Chapter Ten: Wakeup Call

Fly With Me


                I woke up before everyone else the following morning. Hyerin was still curled up like a cocoon facing the wall. Min Neul’s bed was completely disheveled, her sheets practically falling off the sides. Her limbs were all stretched out in different directions and she slept on her stomach. The sun shone through the window so brightly it felt like it was three in the afternoon. After groggily glancing at the clock, I realized it was actually nine in morning.

                I contemplated lying here for another hour or so until one of the Park sisters woke up. After five more minutes, I heard sounds coming from the kitchen. Someone must have been up making breakfast, most likely my mom. I kicked the sheets off my legs and slowly rolled out of bed. I straightened out my gray sweat-shorts and brushed through my short hair before I strolled out of the bedroom. The boys were upstairs, but I still felt thought I should look decent after just waking up. That idea would probably last a day or two.

                I waltzed into the kitchen and sure enough, Mom and Dad were there. Dad was making a cup of coffee and mom was frying some white rice. Dad turned around and smiled. “Good morning,” he said cheerfully.

                “Good morning,” I yawned, taking a seat at the kitchen table.

                “How’d you sleep?” Mom asked.

                “Pretty well. That bed’s not quite as comfy as mine back home though,” I smirked.

                Mom chuckled and rolled her eyes. “Sorry, Sleeping Beauty. No queen beds here.”

                “Hyerin and Min Neul still asleep?” Dad asked after pouring two cups of coffee.

                I nodded. “Hyerin’s like Minsoo. She could sleep all day. Are any of the boys up yet?”

                “Uncle Sunho was up earlier. He’s out on a walk right now. I don’t think anyone else is awake yet, though,” Dad answered.

                I smiled to myself as I thought of Byunghun still asleep upstairs. He looked adorable when he slept. Peaceful, like an angel. As much as I wanted him to get plenty of sleep, I wished he would wake up and come downstairs already. I knew he probably wouldn’t be up for at least another hour, though, and either would any of the other boys. They had just finished promotions for “Don’t Spray Perfume,” after all. For once, they could relax and sleep in.

                “So what’s on the agenda for today?” I asked, propping my elbows up on the table.

                “Whatever you feel like doing,” Dad responded, pointing to a small square section in the newspaper he was holding. “Weather report says it’s supposed to be beautiful today.”

                “Might be a good day to go to the beach,” Mom offered, cracking some eggs into a pan.

                My eyes light up. “That’d be fun!”

                “The public beach isn’t too far away from here,” Dad commented.

                “Could we really go today?” I asked with an excited smile.

                “Sure, if everyone wants to,” Mom said.

                At that moment, someone came walking through the kitchen door. I turned my head to see who it was—it was Chanhee, still dressed in his pajamas. His light brown hair was slightly wavy and his white t-shirt was wrinkled. He wore purple plaid flannel pants and no socks. “I thought I heard voices coming from downstairs,” he said.

                “Good morning Chanhee,” Mom greeted warmly.

                “Good morning,” answered Chanhee with a tired smile. He turned his attention to me. “Good morning Kirin.”

                “Good morning Chanhee,” I responded, admiring the way Chanhee looked. Raw and beautiful, like an unpolished diamond. I may be dating Byunghun, and Chanhee may be Byunghun’s best friend, but I couldn’t help but have a miniature crush on Chunji. He was absolutely beautiful. Skin smooth and flawless, eyes big and round, smile bright and pearly. His Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat when he smiled, which I couldn’t help but find extremely attractive. And his singing voice? His stage name meant “heaven” for a reason.

                “Any of the other boys awake yet?” Dad asked, taking two plates out from the cabinet.

                Chanhee nodded his head as he took a seat at the table beside me. “The other doors are shut. And Byunghun’s still asleep.”

                “Well they better wake up soon if they want breakfast,” I giggled.

                “You’re making us breakfast?” Chanhee asked my mother.

                “Of course!” Mom responded as she dished out the fried rice and eggs onto the two plates. “What did you expect? We weren’t going to take care of you?”

                Chanhee laughed as Dad set the two plates before the two hungry teenagers. “I’m sorry I doubted you, Mr. and Mrs. Lee.”

                “If you learn to say ‘good morning’ in English, then you’re forgiven,” my mother responded playfully.

                Chanhee put down his fork. “Okay, I’m ready!”

                “Good morning,” my mom annunciated slowly in English.

                “Good morning,” Chanhee repeated. His English was squeal-worthy.

                “Excellent,” Mom nodded in approval.

                Chanhee was beaming. “At this rate, I’ll be speaking English in no time.”

                I laughed. “You might need more practice,” I teased in English.

                Chanhee’s face was priceless. He cocked his head to the side and raised an eyebrow. It made me laugh again.

                Two more figures shuffled into the kitchen, one wearing purple striped shorts and a baggy gray striped hoodie, and the other wearing slouchy orange sweatpants and a gray ribbed tank top.

                “Good morning!” Chanhee cried cheerfully.

                “Chanhee!” Hyerin exclaimed. “I didn’t know you were here.”

                Chanhee chuckled. “I know, I know, I promise I won’t be here every morning,” he giggled in response.

                “No, it’s okay,” Hyerin said, smoothing her hair out. She took a seat across from me at the kitchen table and Min Neul took the seat across from Chanhee.

                “Good morning girls. How’d you sleep?” Dad asked as he fetched two more plates for my mother to dish breakfast onto.

                “Great,” Hyerin answered, stretching her long legs. “Like a baby.”

                “I think she even snored last night,” Min Neul said cheerily.

                Hyerin shot her sister a look as Chanhee and I chuckled. “Did not,” Hyerin protested.

                Dad set plates of breakfast before the sisters. “Was that Hyerin? I assumed it was Kirin,” he chuckled.

                I stuck my tongue out as everyone else giggled. “Real funny, Dad.”

                “Is anyone else awake yet?” Min Neul asked, twirling a strand of hair. What she really meant was, is Jonghyun awake yet?

                “No,” Chanhee answered. He pouted. “Am I not good enough for you?”

                “Nah, I suppose you’ll do,” Hyerin teased.

                “So what are we doing today?” Min Neul asked eagerly.

                “We thought about going to the beach,” I informed.

                “The beach?” Hyerin asked, her eyes lighting up. “I love the beach!”

                “I haven’t been to the beach in a long time,” Chanhee said wistfully.

                “Then we have to go today!” I cried, causing much excitement between the four teenagers seated at the kitchen table.

                By now I had practically cleaned my plate, and so had Chanhee. Mom took notice. “Would anyone else like some more?”

                “No thanks,” I said, pushing my plate forward. “Save some for the other boys.”

                Chanhee’s dark eyes eyed the clock on the wall. “It’s past ten,” he announced. “They should be awake by now.”

                “Oh, let them sleep,” Hyerin spoke up. “Especially Minsoo.”

                “Minsoo-hyung sleeps enough!” Chanhee chuckled. He pushed his chair away from the table. “Who wants to go wake them up?”

                “I do!” Min Neul cried, practically shooting out of her sleep.

                “I do,” I giggled.

                Hearing the positive feedback, Chanhee stood up and motioned for us to follow him out of the kitchen. As we crept up the staircase, I was close on his heels and Min Neul was close on mine. Hyerin lagged behind. “Don’t wake up Minsoo,” she whined sympathetically.

                Chanhee shook his head. “Nope, he’s getting up too. I’m always the first one to wake up. Second is usually Changhyun. Minsoo’s always last.”

                “He loves sleeping,” Hyerin whined.

                “He’s been sleeping for almost twelve hours,” Chanhee hissed, rolling his eyes.

                By that time, we had reached the top of the staircase. We shuffled to the hallway, where three bedroom doors were closed. Min Neul and Hyerin stood in front of the maknae’s door. Giggling slightly, Min Neul gripped the handle and slowly pushed it open. She poked her head inside and scanned the two beds. Changhyun looked very much like a child, as he slept curled up in a ball, clutching a throw pillow like it was a teddy bear. His favorite blue blanket was draped over him. Min Neul had to slap her hand over to keep from going “Awww” too loudly. Her eyes jumped from the bed right beside her to the next bed over. Jonghyun slept on his back, his head turned towards the wall. Min Neul couldn’t see his expression, but she knew he looked angelic when he slept. She tip-toed over to the side of Jonghyun’s bed and stood over him for a few seconds, unsure how to wake him up.

                Down the hallway, she heard a door fly open. “SOMEONE ORDER A WAKEUP CALL?” she heard Chanhee cry a little louder than necessary.

                Changhyun stirred in the bed beside her. Wide-eyed, Min Neul whipped around. Changhyun rubbed his dark eyes with the back of his hands and blinked rapidly. “Min—”

                “SHHH!” Min Neul hissed, almost slapping a hand over Changhyun’s mouth.

                An innocent smile spread across Changhyun’s lips. “Hi Min Neul, why are you in here?” he asked sweetly. Suddenly his eyes darted down to the blue blanket that covered him. He discreetly tried to push it off of him, his cheeks turning pink.

                “To wake Jonghyun up,” Min Neul stammered. She couldn’t help but stare at Changhyun. Without makeup and with messy hair, Changhyun looked absolutely adorable. His short, black hair stuck up at odd angles and he wore a slouchy lime green t-shirt. His cheeks were pink from blushing and his eyes were smiling. And the fact that he still slept with a baby blanket made Min Neul wanted to plant a kiss on the fake maknae’s cheek and ruffle his hair like a child, even though he was over a year older than she was.

                “Oh,” Changhyun replied, his eyes darting back and forth between his blanket and Min Neul. He ran his fingers through his messy hair. “Were you going to wake me up, too?”

                “Shhh!” Min Neul hissed loudly, bringing a finger to her lips.

                “Sorry,” Changhyun hissed back innocently. Suddenly he looked over at Jonghyun, and a smile spread across his lips. He covered his mouth with his hands and giggled.

                Min Neul was about to ask what he was giggling at, but she turned around on her heels instead. When she did, she was face to face with Jonghyun.

                “Good morning,” he smiled sweetly.

                “UGH!” Min Neul whined, flopping down on Jonghyun’s bed. “I was going to wake you up!” she wailed.

                Changhyun burst out laughing. Jonghyun giggled as he rubbed Min Neul’s back. “Hey,” he chuckled sweetly. Min Neul looked up at him, still pouting. “You can wake me up some other time, alright?” He was smiling beautifully. His light brown hair was a little messy, but he looked perfect. His tight white tank top showed off his collarbones. It was a good thing she was already flopped over onto Jonghyun’s bed, because she suddenly felt weak.

                “But I wanted to wake you up,” she pouted.

                Jonghyun leaned over to he was closer to her. “Well, technically you did. I heard you talking to Changhyun, so I woke up.”

                Changhyun giggled. Min Neul pouted. “I thought I was being quiet,” she confessed.

                “Nah, it’s alright,” Jonghyun assured her. “You were still the first thing I saw when I woke up this morning.”

                If Changhyun hadn’t been less than three feet away, Min Neul would have crawled over on top of Jonghyun and kissed him until it was time to go to bed once again. Instead, she let Jonghyun plant a sweet kiss on her forehead. “Good morning,” he said tenderly, his eyes still sleepy.


                Two doors down was Daniel and Minsoo’s room. Hyerin had quietly begged not to wake Minsoo up, but Chanhee obviously hadn’t listened to her. After playfully making a big show of stretching his ham strings, Chanhee had lifted up his leg karate-style and kicked the door open.

                The doorknob banged against the door loudly, instantly startling Daniel. His cat-like eyes popped open and he sat up, letting out a deafening shout. In the next bed over, a large white lump let out a thunderous growl.

                Chanhee marched into the room, Hyerin trailing meekly behind him. “Wake up, sleepy heads!” he cried.

                “What the ?” Minsoo boomed. Hyerin scurried to Minsoo’s bedside just as he angrily kicked the covers off. He sat up, his eyes narrowed at Chanhee. “What the was that for?!”

                “I told him not to wake you up,” Hyerin said sweetly. She rubbed Minsoo’s arm lovingly.

                Minsoo blinked. “Hyerin?” He reached up and ran a finger through the unkempt brown mop on his head and blinked sleepily at her.

                “We’ve got plenty of stuff to do today, and everyone else is already awake,” Chanhee announced.

                Daniel rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand and yawned. “Why are you like this, hyung?”

                “So you couldn’t have woken us up a little bit nicer?” Minsoo cried. He ran his fingers through his hair again, frustrated. “God!”

                “I’m sorry, I told him not to wake you up,” Hyerin repeated.

                Minsoo blinked again. “It’s okay, baby,” he said, trying his best to sound tender. “It’s not your fault Chanhee’s an .”

                “Yah! Just for that, I’m waking you up every morning like this!” Chanhee cried, a smirk on his face.

                “Oh no you’re not,” Minsoo boomed, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. “Lee Chanhee, you’re dead!”

                Minsoo leaped up after his dongsaeng. Chanhee laughed as he made a run for the door. Daniel, shrieking in laughter, sprang out of bed after the boys.

                Hyerin stayed behind, still seated on Minsoo’s messy bed. She shook her head slowly before standing up. Just as she was about to follow the rowdy boys down the stairs, she heard footsteps in the hallway. She tilted her head up to find Minsoo standing in the doorway. He was panting, and his hair was still a mess, but he smiled a beautiful, broad smile.

                “I didn’t forget about you, baby,” he said smoothly with a wink. “Good morning, my love.”


                I had stood in front of the door between the maknae’s and Niel and Minsoo’s. Chanhee had told me to go right ahead and wake Byunghun up myself. Smiling, I had nodded. I had gripped the doorknob with my hand and turned it slowly just as Chanhee had kicked the door to Minsoo and Daniel’s room wide open. The loud bang had started me, and Hyerin had groaned. She had muttered something about peacefully waking up Minsoo and followed Chanhee into the bedroom. I had been alone in the hallway until I decided to slip inside the bedroom.

                Byunghun and Chanhee’s room was setup almost exactly like Jonghyun and Changhyun’s. The beds were both on the right side of the door, separated only by a wooden nightstand that housed a desk lamp and a glass of water. One of the beds, the one pressed against the wall, had obviously been slept in last night, as it had disheveled white sheets and pillows. Judging by the pink Hello Kitty blanket that sat in a heap on the sheets, that bed was clearly Chanhee’s.

                I leaned backwards on the door, shutting it. I slowly walked to the side of the bed. I couldn’t actually see Byunghun at all—the white comforted had been pulled up over his head. He had turned into a gigantic, white lump sitting on a mattress. “Byunghun,” I coaxed sweetly, hoping the lump could hear me. “Wake up.”

                The lump didn’t move. It didn’t even make a sound.

                “Byunghun,” I said a little louder, speaking directly to the lump.

                I smiled to myself and shook my head. I knew Byunghun was a heavy sleeper. My mind wandered to the night he slept over. The following morning, the boys had been running a ruckus around the entire house. It had waked me up, but not Byunghun. He didn’t wake up for anything.

                I sat down on the bed beside the lump. The lump stirred. “Chanhee-ah?” it grumbled.

                “Uh, not quite,” I giggled. “I’m a little shorter than him. And I can’t sing as well. And, uh, I’m pretty sure I’m a girl.”

                Byunghun flipped the covers off of his head. He was lying on his back, his thin torso covered in a tight black tank top. He blinked rapidly, letting his dark eyes adjust to the bright sunlight that spilled into the room. A smile spread across his M-shaped lips. “You don’t look like Chanhee,” he replied dreamily.

                I chuckled. “No, I don’t. Sorry. Were you expecting him?”

                A warm smile was on his lips. “Good morning, Kirin.”

                I chuckled. “Good morning,” I said cheerfully, gazing at the sleepy, orange-haired boy beside me.

                Byunghun sat up and ran his fingers through his perfectly messy hair. “Can I ask why you woke up me up? Not that I don’t enjoy waking up to find you beside me, you know, because I don’t mind that one bit...” He was smirking.

                I giggled, smiling admirably at him. “I was supposed to come wake you up. It was Chanhee’s idea. He said you’ve all been sleeping for too long.:

                Byunghun nodded in response. “Well wasn’t that sweet of him,” he said sarcastically.

                I laughed. “Are you hungry? We already ate breakfast, but my mom could totally make you something if you’re hungry.”

                “Nah, I’m okay,” Byunghun answered with a shrug.

                “We were talking about what we could do today at breakfast,” I continued.

                Byunghun nodded. “Tell me more.”

                “We thought about going to the beach today.”

                Beach. That word was a light switch. It flicked on the light in Byunghun’s chocolaty eyes. “Beach? When?”

                His bright eyes brought a bright smile to my face. “Sometime today. We figured you should all wake up soon so we could make a plan.”

                “Then consider me awake,” Byunghun replied, sitting up straighter. “Thanks for waking me up,” he beamed excitedly.

                “No problem,” I giggled. “We should probably go downstairs now.”

                “You’re right.” Byunghun nodded. “But before we do…” He let his words linger in the air as he leaned forward to kiss me. Even in the morning, Byunghun’s kiss tasted sweet. He sweetly rubbed my bare arm with his hand. “Promise me you’ll wake me up again?” he asked after pulling away for a moment.

                I suddenly felt dizzy. “Promise,” I said.

                “Good.” Byunghun kicked the covers off his legs and rolled out of his bed. I stood up beside him and turned towards the door. Hand in hand, we walked out the door and down the stairs to meet everyone in the kitchen.

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Only one chapter left of Fly With Me, you guys!~


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wow!!!!! I was as excited as Kirin was. It felt so real. You are one amazing writer.
ohmigosh~~ heehee finally done ^.^ this one took longer for me to finish... i think xD and it was harder cause i had finals today and i wanted to read instead x.x but anyways <3 i luved the story~~ thank god it wasn't cliched Dx lol i would've become really frustrated then. i'm glad they didn't break up otherwise i would have cried~~ though when the drama came i was freaking out! hahah :D amazing job~~ to the next one~!
Oh . I finished "My Lips Are Sealed" and this fanfic in a day. It's currently 2am in the morning and I'm expected to get up at 6 later.

Great story had me hooked!!!! ;) <3
I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!
Me again! After reading your whole first story in a day--or rather in a night I decided I just HAD to read all of this one the very next day! You are seriously one amazing writer I've never read a story this good before on this site and it makes me so happy! And you made me love Teen Top even more then I've ever have! (I actually know their real names because of you, before I only knew Byunghun and Daniel) but again YOU ARE AMAZINGLY TALENTED! Oh and one last thing the whole 'his eyes are the shape of rainbows' I think i squeal everytime you use that line <3!!!!! I love L. Joe~ <3
BlueVelvet98 #6
DAEBAK ! You can- scratch that, you SHOULD be a director ! Waiting for the sequel ! :)))) Hwaiting~ ^^
Aww! It's over! But I'm glad there'll be another sequel!
You write so well, and I can't wait to read your next story.