Chapter Twenty: Chain Reaction

Fly With Me


                At about noon the following morning, the boys came parading down the stairs, heading for the pool—this time they were all wearing bathing suits. Changhyun, Daniel, and Jonghyun even had tribal-like streaks of sun lotion across their cheeks.

                “You girls better come outside quick!” Changhyun cried. “You’ll miss it!”

                “Miss what?” asked Min Neul.

                Changhyun was the last one out the door. He called over his shoulder, “The competition!”

                Min Neul, Hyerin, and I exchanged confused glances before we took off on Changhyun’s heels. By the time we were outside, half of the boys were already in the water. Minsoo sat on the edge of the pool and let his legs dangle in the water and Chanhee stood beside him, gripping the hem of his t-shirt before peeling it off of his slim body. He shook out his light brown hair and tossed the t-shirt on the patio table. He casually slipped into the water with ease, being careful not to get his hair wet just yet.

                Hyerin squinted in the sunlight as she gazed at the boys. “What’s going on?”

                “We’re going to play a game,” Changhyun responded, crossing his arms over his bare chest.

                “What kind of game?” Min Neul asked, letting her eyelids lower as she reticently gazed at Changhyun. She watched as beads of water rolled from Changhyun’s firm shoulders down his chest. It wasn’t until Jonghyun spoke up that she was able to take her eyes off of the dark-haired, baby-faced boy.

                “’Chicken,’” Jonghyun answered quickly, his eyes darting between Changhyun and Min Neul.

                “Chicken?” Hyerin asked, her nose scrunching. “What’s that?”

                Byunghun’s jaw dropped. “You’ve never heard of Chicken?” Hyerin shook her head, but Byunghun only answered by cracking a smile. “Watch and you’ll see.”

                “Alright, dive up into teams!” Minsoo ordered, obviously the referee.

                Anyone, especially an Angel, could have accurately predicted the teams. Jonghyun and Changhyun stood side by side and high-fived. Chanhee and Byunghun did a dorky little handshake. Daniel hung by the side of the pool beside Minsoo.

                “I’m first!” Jonghyun cried, shooting his hand in the air. He glanced sideways at Min Neul, who was giggling cutely with her sister on the sidelines.

                “No, I wanted to go first!” Changhyun whined.

                “Jonghyun goes first,” Minsoo clarified. “Now, who’s going against him?”

                “I’ll take him on,” Byunghun stated boldly, rolling his thin shoulders back and sticking out his chest.

                Min Neul burst out laughing. “Good luck!”

                “Don’t listen to her, Byunghun, you can take him down!” I cried.

                Changhyun and Chanhee took deep breaths and dipped down into the water. Jonghyun and Byunghun positioned themselves until they sat on top of their partner’s shoulders. Changhyun and Chanhee popped up from the water and faced each other.

                “You’re going down, maknae!” Byunghun cried, pointing a finger at Jonghyun.

                “Think you can win against these?” Jonghyun taunted, bringing his arms up. He flexed both arms, showing off his impressively sculpted arm muscles with a smug look on his face.

                “DAMN!” Min Neul cried from the sidelines.

                “I think these will do just fine.” Byunghun mimicked Jonghyun’s motions, flexing his own arm muscles. He was still thinner than Jonghyun was, but he still had a small bit of arm muscle to show off. Min Neul may have laughed, but my knees had weakened.

                “Oh, please! None of you can beat these!” Minsoo held his arms up like a football goal post, flexing his massive muscles.

                “Now those are muscles!” Hyerin exclaimed with a whistle. Minsoo raised an eyebrow as he glanced at her, enjoying the sweet feeling of her approval.

                “Can we start already?” Changhyun cried impatiently.

                “I have to announce the rules first!” Minsoo exclaimed. He cleared his throat. “Now, here are the rules: The ones on the bottom are not allowed to help knock the other person off. They can only help their partners stay on their shoulders. No kicking allowed. It’s simply upper body strength. First one to knock your opponent off his partner’s shoulders wins. Got it?”

                Minsoo looked around. The boys nodded.


                More nods.


                Jonghyun and Byunghun dove at each other. At first, Changhyun and Chanhee struggled to keep their aggressive teammates on their shoulders. Jonghyun gripped Byunghun’s thin shoulders and Byunghun pushed against Jonghyun’s chest. Both of them put up a good fight. Min Neul and I were going wild on the sidelines, cheering for our respective boyfriends to knock the other boy down. Throughout the struggle, Jonghyun’s dark eyes kept wandering to Min Neul. He seemed to be trying extra hard to show off his strength for Min Neul. He jerked tiny little Byunghun around so much that it was a miracle he stayed on as long as he could. Eventually, though, Jonghyun gripped Byunghun’s shoulders and used all of his strength to shove him off of Chanhee. Byunghun yelped and waved his arms at his sides as he toppled backwards, landing on his back with a loud splash. Min Neul went crazy. Changhyun shouted victoriously. Jonghyun flexed his muscles again.

                “The Maknaes win!” Minsoo announced.

                “YEAH BABY!” Min Neul cried proudly.

                “Take that, hyung!” Jonghyun cried, pointing a finger down at Byunghun. He came up from the water with a splash, shaking out his head like a shaggy-haired dog. His orange hair stuck up at odd angles and he was dripping with water, which I found to be ridiculously hot.

                Byunghun grunted and angrily slapped the water with his hand. “Beaten by the maknae!” he groaned.

                “You’ll get him next time!” I cried sweetly.

                “You should be ashamed of yourself!” Daniel cried playfully at Byunghun.

                “Yeah, Byeongari, you should be good at a game called Chicken,” Minsoo teased.

                “Well, he’s strong!” Byeongari protested.

                “I can take him down,” Chanhee declared, pounding his chest arrogantly.

                “Alright, Round Two!” Minsoo cried.

                Byunghun ducked underwater and Chanhee sat on top of his shoulders. When Byunghun popped up from the water, Chanhee threw his hands in the air. “Bring it on, maknaes!”

                “You bring it, Pretty Boy!” Jonghyun cried.


                The boys stared each other down.

                “Get set…”

                Jonghyun’s eyes narrowed. Chanhee raised an eyebrow.

                “GO!” Daniel cried before Minsoo could.

                Min Neul cheered for Jonghyun. I cheered for Chanhee. Hyerin cheered for both. Jonghyun and Chanhee had their hands pinned on each other, wrestling to knock each other down. However, they both remained firm on their partner’s shoulders. Much shouting was coming from the backyard as Jonghyun jerked Chanhee left and right, trying desperately to knock him off. He kept stealing glances at Min Neul, making sure her dark eyes were pinned on him alone, and not Changhyun.

                “YOU GOT THIS, JONGHYUN!” Min Neul cried, looking straight at Jonghyun.

                Her voice brought him power. He smirked and brought his eyes back onto his opponent. With one final shove, he jerked Chanhee to the right and ripped him off of Byunghun’s shoulders. Chanhee flailed as he landed in the water and Byunghun yelped as Chanhee flew off of him.

                “MAKNAES WIN AGAIN!” Minsoo cried, throwing his hands in the air.

                “TAKE THAT, ES!” Min Neul exclaimed at Byunghun, Chanhee, and me.

                “You did great, Chanhee!” I cried enthusiastically. “You almost had him!”

                Chanhee was smiling impressively when he shot out from under the water. “He’s unbeatable!”

                Jonghyun smiled arrogantly and placed his hands on his hips, flexing his muscles once more. He caught Min Neul clapping and her eyes sparkling. She liked what she saw. And he knew it.

                “Hyung, I bet you could beat him,” Daniel said sweetly, placing a hand on Minsoo’s knee.

                “Ah, but that would require me to get in the water,” Minsoo stated, shaking his head. “Which I will not do.”

                “But someone has to beat Jonghyun!” Byunghun exclaimed.

                Changhyun looked up, still supporting Jonghyun on his shoulders. “I bet I could.”

                “What?” Daniel cried. “Are you crazy?”

                “He’s really strong, Changhyun,” Chanhee warned.

                “I know,” Changhyun stated. “I think I can beat him though.”

                Jonghyun raised an eyebrow. “You think you can beat me?”

                “Maybe,” Changhyun said, briefly glancing at Min Neul. Her brown eyes were wide as she listened intently to their conversation.

                “I’d like to see you try,” Jonghyun chuckled.

                Changhyun ducked down in the water and let Jonghyun slid off of his shoulders. When Changhyun reached the surface of the water again, all 177 centimeters of Jonghyun was standing before him with crossed arms and muscles bulged. Jonghyun had a smug bit friendly smile on his face as he gazed down at petite Changhyun. Jonghyun shook his head slowly. “You really think you can beat me, Changhyun?”

                The dark-haired boy smiled confidently. “What’s the matter? Think I can’t do it?”

                “No, I don’t think you can do it,” Jonghyun chuckled. “I’m pretty strong.”

                Below the surface of the water, Changhyun’s fists were clenched. He gazed at Min Neul out of the corner of his eyes before speaking again. “I know I can beat you.”

                Jonghyun nodded once. “Alright then. Let’s do this.” He turned to Chunji and nodded to him, indicating that he had chosen his partner. Changhyun glanced between Byunghun and Daniel. If he wanted to beat Jonghyun, he’d have to match him in not only strength but height. Changhyun nodded at Daniel and motioned for him to come over.

                Min Neul gripped my arm. “Oh my God, this is so exciting!”

                “Is Changhyun crazy? He can’t beat Jonghyun,” I hissed.

                “I don’t know,” Hyerin spoke up skeptically. “He’s not as stick-thin as Byunghun and Chanhee are. Wind could knock them over.”

                Jonghyun was already on top of Chanhee’s shoulders. “Are you ready, Changhyun?”

                Daniel ducked underwater and Changhyun positioned himself on his hyung’s shoulders. When Daniel stood up, Changhyun’s eyes lit up for a moment. He had never felt so tall before. And with height came power.

                Jonghyun and Changhyun faced each other. Min Neul was squealing with delight. Byunghun hung sat on the side of the pool beside Minsoo, who assumed his role as referee. “Alright, is everyone ready?”

                “Yes,” Changhyun answered boldly.

                “Born ready,” Jonghyun smirked.

                Minsoo threw his hands up. “GO!”

                Like lightning, Jonghyun and Changhyun sprang for each other. They gripped each other’s shoulders and tried as hard as they could to jerk each other around. Changhyun pulled Jonghyun to the right and Jonghyun pulled Jonghyun to the left. Every so often, Changhyun would start to lose his balance, only to be stabilized by Daniel. He, however, hadn’t faltered once. He kept stealing glances at Min Neul, loving the way her dark eyes lit up when he pushed Changhyun with all his strength. Sometimes if their eyes met, he’d smile. Once, he even winked. He wanted it to look like beating Changhyun was a breeze. Then later tonight when he got her alone, Min Neul could softly touch his biceps with her warm hands, telling him how strong and masculine he is. She’d smile proudly at him before leaning in to kiss him…

                “Go Jonghyun! Knock him down!” Min Neul cried.

                The second Changhyun heard Min Neul start cheering, he felt a surge of power. He knew Jonghyun wasn’t going to be easy to beat. He was much taller and much stronger. He took down Byunghun and Chanhee was ease. Changhyun wanted to be different. Changhyun wanted to knock Jonghyun off his high horse, both literally and figuratively. He watched the way Min Neul squealed and clapped every time Jonghyun flexed his muscles. He tried to ignore the pang of jealousy he felt every time Min Neul reached out to touch Jonghyun. He wasn’t sure if he even liked Min Neul; he just wanted to impress her more than Jonghyun.

                The maknae’s battle was turning out to be longer than the first two. Changhyun was putting up a good fight, which surprised Jonghyun. He hadn’t expected his best friend to be so resilient. He managed to shake Changhyun around enough to make him lose his balance again. As Changhyun flailed his arms, desperate to stay on Daniel’s shoulders, Jonghyun’s neck snapped towards Min Neul. He flashed a proud smile. He wanted to see her expression the second he claimed victory yet again.

                Changhyun, however, was watching Jonghyun ever so carefully. After he steadied himself on Daniel’s shoulders, he narrowed his eyes and stared Jonghyun down. He waited until Jonghyun’s head was turned towards Min Neul to give him one final shove. It was an impressively strategic move, for Jonghyun wasn’t paying attention whatsoever to Changhyun. He flailed his arms out at his sides, trying to stay on Chanhee’s shoulders.

                “We’re going down!” Chanhee exclaimed.

                “NO—” Jonghyun cried. But try as he might, Changhyun had just pushed him too hard. He tumbled off of Chanhee’s shoulders, practically somersaulting off of him. He landed behind Chanhee with a splash so massive it even soaked Minsoo and Byunghun.

                After all, the bigger they are, the harder they fall.

                For a moment, Changhyun stared, completely speechless. Hyerin, Min Neul and I exchanged glances, wondering if he had really just defeated Jonghyun. All was silent.

                “Whoa,” Minsoo stated, breaking the silence.

                “CHANGHYUN-AH!” Daniel cried. “YOU DID IT!”

                “I…I did!” Changhyun exclaimed. He pointed down at Jonghyun, who had just resurfaced from his fall. “HAH! TOLD YOU I COULD BEAT YOU!”

                Byunghun cheered as he jumped back in the water. Daniel jumped up and down, shaking Changhyun on his shoulders. Minsoo punched his fist in the air and started chanting Changhyun’s name. “Changhyun,             Changhyun, Changhyun!” Soon, Byunghun joined in the chanting. Then Hyerin and I did. We jumped right into the pool and crowded around Daniel and Changhyun, who threw his arms up and shouted in victory. “VICTORY IS MINE!”

                Min Neul hopped in the pool next. She swam over to the crowd of Changhyun’s fans and beamed up at him. “Oppa, that was amazing!” she gushed.

                Jonghyun’s eyes narrowed ferociously.

                He did not just hear his girlfriend call Changhyun oppa.

                “Thanks,” Changhyun grinned, his mouth smiling almost as much as his eyes.

                “How did you do it?” Byunghun asked.

                Changhyun shrugged, bubbling over with excitement. “I don’t know! I just pushed him really hard!”

                “I didn’t think anyone could beat Jonghyun!” Hyerin exclaimed.

                “Looks like I can,” Changhyun shrugged smugly. He glanced at Jonghyun, who was glaring at him. He ignored his icy stare and looked back at his fans crowding around him. “Who thinks they can beat me now?”

                “I want to play!” Hyerin exclaimed.

                “Me too!” I cried.

                Chanhee’s smile slowly faded. “You…you girls want to play?”

                “Yeah!” Hyerin exclaimed. “It looks like fun!”

                Chanhee blinked. “Oh…okay…”

                Hyerin turned to me. “Think you can beat me?”

                I smiled. “You’re on!”

                Hyerin turned to Minsoo. “Minsoo-oppa,” she cooed gently, “you won’t be my partner, will you?”

                Minsoo pressed his lips together. He tried his hardest to avoid her puppy-dog eyes and pouted lips. “If I don’t have to go underwater, then yes.”

                I turned to Byunghun, touching his arm softly. “Will you be my partner?” I asked sweetly.

                “Of course,” Byunghun replied, slyly placing a hand on my lower back.

                 “GIRL FIGHT!” Daniel exclaimed.

                “The girls are really going to join our game?” Chanhee asked softly, to no one in particular.

                Byunghun tilted his head to the side. “What’s wrong?”

                “Nothing,” Chanhee mumbled.

                Byunghun’s eyes narrowed. “Don’t tell me you don’t want the girls to play too.”

                “I never said that,” Chanhee answered.

                “You didn’t have to,” Byunghun answered.

                “Hey Min Neul,” Changhyun called once he had slid off of Daniel’s shoulders. He had a charming smirk on his face. “If you want a partner, I’m here for you.”

                Min Neul smiled sweetly. “Why thank you, Changhyun,” she giggled.

                “We could be the Aegyo Team!” Changhyun continued, stepping closer to her.

                Min Neul was smiling wildly. “Perfect!”

                “What?” Chanhee suddely spat at Byunghun.

                “What’s your deal?” Byunghun questioned.

                “You’re always my Chicken partner,” Chanhee protested.

                “Uh, Kirin’s my—”

                “Girlfriend, I know, I know.” Chanhee rolled his eyes.

                “What’s going on?” I asked the boys cautiously.

                “I don’t know, but I’d love for Chanhee to tell me,” Byunghun muttered, crossing his arms.

                Chanhee sighed. “Look, you just spent the entire day with Kirin yesterday! Can’t the guys just hang out for a change?”

                “You’re saying you don’t want my girlfriend, one of your friends, to play Chicken with us?” Byunghun spat.

                “No,” Chanhee trailed off, avoiding Byunghun’s eyes. “Look, all I’m saying is, ever since we came here, all you’ve been doing is hanging out with Kirin. We never hang out anymore. None of us every get to hang out anymore now that you and Jonghyun and Minsoo-hyung have girlfriends.”

                “Whoa, whoa, what’s going on?” Minsoo ordered, holding his hands up.

                “I can’t believe you!” Byunghun cried. “You wouldn’t even be here if it weren’t for Kirin! She didn’t have to ask her parents to drag all of you along; it was just supposed to be her and me. But I gave in and allowed her to ask you guys to come. How about showing her a little more respect?”

                “Her? How about you show me some respect! We’ve been friends since we were trainees, long before you even knew her!” Chanhee exclaimed. “When was the last time we hung out, huh? When was the last time we had some fun together? All you do is ignore me and spend all of your time with Kirin! I…I…I feel like I’ve been replaced!”

                “What the hell are you talking about?” Byunghun spat. “We’re bandmates, Chanhee, we spend a ton of time together! You never had a problem with Kirin before! Sounds to me like you’re just jealous that I have a girlfriend and the only relationship you ever had .”

                Chanhee narrowed his eyes. “Shut the hell up, Byunghun, you’re so God-damn arrogant!”

                “You’re the arrogant one, thinking you’re more important than Kirin is!” Byunghun shouted.

                “You know what? Forget it.” Chanhee turned to climb up the pool stars. “Game over.”

                Byunghun narrowed his eyes as he watched him leave. “You aren’t leaving until you’ve apologized to Kirin!”

                “Well I’m not talking to you until you’ve apologized to me!” Chanhee responded. He turned back around and slipped into the house.

                Byunghun was fuming. He abruptly turned to me. “Come on, we’re going inside.”


                It was useless. Byunghun shook his head. “Chanhee’s apologizing to you where he wants to or not. Come on.” Reluctantly, I followed him up the pool steps. I shuffled behind him as he stormed inside the house, not caring one bit that he was dripping wet. We left Minsoo, Hyerin, Min Neul, Jonghyun, Daniel, and Changhyun staring speechlessly at the back door.

                Bravely, Minsoo was the first to speak. “Um, I think the pool party’s over.”

                “Y-yeah, let’s go,” Hyerin stammered. She hoisted herself up out of the pool. Minsoo handed her a towel, and they made their way inside the house.

                Daniel glanced at the remaining three. “I think I’ll head inside too,” Daniel said quietly, He shuffled up the pool steps behind Minsoo and Hyerin and disappeared inside.

                Min Neul bit her lip and rocked back and forth on her heels. “Want to go inside, oppa?” she softly asked Jonghyun, reaching for his hand.

                Jonghyun glanced at Changhyun, then back at Min Neul. “How about I meet you there, okay?”

                “Okay,” she agreed. Jonghyun forced a smile and softly pecked Min Neul on the cheek. She smiled sweetly as she made her way up out of the pool. She grabbed a towel, wrapped it around herself, and slipped quietly inside.

                Changhyun and Jonghyun were the only ones left outside. They exchanged eye contact for a brief second before Changhyun started to head out of the pool. Jonghyun followed him, not wanting him to escape just yet. Now that they were alone, he had a few words to say to Changhyun.

                “Well,” Changhyun began as he reached for a towel. He sat down on one of the patio chairs and began rubbing towel-drying his black hair. “That was unexpected.”

                Jonghyun cautiously took a seat at the table opposite of his best friend.

                “Tell me about it,” Jonghyun nodded. “I’ve never seen him and Byunghun-hyung fight like that.”

                “I’ve never even seen them get in a little argument before,” Changhyun agreed.

                Jonghyun nodded, then shrugged. “Do you think Daniel-hyung is also sick of the girls hanging out with us?”

                Changhyun shrugged. “I doubt it. But you know Daniel. He’ll always try to not make the problem worse.” He slowly shook his head. Suddenly, he looked up at Jonghyun with wide eyes. “But don’t worry about me! I don’t mind us hanging out with the girls at all! Trust me!”

                Jonghyun bit his lip. He didn’t want to hurt Changhyun’s feelings, but he knew he had no choice but to speak up. “Speaking of that, you have been talking to Min Neul a lot, I’ve noticed.”

                Changhyun shrugged, then nodded. “Yeah, I guess I have. She’s so much fun to talk to!”

                Jonghyun nodded slowly, wondering why Changhyun was telling him what he already knew.

                “And she’s so good at aegyo!” Changhyun cried with a smile. “I had no idea she was that good! She might even be better than me!”

                “Yeah, I’ve always known she was good at it,” Jonghyun said quickly, bluntly.

                Changhyun nodded vigorously. “I’ve never felt so comfortable talking to a girl before! I love it!”

                “You do realize she’s my girlfriend, right?” Jonghyun snapped. His tone indicated his irritation no matter how hard he tried to keep his voice steady.

                Changhyun’s face twisted. “Yeah, I know,” he answered nonchalantly.

                Jonghyun still wasn’t pleased. “Well, then could you quit flirting with her already?”

                “Flirting with her?” repeated a stunned Changhyun. “You think I’m flirting with Min Neul?”

                “I see the way you eye her up and down every time you see her. And you always try to get near her and talk to her and make her laugh,” retorted a very irritated Jonghyun. “You know I like her and she likes me, so why do you do it?”

                Changhyun’s eyebrows were high on his forehead. “Are you being serious?” His eyes were childishly wide.

                His innocence annoyed Jonghyun. “Stop acting cute and just talk to me seriously for once,” he commanded with a hint of whine in his voice.

                “What?” Changhyun barked, the cuteness dripping off of him like water droplets.

                “Just stop liking Min Neul!” Jonghyun finally cried.

                “I don’t like Min Neul!” Changhyun defended. “What’s your problem?”

                “My problem is that my best friend needs to keep his eyes off my girl and back in his head!” replied Jonghyun rashly.

                Changhyun’s eyes grew twofold. Sure, he thought Min Neul was an attractive-looking girl. She was amazing at aegyo, which drew Changhyun to her even more. He wasn’t deliberately trying to come between her and Jonghyun at all. “Why are you being like this?”

                “Because you like Min Neul! And she’s mine!”

                “I do not like Min Neul!” Changhyun cried in defense.

                “Don’t lie to me!” Jonghyun was irate. “You like her and you know she’s mine!”

                Changhyun was growing cross. “Well, you of all people would know, wouldn’t you?”

                “What?” barked Jonghyun.

                “I do recall you having a massive crush on a certain someone’s girlfriend,” Changhyun shot back. He raised an eyebrow. “Don’t you?”

                Jonghyun’s cheeks burned. “That has nothing to do with this—”

                Changhyun scoffed. “Are you kidding me? You were hopelessly in love with Kirin, so much that you even asked her to be your first kiss while she was still dating Byunghun-hyung.”

                “Leave that out of this!” Jonghyun cried, instantly regretting telling his closest friend his biggest secret.

                “You know you have no right telling me I can’t talk to Min Neul when you constantly flirted with Kirin!” Changhyun argued. All the sweetness and cuteness had dissolved from Changhyun’s face the minute he raised his voice. He was angry and hurt that Jonghyun, his best friend, had accused him of something like this. What was so bad about looking at Min Neul when she came bouncing outside in a bikini? Was everyone supposed to cover their eyes and turn away? Sure, if Min Neul was single, he would probably try to win her attention. But Changhyun knew she was head-over-heels in love with Jonghyun. He, unlike Jonghyun, respected a couple. He had only used his eyes—Jonghyun had used his lips.

                “Stop talking about Kirin! That’s over with! I don’t like her like that anymore! I love Min Neul. So I’d really appreciate it if—”

                “You know what I’d appreciate?” Changhyun said, cutting Jonghyun off. He pushed his chair away from the table and stood up. “My best friend not accusing me of flirting with his girlfriend when I’m clearly not!”

                Jonghyun stood up too. He could feel his blood boiling. Never before had he and Changhyun fought with each other; he had never fought with any of the members, actually. Sure they had had little arguments here and there, but no one had ever raised his voice at another member. Jonghyun didn’t even know Changhyun could be so belligerent, and he didn’t know he himself could either. He looked Changhyun square in the eyes from across the table and prayed no one inside could hear their argument. “You always ing flirt with Min Neul! Don’t even try to deny it!”

                Changhyun narrowed his dark eyes at Jonghyun’s cussing. “I said, I don’t flirt with her!”

                “Sure as hell you do,” Jonghyun muttered. “Stop staring at her. Stop flirting with her. Stop talking to her.”

                “Who the hell do you think you are telling me who I can talk to?” Changhyun practically shouted.

                “I think I’m Min Neul’s boyfriend,” Jonghyun shot back. “And I think this conversation is done here.” He headed for the door, his steps heavy with rage.

                Changhyun glared back at him. “When did you become such an ?”

                Jonghyun stopped walking. He turned around and served Changhyun’s glare right back at him. “Right around the time you stopped being my best friend.”

- - - - - -

UH-OHHH! TROUBLEEEE!!! Does Chanhee have the right to be mad? Does Byunghun? Does Joghyun? Does Changhyun? WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN!?

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Only one chapter left of Fly With Me, you guys!~


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wow!!!!! I was as excited as Kirin was. It felt so real. You are one amazing writer.
ohmigosh~~ heehee finally done ^.^ this one took longer for me to finish... i think xD and it was harder cause i had finals today and i wanted to read instead x.x but anyways <3 i luved the story~~ thank god it wasn't cliched Dx lol i would've become really frustrated then. i'm glad they didn't break up otherwise i would have cried~~ though when the drama came i was freaking out! hahah :D amazing job~~ to the next one~!
Oh . I finished "My Lips Are Sealed" and this fanfic in a day. It's currently 2am in the morning and I'm expected to get up at 6 later.

Great story had me hooked!!!! ;) <3
I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!
Me again! After reading your whole first story in a day--or rather in a night I decided I just HAD to read all of this one the very next day! You are seriously one amazing writer I've never read a story this good before on this site and it makes me so happy! And you made me love Teen Top even more then I've ever have! (I actually know their real names because of you, before I only knew Byunghun and Daniel) but again YOU ARE AMAZINGLY TALENTED! Oh and one last thing the whole 'his eyes are the shape of rainbows' I think i squeal everytime you use that line <3!!!!! I love L. Joe~ <3
BlueVelvet98 #6
DAEBAK ! You can- scratch that, you SHOULD be a director ! Waiting for the sequel ! :)))) Hwaiting~ ^^
Aww! It's over! But I'm glad there'll be another sequel!
You write so well, and I can't wait to read your next story.