
Adore U

An hour had passed since I woke up from the dream, from the place where everything was fine, where were only the sun, the sky, the flowers, Jackson and me. Jackson and his adorable smile, Jackson and his hypnotic voice, Jackson and his lovely eyes. 

Minhyuk stayed with me the whole time, he didn’t ask why I shouted Jackson’s name, and I’m really thankful for that, I didn’t want to talk about it right now. But he sure asked me if I was ok or if I needed anything, I tried to assured him that I was alright but he didn’t buy it, neither keep pushing with it.

He told me that Yuju was buying some things at the store and that the other girls were out doing some schedules. I nodded and smiled a little while he was telling me everything, thanking him at the end.

A few minutes later, the sound of the door and footsteps were heard. It was Yuju that came back from the store; I was still sitting in the sofa, hugging my legs when she came to the living room, Minhyuk sitting in another sofa reading the newspaper.

As soon as she saw me, she dropped the plastic bags from the store in the ground and rushed to me, worry writing all over her delicate features. I really didn’t want to make her worry; I didn’t like seeing my girls suffering or getting worried because of me.

“Eunbi you are awake! How are you feeling?” She was in front of me in record time; she knelt and cupped my face between her hands, looking right into my eyes.

At that moment I felt like a baby and couldn’t help but laugh a little.

“I’m alright, Yuna, don’t worry” I tried my best to said with Yuju’s hands cupping and pulling my cheeks.

“I will pretend that I believe you” She narrowed her eyes and let go of my cheeks that became red from all the pulling.

“Ouch, it hurts” I pouted at Yuna, rubbing my cheeks in the process.

“It’s not that bad, kid” She laughed and kissed my cheeks “Better?”

“Better” I laughed “You act like my mom”

“I’m not, don’t say that or Sojung is going to be mad at me” She said with an amused smile.

A cough interrupted our conversation.

“No kisses for Minhyukkie?” Minhyuk said with aegyo and fake sadness. I laughed so hard at his face, Yuna on the other hand just shake her head and laughed, walking towards her boyfriend.

“Silly boy, I always give you kisses, you can’t complain” She sat herself in his lap and kissed his forehead tenderly.

I observed the scene with a smile, a longing feeling settling in my heart. Wishing I can have moments like that with Jackson, only the two of us, loving each other. But I guess I’m wishing too much. Apparently he has Youngji back in his life, my chances lowering significantly.


“If that what you wish, then I assured you that is going to be like that”

His words keep resonating in my mind, giving me hope. Maybe, just maybe we can be together…

“Eunbi” Yuju’s voice made me came back to reality; I looked at her with a questioning expression.

“You are spacing out again” She said a little worried. I laughed softly and told her that I was really fine.

“Alright” She smiled a little “If that’s so, help me make dinner please, the girls are coming back soon”

“Aye aye, sir” I got up from the sofa and took the shopping bags that were on the ground and made my way to the kitchen.



Yuju’s POV


“How long has she been awake?” I asked Minhyuk while combing his hair.

“Hm, not much, about an hour or so” He replied “She kept in silence for a while, I was worried but I didn’t ask her anything though”

“Why?” I asked curiously.

“Well…” He trailed off, a troubled expression in his handsome face “She apparently was having a nightmare and I tried to wake her up” He said slowly like trying to gather his thoughts.

“You did, right?” I blinked at his expression, not getting what he really meant.

“Yeah… I did. But what really worried me was the name she shouts when she waked up…”

“Don’t tell me she shouted Jackson’s name…” Now I was really worried, I need to know what happened early, to make her feel so bad and down, this is not our Eunbi…

“Yes, I was really taken aback but choose not to ask her about it, she may have not been comfortable with it” He said with a tired smile and I sighed in respond.

“You’re right, darling… But don’t worry; I’m going to talk to her later with the girls” I give him a comforting smile and kissed his lips briefly before getting up from his lap and walking towards the kitchen to prepare dinner with Eunbi.



Sinb’s POV


The minute I enter the kitchen I got a message, maybe it was from one of the girls. Quickly I put the groceries on the kitchen table and pulled out my cellphone from my pants pocket. I looked puzzled to the screen of my cellphone not recognizing the number, hesitating a bit if I should open it now or not. I have a weird feeling…

But nevertheless I opened the message and what I read made me nearly fall on the ground from the surprise I got.

Unknown number


Hi, SinB! It’s Jackson, yeah, the one and only Jackson Wang! I know you don’t have my number, but really is me. And no, don’t ask me how I got yours though ahahaha

I was wondering if you can come meet me at 4pm tomorrow, I will send you the direction later.

I would be so happy if you actually come; I have so many things to tell you… I can’t wait!

You don’t have to reply to this message, just go; I will be waiting for you ;)


What the heck did I just read?! It’s this another dream? Am I hallucinating?

My eyes were wide open looking at the screen of my cellphone and my hand started trembling from one moment to another.

This has to be so kind of sick joke or maybe it’s real…

I couldn’t help but pinch my arm really hard to check that this is not a dream.

“Ouch!” I flinched because of the pain. Yep, I’m not dreaming at all.

I didn’t know what to do, he said not to reply him but I had so much questions! A rush of excitement, nervousness and hope began to emerge inside me. My heart was running a marathon and my smile flourished with the passing seconds.

“Eunbi, what with that face?” I jumped in surprise and let out a gasp when Yuju walked in, putting my cellphone behind me real quick. Sorry, girls, you can’t know for now… I already have a scold from the manager waiting for me though…

Also, I don’t even know what to do!

“Why are you hiding your cellphone?” Yuju asked again looking at me strangely.

“Oh, nothing, just a reflex” I did my best not to be obvious, and smiled the more genuine smile I could pull off. Yuju tilted his head a little, stared at me a little bit and shrugged her shoulders, dismissing my weird behavior.

“Alright, girl, let’s start doing dinner” She said enthusiastically.

“Yup!” I exclaimed, not really focused though, I couldn’t stop thinking about that message!

It’s like a date? What does he has to tell me? What should I wear? What should I do?!

I was freaking out in the inside for sure.




Hours later, the girls came back from their schedules, they all looked exhausted but were very grateful for the dinner Yuju and I made. Minhyuk ate dinner with us and left later, with the favor from Umji to tell Changsub to call her later.

Yeah, they are together. How? Well, that’s another history.

And of course I got scolded for the runaway I did early that day. The manager was really worried and upset, I couldn’t blame him. The members all looked a bit sad about it but I assured them later that I was fine. I really couldn’t be sad with such message from Jackson; I couldn’t get it out of my head.

Later that night, the girls wanted to talk with me, with the order from Yuju, who saw me break down in her arms that afternoon. I didn’t want to talk about that because it already was affecting me with just the thought of it, but it was necessary.

We talked and I let everything out, without shedding a tear, but feeling hurt. The girls were all surprised and upset at the same time. They couldn’t believe what they heard but I was quick to clarify that they don’t have to worry, that I was already ok. Witch I’m not completely but well…

They told me not to talk to him, cancel the plan, everything. They were really mad, and I couldn’t blame them though, when one of us is hurt by a guy or another person, we get upset and protect that person at all cost.

However I didn’t want that in this case.

I didn’t tell them about the message. I felt bad about hiding it from them, but they won’t allow me to see him and I really wanted to see him… I wanted answers. I needed answers.

When we finished our talk, which resulted in serious advices; threats to Jackson if he ever made me hurt again, disapproving thoughts of Youngji and more, all of us go to bed. We all said goodnight and turned off the lights.

Within minutes all the girls were asleep, except of me. I didn’t have a pinch of sleep! I was excited, nervous, and somehow afraid.


“Why do I feel like this?” I whispered to myself “I hope this is a good idea…” A good but outlandish idea I thought while drifting slowly to sleep.






Hello, guys! Chapter ten is here! I don't know why but I was really excited writting this chapter xD Everything came out real quick and I'm satisfied with it. Now, what's going to happen? Why did Jackson send her that message? We will know in the next chapter xD THANK YOU FOR THE COMMENTS AND THE SUPPORT! HAPPY NEW YEAR♡


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SLNT_Grin #1
Chapter 12: Hopefully you can update again. It's been six years already, author-nim :')
SLNT_Grin #2
Chapter 5: New subscribers here. This is so cute, author-nim :'v
Sinrin_513 #3
Chapter 12: Hey im a new reader though its been two years since you update please update because the story is freaking good
author nim~~ >…< I'm still waiting for the update, and also even tho Idol is the Best is currently on Hiatus, hope you're still gonna update this >…<
Sinbinha #5
Chapter 12: Continuous, please, I'm loving your story.
spinokitty #6
Please update soon! I really miss reading your fanfic =( This is still one of my fav until now. Please update soon!
Chapter 12: eonnie, when are you going to update again? i really miss this fanfic :'(
Imabuddytomygirls #8
Chapter 12: Please continue i want to know what happen
Titania7 #9
Chapter 12: I wrote a fanfic too its called our love story
Its not complete yet
Titania7 #10
When r u gonna update again unnie
Asap please i m dying