Big News

Where Did It Go Right


I woke up in my room 2 weeks later. Tonight was my graduation. It was also the day before I leave for Korea.

I had been feeling pretty crappy since the night we went to the club. Jake and I broke up and apparently he was dating this girl who was supposedly really easy. We had dated since my 10th grade year. Never did I imagine that he would do something like that to me. But it’s over now. I won’t tell anyone. I will be strong.

My day went by as a blur, much like the last two weeks. Next thing I knew I was on stage between Kamry Johansson and Nick, who kept asking me why I looked so depressed on such a happy day.

The smile that I had been faking for the past two weeks suddenly got sincere when my name was called to walk across the stage. It felt like, if only for one moment, I could be happy.

The rest of the names were called and the graduating class of 2011 was announced. I tossed my cap in the air and smiled when I saw Micah pushing her way over to me.

“Girl we are done with High School! And you are leaving me tomorrow morning at 2:45!” Micah said was a pout. “Blix I’m going to miss you so much. You don’t even know.”

I pulled her into a hug and felt that familiar pricking sensation behind my eyes. Tears spilled out from my eyes and soaked Micah’s gown. She let me go. “No sweetie don’t cry! I’m going to see you over Christmas… right? I’m going to miss you.” She said before she wiped away my tears.

I begin to cry even harder, because I was crying because I was finally pushed to the edge and I just knew that no one was going to catch me when I fell.


The plane to Korea was freezing and my blanket was at the very bottom of my huge carry-on bag. I was looking through the bag when a bony finger poked me. I looked up and was met with the gorgeous eyes or a tall white girl.

“Hi, I’m sorry to interrupt your search but this is my seat. Could you move your bag please?” she asked with a grin.

“Oh yeah sure! I’m sorry.” As soon as she sat down I found my blanket. I curled up under it and closed my eyes. This plane ride was 14 hours and I was prepared to get 14 hours of sleep.


“Hello?” someone said as they shook my shoulder.

“Eh ummy hubeynhdj” I said.

A soft laugh reached my ears. “Miss it’s time to get up.”

I yanked my blanket from over my head and looked around. The plane was empty and I think they were getting ready to clean up.

“Oh I’m so sorry.” I said as I quickly gathered my blanket and rushed off the plane. I walked around the crowed airport and collected all my bags. I changed all my money and tuck it into my bra. I’ve always been paranoid that people want to take my money.

“Taxi!” I called out. A black truck pulled up and a man got out and held a sign with my name on it.

“Yes, that’s me.” I said cautiously.

“Your roommate sent me to pick you up. She says that you need to meet her brother and his friends before you guys look for an apartment.” The man said as he packed up my suitcases.

“O-Okay.” I said before climbing into the idling truck. The trip took only about 45 minutes and soon I was standing in front of a dorm building. A pretty girl with short hair opened the door for us.

“Oh you are finally here! My brother is so excited to meet you! And his friends. Only three of them have met a black girl before!” she said. “Oh by the way I’m Min Ji. Like Minzy from 2NE1.”

I giggled and nodded. “My name is Blix Jackson and I am so happy to be here!” I said.

She grinned and chatted with me the whole way up to the 20th floor. The doors opened and we walked down the hall to a dorm.

“Yah! Open up Oppa!” she screamed. I chuckled and looked down at my shoes. The door opened and I looked up to see Kieseop from U-KISS.

“Hey come on in. All the guys are here. Except Bummie. He is running late again.”

I walked in shyly and stood in the corner. I already knew that I would be different in Korean because I’m black but all of a sudden I got scared.

Min Ji motioned for me to come sit in the Living Room. I sat down on the couch and looked at my slippers. I noticed DongHo standing in the doorway with a cute little smirk

“Are you nervous?” DongHo asked.

“Yes, just a little.” I replied. He grinned and sat next to me. “It’s not every day that I get to meet U-KISS”

“It’s okay noona, we are all really nice.” He said before yelling for the other members to come in the room.

Everyone but Kibum was sitting or standing in the room asking me lots of questions and being extremely nice.

“Do you have a boyfriend?” Eli asked in English.

Suddenly I froze, that very word made me sick to my stomach. “N-no I don’t. Where is a bathroom?”

“Oh I’ll show you.” Eli said. He stood up and I followed him out and to the bathroom.

I went in and simply stared at myself in the mirror. I splashed water on my face. “You can do this.” I said softly.

When I opened the door, Eli was standing there with a smile on his face. “You okay?”

I couldn’t help but smile back. “Yeah I’m fine.”

Once we got back to the Living room, I realized that Min Ji was cooking something. The room smelt amazing. Then all of a sudden I smelt fish. I love fish, yet when that smell hit my nose I got extremely nauseous. I raced back to the bathroom and threw up with little food I had in me.

There was a knock on the door and it opened slowly. “Are you ok?” Eli asked.

I sat there crying. This can’t happen! The only reason a women throws up at the smell of fish is because she is pregnant.  How am I going to go to school and be pregnant? I can’t be pregnant.

“I – I think that I need to go.” I said, wiping away my tears.

“No, you can’t leave like this. Why don’t you rinse out your mouth and take a nap in my bed.” Eli said calmly, as if he dealt with vomiting women every day.

“But I’m not sleepy.” I said before I rinsed out my mouth.

He waited until I was done. “But you need rest.”

I nodded and followed him to his room. The first thing I saw was a little cage with two hedgehogs in it. I smiled softly and walked over to his bed. I crawled under the blanket and snuggled in the warmth of his bed.

“I hate to ask you this and I literally just met you, but are you pregnant?” he asked, looking down at the floor.

“I think I might be.” I said, crying even harder. “I- I was –“I stopped talking and just sat there sobbing.

“Were you attacked?” Eli said, suddenly sounding quite scary. I nodded and wiped away a few tears that streaked my face. “Can I hug you?” he asked.

“I guess.” I said before sitting up. He pulled me into his arms and just let me cry there. “You can’t tell anyone. You’re the first person I told. I can’t be pregnant Eli. I’m here for school! Not to be a mom at 18.”

“I’m the first person you told?” he said in shock. “You didn’t tell your parents?”

“My daddy is dead and if I told my mom she’d just about die as well. My brothers need her strong. Not weak and fragile like me.”

“He needs to be arrested and take responsibility for this child if you are pregnant!” Eli said, his voice rising a little bit.

“Don’t scream please! The other members are gonna want to know what happened.” I said, staring at him.

“Okay, I’m sorry.” He said before letting me go. “You’re living with me. If you really are pregnant there is NO way I’m going to let you live by yourself.”

“I don’t want to bother you. Besides I have Min Ji.”

“You are living with me, End of Story. Now go to sleep.” He said before tucking me in.

“Do I need to tell the other members right now?” I asked.

“Not now, but if you really are going to have a baby, then yeah when you find out, you need to tell them. Instead of them finding out because you start to show.” He said before flicking off the light. “Sleep well.” 

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unusual_dreamer #1
@queen you can have while pregnant. the baby is fine. because the baby is so far up and no matter how far deep he went, he wouldn't be able to touch it.
Source - pregnant family and I wanted to be a doctor for a while so I did research lol
QueenOfKyaa #2
Ick. She's pregnant.
And he could damage the baby.
QueenOfKyaa #3
Aww~ , they're so cute!
~ chu <3 to the cute couple. <(n . n)>

Can't wait for the next update! Please type quickly eonnie!
QueenOfKyaa #4
Makes her skin look bright and happy???
Uwah~ !? (@ x o)
kkk, wierd boy - making my head spin with his wierdness, lol. (((@ . @)))
QueenOfKyaa #5
Fufufu, she's so greedy! XDDD
QueenOfKyaa #6
Lol! That was great! I'm enjoying this fic so much!
unusual_dreamer #7
@queen lol that part was based off of me in the mornings ... yeah I'm really mean lol plus she is pregnant so all types of crazy hormones lol
QueenOfKyaa #8
kkk, she's psycho! <(n . n)>
QueenOfKyaa #9
uwah~!!!! Major plot twist!!!
QueenOfKyaa #10
Wah! Paparazzi are scary! <(O.O)>