Chapter Five: Nine’s a Crowd

Fly With Me


                It was Wednesday. There were only two more days of school left, and summer could officially begin. Mom and Dad announced that we would be leaving for California next Friday, which gave T.O.P Media time to release an official statement about Teen Top prematurely ending promotions. It was decided that Teen Top’s whereabouts would not be revealed, so no one would know they were traveling to California.

                Dad nearly hit the roof when he found out the rest of Teen Top wanted to come to America. He said there was absolutely no way he would bring six rowdy teenage boys with us; that was when Uncle Sunho agreed to go too. He promised he’d be the one look after the boys. When he found out my mom was looking at rental properties for the three of us, he insisted we stay with him and the boys. He promised T.O.P Media would pay for not only Teen Top’s airfare, but also a place for all ten of us to stay. He said he found a four-bedroom three-bathroom townhouse in Los Angeles that would be big enough for all of us to stay in. Considering rental properties in Los Angeles were quite pricy, my father couldn’t say no to that kind of offer. I also secretly heard him tell my mom that he was glad the other boys were coming because he didn’t trust Byunghun and me alone together when he and Mom were out.

                Since this was turning out to be nothing but a luxury vacation for Teen Top, Uncle Sunho hired them an English tutor. They would all have to go to lessons twice every week for two hours, excluding L.Joe because he already spoke English fluently. None of the boys were too pleased to find that out, but considering they were going to America at all they were in no position to complain. English lessons or not, these two upcoming months were going to be glorious.

                However, they weren’t so glorious to everyone.

                “I can’t be without Changjo for two whole months!” Min Neul cried. She was about to tear her dark hair right out of her scalp. She flopped backwards onto her bed and let out a groan of frustration. She, her sister and I were all hanging out upstairs in Min Neul’s purple bedroom after school. Changjo and C.A.P had broken the news to them recently, and neither side was taking it well.

                “I can’t believe their managers agreed to this.” Hyerin slowly shook her head in disbelief.

                “I can’t either,” I agreed. “They agreed so easily.”

                “I can’t believe your dad agreed to it!” Hyerin added. “He didn’t even want L.Joe coming!”

                 “Throw in a huge townhouse and paid airfare and he’s willing to do anything,” I giggled.

                “This is just so unfair! They can’t just leave for America!” Min Neul cried. “What about ‘Don’t Spray Perfume’?”

                I shrugged. “The boys talked their managers into ending promotions early. T.O.P Media’s busy preparing a new band, you know. Teen Top’s done at lot so far this year anyway.”

                “I don’t care,” Min Neul said defiantly. “I’m selfish and proud.”

                Hyerin laughed, placing a hand on her sister’s arm. “I don’t want C.A.P to leave either. But we have no choice.”

                Min Neul stuck out her bottom lip. “Think I would fit in Changjo’s suitcase?”

                “You could try,” Hyerin giggled. “I’m sure Changjo wouldn’t mind. Think I’d fit in C.A.P’s?”

                I groaned. “I wish there was a way you two could come.”

                “Me too,” Min Neul sighed. She peeled herself up off her back to face Hyerin and me. She sullenly pulled her knees to her chest. “But that would never happen.”

                Hyerin sighed next. “Our parents would never let us go to America.”

                “Especially not with our boyfriends,” Min Neul added sourly.

                “What if your parents didn’t know they were coming?” I asked slyly. “What if you just told them you were going with my family? My Uncle’s taking Teen Top. We just happen to be going at the same time.”

                “I still don’t think they’d agree,” Hyerin stated.

                “Yeah, they’d probably say there’s no reason for us to go to America.” Min Neul rolled her eyes.

                I hated the idea of leaving Hyerin and Min Neul in Korea while I spent the summer in America with their boyfriends. I managed to go three months without any contact from Byunghun, but we had been broken up. If I hated going even a week without seeing him, how would they handle two months without C.A.P and Changjo? There had to be a way they could come to America too. My parents might not mind bringing them along. After all, Dad had mentioned both of them when I first asked if I could bring a friend along. But I knew Mrs. Park, and I knew she would be tough to convince. She’d probably want Hyerin and Min Neul to stay home for the summer and study for the upcoming school year, especially since Min Neul’s grade in English wasn’t up to par. She’d probably put Min Neul through English boot camp all summer…

                That was it!

                 I jumped up and practically shouted, “Oh my God, I got it!”

                “Got what?” Hyerin asked.

                “An idea! I know exactly how we convince your parents to let you come to America!” I exploded.

                “HOW?” Min Neul cried.

                “You haven’t been doing so well in English class, right?”

                “I guess,” Min Neul admitted with an eye-roll.

                “I thought it was ‘just one test’?” Hyerin teased.

                Min Neul stuck her tongue out. “Actually it was three, but I only told Mom and Dad about one of them.”

                “Then this is perfect! Tell your parents this will help your English improve!” I exclaimed.

                “KIRIN, YOU’RE A GENIUS!” Min Neul cried, throwing her arms around me in a tight hug. “Mom will love that! She’d think it’d be a great ‘learning experience’ or whatever!”

                “Okay, okay, that sounds like a great plan, but, if your uncle and all of Teen Top are going, then you probably don’t need two more people to take care of,” Hyerin said sensibly. “I doubt there’s enough room for nine kids anyway.”

                “Well, the townhouse we’re staying in is huge…as long as you paid for your plane tickets, I don’t see why my parents would object,” I shrugged, hoping I was right.

                “Do you really think so?” Hyerin asked.

                “Well I’d have to ask my parents, to be sure,” I giggled. “But they both really like you, so I don’t see the problem.”

                “Nine’s quite a crowd,” Hyerin said skeptically.

                “I know, but what have we got to lose?” I asked optimistically. I wanted to keep a positive mindset. This could benefit everyone in the long run. My mom could visit her old friends, Teen Top and the Park sisters could improve their English, I could go back to my old home, and L.Joe could reunite with his mom again. Everybody wins.

                A small smile spread across Hyerin’s face. “I…I suppose you’re right.”

                “When would you know for sure if we can come?” Min Neul asked impatiently.

                I shrugged. “As soon as possible.  Mom’s been looking for flights all day.”

                Min Neul sprang up from her bed and opened her door. “Kirin, I think I hear you mom calling you for dinner.”

                “What?” I giggled.

                “Get out of here so you can go home and ask your parents already!” Min Neul said in a playfully stern voice. She firmly pointed out the door and into the hallway.

                Hyerin pushed my shoulders. “You heard her, it’s time for you to leave!”

                I laughed as I stood up and headed for the door. “Oh, fine.”

                “Come back with the news as soon as possible!” Min Neul cried childishly as I walked past her. “RUN!”

                “Yes m’am!” I giggled as I saluted her. I skipped down the stars and into the living room. Being the house next door, the Park’s house was almost identically set up the way mine was.

                Mrs. Park was seated on the couch, watching some Korean drama. “Kirin, sweetheart, you’re leaving so soon?”

                “Oh I’ll be back soon, actually. I have to ask my mother something real quick,” I said politely after bowing.

                “Oh, I see,” she smiled. “Tell your mother I said hello, would you?”

                “Of course,” I replied. I bowed again and shuffled through the living room and out the front door. Being in the Park’s air-conditioned house made me forget how hot it was outside. As I made my way across the lawn to my house, let my mind wander to the weather in California. If it was hot here, I must be even hotter in Los Angeles. I remember going down to the beach almost every day in the summer when I lived there. I hadn’t quite been old enough to go without my parents, but I recalled one time when I went with a friend of mine and her family. We had been playing in the water and sand all day, completely loosing track of time. When I returned home later that night, my mom discovered a bright red sunburn covering my entire face and back. I remember getting scolded for that, and being told I wasn’t allowed to go outside for the rest of summer unless I had sunscreen thickly slathered all over my body. I’d make sure to put on plenty of sunscreen when we returned to California. As opened my front door, I pictured myself lying on a beach towel in a colorful bikini, shades covering my eyes, while tan and shirtless Byunghun rubbed sunscreen on my exposed back. That image made me smile like an idiot.

                No one was inside the house when I got home. I knew Dad was at work, but Mom was nowhere to be found. I called her name as I checked the kitchen, living room and upstairs. Nothing. I strolled back outside and around the house into the backyard, wondering if maybe she was lounging outside. I found her kneeling in her garden, tending to a blooming cluster of pretty white flowers. I should have known my mother was out here; she loves gardening. “Garden’s looking good, Mom!” I called.

                Mom wiped her forehead and looked up as she saw me approach. “Thanks sweetheart. Home so soon?”

                “Yeah, kind of,” I shrugged, stuffing my hands in the pocket of my skirt. I still had on my uniform. It was way too hot outside to be wearing long sleeves and a khaki knee-length skirt with socks pulled up mid-calf. “I actually just came home really quickly to ask you a question.”

                “Whatcha need?” Mom asked. She dusted some dirt off the dirty shorts she always wore when she gardened.

                “It’s about the trip to California,” I began.

                “Go on.”

                 I took a deep breath. “Well, first of all, thank you so much for letting the boys come too. Really, Mom, I’m so thankful they’re going. You have no idea how happy it made me when you and Dad finally agreed.”

                “If Uncle Sunho didn’t volunteer to come along, the rest of the boys wouldn’t be going,” Mom chuckled. “I said I would take them too, but your father was against it.”

                “Really?” I asked.

                Mom nodded. “I’d feel terrible taking Byunghun with us and leaving the other boys here.”

                I was a little shocked. “Wow, Mom. I totally didn’t expect that.”

                Mom shrugged. She pulled off her soiled, green gardening gloves and glanced up at me, still kneeling among the flowers. “Well, they’re your friends. And this is a once in a lifetime opportunity.”

                “Right! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity!” I cried in agreement. This was turning out better than I excepted! “So, um, keeping that in mind, there was just one more thing I wanted to ask you.”

                Mom raised an eyebrow. “I’m listening.”

                Another deep breath. Think positive! Maybe she would agree. “Since technically we’re not taking the boys with us, do you think Hyerin and Min Neul could come?”

                Mom hung her head. She shook it slowly. “Lee Kirin, you’re pressing your luck,” she warned playfully.

                “I know, I know, and I’m sorry I’m asking another favor from you and Dad, but Hyerin and Min Neul were SObummed to find out that not only am I leaving for the summer but Minsoo and Jonghyun are too and Min Neul’s not doing very well in English so we figured it would be SO beyond perfect if they could come too so they could hang out with the boys and me and Min Neul’s English could improve so her mom stopped scolding her for her grades—”

                “Alright, alright!” Mom chuckled, standing up slowly.

                “So?” I asked desperately. “They didn’t get permission from their parents yet but we thought if you said yes first then maybe they’d have a better chance of being able to go. Please, Mom, they won’t be a hassle at all, we can all share a room together and we won’t both you or Dad and we’ll even help make dinner and stuff—”

                “I said alright!” Mom repeated. She put her hands on her hips. “Now go!”

                I was suddenly confused. “Go? What? Where?”

                “Go! Back to Hyerin and Min Neul’s house!” Mom laughed.


                “Go tell mister and misses Park I’ll call them later tonight with flight details.”

                I felt the world stop. I gasped, my hands flying to my mouth. “Does that mean—”

                “Yes, dear,” Mom sighed. “They can come.”

                I was not in control of my body at this point. I had completely lost all control. I flung myself at my mother and wrapped my arms around her, squeezing her tighter than I had ever squeezed anyone before, not even Byunghun. “THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!” I shouted, startling the birds that sat in the tree in our backyard. They frantically took off, flying side by side. Maybe they were headed to California.

“You’re welcome,” Mom said, not the least bit surprised by my spastic bear-hug.

                “But what about Dad? What if he says no?” I asked, my eyes suddenly stricken with worry.

                “Don’t worry about your father,” Mom said. “I’ll take care of that. Just go tell the girls and their parents. I’ll need an answer from them as soon as possible so I can finally buy our plane tickets tonight.”

                “Yes m’am!” I shouted again. I let go of the tight hug and my heels to take off in the other direction. “Oh, and, Mrs. Park says hello!” I shouted, sprinting away across my front lawn and over to the Park’s. I flung the door open and strolled inside.

                “Kirin? Back again?” Mrs. Park called. She was in the kitchen, and so were Min Neul and Hyerin. Mrs. Park was fixing a large pitcher of lemonade and her two daughters were standing beside her, chatting about something.

                “Kirin!” Min Neul cried.

                “So? What’d she say?” Hyerin asked excitedly.

                “She said yes!” I cried, running into the kitchen. Min Neul and Hyerin squealed as they crowded around me. We bounced up on our toes and shrieked like fangirls at a concert.

                “Girls, girls, please settle down!” Mrs. Park commanded. Instantly we all quieted down. “Thank you.” She pulled out three glasses and poured us each some lemonade. “Now, would someone mind telling me what all this fuss is over?”

                We snatched up the glasses and poured lemonade down our throats, glancing at each other. No one wanted to pop the big question.

                Hyerin decided to be brave. She swallowed her big gulp of lemonade as if it was confidence and opened to speak. “Well, you see, Kirin’s family is going to California this summer. You know, she used to live there. And since she’s an only child, her parents said she could bring a friend or two along with her.” Hyerin glanced at me and I smiled nervously.

                “I see,” Mrs. Park replied patiently.

                “And, so her parents said Min Neul and I could come along,” Hyerin explained.

                “We thought it would be a really good idea because I haven’t been doing well in English, remember?” Min Neul spoke up.

                “Yes, I know,” Mrs. Park nodded.

                “My mom said she’d call you later with information on flights and where we’d be staying and everything else you need to know. It would be so amazing if Hyerin and Min Neul were allowed to come with us, Mrs. Park,” I added politely.

                “I’m sure it would,” Mrs. Park said. She crossed her arms and leaned back against the counter. “How long would you be gone for?”

                “About two months,” I answered.

                “Uh-huh,” Mrs. Park nodded, processing the information.

                “Oh please, Mom? Please? We’ve never been to America, and I think this would be a great learning experience for us,” Min Neul begged.

                “Yes, it would be quite an experience,” her mother replied, nodding again. She seemed relatively calm. It was difficult to tell what she was thinking.

                “Well?” Hyerin asked. “What do you think?”

                Mrs. Park thought for another moment. “Well, I’ll have to speak to your father when he gets home, of course…but I think we can trust you girls with Kirin’s family for the summer.”

                Min Neul’s eyes practically popped out of her skull. Hyerin’s hands flew to to keep herself from gasping too loudly. They were both speechless at their mother’s words.

                “Really?” I squeaked on their behalf.

                “I suppose so,” Mrs. Park said in response. “But I’d like to speak with your mother first, just to make sure she’s alright with taking you girls along.” She turned to her youngest daughter, who was still speechless. “As for you, young lady, I expect that English grade to improve drastically next school semester. Is that understood?”

                “Yes!” Min Neul blurted, nodding her head wildly.

                “Good,” Mrs. Park stated. “Now, is your mother busy, Kirin? I’d like to call her up.”

                “She’s actually outside gardening if you’d like to speak to her in person,” I said.

                Mrs. Park nodded. “I think I’ll pay her a visit. Thank you, Kirin.”

                “You’re welcome,” I smiled sweetly. I glanced at the Park sisters, who were still speechless. Min Neul was shaking and Hyerin’s hands were still clamped over . The second Mrs. Park slipped on her shoes and walked out the door, we completely lost it.

                “HOLY , SHE SAID YES!” Min Neul shouted.

                “WE’RE GOING TO AMERICA!” Hyerin cried.

                “I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS!” I shrieked.

                We jumped in a little circle together, our arms flailing and our eyes practically streaming with tears. I felt drunk with happiness. I couldn’t believe how easily Mrs. Park had given in. We calmly explained everything to her, she thought about it, and agreed. I thought it was going to be much more challenging. My parents put up a bigger fight! And they weren’t even as strict!

                “Oh my God, I cannot believe this,” Hyerin gasped.

                “Two whole months with Changjo,” Min Neul marveled. “Could this summer get any better?”

                “Absolutely not,” I agreed in astonishment. I shook my head slowly. A dozen thoughts came rushing into my mind. Sitting on a plane with Teen Top. Going to the beach with Teen Top. Swimming, tanning, and shopping with Teen Top. Going to Disneyland with Teen Top. Waking up every morning and then going to bed under the same roof as Teen Top. And luckily, my two best friends would be right beside me, experiencing it all. This summer was going to be a good one. An amazing one. A fantastic one. A mind-blowing, heart-stopping, incredible summer. And in approximately six days, it would be here.

                “Let’s toast to this,” Hyerin said, picking up her tall glass of lemonade.

                Min Neul and I picked ours up as Hyerin cleared .

                “To the summer,” she stated, holding her glass high. “And to all the good times we’ll have.”

                “To the y boys we’re spending it with,” Min Neul giggled.

                “To the risks we’ll take and the memories we’ll make,” I added.

                “To the summer!” we all cried, clinking our glasses together. We threw our necks back and downed the rest of the sweet summer drink that was the color of the California sun.

- - - - - -

I got excited and decided to upload the next chapter already hehe :3 YAY EVERYONE'S GOING TO CALIFORNIA NOW! What knds of trouble are they going to get into? Hm...

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Only one chapter left of Fly With Me, you guys!~


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wow!!!!! I was as excited as Kirin was. It felt so real. You are one amazing writer.
ohmigosh~~ heehee finally done ^.^ this one took longer for me to finish... i think xD and it was harder cause i had finals today and i wanted to read instead x.x but anyways <3 i luved the story~~ thank god it wasn't cliched Dx lol i would've become really frustrated then. i'm glad they didn't break up otherwise i would have cried~~ though when the drama came i was freaking out! hahah :D amazing job~~ to the next one~!
Oh . I finished "My Lips Are Sealed" and this fanfic in a day. It's currently 2am in the morning and I'm expected to get up at 6 later.

Great story had me hooked!!!! ;) <3
I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!
Me again! After reading your whole first story in a day--or rather in a night I decided I just HAD to read all of this one the very next day! You are seriously one amazing writer I've never read a story this good before on this site and it makes me so happy! And you made me love Teen Top even more then I've ever have! (I actually know their real names because of you, before I only knew Byunghun and Daniel) but again YOU ARE AMAZINGLY TALENTED! Oh and one last thing the whole 'his eyes are the shape of rainbows' I think i squeal everytime you use that line <3!!!!! I love L. Joe~ <3
BlueVelvet98 #6
DAEBAK ! You can- scratch that, you SHOULD be a director ! Waiting for the sequel ! :)))) Hwaiting~ ^^
Aww! It's over! But I'm glad there'll be another sequel!
You write so well, and I can't wait to read your next story.