
I Don't Want to Be Broken..

      Jaehyun woke up to the loud buzzing of his phone, picking it up he sees his lockscreen reads 10:21 am 

 "Oh !" Jaehyun runs his hand through his messy black hair and dashes out of bed wondering how he could have possibly slept through all 10 of his alarms when he's such a light sleeper that even a cricket can wake him from his slumber in the middle of the night. Since class starts in 9 minutes and it takes 20 minutes to get there, he throws on the nearest pair of pants and t-shirt he can find, a snapback, grabs his bookbag and rushes out the door at the speed of light.  

 Taeyong wakes up extra early in the morning so that he can take his time walking to the university.  He wants to see all of the beautiful nature, as autumn has just come into play and the golden brown leaves have started to fall, coating the ground as if they are a protecting the ground from those who walk upon it.  As Taeyong walks out the door, He thinks it is the most beautiful season of all, and maybe someday he can find someone he thinks is just as beautiful as fall.

Being the clumsy boy he is, halfway through his running spree to get to class on time, just as a silver haired boy comes into sight, Jaehyun's brain doesn't give his feet the memo to stop and he smashes right into the boy. Both of them falling to the ground with a loud thud. 

"Oh no" Jaehyun grumbled as he felt blood drip from his nose. "why do things like this always happen to me and why did it have to be a guy with such a weird hair color. I'm cursed. I must be. Maybe I killed someone in the past life. Yeah, That must be it theres no other expla-"  He stops in the middle of his sentence as he hears the silver haired boy giggle. Jaehyun's eyes widen as he realizes he just said all of his thoughts out loud and the boy heard everything.  

"Are you okay? You seem to be very stressed out at the moment. And just for the record, my hair is amazing" The silver haired boy says to him concern and a hint of amusement in his voice.  

"I'm super screwed. Listen, I bumped into you I didn't mean to but I really have to go sorry! I'll make it up to you" Jaehyun says to the boy as he gets up, nose still bleeding but he doesn't even care at this point all he cares about is making it to any part of his class if any.

    As he dashes off down the road, Taeyong wonders why this boy is in such a hurry and how the hell he can make it up to him sometime if he didn't even ask Taeyong what his name is. "So much for a nice walk to school and why are the cute ones always jerks?" Taeyong questions as he stands up wipes his bloody hands on a napkin from his bookbag praying he never sees the cute but rude black haired boy ever again...but sometimes prayers go unanswered.



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chamberofsecrets #1
Chapter 10: o my god i enjoyed it so much and adding chapters can never hurt anyone *wink wink
CoffeAndChill #2
Chapter 10: Happy Birthday sweety!! I hope you had a beautiful day ♡ and interesting chapter btw. I feel u Taeyong, Jung Jaehyun's beauty is difficult to handle. ING DIFFICULT. Okay. Chill. Please update soon ♡
mskangkung #3
Chapter 10: Hey happy birthday! I really enjoy reading this story, can't wait for the next update!
CoffeAndChill #4
Chapter 9: Cute af. These two are pure sweetness ♡ Happy New Year fam!!! And please, update soon ):
Kkaticich #5
Chapter 8: That was so cute :)
tywife #6
Chapter 7: Next please
thesavageone #7
Chapter 7: I wouldn't mind some rated scenes.
T9TY5Y #8
Chapter 7: Its up to you :) id enjoy it for sure
innocent-awkward #9
Chapter 7: Please bot!jae
Chapter 7: Sureeee i want some rated scenes