Fifth - Distances

Always & Forever
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The night before Nara's flight, Nara was still organizing her luggage. Once again, Jennie came over at her house to help. Nara's mother began nagging her to pack her stuff days before, but she never listened. Instead, Nara was packing last minute. 

"Aigooo. I told you to start packing last week," Nara's mother nagged while looking at her daughter's messy room. Her room was now scattered with clothes and packages on the floor. "I am really sorry for the mess Jennie", she added. 

"It's okay Mrs. Go. You know how a girl's room is. There are always clothes scattered everywhere", Jennie spoke in Korean. "Aish", Nara muttered as she playfully smacked Jennie's arm. "Mom! You know how disorganized I am!"

At this point Nara was getting annoyed. She did not know why she was feeling this way. Maybe she was nervous or she was scared. She did not know how to feel the fact that she was going to be in Korea in twenty four hours. 

Nara's mother left the girls to finish packing and continued cooking in the kitchen. "Nara, calm down. Breathe every minute now and then will you?", Jennie suggested. 

"Ugh. I don't know. Maybe this was a bad idea", she hesitated. "What if they won't recognize me? What if..."

"Stop", Jennie interrupted. She placed her hands on Nara's shoulders, "Listen, you will be fine. Nothing is going to go wrong once you're there. Hey, its not just seeing them, think about the adventures that you've always wanted. Don't worry about them too much" 

Nara let out a deep sigh. "You're right. All I've been thinking is about them and its driving me crazy" 

Jennie motioned Nara to take deep breaths, "You're going to be okay. Just breathe, okay?" 

"Thanks for everything Jennie. I promise to Skype you or Facetime you every night", Nara said while giving Jennie a hug. 

"Duh! What are best friends for? Now, lets look for a perfect clubbing outfit. I heard from my cousins that the clubs in Korea are pretty fun", Jennie said excitedly breaking their hug. 

The girls continued to pack when suddenly there was a knock on Nara's door. "Nara-ah. You're aunt just called. She said she can't pick you up at the aiport, so instead she's sending Doyoung. You remember Doyoung right?" 

Doyoung was Nara's cousin who was the same age as her. They were once close when they were little, but separated after she moved to the states. 

"That's okay! At least, I get to have somebody my age showing me around Seoul" 

"I just have deal something in the company for the next few days then your mother and I will meet you there in two weeks okay?"

Nara nodded and continued to put clothes into her luggage. "I'll drive you to the airport tomorrow at six a.m. Jennie, please help her get up early" 

Jennie giggled, "I will Mr. Go!"

"You should take my spot in the family when I leave. I'm sure my parents will adopt you", Nara said sarcastically. 

"I'm already you're adopted sister", Jennie said while folding Nara's clothes. 

It was already getting late at night and the girls were just finishing up packing. "Wow its 2 in the morning already" Jennie said while yawning and stretching her body. 

Nara threw herself onto her bed and stayed quiet. "Still thinking about them?", Jennie interrupted her thoughts. 

"I wanna see how much they have grown up and changed over the years. It makes me so guilty that I broke my promise with them twelve years ago. I didn't get a chance to visit them every summer break or so because my parents were struggling and everything was too hard. I'm worried that they'll going to hate me for that", Nara confessed. 

"Listen, I know its been a while since you vented out your feelings to me because you're such a close book. But, just take risks. Learn accepting them and don't be afraid to do anything. Just let the situation flow and see where it leads to. Don't overthink about it too much. And remember...."

"to breathe", Nara finished her statement, "I get it. I'm still breathing and I'm still alive, Jennie", she joked. The girls laughed about it and continued to have their "girl talk". They talked for quite some time and slowly drifted off to sleep. Suddenly, the girls woke up to a ringing noise. It was already 5 in the m

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Chapter 6: AaAaaaah they mET
Chapter 4: Omg I need u to update ASAP