Chapter 3

Where Did It Go Right


I woke up and stared at the ceiling. Wait where was I? Oh yeah I was in Eli’s bed. I sat up and looked around. I got up and was halfway to the bathroom before I felt the urge to throw up. I ran the rest of the way to the bathroom and shoved Kevin out the way and slammed the door in his face.

“I had to pee!” Kevin yelled. I started to talk to him but another wave of nausea came over me. “Wait are you throwing up? Are you okay?” he yelled before bursting into the room.

I glanced up at him with a glare. “No Kevin, I’m not throwing up, that’s why I’m hovering over a toilet bowl.” I said before throwing up a little more.

He ignored me and rubbed my back. “Are you sick? You didn’t eat last night.”

I stood up and rinsed out my mouth. “No I’m fine; it must just be … ummmm a weird morning.” I said before brushing my teeth. Kevin stood there and watched me with really intent eyes.

“Are you sure you are okay?” he said as he followed me out the bathroom and into the living room. Eli and Xander were sitting there laughing about something.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I said before sitting down on the couch next to Xander.

“What’s wrong?” Eli asked, giving me a very pointed look.

“Blix was throwing up this morning, and I was worried about her.” Kevin said. Eli jumped up and looked at me. He ran his hands over his face and then sat back down.

“Blix you know we are gonna have to move right?” he said softly. I nodded and leaned back.

Xander looked at us. “How long have you guys known each other?”

“Since yesterday.” Eli said, not actually looking at Xander, but staring straight at me.

“So… why are you living together.” Xander said, looking at me.

“I need somewhere to stay. I can’t live alone, at least not right now” I said softly.

“Okay, why?” Kevin said. “We all like you and we’ve only known you for a day. Why can’t you guys stay here.”

“Blix you need to tell them.” Eli said, his voice rising in anger.

“Whoa don’t get mad at her.” Kevin said, coming to sit next to me.

“No I’m not made at her, but him.” He said before balling up his fists.

I took a deep breath. “I was r- attacked two weeks ago. My boyfriend drugged me at this teen club and now I’m gonna have a baby.”

“You were ?” Xander said, shock pouring out of his voice. “Did you go to the doctor? Call the police?”

“No, I didn’t tell anyone. Don’t you tell anyone!”

“No, I won’t let people think that you’re some who got unlucky. You were attacked by some little boy who thinks he is a man. He needs to be punished.” Eli said, his voice escalating as he spoke.  

“Why do you care so much?” I asked, looking at his feet.

“Because you are important to me… and all of these people here okay?” He got up and squatted in front of me. “Plus I don’t want you to have to raise this baby by yourself, if you decide to keep it and not give it away.”

“I want to keep it. He or she will need me just as much as I’ll need him or her.”  I said.

“Well for the record, you won’t raise it alone. This baby will be the most loved baby in the whole world. He or she will have the best uncles in the world and will have a super pretty mommy!” Kevin said, his happiness making me smile.

“Baby?” Min Ji said. “You are having a baby?” We all looked up at her and the rest of U-KISS who was standing there with very confused faces.

“Oh Min Ji and guys. You’re awake. I ummmm –“

“Yeah, and she was attacked. Don’t say a word about this to anyone.” Xander said, getting extremely serious.

“OMO! I love babies!” SooHyun said as he ran over to us. “I’m going to be the best uncle ever! And she will have lots of toys and clothes and whatever she wants! Okay?”

I giggled a little. “How do you know it’s a girl? I might have a boy!”

“NO!” all of U-KISS shouted.

“You are having a girl,” Kiseop said. “We need another kid to spoil, Eli’s little sister is to old now.”

“She’s 12.” Eli said with a straight face.

“And this is a baby!” Kibum said with a huge smile on his face.

The other members walked over to me and surrounded me, all of them talking about different names and all types of stuff that had to do with a baby. I looked at Eli and smiled.

“See,” he said. “You won’t have to do this alone! You’ve got a whole village raising this kid.”


I was sitting in Eli’s room a few days later around noon and I was sitting there looking quite pitiful. My stomach was growling but I was scared to eat in case I threw up. DongHo walked in the room.

“Noona whats wrong?” he said.

“Wait a second! I’m younger than you. Why are you calling me noona?”

“Wait? You’re younger than me? So you can call me Oppa if you want. I already now you have a crush on Eli but it’s cool if you call me Oppa, cuz I’m your big brother.” He said with a grin.

“I don’t have a crush on Eli, DongHo.”

“But you like him a little don’t you?" he said, being nosy.

“Yes, I like him a little. But its only because he is really cute and nice.” I said before leaning back on my/his bed. I’d been sharing his room for the past few days and he let me have the bed while he slept on the floor. Min Ji had moved into her dorm in college already and called me every day about how summer classes were going.

“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you guys go on a date after my niece is born.” He said, poking my still flat tummy.

“It could be a boy!”

“But it’s gonna be a girl.” He said before grabbing my hand and pulling me off the bed. “Let’s eat noona! Eli made BiBim-Bap!”

My mouth watered some and I smiled. “I am pretty hungry! I’ll eat just a little.”

“Noona eat a lot to make baby happy!”

“DongHo I’m your dongsaeng! Not your noona!”

“But I like calling you noona! Please?” he said with these huge puppy dog eyes. I looked away from him and sighed.

“Sure, DongHo. You can call me noona.” I said with a grin. The smell of the food made my stomach growl even louder.

We walked into the kitchen and I smiled. Eli was totally engrossed with what he was doing, not even noticing that DongHo and I had walked in and were seated at the table. The smell of the food tickled my nose and surprisingly my stomach didn’t lurch.

He turned around and jumped a little. “When did you guys get in here?” he asked, grabbing some cucumbers out of the fridge. He chopped it up really fancily and then added it to the pot.

He sat down next to us and smiled at me. “Think you can eat it?”

“Yeah my stomach doesn’t feel weird.” I said as he got up and started making bowls.

“I also made deep fried beef dumplings, white and brown rice, miso soup and we made kimchi yesterday. “ he said as he put everything on the table. He set a bowl of BiBim – Bap in from of me with a bowl of rice and a huge vitamin pack. Then he went back and grabbed the kimchi and soup.

I picked up the vitamin pack and stared at it. Then I looked at Eli with a huge question mark over my head.

“It’s a bunch of pre-natal vitamins. You need them if you want our niece to grow right.” He said before yelling for the rest of the members to come and eat.

“It might be a boy!” I said before shoving a spoonful of brown rice into my mouth.

“You skipped right over the white rice.” Eli said with an offended look on his face.  “And it’s gonna be a girl”

“Because I don’t like white rice anymore. When I was younger I ate it all the time, then my mom switched us over to brown rice because its healthier and I’ve loved brown rice ever since.”

“Ohh okay. How is your tummy feeling?” Kibum said before slurping his soup.

“I’m fine. Now let’s enjoy this yummy food!”  

Everyone voiced their agreement and started eating. I sat there quietly and simply observed what was going on around the lunch table. Once we finished, I helped Eli clean up while the other guys went to practice a few minutes early.

“So… are you ready to be a mom … in 9 months.” Eli said.

I laughed sarcastically. “Are you ready to deal with my mood swings, and cravings?”

“So I guess we have the same answer.” He said before closing a cabinet and turning off the running water.

“I guess so.” I hopped up on the counter. “I won’t be able to do this in a few months.”

“Oh stop complaining. You’ll still have an amazing shape when you’re 8 months I bet. Oh and my apartment is ready for a woman now and the nursery has been started. You can move in tonight”

“What?” I said in pure confusion.

“Well I didn’t know how long we’d be living together so I made sure everything would be perfect for me, you and my little niece that could possibly by a nephew but will be a niece.” He said with a huge grin.

I shook my head and smiled. “Whatever Mr. I want a girl so I can spoil it rotten. I better go start to pack my bags back up.”

“Yup. When you are done, call me and I’ll come pick you up and you’ll spend the rest of day in rehearsal with us and then, we are headed home!”

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unusual_dreamer #1
@queen you can have while pregnant. the baby is fine. because the baby is so far up and no matter how far deep he went, he wouldn't be able to touch it.
Source - pregnant family and I wanted to be a doctor for a while so I did research lol
QueenOfKyaa #2
Ick. She's pregnant.
And he could damage the baby.
QueenOfKyaa #3
Aww~ , they're so cute!
~ chu <3 to the cute couple. <(n . n)>

Can't wait for the next update! Please type quickly eonnie!
QueenOfKyaa #4
Makes her skin look bright and happy???
Uwah~ !? (@ x o)
kkk, wierd boy - making my head spin with his wierdness, lol. (((@ . @)))
QueenOfKyaa #5
Fufufu, she's so greedy! XDDD
QueenOfKyaa #6
Lol! That was great! I'm enjoying this fic so much!
unusual_dreamer #7
@queen lol that part was based off of me in the mornings ... yeah I'm really mean lol plus she is pregnant so all types of crazy hormones lol
QueenOfKyaa #8
kkk, she's psycho! <(n . n)>
QueenOfKyaa #9
uwah~!!!! Major plot twist!!!
QueenOfKyaa #10
Wah! Paparazzi are scary! <(O.O)>