Minggu is Cute

10 things Woozi knows about Mingyu

Ah, it's been a tiring day filled with recordings and schedules. I closed my eyes and cracked my neck as I walked in the hallway towards my shared room. That's odd, the door is slightly opened. I peeked to see if anyone was inside, and I was right. In front of the mirror was Mingyu... talking to himself? Huh? Luckily for me, he still didn't notice I was there. I listened in a little more, I'm quite curious, he looks like he's been practicing about something.

"Hyung.." I heard him say... Hyung? Which hyung?

"Aish.. that's no good." I could see his reflection looking displeased.

"I mean... Jihoonie hyung." His face lightened, my brows nudged upwards, me? Why me?

"Yep. That's better." He reassured himself, "Jihoonie hyung." I heard him continue to talk to the mirror.

What is this kid on about? I wondered. He looked like he was having a hard time, is there something that he's displeased with me? Is there something that he's not happy with me? Why does it look like that he's practicing something that's so hard to say to me?

"Jihoonie hyung..." He repeated.

Yes, what? What do you want? You should have just told me from the beginning if you're having a hard time! I felt somewhat hurt and betrayed. Mingyu knew very well he could talk to me whatever it is, it's not like we're not family. Is it that bad?

I looked at him one more time.

"Jihoonie hyung... I like you."

I can't believe this! Is that reall-- wait, what? It took me a few seconds to process what he said, and as soon as I got my mind fixed together, I tried not to laugh. Was that the thing he wanted to say to me? Was that the reason why he's practicing in front of the mirror? I muffled a chuckle trying to escape my lips as I watched him try to confess to the mirror.

As great as it is, doesn't he realize that I know that already? I questioned, but it's Mingyu we're talking about, maybe there's something more to it.As I observed him practicing so hard, I can't help but realize that this kid is cute at times. Just knowing the fact that he's been working hard to convey his feelings this way, I think it's cute. But... isn't a confession a little too late at this point?

He's been pestering me and he's been following me around, literally he declares his love for me every single day. Then here he is trying to confess? I proceeded to take a few steps forward to let me presence be known.

"H-Hyung." He stuttered right in front of me, "How long have you been there?" Mingyu looked nervous, I could basically see droplets forming on his forehead. I gave a little smirk as I replied, "Just now." I proceeded to my own bunk and soon enough, I knew he would follow. I closed my eyes as I made myself comfortable on my bed. 

And just like a puppy, he took his place beside me.

"What do you want?" I drawled out, "I'm tired."  If I opened my eyes right now, I know for a fact that Mingyu would be looking at me with his puppy like eyes. I've given up reprimanding him about distances and personal space, sigh. I could feel the warmth of his body beside me and I could tell he's a bit expectant, I guess he's hoping for something more from me. 

Aish, I feel so stupid. Why do I have to give in to this tall dongsaeng of mine? I released a heavy breath before opening my eyes and just as I expected, he was looking at me expectantly.

"Yes?" I asked once more.

"Hyung.... You see..." Is this guy for real? Why is he being bashful all of a sudden? Aish, I want to kick him off of my bed but I don't have the strength to do it right now. 

"Get on with it." I said in response, Kim Mingyu, sometimes you can be ridiculous.

"I....like... you." Finally, he said it!

"I know." I said nonchalantly.

"You do?" He asked.

I gave him a look that basically told him if he was for real right now. His specialty is publicly declaring his undying love for me, of course I know about his feelings.

"Well..." Mingyu nervously laughed beside me, "I just thought I never say it enough and I want you to know that..."

Stop... Stop being so sappy... I felt my heart beat quicken a bit, I felt butterflies rampaging in my stomach.

"I kind of sound weird right now..haha.." He awkwardly added, "I just... I feel like it's never enough and I.."

"Y'know." I cut him off, "I'm the one who never says it enough." How can I resist this stupid dongsaeng of mine? I turned to face him as I looked into his lost looking eyes, I said, "Minggu.. I like you.. alot." My eyelids were drooping, I have no time to actually entertain his reaction. I'm too tired to even smile at him... but as long as he's beside me then.. I guess it's alright.

Sometimes, Mingyu can be very cute. I feel kind of bad for always giving him the cold shoulder, but I am lucky that he understands me. My mind is slowly dozing off as well, I could feel his long arms enveloping me, pulling me closer to him. I guess we'll be sharing a bunk tonight, I'll just push him off of the bed once he snores. I smiled to myself as I rested my head on his chest, I could feel him smiling from ear to ear even if I don't open my eyes... my cute dongsaeng.

AN: Sometimes, Jihoon needs to give Mingyu some slack TuT some fluff and some more fluff (/ ouo)/

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zezezeze #1
Chapter 8: So cute and 2 more to go
Chapter 8: They are so cute ; --;
wrenoblese #3
Chapter 7: this is a blessing my heart is overwhelmed with cuteness and fluff .゚( ゚இ‸இ゚)゚♡♡
11 streak #5
Chapter 7: I read this at 7:42 and I just woke basically what I need to brighten my day. <3
Balalala1717 #6
Chapter 7: I really like When jihoon call him "minggu" and he answered "jihoonie hyung"
Chapter 6: this is so cute and i feel fluffy inside~ .( •̥́ ˍ •̀ू ) 
dobeagle #8
Chapter 6: This is my fave chapter~ Jealous Mingyu is the best ! XD
fg #9
Chapter 5: I'm glad you're back. I'm so happy