Chapter 02

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Chapter 02: You’re dead after all!


Is this some kind of a joke?


“I hope you didn’t get scared earlier… You were dead after all!” Jung Eunji chimed, with that same eye smile she had from before.

They were now walking towards the school grounds, into the main building after the fiery attack of that fireball earlier. Naeun was still in pure daze of what has happened and was still trying to process the whole sort of thing.

“Why did that fireball attack me…? And fireballs exist in the afterlife?” Naeun finally able to ask the moment she was in her right state of mind, or at least she assumed to be.

The girl named Jung Eunji shrugged, “Well, it happened the first day I came here too and asked the same question but they all answer the same thing. You don’t have to care because you’re dead after all! There’s no context in this world, no rules from the real world to follow. Sure there is a system but we are freely much able to do anything we want here. I’m sorry about earlier by the way. That kid is Kick, and he was kinda stupid and lazy. He could’ve saved your but yeah, not his duty. I should’ve arrived earlier.”

They turned around a corner and they finally saw the front doors of the school, except when she finally got a full view of the place, she was awestruck. The double doors were open and revealing a wonderful piece of art inside, the interiors of the school was beyond majestic on view, and it felt right for the first time. The grand staircase was there, along with the bright chandeliers hanging in the air without any support. It was beautiful inside, something that feels home after a while.

What shocked Naeun even more was the ceiling, which is an exact replica of the weather outside. The clouds and dark blue sky that was more than perfect with the lightings.

“It was wonderful, isn’t it? I thought the same when I first got in.the ceiling of this school copies the exact sky from the outside, that you will still feel like you are outside when you’re not. It’s a shame though when it got a bad weather. Imagine eating breakfast with a gloomy atmosphere… It will be gloomy as well, right?” Ju

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Chapter 7: is this really never coming back :(
1241 streak #2
Chapter 7: Will u update this? :)
AlexPPD #3
Chapter 7: This is so good!!! Why don’t you continue this story author-nim? TT
K0419_Panda #4
Chapter 7: THANK YOU! I thought it was already complete but then you updated ^ ^
Thank you so much for the great work, author-nim! FIGHTING!!!
cskyn_ #5
Please continue this story author! The plot is so good!!
ReallCheck #6
bro. You promised me!
How could you?
haha still nice tho... even putting Colenn in here? Can see how you hate her...