Chapter Sixteen: Trust in Me

Fly With Me

I'd like to give a big gignatic thank-you hug to my favorite dongsaeng tintap for writing the basis of Min Neul and Changjo's scene in this chapter! She's an amazing writer, and I love all of her ideas. None of my stories would be possible without her. Everyone should check her stories out!~ 

Things continue to heat up in this chapter! This one's a long one but a good one, I promise!

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              As expected, Chanhee was the first to wake up the following morning. The sunlight had illuminated the inside of the tent despite its dark green color, and the air inside the tent was humid. Chanhee had blinked himself awake and let his eyes adjust to the light. As he looked around, he saw Daniel lying on his back, his mouth slightly agape and his hair covering his eyes. He saw Minsoo beside Daniel, sleeping on his back with a pillow covering his entire face. His girlfriend was limply holding onto his muscular arm between them. Jonghyun slept on his back, his girlfriend’s head on his chest. Changhyun was completely unrecognizable, having pulled his blue fleece blanket up over his head and curling up in a little ball on his pillow. Beside Chanhee, Byunghun slept on his back, breathing through his mouth. He and his girlfriend were using the same pillow.

                Chanhee ran his fingers through his messy, morning hair. He still felt a little guilty for telling Minsoo, Byunghun, and Jonghyun how he felt about their girlfriends always tagging along. He knew that was selfish of him, and foolish considering how everyone was currently living under the same roof. Still, he couldn’t help but long for just one night when the boys could just be boys and the girls were elsewhere.

                Bringing his knees up to his chest, Chanhee let out a yawn. He desperately wished someone else would wake up.

                Just as he had wished, Daniel began to stir. He let out a weak groan as he rolled over. He brushed his hair tiredly out of his eyes, letting them slowly open. “Chanhee-hyung?” he asked.

                “Good morning,” Chanhee replied cheerfully with a small.

                Daniel had woken up Changhyun shortly afterward. I was the next one to wake up after that, having heard the quiet conversation the three early birds were having. Byunghun stirred beside me, waking up as well. Hyerin was next to wake up. Even though she sat up and dropped Minsoo’s arm, he didn’t stirred at all. Hyerin glanced down and saw her sister resting soundly on Jonghyun’s chest. Despite the tent being practically a sauna, Min Neul was wearing Jonghyun’s hoodie from last night. Hyerin woke her up abruptly, waking up Jonghyun in the process. Min Neul had received a scowl from her protective older sister as she lifted her fifteen-year-old head off her boyfriend’s sixteen-year-old chest,

                “What time is it?” I asked worriedly, glancing at the bright sunlight that was streaming through the tent.

                “A little past eight,” Chanhee answered, glancing down at his Hello Kitty clad phone.

                “That is way too early to be awake,” Minsoo groaned from under his pillow.

                “Eight? My parents will probably come check on us any minute now!” I exclaimed.

                “Then let’s go check on them first,” Hyerin suggested. She twisted around and gripped the zipper of the tent, tugging down on it until the flap fell and the morning world was exposed.

                One by one, we crawled out of the tent and into the grass. The girls ditched their pillows and blankets in the yellow tent before walking across the lawn with the boys. Outside was much cooler than inside the tent, but the sun was already bright in the sky. Min Neul pushed the sleeves up on Jonghyun’s hoodie, silently hoping she could get away with stealing this one, too. The striped one she currently had was already getting worn out. That was unsurprising, though, considering how much she wore it. Every day when she got home from school, every night when she went to bed. She got teased by her sister for wearing it so much until one day Hyerin started wearing one of Minsoo’s beloved baseball caps almost religiously. She didn’t tease Min Neul anymore after that.

                Changhyun was walking beside Min Neul. “Last night was so fun,” he spoke up.

                Min Neul smiled. “Sorry I beat you in the aegyo battle,” she giggled.

                Changhyun giggled too. “Ah, it’s alright. You deserved to win!” He glanced at her out of the corner of his eyes and watched her blush. “Maybe later you could teach me your ways?”

                Min Neul tucked a strange of hair behind her ear as she shrugged innocently, gazing at Changhyun’s smile. “If you really want me to.”

                Jonghyun scurried to the other side of Min Neul. He slung an arm around her waist. “Hey baby, are you still up for going to the beach later?”

                Min Neul’s attention was diverted in an instant. “Of course,” she said happily, smiling at her boyfriend.

                Changhyun blinked. “I thought you were going to teach me aegyo later.”

                Min Neul opened to respond, but Jonghyun spoke for her. “Sorry, Changhyun, but we have plans already. Don’t we, Min Neul?”

                Min Neul’s eyes darted between Jonghyun and Changhyun. “Yeah,” she said slowly. She nodded her head at Jonghyun, wondering why he was suddenly acting strange.

                “Oh,” Changhyun shrugged. “That’s fine. Some other time, maybe?”

                “Maybe,” Jonghyun answered, eyeing Changhyun. The older boy felt uncomfortable under Jonghyun’s gaze. He diverted his eyes, indicating his conversation with Jonghyun’s girlfriend was over.

                By that time, we were inside the house. I breathed a sigh of relief as I noticed no one was in the kitchen. That meant no one could have seen all nine of us exit from the same tent. Changhyun’s stomach growled loudly, indicating his hunger. We found some bowls in the cupboard and emptied two boxes of cereal and almost two gallons of milk. The nine of us stupidly tried to cram around the kitchen table, but we quickly abandoned that idea. Minsoo and Hyerin sat up on the countertop, and Jonghyun and Min Neul joined them. Changhyun followed the maknaes, jumping up on the counter beside Min Neul. Jonghyun eyed him for a brief second before placing a hand on Min Neul’s thigh. Changhyun didn’t seem to notice. Chanhee, Daniel, Byunghun and I took the seats at the kitchen table. The nine of us hungrily munched on our cereal and chatted. Jonghyun stuck his spoon in Min Neul’s cereal bowl and stole up a hearty spoonful. Min Neul scoffed as she watched him with narrow eyes. She plunged her spoon unto Jonghyun’s bowl and stole a spoonful back. Jonghyun pushed her arm lightly. Min Neul giggled as she pushed him back.

                Byunghun was watching from the kitchen table. “Do you two ever not touch each other?”

                “No,” Min Neul answered with a defiant head shake. Jonghyun chuckled as he gazed at the dark haired girl beside him. He loved how energetic she always was. She was witty, feisty, adorable, and y all in one. Best of all, she was younger than he was. Once upon a time he liked a noona, but ever since Min Neul had come into his life, he had changed his mind. He loved hearing her call him “oppa.” Changhyun and Daniel always talked about how much they preferred noonas, but Jonghyun thought differently. He liked the oppa-image he had when he was around Min Neul. It made him want to both protect her and love her at the same time.

                Just as the empty cereal bowls and spoons had been deposited in the sink, my mother walked into the kitchen. “Well!” she exclaimed upon seeing us. “You kids are up earlier than I thought you’d be!”

                I giggled and shrugged. “Good morning, Mom.”

                “Good morning Mrs. Lee!” Byunghun exclaimed with a sweet smile.

                “Good morning!” Daniel cried, in English.

                Mom laughed. “Good morning, Daniel!” she exclaimed in English. “How was the campout last night?”

                “Totally fun!” Chanhee exclaimed. “Thanks so much for letting us camp out, Mrs. Lee.”

                Mom smiled. “Aw, you’re welcome. I thought it sounded like a fun thing for you kids to do. And you’re plenty responsible enough.”

                Part of me felt guilty for disobeying my parents. I knew we took advantage of every opportunity we were given. My parents trusted us. They thought we were responsible. And in all honesty, we were. But there was a fine line between pushing the boundaries and actually breaking through them. On any other occasion, I wouldn’t go anywhere near those boundaries. Something about being with Byunghun made that thin line blur until it was virtually invisible. Maybe it was his y smirk. Maybe it was his smiling eyes. It was probably because I was in love with him, and couldn’t help myself.

                “We should have another campout,” Daniel suggested.

                “Yeah!” Changhyun cried in agreement.

                Mom chuckled. “Well, I don’t see any problem with that. I’m sure your father wouldn’t either.”

                I pushed the guilty feeling out of my mind and smiled a genuine smile for my mother. “So what’s on the agenda for the day, Mom?”

                “Well, I was going to go shopping with Holly. And your father and Sunho were going out eventually,” she explained. “Do you kids have any plans yet?”

                “Min Neul and I thought we should go to the beach today,” Jonghyun spoke up.

                 “Oh, today would be a wonderful day to go to the beach,” Mom replied, her eyes bright.

                “We should leave for the beach in a few hours,” Hyerin suggested. “Maybe around noon?”

                “I’m not sure anyone will be home to drive you down to the beach at noon,” Mother said.  “But the beach is just down the street, if you kids don’t mind walking…”

                “Don’t worry about it, Mom,” I assured her. “No problem!”

                “Alright,” Mom concluded. She smiled at me.

                “We should start getting ready,” Chanhee said.

                Minsoo nodded. “We’ll need to pack a few things.”

                “Well, there’s plenty of food to bring if you kids want to pack lunch,” Mom suggested.

                I beamed. “Thanks, Mom.”

                “You’re welcome,” Mom winked.

                The nine of us our heels and headed out of the kitchen to get ourselves ready for a day at the beach. I was halfway out the door when I heard Mom say my name. “Kirin?”

                I turned around. “Yes?”

                “Could I have a word with you?” she asked, crossing her arms.

                Oh no, I thought. She saw. She saw us all leave the same tent. She found out we all slept in on tent. She might have even found out that Byunghun and I snuck out to go for a walk in the middle of the night. Okay, Kirin, think fast…uh…there was a hole in our tent! And a bunch of bugs came in! So the boys let us stay in their tent…

                “Yeah, Mom?” I said in a  shaky voice.

                “You know my class reunion is coming up on July thirtieth, right?”

                I felt the panic deflate from my body. Mom hadn’t found out anything. Once again, we had gotten away with it. “Yes, I know.”

                Mom slid the tiny diamond pendant back and forth on the thin chain around her neck. “Well, it has come to my attention that Uncle Sunho will be gone for a few days that week. He’s got some business to take care of regarding international auditions for T.O.P Media. He’ll be gone on the thirtieth, too. That means until about midnight that night, you kids will be home alone.”

                Mom’s words were like music to my ears. “Mom, don’t worry about it!” I exclaimed, a smile the size of Russia manifesting on my face. “You and Dad go have fun at the reunion! You can trust us!”

                “There will be no partying. No loud music, no running around, and I’d like for you all to follow the same rules we have now; girls downstairs and boys upstairs after ten. I’ll leave money so you kids can get pizza for dinner. Your father and I should be back around midnight. Alright? ”

                “Mom, we’ll be fine,” I giggled.

                Mom smiled. “Oh, I know you’ll be fine. I should stop worrying.”

                I giggled again. “Mom, you can trust us. We’ll behave. I promise.”

                Mom flashed me a genuine smile. “I know you will.” She squeezed my shoulder before letting her hand fall from it. “Well, now, I’ll let you go get ready for your day at the beach now.”

                It was my turn to smile. I my heels to scurry out of the kitchen. I could picture everyone’s reaction in my head when I spilled the news. I could only imagine what would happen that night. As much as I wanted to be completely rebellious, I couldn’t help but feel guilty. My parents were leaving me home alone for a night with my two best friends and five playful boys and my gorgeous boyfriend—they obviously trusted me. Mom had smiled at me so sincerely and so sweetly that I almost couldn’t bring myself to break even one of my parent’s rules.

                But I knew that feeling would leave the second I felt Byunghun’s lips on mine.


                Upstairs, Min Neul and Jonghyun were the maknae’s room. Jonghyun was sitting on his bed while his girlfriend wondered casually around the room. He watched with a grin plastered on his face as she played around with a rubber band placed carelessly on top of his dresser. His mouth curled into a small smile as she wound it around her fingers, watching the imprint of the tight rubber band fade from white to her normal skin tone over and over again. He pondered how she was so amused by a simple rubber band, but he found how easily amused she was to be cute. It was one of the many things he enjoyed about her.

                After a few moments of watching her in silence, Jonghyun spoke with a small chuckle. “What are doing?”

                Min Neul’s neck snapped up. Her eyes landed on Jonghyun, who began patting the empty space beside him. “Nothing,” She chimed, dropping the rubber band back on the dresser. She walked over and filled the space, bringing a smile to her boyfriend’s face.

                “What do you wanna do?” Jonghyun asked.

                “I don’t know.” Min Neul shrugged, keeping her eyes on Jonghyun. She rarely got time to spend with just him due to her overprotective sister ruining nearly every single chance she got to be with Jonghyun alone, so she took every opportunity she could to get close to him. Luckily, everyone was downstairs.

                Jonghyun stretched, tired from lack of sleep. His grey, cotton shirt rose up and Min Neul watched closely, biting her bottom lip as her eyes trailed to the sliver of his revealed stomach. In the back of her mind, she pleaded for the clothing to be off his body and lying carelessly somewhere on the floor. She her lips at the thought.
                He noticed her intense gaze on him. Sure, it was something he was used to, but he always wondered what was running through her mind when it happened. “What are you looking at?”

                Min Neul only heard his voice; she was unable to make out his words. She was too hypnotized by him. She loved the way his pouty lips moved when he spoke. She loved the way he blinked his pretty eyes. She knew he didn’t mind her staring, though. She knew how captivating he could be and Jonghyun knew what he did to her. Most of time, is was completely intentionally. He liked pushing Min Neul farther and farther, just to see what she would do or say next.  This, however, was completely by accident.

                “Do that again.” Min Neul commanded.

               “Do what again?” Jonghyun asked, confused.

                Min Neul blinked. “The thing you just did.”

                Jonghyun stared down at Min Neul, whose eyes never left their spot. He slowly caught on, now knowing what she meant. If she wanted that to happen again, she’d have to deserve it, right? So why not a bit? “Oh, what? I still don’t know what you mean.”

                Min Neul’s gaze trailed up to Jonghyun’s face. She looked directly into his eyes. “You know what I mean.”

                “No, I don’t,” Jonghyun lightly smirked. “Show me.”

                Min Neul knew what he was doing. It wasn’t the first time he decided to play games with her. She usually just gave him what he wanted. This time, she’s wasn’t going to. “This,” she gripped the hem of his shirt, tricking him into believing she was going to pull it off. Instead, she pulled him into her, crashing their lips together. Jonghyun quickly kissed back, his hands flying to her waist. While his lips pried open, his shirt was tossed onto the floor with little care, curtsey of Min Neul.

                Min Neul had a smirk tied to her lips. Jonghyun had one as well. Min Neul ran her hands up and down Jonghyun’s stomach, loving the feel of his muscles beneath her touch. Feeling teased, Jonghyun pulled Min Neul closer to him and kissed her with much force. Min Neul played along, pulling away for only a few seconds before planting her lips on his, doubling the amount of force he put on her.

                Jonghyun took his mouth off hers and his lips. He secretly loved the taste of Min Neul's lips. A small, unnecessary competition began to form between the two. Both of them wanted dominance. They kissed each other harder and harder. Min Neul felt a twinge of pride, as she was the one who had initiated this impromptu make out session. But what had Jonghyun expected? He brought her up to his room when no one else was around. What else did he expect they would do? She suddenly pulled away from Jonghyun, her eyelids heavy and her gaze filled with lust. “If this is a competition, then I’m pretty sure I’m winning,” she said boldly.

                Jonghyun narrowed his eyes, refusing to let her win. He kissed her painfully hard, knocking her down onto the bed. He followed her movements, landing on top of her. Min Neul's arms wrapped tightly around Jonghyun's neck as he gripped her waist firmly. Jonghyun's tongue found its way in Min Neul's mouth with ease. He explored every corner he could before she abruptly pulled away. “Was that necessary?” Min Neul teased. 

                “Did it make me win?” Jonghyun raised an eyebrow, keeping a firm grip on her hips. 

                “Hmm...” Min Neul dropped her arms from his neck. “I think I could do better.”


                “This.” Min Neul grabbed his neck and pulled him into her, kissing him roughly and sloppily. She arched her back so the small gap between them was no more. Her chest touched his bare upper torso. Her fingers were tangled in his warm brown hair. His hands slipped beneath them hem of her shirt, sending chills down her spine. His hands rested on her warm, smooth skin. 

                Suddenly, he tore his lips from hers. “If I let you win, can we do this more often?” 

                “Do what more often?” she teased, playing the same card as he had last time. 

                “All of this.”

                “You mean this?” She repeated her actions, kissing him hungrily. She didn't hesitate to slip her tongue into his mouth and he surely didn't deny her entrance. Their tongues were convoluted with one another. She ran her fingers through his warm brown hair. Nothing could be more copacetic than this.

                “You’re trying really hard to win, aren’t you?” Jonghyun stated. 

                “Trying?” Min Neul repeated, scoffing slightly. “I’ve been winning all along.” Without warning, she rolled around until the roles had been reversed, and she was on top of Jonghyun for a change.

                Jonghyun raised an eyebrow, giggling with delight. “Oh, so you think you’re in charge now?”

                  Min Neul’s eyes narrowed. A smirk twisted onto her lips, which would be mashed against Jonghyun’s. Jonghyun smiled in a matter of seconds. “Oppa, I’ve been in charge.”

                  Jonghyun gazed down at Min Neul. Her hair was a mess, her shirt was wrinkled, and her lips were a little swollen from their aggressive kissing. Slowly, he shook his head, a smile spreading across his lips. Min Neul never ceased to amaze him. She was an endless spring of energy, wit, and love. Her vivacious personality wore him out as much as it did turn him on. He placed a sweet kiss on her lips before slipping out from beneath her, searching for his long forgotten shirt. 

                  “What are you doing?” She pouted. When Jonghyun slipped his shirt on, a frown slipped on her face. 

                  “I'm tired, babe,” Jonghyun responded timidly, reaching his hand out to pull Min Neul off the bed. 

                  Min Neul grabbed his hand. “You weren't tired a few seconds ago,” she whined as he pulled her up.

                A playful smile formed on Jonghyun’s face. “Let’s fix this bed back up and then we can talk some more. Alright?”

                  After tiding up the disheveled covers and sheets, Jonghyun let out an over-exaggerated yawn and collapsed back down on the bed. Min Neul giggled as she lay down beside him. Jonghyun wrapped his arms around Min Neul's waist and nuzzled his head on the crook of her neck. Min Neul giggled, his soft hair tickling her.

                  “I love you,” he whispered before planting his lips on hers for one more kiss. 

                  Min Neul smiled. It was hard to fight the grin demanding to slip upon her lips every time he told her he loved her. “I love you too,” she said after their kiss. She closed her eyes and nestled comfortably beside her boyfriend. Jonghyun matched her breathing and fell into a deep sleep with a peacefully grin still on his face.


                Downstairs, Hyerin, Minsoo, Byunghun and I were waiting in the living room. The four of us were dressed in bathing suits. Daniel and Changhyun was hauling a cooler full of snacks. Chanhee was folding colorful beach towels.

                “Where are Changjo and Min Neul?” Minsoo asked.

                Hyerin shrugged. “Min Neul said she was tired. Maybe she’s still napping.”

                “But we’re leaving soon!” Minsoo cried.

                Hyerin grabbed my arm. She turned to the boys and said, “Check outside. We’ll check upstairs.” We our heels and walked out of the kitchen. We bounced up the stairs, peering into every room. They weren’t  in Chanhee’s and L.Joe’s room, or Daniel and Minsoo’s.

                I was about to check my uncle’s room when I heard Hyerin giggle. “Kirin!” she hissed. “Come here!”

                I walked over to the doorframe Hyerin was peering through. I was Changhyun and Jonghyun’s room. Jonghyun and Min Neul were both lying on Changjo’s neatly made bed, both of them asleep. Min Neul’s head was resting on Changjo’s pillow and Changjo’s arm was slung around Min Neul’s waist.

                “Aw!” I giggled, slapping a hand over my heart.

                At that moment, loud footsteps came from the staircase. “They’re not outside,” Minsoo announced loudly. “Are they up—”

                 “SHHH!” Hyerin hissed, bringing a finger to her lips. She motioned inside the room. Byunghun and Minsoo glanced inside and found the sleeping maknaes.

                “Aw,” Byunghun giggled, his eyes turning the shape of rainbows.

                “Should we wake them up?” I asked.

                “They wanted to come along, didn’t they?” Byunghun answered.

                “Well, of course…” Hyerin let her eyes linger on her younger sister, whose lips were curled into a soft smile as she slept. Normally, Hyerin wasn’t too keen on her younger sister’s lusty relationship with Teen Top’s maknae, and she often kept them under her watchful eye. But her sister looked so peaceful and content besides Jonghyun that she almost felt sorry to wake them up.

                “Then I know just how to wake ‘em up,” Minsoo said. He and Byunghun darted into another bedroom and brought back two pillows. Mischievous smiles were spread across their lips.

                “This should do the trick,” Byunghun replied, fluffing the white pillow in his hands. Suddenly he and Minsoo charged into the room. “HEY MAKNAES!” they yelled before leaping up. Min Neul’s eyes snapped open as her oppas crash landed on top of her and Jonghyun.

                “UP AND AT ‘EM, BABIES!” Minsoo cried, raising the pillow to smacking Jonghyun in the back.

                “WHAT THE HELL?” Jonghyun cried before being slapped in the face by Byunghun’s pillow.

                Min Neul shrieked. “GET OFF OF US!” she cried, pushing Byunghun’s shoulders. Byunghun, weak with laughter, toppled onto the floor.

                “You’re gonna get it hyung!” Jonghyun exclaimed, grabbing the pillow Min Neul had been using. He and Minsoo started to really go at it, laughing jovially and smacking each other in the faces.

                Min Neul picked up an extra pillow and smacked Byunghun over the head with it. “Thanks for ruining my na—” she never finished her sentence, for she was suddenly ambushed by two more blows, curtsey of her two laughing unnis.

                The bedroom was in full chaos. Feathers were flying and girls were shrieking. Heads were being smacked with pillows and boys were falling off the disheveled bed. I had no idea who I was swinging at, or who was swinging at me. I couldn’t tell if my stomach hurt from laughing or from being whacked in the gut. After the last blow had been given, I found myself lying on the ground beside Byunghun and Min Neul.       Jonghyun and Minsoo were sitting on the edge of Jonghyun’s bed, panting. Hyerin was leaning against Changhyun’s bed.

                Byunghun kicked his legs up, pulling himself up until he was sitting cross-legged on the floor. He jerked his head to the left, flipping his hair. “Everyone alive?”

                “Yup,” Minsoo answered breathlessly, picking feathery lint off his black v-neck.

                “Barely,” Min Neul giggled, sitting up. She straightened out the bottom of her purple t-shirt.

                I ran my fingers through my messy hair. I pulled out a few feathers. “Are we still going to the beach now?”


                The tile was wonderfully cold beneath Jonghyun’s feet as he stepped into the foyer. He closed his eyes, savoring the cool air conditioning that was wrapping his body. Mrs. Lee had been right; the weather today was ideal beach weather. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky and there was virtually no wind. The sun hung high above, baking everything below. The ocean water had been the perfect way to cool Jonghyun down. He had spent the entire day splashing and laughing with Min Neul in the water. She had looked so adorable when she wrinkled her nose, shrieking in delight as he picked her up and threw her in the water. She had looked undeniably y when she had peeled off her magenta tank top to reveal her purple and white striped bikini. He tried not to let his eyes wander as Min Neul bounced across the sand to the water’s edge, but it was hard. Be briefly contemplated how he had ever had eyes for another girl. Kirin’s just a girl, he had thought. Min Neul’s a woman.

                Beside Jonghyun, Min Neul tossed her hair over her shoulder. The salt water had given her hair a slight wave to it, which Jonghyun thought was quite pretty. She hadn’t bothered to put her magenta tank top back on over her bikini; she only wore he denim shorts and patterned flip flops. She had a colorful beach towel draped over her tan arm. She glanced back at Jonghyun, her dark eyes sparking. “That was fun.”

                Jonghyun smiled. “Yeah, it was.”

                Hyerin glanced down at her phone. “Min Neul, Mom called us while we were at the beach. We should probably call them back.”

                “Alright,” Min Neul replied. She adjusted the beach bag that hung on her shoulder. She glanced at Jonghyun. “See you later?”

                “Definitely,” Jonghyun promised. He watched her as she bounced away with her older sister.

                Byunghun, Chanhee, Daniel and I wandered into the living room. Jonghyun followed Changhyun, Daniel, Minsoo, and Chanhee up the stairs. Minsoo disappeared in his bedroom. Changhyun and Jonghyun headed into their bedroom.

                Jonghyun dropped his armful of towels on the floor. His black workout shorts were in here somewhere. The only shorts he could find were Minsoo’s black ones with the stripe down the side. Had their shorts gotten mixed up? His hands fumbled with the towels and his mind fumbled with thoughts of Min Neul. After they had lustily made out, fallen asleep together, and flirted all day at the beach, he couldn’t get her out of his head.

                Changhyun peered over Jonghyun’s shoulder. “Looking for something?”

                “My shorts,” Jonghyun stammered. He held Minsoo’s shorts in up. “The black ones. Have you seen them? I can only find Minsoo’s.”

                Changhyun thought a moment. “Maybe they got mixed up.”

                “Probably,” Jonghyun replied,

                Changhyun shrugged. “Go check with Minsoo.”

                Jonghyun nodded. He stood up and strolled out the door, his hyung’s shorts in his hand. He walked down the hall to Minsoo and Daniel’s bedroom. The door was open ajar, so he hesitantly pushed it open a little farther. Sure enough, the drawers of Minsoo’s dresser were open, and Minsoo himself was busy shoveling through them. He seemed to be looking for something. One by one, he was taking articles of clothing out of the draws and dropping them on the ground beside him.

                Jonghyun smiled to himself. He cleared his throat. “Looking for something, hyung?”

                Minsoo abruptly turned around. He was wearing a tight-fitting black tank top and his checkered bathing suit shorts. He had slapped one of his baseball caps over his wavy brown hair, as usual. “My shorts,” he said the second his eyes landed on the dark object in the younger boy’s hands.

                Jonghyun stepped farther into the room, holding out the shorts for Minsoo. Suddenly he stepped on something that crunched beneath the weight of his foot. Startled, Jonghyun stared down at the ground. He had stepped on a plastic white bag tied loosely at the top. His eyebrows scrunched together as he heard Minsoo gasp sharply. “What’s this?”

                “Nothing,” Minsoo exclaimed. He quickly bent down to snatch the bag, but Jonghyun was quicker. Jonghyun snatched the bag and peered curiously inside. Minsoo’s hands flew to his head and he groaned slightly. How could he have been so careless? He should have known better than to leave those lying on the floor. Jonghyun was the last person he wanted to find out about those…

                Jonghyun stuck his hand inside and pulled out a small, flat packet. He turned it over and over in his fingers, running his thumb over the flat surface. “Hyung, what are these?”

                “Nothing, give them back,” Minsoo commanded, reaching out to snatch it from Jonghyun’s hand.               Jonghyun dodged his reach. A sly smile spread across his face. “Hyung, are these condoms?”

                “Yah! Give me them back!” Minsoo cried. He snatched the bag from Jonghyun’s hands and stuffed it back into his drawer. He buried it under some of his t-shirts and slammed the drawer closed.

                When Minsoo turned back to face Jonghyun, he was smirking. He held up the packet between his fingers and raised an eyebrow. “Bang Minsoo,” Jonghyun announced teasing, shaking his head slowly. “I’m surprised at you.”

                Minsoo crossed his arms over his chest and scowled. “I’m almost twenty years old.”

                “I know,” Jonghyun replied, eyeing the packet Minsoo couldn’t snatch from him. “I just didn’t expect you and Hyerin to do something so bad.”

                Minsoo bit his lip. “She doesn’t know about them, okay?”

                “Oh!” Jonghyun exclaimed, his eyes lighting up. “You haven’t told her?”

                Minsoo groaned. “Jonghyun, this conversation is over. Give me that thing back and forget all about this okay? You’re too young.”

                Jonghyun raised an eyebrow. “Too young? I’m sixteen!”

                “Yeah, well, Min Neul is fifteen.” Minsoo quickly slipped the tiny package from his junior’s hands.

                Jonghyun’s jaw dropped. “Give me that back!”

                Minsoo cackled. “Did you actually think I was going to let you keep it?”

                Jonghyun couldn’t lie to himself; she second he realized what those things were, he wanted to get his hands on one of them. He figured he would have had to get them himself if he ever wanted them at all. Minsoo, though, had made it so easy. There were probably eight of them in that plastic bag of treasure. Minsoo couldn’t possibly need them all. What harm was there in taking one? No one said he and Min Neul were going to use it. But they were at a good point in their relationship, so why not have one just in case? Minsoo thought he was too young? Bull. He’d be seventeen soon. And Min Neul was years older than her actual age. Minsoo wasn’t his parent, so he had no authority over him and what he and Min Neul did behind closed doors.

                “I’ll make a deal with you,” Jonghyun said, putting his hands on his hips. “I won’t tell anyone you have these if you give me one.”

                “Absolutely not,” Minsoo answered defiantly. “You’re just a child.”

                Jonghyun raised an eyebrow. His hands flew to the hem of his shirt. He lifted it up, revealing his sculpted abs that could only be rivaled by Minsoo’s. “Just a child, huh?”

                Minsoo narrowed his eyes. “You’re not getting one of these. You’re not mature enough.”

                “Hyung, come on!” Jonghyun whined. “I’m asking for one of those! I think that’s pretty mature, isn’t it?”

                “You’re not getting one of these and that’s final!” Minsoo exclaimed.

                “Alright. Fine.” Jonghyun placed his hands on his hips and shrugged. “We’ll do it without one of those. Would you like that better?”

                Minsoo’s narrow eyes grew wide. “Jonghyun! You better not…”

                “Then give me one,” Jonghyun demanded. “Or else I’ll tell Hyerin! I’ll tell Kirin’s parents! I’ll tell Andy-hyung! I’ll tell Hyerin’s parents! And you’ll be in major trouble!”

                “You wouldn’t dare,” Minsoo growled in a low voice.

                Minsoo hardly scared Jonghyun. “I’m not a baby anymore, Minsoo. I’m almost seventeen. I know exactly what could happen if we’re not careful. I never said we were going to use it, anyway. Maybe I won’t even use it for another year! I don’t know. But I know I’m mature enough. Trust me, hyung.” Jonghyun said calmly, maturely.

                Minsoo glared at Jonghyun. He didn’t feel like he was glaring at someone three years younger than him. He didn’t feel like he was glaring at the maknae. Jonghyun stared back at him with narrowed eyes, his lips twisted into a teasing smirk. His biceps bulged and his voice was deep. His legs were long and powerful and his body was almost as chiseled as Minsoo’s own body. Jonghyun was hardly a child.

                Minsoo glanced down at the flat, white packet in his hands. He ran his thumb over the smooth exterior, just the young man in front of him had. Minsoo glanced up at his calm, defiant face. If he gave             Jonghyun one of these, it would mean he had the utmost of trust in him. As Jonghyun’s hyung, he wasn’t sure he did. Bur as Jonghyun’s friend, though, he knew he did.

                in air like it was trust, Minsoo held out his hand. Between his fingers was the small, coveted packet. He watched with a keen eye as Jonghyun slowly reached for it. Minsoo held his breath as he felt it slip from his grasp. Under Minsoo’s watchful eye, Jonghyun slipped the packet into his pocket.

                “I’ll be responsible, hyung. I promise,” Jonghyun swore.

                “You better,” Minsoo declared seriously.

                A bright smile spread across Jonghyun’s handsome face. “Have a little faith in me, hyung.”

                Minsoo found himself smiling next. He chuckled slightly and turned around to pick up Jonghyun’s shorts, which he had taken by accident. “Yah, now take your shorts and get out of here, would you?”

                Jonghyun chuckled and took the shorts from his hyung. He his heels to walk out of the bedroom. “Thanks, Minsoo-hyung,” he said sweetly, turning around. “For everything.”

                “You’re welcome,” Minsoo responded honestly, beaming at his junior with smiling eyes. “For everything.”

- - - - - -

What do you guys think? Is Chanhee a jerk, or does he have the right to be mad? Does Changhyun secretly like Min Neul? Can everyone be trusted home alone? Can the maknae couple in particular be trusted? :O YOU'LL FIND OUT!~

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Only one chapter left of Fly With Me, you guys!~


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wow!!!!! I was as excited as Kirin was. It felt so real. You are one amazing writer.
ohmigosh~~ heehee finally done ^.^ this one took longer for me to finish... i think xD and it was harder cause i had finals today and i wanted to read instead x.x but anyways <3 i luved the story~~ thank god it wasn't cliched Dx lol i would've become really frustrated then. i'm glad they didn't break up otherwise i would have cried~~ though when the drama came i was freaking out! hahah :D amazing job~~ to the next one~!
Oh . I finished "My Lips Are Sealed" and this fanfic in a day. It's currently 2am in the morning and I'm expected to get up at 6 later.

Great story had me hooked!!!! ;) <3
I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!
Me again! After reading your whole first story in a day--or rather in a night I decided I just HAD to read all of this one the very next day! You are seriously one amazing writer I've never read a story this good before on this site and it makes me so happy! And you made me love Teen Top even more then I've ever have! (I actually know their real names because of you, before I only knew Byunghun and Daniel) but again YOU ARE AMAZINGLY TALENTED! Oh and one last thing the whole 'his eyes are the shape of rainbows' I think i squeal everytime you use that line <3!!!!! I love L. Joe~ <3
BlueVelvet98 #6
DAEBAK ! You can- scratch that, you SHOULD be a director ! Waiting for the sequel ! :)))) Hwaiting~ ^^
Aww! It's over! But I'm glad there'll be another sequel!
You write so well, and I can't wait to read your next story.