
Adore U

The day the plan was going to put in action finally had arrived. To say that I was nervous was a fact; I couldn’t believe that I agreed to this. My outfit was the total opposite of what I would wear normally; it screamed ‘girly’ all over it. Something that precisely didn’t click with me, the boyish, dork and funny Sinb.

My outfit consisted in a withe knee-length and loose dress with some beautiful patterns in it. I’m used to wear dresses before, and I have used a few of them in the show, but none like this one. Don’t worry, the dress wasn’t too formal for the show but it is certainly beautiful.

Of course I have an outfit like that but it didn’t mean it was too much. It wasn’t too over the edge and I wasn’t wearing too much make up neither. I just hope all of this works… I thought repetitively in the way of my destination. When I saw the building of the show, I became extremely nervous and anxious. I began to question this plan multiple times, trying not to bite my nails in the process.

“Sinb, we are here” said my manager opening the door of the van. He looked at me with a questioning look in his face, was I that noticeable nervous…?

“Are you ok? You look a little bit pale” My manager questioned, worry lacing his voice.

I nodded slowly and sighed in defeat. There was no turning back now.

I got off of the van, walking to the building with heavy steps behind my manager. I hope he hasn’t arrived yet…

Luckily there weren’t fans over here, because we were in the underground parking lot. At least I wouldn’t be more nervous and tense. I have enough with my mind remembering every second that I was about to meet Jackson soon.

The first person to greet me when I arrived was Dahyun, she looked surprised to see me with such look, and I couldn’t blame her though. A wide smile appeared in her cute face when I stood before her.

“So… What do you think?” I asked her with a small smile. I turned around to emphasize my question.

“You look beautiful, Sinb” She complimented me and gave me a thumbs up.

“Thank you, Dahyun” I smiled and nodded gratefully.

“By the way, Sinb, what is this all about?” Dahyun nudged at me with a knowing smile while wiggling her eyebrows.

 “What? This?” I asked her, taking a part of my dress between my fingers “Oh, it’s nothing… I’m just in the mood to wear this dress, it’s really cute” I said trying to sound as normal as I could. It’s not like she needs to know why I decided to wear this, right…?

“Sure it’s cute, but you normally don’t come to the show like this, hmm…” She mentioned taking her chin in her hand like in deep thought.

“I already told you, I’m in the mood for this today” I said and sighed slightly. Please, don’t suspect anything, Dahyun…

Suddenly I noticed something. If Dahyun is here it means that Jackson is here too! They are from the same company and they come together most of the time. If I was nervous before, now I was edgy. I looked around rapidly to see if he was near. I was so focused in my tremendous search of the boy that makes my heart throb out of my chest, until I heard Dahyun said something that caught me off of guard.

“Relax, he is not here yet” She was smiling mischievously while saying this.


My mouth was agape when I finally realized what she really meant. It couldn’t be…

“Yes, I know” I blinked “No, he doesn’t know and don’t worry I won’t say anything to anyone” She finished saying with a reassuring smile.

“But… How…?” I was shook; it couldn’t be that I have been this obvious all this time.

“I perceived it, you weren’t obvious but I have seen a strange glint in your eyes every time you saw him, and when he is close you act shy and maybe nervous. I couldn’t pinpoint what it was until the recording of last week” She explained with detail and I really didn’t know what to say. Now what? I feel so exposed right now…

“I wasn’t expecting this at all… This is so embarrassing” I hide my face with my hands, Dahyun laugh reached my ears and the desire that the earth will open beneath my feet and swallowed me were growing with every passing second.

“Calm down, it’s cute, to fall in love with someone” Dahyun said softly.

“Well, if it’s with you-know-who, is more like a rollercoaster for me” I looked at her and laughed just thinking about a hype Jackson.

She nodded in agreement, laughing with me. “That hyung is really something”

“Yeah…” I replied with a soft smile in my lips “Wait, this is unfair, Dahyun. You know who I like but I don’t know if you like someone” I pouted unmet “You have to tell me, so it can be fair enough, do you agree?” I asked her. She gave me an uneasy stare but agreed at the end.

Her face quickly changed from a secured and happy face to a flushed, awkward face. I waited patiently for her to admit, my head thinking in all the possibilities. However, the person she named didn’t even pass my mind.

“Jooheon” It was almost a whisper. Now, I’m really in shock.

“Seriously?” I said bewildered. Dahyun nodded shyly and her cheeks and ears were so red to the point I thought she would faint.

“This is unexpected…” I giggled “So, we like the duo of Idol is best, we are unbelievable” Dahyun exploded with laughter, I laughed along with her. We were laughing so hard, to a point we were almost breathless.

We were so immersed in our foolishness that we didn’t noticed two people approaching us with confused expressions in their faces.

“What’s so funny, girls?” A masculine voice interrupted our fit of laughter. Dahyun stopped immediately and I could see how her body tensed entirely and how her eyes were like two plates. 

I looked puzzled to the owner of the voice, who I knew was Jooheon; however I wasn’t ready to run my eyes to another pair of deep, dark eyes, staring at me steadily, with something, something I couldn’t describe at all. Something that made me feel all giddy inside. I felt how the air seemed to leave my lungs and how my heart started pounding rapidly against my ribcage. I couldn't stop staring at his eyes, I just couldn't, and it seemed he didn't mind doing the same. 

"Sinb" He called me still looking at my eyes, and I swear I felt how my legs almost turned to jelly before his presence and his voice.  





Hello people! Chapter five is here after so long! I'm really, really sorry about this :( I have been so busy this days. I study medicine, so... You can imagined it. But don't worry I ain't going to abandon this fic n.n I will try to update everytime I can, and yes, I know this chapter is super short, but it's all I can do for now ^^;... Thank you so much for your support, it means so much to me! <3 

In the next chapter, we will see the point of view of Jackson to seeing Sinb all beautiful and timid :) haha. Please, if you have any request please comment and tell me! 

Until next time! 


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SLNT_Grin #1
Chapter 12: Hopefully you can update again. It's been six years already, author-nim :')
SLNT_Grin #2
Chapter 5: New subscribers here. This is so cute, author-nim :'v
Sinrin_513 #3
Chapter 12: Hey im a new reader though its been two years since you update please update because the story is freaking good
author nim~~ >…< I'm still waiting for the update, and also even tho Idol is the Best is currently on Hiatus, hope you're still gonna update this >…<
Sinbinha #5
Chapter 12: Continuous, please, I'm loving your story.
spinokitty #6
Please update soon! I really miss reading your fanfic =( This is still one of my fav until now. Please update soon!
Chapter 12: eonnie, when are you going to update again? i really miss this fanfic :'(
Imabuddytomygirls #8
Chapter 12: Please continue i want to know what happen
Titania7 #9
Chapter 12: I wrote a fanfic too its called our love story
Its not complete yet
Titania7 #10
When r u gonna update again unnie
Asap please i m dying