
Adore U

SinB’s POV

Today was finally the day of the truth! My date with Jackson.

It wasn’t a date exactly, that’s how I liked to called it. Just the thought of seeing him made me feel all giddy inside. I laughed like an idiot and spinned a little in my room, looking like a high schooler in love.

I was looking through my closet excitedly, trying to choose the best outfit for that afternoon. At least I have the day off. What a coincidence I thought with a wide smile in my face.

I have woke up that day with a good mood, I even did breakfast, what made me win some strange looks from the members, they were all confused I swear. I laugh just imagining their expressions. They didn’t question me, and just shrugged it off. I didn’t tell them that I was going to meet Jackson though, if they found out it’s possible they would lock me here.

And now here I was searching for the perfect clothes. I was getting tired of it until one of my favorite dresses caught my attention. A white dress, perfect! Just like in the dream I thought happily.

I spare a glance to the clock in the wall of my room. Just 4 hours to go.

I’m so excited to hear everything you want to say to me, Jackson Wang



Jackson’s POV


When I woke up, I could feel the restlessness behind my eyelids and over my body, feeling my heart heavy with the realization of what I’m doing today. Just a thought emerged in my mind that exact moment: What the did I just do?

I even woke up before my alarm gave the warning cry like every other morning. I looked at it and the time set was 6:00am. Six in the freaking morning and I couldn’t sleep one wink. I sighed and got up of my bed very slowly not to wake my members. Today was our day off so if I made any sound at this hour, they would probably kill me.

I made my way to the bathroom to shake off tiredness of my face. I yawned and proceeded to look at my reflection in the mirror. Deep eye bags under my eyes, messy hair, usual look of someone who couldn’t sleep. But something in me was off; something didn’t click with the usual cheerful Jackson Wang.

And that something was the essence of my eyes. What they were transmitting: hurt, concern.

I sighed and washed my face, looking at my reflection once more and thought: I have to end this.





The hours passed slowly, the members all woke up one by one, some were puzzled to see me already awake because I’m not usually the first to be awake, that suited more with Jinyoung or Youngjae.

I was lying on the couch of the living room, staring blankly at the ceiling, thinking over and over again about the meeting with Youngji, which was getting on my nerves already. Fortunately, Mark appeared in my sight, distracting me. I blinked at him, asking silently what he wants. He simply shrugged and sat down on the floor, next to the couch. I sat down correctly and fixed my gaze in him, he kept his back facing me and what he said caught me off of guard.

“What’s wrong with you?” His tone was a little low, only I could hear him.

“Why do you ask?” I asked slowly. I shouldn’t be surprised in the first place, Mark knows me the best of all the members and he could sense easily if something was wrong with me. However, I didn’t want to tell him I was going to meet her, he would refuse immediately. And I really have to end this, even if I got more hurt.

“Oh c’mon, just spit it, I’m all ears” He said in English, his back still facing me.

“It’s about your precious SinB?” He joked, trying to light up my humor. I couldn’t help but chuckled.

“Not really… Ah, I hope she is fine. You can’t imagine how much it hurt to see her face when she ran away” I shake my head in disapproval just by the thought. I wonder how you are my Eunbi…

“No I can’t imagine” He chuckled and faced me “It seems you’re really into her, hm” He was looking at me in the eye. I hold his gaze and nodded firmly. Mark smiled in response.

“Alright, so if it’s not about her, what it is?” He keeps saying in English. I gulped and struggle a little to answer him.

“It’s Youngji” I replied him, waiting for his outburst.

But it didn’t come.

“I already know that” He sighed loudly. My eyes widened in surprise, I sure wasn’t expecting that answer.

“But how do-“

“I heard your conversation last night” He cut me off, his eyes still on me “You know I’m a light sleeper, and you weren’t exactly very quiet” He chuckled slightly but quickly obtained a serious countenance.

I ran my fingers through my hair, feeling more frustrated than ever “I know what you are going to said Mark but I need to finish this now, close that chapter of my past that keeps bothering me on the back of my mind”

Mark listened calmly, his semblance didn’t altered for a second and simply said “Be careful, watch your voice and expressions and don’t get caught” He finalized with a soft smile standing up of the floor.

Sometimes he caught me off of guard with his words and attitude, but I couldn’t ask more from him, and just be thankful to have him as my friend.

“Right, mom” I said with a mocked tone, causing laughter to fill the living room, making me feel less preoccupied.

“What’s so funny? I want to laugh too” Said Yugyeom appearing from nowhere. I looked at him and laughed even more, Mark following.

These dorks I thought while laughing, feeling grateful to have them all as my friends.





Time passed in the blink of an eye, I was already standing in front of the café I always visited with Youngji, most of the idols and celebrities visited it because it was away from the public eye, giving a more private ambient. The place was really cozy, the smell of the café and the pastries giving me a calming feeling along with a little bit of nostalgia. It has been a long time since I have been here

Even though it was a secured place for idols, I made sure to be disguised as much as possible. The least I wanted that moment was a kind of scandal or something.

I entered the café and searched for a table that is available. Luckily I got one in a corner of the café. I sat myself and proceeded to wait for her.

The minutes passed and I was feeling more and more anxious, I checked the hour in my watch multiple times, changed my posture, and looked outside, I greeted several idols that were passing by, everything. Maybe I came too early, I want to go…

I was absorbed in my thoughts until I heard the doorbell ran through the whole café. I raised my eyes as a reflex and what I saw made me lost my breath in one second.

It was SinB, Eunbi, Hwang Eunbi, doing her entrance to the café with a white dress that made her glow under the dim lights of the café, looking genuinely lost and shy, her only presence made everyone turn around to see her. My eyes were almost out of their sockets because of the shock I got. It couldn’t be… What is my Eunbi doing here? Is she here to meet someone? Does she have a date? All those questions were running through my mind like a wild fire.

I blinked many times trying to convince myself that I wasn’t dreaming. Even though she was a little disguised, I can tell from miles away that she was my Eunbi. She was looking around, searching for someone I guess, she seemed really lost. I wanted to get up and ran to her but I was glued to my seat, feeling my legs getting heavier with each passing second. I followed with my eyes her every move, feeling my lips dry the more she approached me.

And right then, our eyes met, in a split second I felt how my heart almost stopped, my breathing hitched, my hands started to shake out of nowhere and my eyes were wide open. In a short time I read so many things in her eyes, so many feelings, so many unspoken words that I couldn’t comprehend. Eunbi broke our eye contact quickly, looking at her feet cutely and making her way towards me.

My heart started to raced significantly with every step she made, my hands started sweating and I could feel a knot forming in my stomach. It was as if everything around me had disappeared and only she remained.

When she was finally in front of me, she raised her eyes and stared at me, pulling off the mouth mask, she seemed nervous but decided, her eyes seemed to burn with something I couldn’t describe, she looked gorgeous. I couldn’t utter a single word, I was in a state of trance, afraid I would say a stupidity, afraid I would do something I wouldn’t control later…

SinB asked for permission to sit with her eyes, biting her lower lip with nervousness, I could only nod repeatedly still in awe, my eyes didn’t lose sight of the small smile that passed through her lips. She sat down in front of me and didn’t tear her eyes away from me, I did the same. We stared at each other silently, smiling like two idiots, speaking through our gazes.

I grinned a little when I got to catch the faint blush in her cheeks, she seemed to notice what I was thinking and slowly drifted her eyes away from mine making me smile even more. She slowly put her hands on top of the table, playing with her fingers, it was like she was expecting me to do something, said anything.

And I did.

Without realizing I put my hands on the table and slowly crawled for the warm of her hands, my hands moving on their own, lacing our fingers together, feeling how the touch burned my skin in a good way, making me feel electricity run through my fingertips, making me feel peace at the same time. And for a moment, I forgot about all the pain, about the past, about Youngji and the present only existed. There was only Eunbi.

She gave me one of the most tender smiles I’ve ever seen, making me smile in respond. I wanted to ask her what she was doing here, I wanted to tell her so many things, so many things but the knot in my throat wasn’t helping me. C’mon Jackson Wang, gather your courage! Where’s your usual flirty and easygoing personality? I thought frustrated, lucky for me; Eunbi broke the silence that enveloped us.

“Hi, Jackson” She greeted shyly; a pink blush tinted her cheeks delicately “I came as fast as possible, what do you want to tell me?”

Did I heard right? She came because of me? But how? I’m pretty sure I didn’t tell her to come here; I didn’t even have her phone number. And of course I wouldn’t invite her if Youngji is coming along, just for her sake.

And then it clicked.

I could tell for the way that Eunbi looked at me that my expression wasn’t a pleasant one. I was taken aback, furious; I just couldn’t believe she has done this. My fingers were losing slowly the warmth that enveloped them; Eunbi was retrieving her hands away the moment I spare a glance to our hands. She looked uncomfortable; the confidence in her eyes went slowly away, making me feel frustrated. This shouldn’t be like this… I thought bitterly.

“I’m sorry for that, it will not happen again” She said abruptly, forcing a smile through her pink lips.

In my head I could only scream No, no, no, don’t regret this, don’t look at me like that, I don’t intend to hurt you, Eunbi…

I was about to said something, anything to make her smile again until a voice resonated through the air, firm but soft. Making my head spin in just a few seconds.

“Jackson” She called my name with such confidence, it made me feel angrier than before, my blood boiling with anger.

Eunbi let out a gasp that exact moment. From the corner of my eye I could see the surprise in Eunbi’s face, and feel the tension growing every second. My knuckles turning white from the force I used to close my hands.

I was about to get up and demand an explanation from her when Eunbi quickly rose up on her feet, ready to leave. Panic started filling my mind, it was like repeating that day she ran away, all over again.

“Eunbi, wait, don’t go please, I can explain” I quickly faced her, trying to portrait a calm tone in my voice, in order not to draw more attention of the idols in the café. I could already feel a couple of gazes in our direction.

“What are you going to explain, Jackson? That you called me here to let me see how a great time you are having with your girlfriend? Is that it?” Eunbi’s voice sounded hurt, but angrier and disappointed than everything.

Her glassy eyes were staring hard at me. My heart sinks instantly.

“No Eunbi, it’s not what you think, I swear-“ I was going desperate with the look she was directing me until I got cut by Youngji.

“It’s exactly what you think, Eunbi-ssi. Jackson and I are still together” Youngji said very slowly, I could feel the smirk in her words. I couldn’t even spare her a glance, I was so mad.

Eunbi eyes widen in realization, her features showed sadness and hurt immediately. My throat dry from the fear, the fear of Eunbi getting hurt from all this twisted Youngji was doing.

“Youngji stop it, if you keep saying anything else I’m going to-“I let out rapidly, looking at her direction.

“You are going to do what?” She snapped, her gaze hard on Eunbi.

I was about to answer her when Eunbi’s soft voice resonated through the air.

“Please, don’t fight because of me, I think I misunderstood everything “Her voice was quivering with every word, making me feel a sharp pain through my chest “Continue your date. I’m going to take my leave now” I looked at her again and what I saw made me feel more miserable than before, she tried to get herself compose but you could see clearly the pain in her wet eyes, fighting the tears from falling down her rosy cheeks.

At this point everyone in the café stopped what they were doing, looking at the scene unfolding in front of them. I felt an anxious rush run all over my body the moment Eunbi started walking away from me, away from the pain.

“Eunbi, wait!” I couldn’t help but exclaim, startling everyone in the café. I was about to go after her when a firm grip in my arm stopped me.

“If you go after her, I’m going to expose our relationship to the media, are you willing to handle a scandal right now because of her?” Youngji murmured her words like venom.

“We aren’t even in a relationship, so I don’t care, ok? Now if you excuse me I’m going after Eunbi” I said with a hint of hatred in my voice. I yanked off of her grip and started walking towards Eunbi who was almost near the door of the café when Youngji said something that made me stop dead in my track.

“Take another step and watch how I expose that girl to the media, they will believe me if I said she was flirting with you, right? I have photos if that is not enough proof”

I didn’t know what to said, if I made a move Eunbi and her members career will go down the hole rapidly, they were still fresh in this industry, having an scandal could make a serious damage for them and I couldn’t afford to be the one to let it happen. I felt helpless, so I just stood there, not daring to look at that woman. My eyes fixed on Eunbi figure walking farther and farther from me until she collided with a guy I couldn’t recognized immediately. I weird feeling settling in my stomach the moment they looked at each other.



SinB’s POV


The pain I was feeling made me feel suffocated, I could hardly walk, but I wanted to get out there as soon as possible. I could feel all the eyes of the idols and celebrities fixed in me. I could hear Jackson’s voice calling, like that day, it felt like reviewing a nightmare all over again, just that this is not a product of my imagination but real life. I have dignity so that’s why I went away from there.

I felt betrayed, disappointed, hurt, and heartbroken. I just couldn’t take it anymore. I can’t believe this is happening…

Everything was like a slap to my face, a slap of the cruel reality, trying to open my eyes and see the truth. This is not a dream, Eunbi… This is real life, this is it

Just to think that I clearly don’t even have chance to be with Jackson, my dear Jackson, made me feel sick. Seeing Youngji appear that moment made me realize that it was never me and will never be me. But one thing keeps bothering me the most: Why did Jackson sent me that message then?

Something didn’t make sense to me, I’m pretty sure Jackson will not do something like that, right?


He is not that kind of guy, not at all, but I couldn’t comprehend why she appeared there. Jackson looked genuinely surprised when he saw her and genuinely hurt when I looked at him through my watery eyes.

However, I couldn’t think properly that moment, the pain fogging my mind, I was so engrossed in my thoughts and hurt that I didn’t see where I was going and bumped into something hard or rather someone.

I almost tripped and fell to the ground when that someone took me by one of my arms and pulled me towards them in a second, gasps were heard though the whole café. I had already closed my eyes hard as a reflex, the tears I was holding back, falling freely. I was trembling a little feeling overwhelmed by all the emotions.

Slowly I opened my eyes, a little embarrassed to see who my rescuer was. And when I locked my eyes with a pair of familiar dark ones, my breath caught in my throat.

“Are you alright, Eunbi?”



That voice…



“Jungkook…” I could only utter, a little taken aback by our proximity.

“Hi, Eunbi” He said with a little smile and soft gaze.




Omggggg, finally! Chapter eleven, jeez. I swear this chapter was so difficult to write! I was having a writer's block for real, but I couldn't stop this for so long knowing that you guys are waiting for this. So here you have! I hope you like it really TT I feel exhausted, I finished writing it just now ahahahaha I think this is the longest chapter of this fic. Tell me if I portrayed well their personalities and such, and if you have any suggestion, tell me! Do you like the addition of Jungkook to this fic? What do you think is going to happen? We'll see in the next chapter hohoho.

Also I want to remind everyone that English is not my first language, so sometimes I got trouble writing xD If I have any mistakes please tell me. Another thing, I study Medicine, so I can't promise you that I will update soon :( so please understand. 


Until next time! 



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SLNT_Grin #1
Chapter 12: Hopefully you can update again. It's been six years already, author-nim :')
SLNT_Grin #2
Chapter 5: New subscribers here. This is so cute, author-nim :'v
Sinrin_513 #3
Chapter 12: Hey im a new reader though its been two years since you update please update because the story is freaking good
author nim~~ >…< I'm still waiting for the update, and also even tho Idol is the Best is currently on Hiatus, hope you're still gonna update this >…<
Sinbinha #5
Chapter 12: Continuous, please, I'm loving your story.
spinokitty #6
Please update soon! I really miss reading your fanfic =( This is still one of my fav until now. Please update soon!
Chapter 12: eonnie, when are you going to update again? i really miss this fanfic :'(
Imabuddytomygirls #8
Chapter 12: Please continue i want to know what happen
Titania7 #9
Chapter 12: I wrote a fanfic too its called our love story
Its not complete yet
Titania7 #10
When r u gonna update again unnie
Asap please i m dying