pull the blanket up higher and tuck his partner in and gave him one more gentle kiss before settling down and laying his head on the sofa next to the sleeping man's face, following his lover into the  world of sleep once more.

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updating two to three chapters tomorrow


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sapphire0taku #1
Chapter 18: \\awww... T^T it's a shame... i really, really like this story... T^T i'll read your other stories... ^_^ \\
sapphire0taku #2
..when are u going to update??? T.T pls update soon... T.T jebaaaal...
sapphire0taku #3
..when are u going to update??? T.T pls update soon... T.T jebaaaal...
Awesome Teukie!
Update soon!
wintertmm #5
Chapter 17: Awwww both kangteuk and kiwook are so sweet . They are just like one nice big family could donghae be the killer? Pls update soon
hebteuk #6
Chapter 17: oh u uploaded...kangteuk is so sweet <3 ^_^
Chapter 17: Yay! I REALLY missed this story.
Chapter 17: omg woww you've updated after so long! thank you :)
Chapter 16: update soon! :D